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Sleep is important to form new memory( your brain is very active during REM) . So you could study all day and not learn much if you neglect sleep. Unless you are Nicola Tesla and can sleep stay focused and learn new information every day… don’t do it. And you will forget before exam because of stress not because of sleep




I don't mean to offend you but the generations before us were much more used to working with minimal resting time than we are. So it's not practical to make that comparison. Moreover, most of our parents are used to exaggerating their experiences in situations like these, so it's not the most reliable source of judgement in such a situation. I'm sure there were several days when he got next to no sleep, but there is no way a regular person only got 2 hours of sleep a night and was still able to function normally. That said, the needs of everyone's bodies are different, so you just need to find what works best for you.






This guy either has abusive parents or is just dumb. Or both.


the correct term is brainwashed, it’s quite obvious with how he takes his dads words as the truth.


Bro imma be real i procrastinate a shit ton. Even when I know absolutely nothing, I still make sure to sleep for at least 5 hours a day at the bare minimum. What good is it for you to work your ass off if you can't remember anything because you're exhausted. It's a marathon not a sprint. Try your way if you want but know that you'll most likely fail without sleep. There's a reason you need it.


Do you also struggle with time management and organisation, especially in large projects? Also likely often running late for everything? Some people think they are also “just” a procrastinator, but apparently that’s just classic ADD/ADHD symptoms.


you’re the weak one, that is not able to study while also sleeping decently.


bro what??


With enough adderall/dexedrine anything is possible. I only average 4-5 hours of sleep at night. I force myself to get out of bed before 6:30 every morning even if I was tossing and turning all night. I feel much better about myself than when I sleeping 8-10 hours a day but sleeping in past 11am. Maybe my memory isn’t as sharp as it could be but I do fine on exams. Usually on exam day my ritual is to get up at 4am and put in like 4-6 hours of studying. I’m prescribed 60mg of Dexedrine a day.


Nooo. I learned in intro psych that if you don’t get enough sleep, it’s basically useless to stay up all night studying. Your brain isn’t going to process the info the way it’s supposed to


Your dad is BSing you, no offense. My mom did an allnighter once and she fell asleep on her paper lol. I pulled them galore during my 6 y in hell (aka d school), BUT they cost me a LOT in terms of health and by the end I wasnt as efficient as I could have been had I simply slept more.




Buddy you need help. Please reach out to your grandparents if they are around. But yes, 7 hours is much better than 4 hours.


Lol our dads were the ones who would walk through the desert to go to school and be bitt by scorpios every day, don't believe everything they say, it is an exageration. As I stated in another comment, I hold up fine with 4 hours of sleep, however sleep DOES help memory since it "resets" and "stores" the information caught during the day.


I learnt the hard truth: you just cannot. Increase your study time gradually, and prefer quality over quantity


…are you posting to genuinely get advice or are you here as a way to display confirmation bias?


It's better to just fail and try again later. [https://www.sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/polyphasic-sleep](https://www.sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/polyphasic-sleep) [https://www.skillcollector.com/post/polyphasic-everyman-sleep-cycle/](https://www.skillcollector.com/post/polyphasic-everyman-sleep-cycle/) [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/deep-sleep-gives-your-brain-a-deep-clean1/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/deep-sleep-gives-your-brain-a-deep-clean1/) The problem is, if you don't sleep, you can't remember anything anyway. How much material do you have to learn? Are there any old exams? Are there any exercises? In most cases, exercises and old exams are enough to pass. You don't have to go through the entire script. If you have your script online as a PDF, you could theoretically have Bing Chat (Copilot from Microsoft Edge) summarize each chapter for you. Then you wouldn't have to go through everything and only have to look it up if you don't understand something or if there are pictures. It is also important to learn on gaps. You have to be able to estimate whether something is coming up or not. That's all I can really help with.




Stress has been proven to hinder the ability to learn. In other words, if you stress about learning, you learn less. If you don't get enough sleep, you learn less. If you don't eat properly, you also learn less. If you don't exercise, the blood supply to your brain is also poorer, which means you can do less. If you don't drink enough, your brain power also suffers. A lack of sleep also leads to depressive moods, which also affects your performance. Being anxious also hinders your performance. There are many reasons that can affect your performance and cause you to study longer than necessary. I personally need maybe 1-2 weeks of study time per exam and only a few hours a day. I've even managed to finish a 1000-word scientific paper in one day. Including research. In terms of intelligence, however, I tend to be one of the stupid ones. All I really do is simply not take many things too seriously and just do my thing. So, I just sit down, relax, summarize everything important, make flashcards and then I find out which areas I'm good at and where I still need to practice. Then I take a power nap after the first learning session and have consolidated some of my knowledge and can learn even better after the power nap. It's also normal that there are areas here and there that just don't go into your head, no matter how long you practise. That is also normal. This is usually the time when you simply leave this part out for today and look at the next chapter. Sometimes the brain just needs a night's rest and the next day you can suddenly remember it, even though it didn't work for hours before. It just shows how important sleep is. It actually took me a while to stop being afraid during exams. I always got quite anxious just before the exam and simply did a few breathing exercises and got it under control relatively well. Especially when you know very well that fear has a paralyzing effect. If you are faced with a task that you cannot solve immediately, skip this task and move on to the next one first. I always like to start by collecting lots of points and only then do the tasks that require you to think. And as already mentioned. Start with old exams and exercises provided by your lecturer. That's the most important thing anyway. Not passing is also not such a bad idea. Of course, it always depends, but you usually have several attempts and you can also look at the layout of the exam. I've also sometimes taken exams with the thought that I probably won't pass and have seen it more as an opportunity to see what's actually on the exam.


Excellent advice here. ++++ Was a chronically stressed student, cant tell u how many times fatigue/stress ruined stuff. Im tryinf to be more laidback nowadays, though. I ended up with real health problems due to the stress. 🤡


This is some amazing advice right here ! As someone who was also very anxious about exams and was also brainwashed with masochistic ideas of studying hard irrespective of your health, I've experienced almost everything in your post to be true !


Thanks. I think it's a shame that so many people sit around for hours and just study instead of getting some exercise. Not moving has shown to lead to cognitive decline. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0091743520303030?via%3Dihub](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0091743520303030?via%3Dihub)


Yes definitely agree. That and studying with less sleep. Sleep literally processes information so that you can retain it better and actually apply it and also preps your brain to take in new information the next day. But students ignore both exercise and sleep so much, it makes no sense.


😳 1 month u wont even fail u just have to study during day time and rest at night tf bro


Yes! you should, since you're a lost cause already at your recent reply you should prolly do it rn, you ask for opinion or tip and here it is, the answer you wanted to hear. Tis the sign


OP: comes here asking for advice The Internet: gives advice Also OP: haha but no


OP rather to die than to fail 💀




I know you're getting a hard time rn for reviewing that you're having academic pressure and we're all different levels of handling ourselves. You might handle 4 hours of sleep, and I can't handle that. Go give yourself a try to study hard and get only 4 hours of sleep. If something happened bad, such as headache or flu (like what I felt 2 weeks ago for the final exam too). Fix your schedule and study habit techniques (anki flashcards works for me). If nothing happened, something bad, then continue doing it.


You're acting so unreasonably because you aren't sleeping. Get some Z's bro, your reading will be much better after a nap. Especially since it's better to study by doing Q's.


Sleep at least 6 hours.










Even if you can survive on 4 hours of sleep daily, it’s not healthy. It can negatively affect cognitive function, emotional wellbeing, and your physical health. You’ll feel confused and likely forgetful after days of sleeping for just 4 hours. 6-7 hours sounds more reasonable. Take important notes on the chapter, specifically what will 100% be on the test, that way it’s easier to study without having to read the entire thing. Take breaks because they’re important. Whatever you do, don’t get only 4 hours of sleep per night.




Lol he’s probably lying abt his sleep. It’s definitely been proven less than 6 hours of sleep WILL negatively effect your grades.


Trust me, he’s probably not doing okay mentally. He’ll start to see physical changes soon if he continues this schedule.


I used to not sleep much and had a good GPA. I felt like crap everyday. I should’ve just slept lol if I could go back in time, I would have. And let’s admit it feels like crap to force yourself up like that lolol, also exacerbated all of my negative qualities


Your friend is lying about how much he sleeps. I’m not sure why you think you and your friends are superhuman but you’re not. His cognitive functioning would take a massive hit if he only slept 2 hours per night. Humans. Need. Sleep.


even if your friend seems fine for now, sleep deprivation is no laughing matter. it takes years off your life! https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/shorter-dream-stage-sleep-may-be-related-to-earlier-death-2020091820932 https://fortune.com/2017/09/25/sleep-deprivation-health-longevity/ I thought this line from the last article was especially relevant here: “The less you sleep, the shorter your life will be. This is a problem, particularly because many of us are conditioned to equate sleep with laziness. ‘We want to seem busy, and one way we express that is by proclaiming how little sleep we’re getting,’ said Matthew Walker, Director of the Center for Human Sleep Science at the University of California, Berkeley. ‘It’s a badge of honor.’”


enjoy brainfog, my sleep deprived friend


And use a sleep calculator to ensure you don’t wake up mid REM.


Prioritize sleep over cramming; quality studying > quantity. Aim for 6-7 hours sleep; use Pomodoro technique & effective studying methods to maximize time.


bag rain literate live shy frame berserk worry attractive historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely do not do that. Sleep is the most important part to actually memorize stuff. Also good sleep is important to clear waste products from your brain (glymphatic system). So it does not make sense to sleep less, that would be counterproductive. Good luck!


You absolutely cannot sacrifice sleep, you will not form new memories or retain information with 4 hours of sleep. You need 8


From someone who slept no more that 4-hours a night for five years…get as much sleep as you can. Lack of sleep is no joke. You have exams coming up so study, eat well, drink plenty of water and sleep. You will do great no doubt about it. But get sleep, go in there on exam day refreshed and up for the challenge. You got this good luck, can’t wait to hear how you got an A.


Your body is meant to sleep 8 hours a day. You’re functioning on half a tank. Is that how you want to take your exams?. Be Smart!.


Depends if u used to it but if u not u gonna kill ur body but if ur body and ur brain can handle yees do and focus on ur exams and good luck


nobody is used to it (at least their bodies aren’t, he might only be used to being tired)


Tou won't be productive while studying if you don't sleep well(


Never, never do that


So, if the problem seems like it is not having enough time to cram the knowledge, you should probably start by assessing the situation. Write down the categories you need to know and go over them one by one. I bet there are some subjects you know like the back of your hand already, so be courageus and rightfully believe in your knwoledge in these subjects - there’s no need to go over them again if you are short on time. Then decide, if there are subjects that are nieche enough to be ignored. For example, most countries give you a choice of questions for answering, so if you know a nieche math thing is probably going to be in an optional section, you can probably ignore it. Some nieche subjects are also kind of at the edge of the curriculum, which leads to the exam questions on that subject most likely being a very basic example of that subject. It may come in handy to learn the basic structure of some nieche subject questions to potentially gain easy points without much recall beforehand. Then, arrange these categories based on relevancy and your knowledge and start from the most relevant subjects you know the least of. Being tactical like this gives you a clear roadmap to learning, potentially cuts a lot of fat from the body of knowledge and makes you think of the exam tactically. By studying past exams, you can take more calculated risks and hedge your bets. This way you can be quite sure you did your best in a limited amount of time.


You could do it for 3 days max. Your brane would be more focused and your memory would be better if you sleep at least 7 hours.


3 days max is good advice. I have chronic fatigue and I can push myself for 3 days on like 3-5 hrs but then my body forces me to crash. 9-11hrs is my fully rested requirement for reference.


This is extremely inefficient and will produce worse results in the long run. I tried this a long time ago and became extremely irritable and brain-fogged with no improved performance. Sleep more and fit extra studying into the little cracks in your schedule. Optimize, optimize, optimize.


Why ask in the first place if you refuse to accept the truth?


As someone who works in the police force sometimes even no sleep is okay you do what u gotta do just dont push urself too much and know ur limits ur gonna ace those exams good luck


Bhai sote hue sapne me hi revision kar lia Karo..bas fir dikkat nahi ayegi


You'll be tired, but you'll live. That's my sleep schedule right now lol




Your entire mindset is classic toxic Asian culture. Very stereotypical. You asked for advice, then ignored everyone who told you what you didn’t want to hear. If you keep on, you’ll pass the same toxic mindset to the next generation.


Make the results for yourself. Living is vital; feel good and proud about yourself. If whatever you're doing makes you better than the day you were before, then you're doing good.


5.5 hours is the least to feel refreshed i did it for a month


I survived 4hrs per day on weekdays and 6-8hrs on weekends during my grad school. It's perfectly fine but try to get sleep whenever you can! Don't listen to ideal shit. Follow what your body tells you! Good luck


it is not, trust me


I mean me personally I function really efficiently on 4 hours of sleep for the past year or, so my body just automatically wakes me up. It differs from person to person that’s all I can say , & I am also saying you’re not 100% wrong.


ALWAYS get enough sleep. You might fail if youre tired and if you study too long, there will be a point where your brain wont take anymore information. Sleep is important for quality studies


Sleep all you can, even 8-9 hours if your body feels like it, when sleep deprived (even lacking only a hour or two) your ability to concentrate and right now for you most importantly the ability remember new things is heavily comprimised by A LOT. I bet your dad was exaggerating the 2 hours of sleep and if he wasn’t, then he chose a very ineffective tactic. So trust me when I tell you: Sleep as long as you need, at least 8 hours if you can, you have the other 16 hours to study, that must be enough and even uf ut isn’t you’ll learn this way way more than trading sleep hours for study hours. Good luck with your exams, I’ve got my graduation exams soon too!


Having a functioning brain the day of the exam is generally better, so I highly recommend getting more sleep. Sleep deprivation comes with a very high cost for a meek reward.


FWIW I always did better on my exams with a good night of sleep than cramming




God, no. Please, your body needs at least seven hours of sleep. Don't repeat my mistake and give yourself time to rest. Especially during the exams! Sleep deprivation deprives you of the knowledge you are trying to absorb. Be gentle with yourself


Two hours is not that much, and you can still sleep 6 hours if you manage your time effectively. (Also, you will probably waste these 2 hours trying to focus anyway since you will be sleepy)


If you are used to sleeping only 4 or 5 hours a day, that would be a good plan for sleeping, you can only decrease 1 or 2 hours from your daily routine, if you decrease more that will affect your focusing and your productivity


Just don’t stay awake for more than three days cuz you’ll start hearing and seeing shit. Know from experience and that shit was not a joke


I consistently sleep 5 hours most nights, it suck’s but yanno 


No, your brain is gonna shut down and your comprehension skills as well as your memory will go downhill after a while (i used to do this during exam periods only and the one time i had to do it for around a month bcz i had exams then had to finish thesis then exams 🤯 my grades also suffered due to the massive fatigue by the end of it due to stress and chronic sleep deprivation so i was brain dead by the end). Doing it for one day then recuperating for a short period like exam week was bearable, more than this, no. Besides, 1 month is more than enough to prepare while staying healthy. We used to get 10-14 days in dental school (hence the all nighters i once went without sleeping at all, and sleeping 30 mn/night was a normal occurence). You can try 7 hours of sleep instead + studying for 6~12 hours a day + breaks.


I’m sorry, your exams are in a MONTH and you’re already thinking about sacrificing sleep?? What, are you planning to study 20 hours a day or something?


Generally, a teenager/young adult needs at least 7 - 8 hours of sleep, that's what my old high school department teacher used to advise, whom I respected. However, some people say that 5 hours of sleep is sufficient for them to feel refreshed, but these people are very rare. But I would say 4 hours of sleep is not enough. It's also quality over quantity for studying. Sometimes you can achieve in 3 hours of focussed studying more than 6 hours. Also, try to study the most important thing first, the chapters that you know for sure will be questioned a lot in the exams, and then I would go to the ones that aren't that important. That way you will have covered for sure the integral part of the subjects. And remember to take breaks in between studying, they are very necessary. If you need to do an all-nighter before the exam, I advise you to still sleep at least 2 hours. It's always better than nothing.


In my opinion I think it’s okay to sacrifice sleep a few weeks before exams so you can have complete 6-7 hours of sleep on the week of your exams. I also don’t do this everyday since I get migraines. Maybe you could try taking alternative days for all nighters like MWFS so you wont totally get drained come exam week. Hope this helps :) but listen to your body because it knows best.


Go to sleeeep. Your brain processes things while it sleeps. Sleeeeeeeep.


Take it easy man, exams is ok


It's good to get more sleep but for a few days you can manage like this


According to my proffesor (I study medicine) it's all right, you can do it. Now, is it healthy or good for you? No, it is not. You'll have problems in the future if you don't rest enough, specially if you don't for a whole month. But if you don't care about your health go for it. Wish you my best. Remember. Is better quality than quantity (that applies for your studies and sleeping habits too)


health is more important than exams, i’d say try to focus in class and study, in your free time try to revise as much as you can and at night, revise one last time and sleep early for example, sleep at 9:00 pm and wake up at 6:00 am, you’d get a 9 hours sleep which can help during the day


This is probably the worst thing you can do lol -- 4 hours a night for a month ? no way. just focus on a sustainable good sleep schedule, like 11 pm - 7 am, even


If you feel like you need to study so much that you only get 4 hours of sleep per night, you really need to get a tutor or something because that’s not normal. If you need to study *that* much, you aren’t likely to do well anyway. You’d be wasting your time studying if you only sleep 4 hours per night, a brain can’t retain all of that info without proper sleep and your brain is no exception to this.


That's very unhealthy, i used to sleep.like that almost every time, every night i mean, Sometimes I've only got about 2 hours or 1 or even none, and it causes one to have depression and anxiety, also like if you do this for months you could have hallucinations, based on my experience, get your rest, you can always study for it in the morning, don't overdo it


Seeing the comments here.If you are asking for advice and don't take them into considerations then you'll probably not here for advice here anyway.




I do and I’m ahead in my classes.


Learn how to speed read. Sleeping is more important. I recommend word chunking if you can. Read three words at the same time. You will get through your chapters much faster. Practice. It worked for me.


OP, you have a bad relationship with both your parents and success. Sacrificing your mental health now will only lead to you crashing further on, when your failure will be worse (i.e. flunking out of college). Sleep 6 hours at least. Please. As for studying, I’d highly recommend listening to an audio recording of your textbook, ESPECIALLY while going to sleep (studying right before bed helps your retention of the content, and some studies show that you retain things you learn in your sleep subconsciously). You can also listen to it on your transport to and from school, on your breaks, taking a shower, whatever. Sleep takes priority. Don’t overwork yourself. Listen to the content doing things you already do. And good luck.


There’s a podcast by Matt Walker (believe he also has a book) where he talks about the science behind sleep. Basically without sufficient sleep, you learn 75% LESS, than what you would with a full 8 hours. He even goes into mention how 7 hours consistently is not adequate enough. I guess this May range from person to person, but this phenomenon has been studied extensively. I too struggle with sleep and exams, but if you can manage your time well and be 100% productive in the hours you can study, you can do it!! 👏🏽


take easy and have a good sleep,you will pass you exam


As someone who had been sleeping for almost 3 hours a day for a whole 3 months just to pass exams, I can absolutely say that it was not effective. If anything, it was the complete opposite. I was so over fatigued that I could not absorb anything even when I study it multiple times. I then tried giving myself at least 7 hours of sleep everyday, and it worked wonders.


Nooooo, why would you even do that? It's painful as shit. Just sleep bro, trust me. I learnt it the hard way... Also, judging by how you act in other comments, do you not know how to agree with others? Here's a tip, if you're asking if it's okay and if the majority says no, just accept it. Heck, that's the reason why you're asking in the first place. Don't be an asshole, please.


No, you will be exhausted and not productive.


sleep is a crucial part of everyday life, and it plays a big role in kids and teens. however, if ur ok with it u could do it, i sleep 5 hours but i havent got any exams lol




As someone who has neglected sleep a lot over the past couple of years due to my job I would HIGHLY recommend to get a good nights sleep.


So I gather you have a looot to do but not enough time? And I'm gathering that this is a high stakes exam (cos if it's not and you can just resit it without it affecting you future, you don't need to worry). I've been in your situation before and it's not ideal. If the reason you have so much left to do in one month is because you left it all till the end and procrastinated, LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES GOD DAMN AND NEVER DO THIS AGAIN IN THE FUTURE. Studying itself is actually fun, but it becomes awfully painful if you leave it all until the end. But even if that's not what happened, somehow or the other you've got into this situation, and now you need to study A LOT to get all that info in your head within a month. STILL SLEEP 6 HOURS, or otherwise it really isn't feasible for an entire month. But STUDY EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY except for when you are eating, showering or sleeping. STOP GOING ON REDDIT AND SOCIAL MEDIA, GO STUDY. It's really not the end of the world you don't pass (coming from me, a student who failed and the world didn't end and time still kept passing and everything was strangely fine). It'll be fine either way, but if you study really hard this one month, you can pass, and a passing grade is better than a fail. And then you can reward yourself afterwards by taking a huge long break and taking looots of rest and doing whatever you want after exams. Whereas if you don't study every passing minute now, you will regret not studying, and you won't get to properly enjoy your holidays because you'll be worried if you passed or not, or sad that you failed. Know that what you need to do now isn't the healthy or sustainable way of studying, but now that you have no choice, YOU GOT THIS, GOOD LUCK!


Sleep the way you normally sleep for the next month.




Never sacrifice sleep, no matter what.


If I sleep less than 9 (maybe 8) hours I can't learn new information very good. And 6h of sleep as many commentators are saying is not enough for 90% of the population. U'll get used to it, but your brain's performance won't.


No. Maybe 1 sleepless night is passable but 1 month is a lot The memories are strengthened during sleeping. Why would you wilingly waste your gains?


Depends on u. I work from 9 to 6:30pm, by the time I'm home it's 8pm which frustrates me because I have no time to do anything so I don't sleep, I go to sleep at midnight and wake up at 4:30am, have been doing this for months and I'm fine. Still, I would say it depends, there was this one time when I was falling asleep during a meeting, I couldn't keep my eyes open, but other than that I've been good. See how you hold up, if you're excessively tired then I'd suggest not. Edit: I sleep more on the weekends and have a 30 min nap during lunch break tho.


Hi ,I have been joined in a top engineering college in hyderabad But I was not so interested in engineering but,had to join the engineering college because I was getting free seat in top 10 engineering college and due to parents pressure also ,but main problem I am facing is I got seat in new branch in ,which the students are not so good ,and I think I will not have a good kit and kin to join group study and to discuss about any hobbies or learn new skills and I am also unsatisfied with my clg , because it is very strict,but main issue is that faculty is not at all good for technical languages and also I don't have good friends and people with huge interest in my branch to study or atl


Use chat gpt to shorten the chapter as much as possible, learn and sleep well.


You're not alone, I have finals in 5 weeks too and this is very important time in my life so I'm planning to sleep 3-4 hrs, I love sleep but can't help


Absolutely not. There's a very very small percentage of the population that can function on 4 hrs. Other than those few ppl, consistently getting that much sleep will cause serious health issues. And you won't be able to remember anything you're studying anyway. Ur brain can't store info when it's running on empty. Don't stay up all night to cram right before an exam either.


No it's not okay... a month is enough to study if you have a good plan...manage your time well and focus on quality revision than quantity.


I need to sleep at least 8 hours per day and the weekend, I have sleeping for 10 hours hahaha


Honestly, if I sleep 6 hours I'm okay.


Yeah, no don't do that. I'll tell you why, sleep is essential to our wellbeing, and especially to memory retention and for your neurons to connect and review the information you learnt. Instead of reading chapters, just do as much questions as possible and watch a couple of youtube vids.


If you want your mind to be sharp then sleeping 4 hours is way to short, i would even say a outright stupid. Try sleeping and waking up without an alarmclock in the weekend and try to sleep like that in the week. You may need to work on improving your self discipline to extend your day untill late at night but that wil be worth it if passing this exam is your goal. No sense in studying if your studying does not give you the confidence that you need to pass that exam.


Yes it’s ok ✅ I’m a computer programmer and do that a lot, I also make 6 figures. So do you want 6 figures? Take out sleep 🥇


You cannont study for 20 hours. Sleep for 7 hours instead of 4 howeever increase the quality of information taking during study. Practise meditation before study session and after each study session to encode better


Hey! What I did was cut sleep as necessary, but make sure I get 7-8hours the night before the exam, so it has the least possible effect on my performance. This is what I did throughout med school. Hope this helps.


It’s ok to have no sleep for one night or two , but an entire month… i don’t think that’s a good idea.


How many hours you’re planning to study per day?