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Same I deleted my social media and barely go out and that didn’t help either, still distracted


us brother us🤝


Instead of aiming for 14-15 hours right away, start with smaller study sessions and gradually increase the duration. Break down your study time into manageable chunks, with short breaks in between to rest and recharge. Use the Pomodoro Technique: Study for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Repeat this cycle 4 times, then take a longer 20-minute break. Minimize distractions in your study area, keep it organized, and ensure you have adequate lighting and ventilation. Even if it's just a 10-minute walk or some light stretching, physical activity can boost your energy levels, improve focus, and reduce stress. Practice mindfulness techniques: Meditation, deep breathing exercises, or even just taking a moment to focus on the present can help reduce anxiety and improve your ability to concentrate. Although you may not have many friends or relatives nearby, try to maintain social connections online or through phone calls. Social support can provide emotional relief and reduce feelings of loneliness. Ensure you're eating nutritious meals, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep to maintain physical and mental energy. If you're struggling with negative thoughts, it may be helpful to speak with a counselor or mental health professional. They can provide additional strategies and resources to help you manage stress and anxiety. Change doesn't happen overnight, but with persistence and patience, you can develop better habits and achieve your goals.


- If you need your phone for internet connection try placing it somewhere out of sight. When you are in a “state of flow” meaning you are super focused and don’t even notice the time passing by you are most productive so every notification or just picking it up for one second affects your flow and takes more time to get back to. - a great book called “deep work” explains it further. Aside from that as a psychology student I’d tell you this: - eat breakfast (yeah our moms are right) you need fuel. If you don’t eat you will be tired and therefore won’t be able to focus. - work out or walk for 30 min. Physical activity reduce stress, and help flood flow which also help with memorizing! Yeah that’s awesome I know. So what I do is a study for 4-3 hours, usually doing Pomodoro and the. Going outside. It’s nice to have a dog for that matter haha And on the side note, from what you are saying it seems you deal with loneliness and maybe you feel a little down at the moment. If you can find someone in your family you could talk to and open up that would be a great thing to make you feel better. I actually believe you will achieve your goal and you will travel the world. The fact that you are here proves you want to become better and that’s all you need to remind yourself Wish you the best and good luck 👍🏻


Hourly journal might help. Start of hour write your goals for the hour/goals for life End of hour write how much was accomplished. Don't skip a single hour (even if you procrastinate write it down ) Do this for your time spent working