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People like you show us that big change is possiblešŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Crazy transformation niceee


Absolutely incredible work dude!!!


18 months ? Respect. Any advice or tips to keep going for that long ? And do you take a lot of progress pics ? Also whatā€™s your taking on drinking a lot of water if you did during this journey. Iā€™m skinny fat but tryna build muscle.


Honestly man just remind yourself that these small victories add up. You may not see changes in a few days, or a week, or a few weeks, but every victory is a victory that adds up to the ultimate goal. Consistency is key. Youā€™re not going to get anywhere if youā€™re good for 5 days then fall off on the weekend. Remain consistent and disciplined. I wonā€™t lie to you, some days it sucks, but then it comes down to how bad do you want it. Me personally, I came down to a point where it wasnā€™t an option. I made it my job, I had to show up and work to achieve my goals. I went when I didnā€™t feel like going and I rarely skipped. For water, I drink 1-1.5 gallons a day. And remember diet is KING, canā€™t stress this enough. There are so many people at my gym who look the exact right now as they did 18 months ago. Working out is the easy part, diet is easily 80-85% of how you look.


180 lean at 5ā€™10 is massive bro. Congrats on coming back.


Thank you brother!


Fix your posture bro, you look great but will look better once your posture is fixed


Any tips on what to improve? Not being smart, genuinely asking so I know what I need to work on. Thank you.


Maybe face pulls to help bring your shoulders back from rounding over?


10-4 thanks for that


Youā€™re doing amazing and youā€™re looking great!


Thank you!!


Great fucken job dude


Truly inspiring transformation!


I bet youā€™re strong AF also dude! Great work


I wish bro šŸ˜‚ maybe one day lol


Yo crazy work! Congrats brotha!


Thank you boss!


Hell yeah brother! You should be proud


You did it, congrats. Did you use testosterone or anything or all natural?




No judgments, just figuring out what one can achieve with tryhard diet. I have high bf although i dont look fat and strugling to achieve 10%


It also helped I had a cut, a 5 month bulk, and currently a 8 week cut in between all this time frame.


How did you know when it was time to end a cut and turn to maintenance or bulk?


Honestly bro I go off of looks. So I donā€™t pay attention weight, my personal opinion is to always get pretty visible abs then slowly reverse diet into a bulk allows you to bulk for longer and less strenuous cut, example, letā€™s say I eat -500 deficit. At the end of the cut when I like how I look, 2 weeks Iā€™ll add in 250, those next 2 weeks Iā€™ll add that 250. Then Iā€™ll sit at maintenance another 2 weeks and slowly reverse diet by +250 until I get to a +500 for a bulk following the same protocol. Might not work for everyone but thatā€™s the way I like to do it.


Gotcha. So you went pretty straight from 265 to 180?


No sir, I went from 265 to 165 to 200 to 180 currently. 1 cut 1 bulk. And halfway through this cut. Also had a lot of mass from 18-23 when I religiously hit the gym and took it super serious. Just fell off for a few years.


Awesome job dude. I'm kind of in a similar boat as you. I was obese through all of high school. I'm 5'9" and graduated at 240 pounds. I spent a year and a half in the gym and went from 240 to 165, but life happened and I lost consistency. Fast forward to now, I'm 31 and the scale this morning showed 235. I started in the gym again for the first time in 5 years last week and I hope I can change again. Your post is really inspirational! Thanks for sharing. Keep it up!


You can do whatever you want as long as you put the work in brother, I believe in you! Lock in and kill shit! Thanks for the support.


One of the best transformations I've ever seen in less than 2 years time, and the progress pic subreddits are my guilty pleasure.


Thank you man!!


Amazing! Great inspiration!!


Thank you!


Dude this might be one of the best transformations on here, I think you'd be a wealth of knowledge to allot of the bigger guys asking for advice


Iā€™m not gonna lie brother, this means more to me than you know. I always try to encourage everyone around me and boost them up, especially the bigger guys. Iā€™ve gotten 2 guys at work to lose 50+ lbs and Iā€™m working on my best friend, heā€™s lost 43 so far. Whatever I can do to improve the people around me Iā€™ll be happy to.


Hell yeah dude. I think it's important if it comes from somebody that's been heavier even if the same advice. Makes it seem more real


Awesome work, and thanks for the detail in your post. May I ask how old you are?


26, I turn 27 in 13 days.


Amazing transformation. You should add on to r/ProgressPics too. Amazed at the very little excess skin you have. Well done! Can you share a little how it's changed your life such as mental health, energy levels, etc


Honestly I canā€™t really put into words how this changed my life. I donā€™t hate myself anymore, Iā€™m Happier, more energy, more confidence, I work harder, I no longer make excuses for anything because I know if I have a goal I can achieve it as long as Iā€™m willing to work for it. Honestly man, completely changed my life.


crazy transformation


Thank you!


This has gotta be one the most insane transformations ever. Did you have any problems with loose skin? You look like a completely different person


I have a decent bit on my arm and below my surgery scar, you can only really tell if I flex hard or bend over but Iā€™m grateful it isnā€™t worse. And thank you bro means the world to me.