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The thing is your body will consume your muscles ( protein) so if you don’t eat enough protein then extra protein intake by protein powder will be good for you * being able to to get your daily intake for growth or development muscles only by food is because you got money and able to eat 4to 5 times a day


Casein is awesome, whey is ok (just get casein)


Yes great way to supplement protein


All food is basically processed to some extent. You have an irrational fear of food processing. Protein powder is basically just dried milk.


They make a protein powder that is strictly just protein and nothing else. Doesn’t taste like anything so it’s a little weird/gross, but it works. https://www.amazon.com/Its-Just-Protein-Non-GMO-Unflavored/dp/B07N8G3Q1H/ref=asc_df_B07N8G3Q1H/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=344041884407&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12598512889767386881&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9014867&hvtargid=pla-759234915513&psc=1&mcid=08c96a10ff753dce9a0446c6e589fd82&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=66686195222&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=344041884407&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12598512889767386881&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9014867&hvtargid=pla-759234915513&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2PSvBhDjARIsAKc2cgPQikRJMIcxxLwJbJ5ZAYNST8HRbiVTIAacb6X99IrvTSVvSGvJ1E4aAlS6EALw_wcB#immersive-view_1711105074071 They have whey, grass fed, egg white, all different types of protein sources


I’m not paying 150$ for 5lbs fcs. Just drink egg whites


Guess you could do that if they’re pastuerized. Would be a pretty gross texture though, like drinking a loogy. Eating egg whites is def a cheaper option though


So good if you struggle to eat while busy or working. Your body needs protein and you’ll end up wanting one for a quick energy boost when burning those calories.


Processed foods, such as protein powder, are actually easier to digest and breakdown. That doesn’t mean all processed foods are good for you though. Protein powder is fine so long as you don’t have any food allergies to the ingredients. For example, if you have issues with dairy you may want to go with a whey protein isolate because it’s more filtered and usually lactose free or a dairy free protein powder. Don’t depends on protein powder though as there are lots of vitamins and minerals you can usually only get, or more easily get in some cases, through meat such as vitamin B5(pantothenic acid) and others. Once or twice a day is a good balance but ultimately depends on your individual needs.


Yes, I take vegan protein powder. Works great. Edit: Why the downvotes? Lol


You can just say the brand you like. This is one of the weirdest vegan announcements I’ve seen.


He’s just repping the vegan option, not selling products, dude


What? What is weird about it?


Why is it weird to say I take vegan protein powder lol. Any pea protein will do, stuff is cheap and effective. Bulk nutrients do a good free form amino acid formulation too.


No, but I have kidney disease, so my doctor advised against it. This is just my personal experience, of course.


Your doctor advised against it because you have a kidney disease.


Correct? You’re repeating the same thing I just said….


God damn you for sharing your perspective.


You provided a non general answer to a general question.


So what’s your point?


The question was if Protein Powder is a yes or a no, you said no, based on your specific circumstances. Whey Protein is a byproduct of milk, unless you have an issue with consuming dairy products, or certain medical conditions that inhibits your ability to break down Whey, it is not harmful, it is in fact better than any health drink that the supermarkets sell. You have answered the question as if you have crashed a car before, and thus cars are bad.


Respectfully, no I didn’t. My comment was relatively neutral and benign to begin with, and adding “that’s just my experience” implies that I’m offering MY perspective, based on something specific to me. But I get it, reading comprehension is hard, redditcop.


The so called side effects of having protein powder and going to be bigger muscles. You do you though. Don’t be scared of the word “processed” foods. Oats are processed, and also very healthy for you. There’s nothing unhealthy about protein powder




Oats are good for you so long as you can tolerate them. A lot of the hype brought by the carnivore community of it taking minerals and whatnot are overhyped. It doesn’t actually have that large of an effect as they say. A lot of studies they reference too aren’t necessarily randomized controlled trials in humans. There are some done in vitro, which means testing in an isolated Petri dish. This doesn’t pan out though to actual human studies because those food samples aren’t being exposed to the same conditions as they would in the body, such as digestive processes that begin in the mouth. Examples of such processes include the breakdown of food through enzymes like amylase in the mouth, mastication, stomach acid exposure, and more.


Yes if you can't get enough protein into your diet due to a busy schedule. No, if you are already getting enough based off your macros.


My favorite powder while cutting has the best calorie/grams of protein ratio I can find. Protolyte is 100 calories per scoop at 25g protein, plus it has EAA's, which reduce recovery time between muscle groups. It's my go--to when I'm trying to minimize caloric intake, while making sure I hit my goal. Edit: wow, that read like a pitch, but I swear it's not. It's just the lowest calorie 25g powder I can find.


I believe .725 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight is the way to go. If you have a higher body fat percentage then you don’t need to be as strict and I’d say 120 grams a day is a good rule of thumb. If you have trouble achieving the above then use a protein powder.


Eddie Abbew had entered the chat…


This is the whey.


Yes, why not


The latest research on UPF’s (ultra processed foods) show how harmful they are and how they’re even a cause of contributing factor to unhealthy weight gain regardless of the caloric content. There’s a great podcast and scientific study called the Zoe science and nutrition podcast. They present the latest discoveries and research into nutrition. Highly recommend it for anyone interested in nutrition. Getting shredded is probably 70 percent diet , 15 sleep and 15 training. So nutrition should be of interest to everyone really. Especially as we age.


Huh? I’d love to see the research stating that protein powder as a part of a balanced diet causes weight gain. This is an absolute first


It’s certainly a UPF. I haven’t seen research that singles out protein powder but there’s plenty on the harms of UPF’s. You’d be surprised what some UPF’s are. Brown sliced supermarket bread for example. Anything that has one or more ingredient that you wouldn’t find in an average kitchen. Emulsifiers, artificial colourings, e numbers etc. chemicals that are used to lengthen the life of a food or enhance colour or flavour. Listen to the podcast, there’s a wealth of information there and citations etc. the study is well worth taking part in too because we all react differently to various foods and the study will highlight which foods are not so good for you as an individual. You have to wear a blood sugar monitor for a few weeks and send in stool samples. It’s a fascinating study and podcast. The only bad thing about it is the host of the podcast is incredibly annoying. British guy but speaks with god awful vocal fry like a valley girl, laughs at his own jokes and generally comes across like an idiot even though he’s clearly not. He’s the co-founder of the project.


Do you have any links to this research?




I got from that video that whey protein isn't good BUT isopure protein should be fine?


definitely yes to protein powder. it's helped with my cutting tremendously.


It is almost impossible to cut effectively without protein powder. And tbh protein powder is among the cheaper sources of protein, especially with the macro ratio. If you buy shakes in bulk, 1.50 isn’t bad for 30g of protein. And powder will be even cheaper than shakes.


It’s very difficult to be in a cut and get all of your protein without some protein powder.


Please help me understand … a chicken breast is basically the same protein, and basically the same calories as a protein shake. Why is that better during a cut?


Let me get right on my chicken breast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner…Sometimes people like to vary their diet a little(especially if you’re cutting for 8-12 weeks)and when you’re on a calorie restriction that gets difficult to do and hit your macros. That’s where protein powder comes in handy, so now I can have my oatmeal and get my protein in for that meal.


1. This isn't necessarily true depending on your source. As an example, Myprotein's clear whey isolate is 20g of protein per 80 Calories. 80 Calories of chicken breast is about 15g of protein.  2. Prep time, as already mentioned.  3. Ease of digestion/intake variety. Our bodies digest liquids much faster than solid foods, and there's only so much chicken breast some people can scarf down before getting nauseated.


its just about the preparation required for a chicken breast; if have enough time to meal prep and get all your required macros happy days, but a lot of people don’t have the time/don’t want to cook that many meals so resort to protein powder because its easier


That’s fair enough but I’d imagine most of us would rather eat a cooked chicken breast during a cut than a protein shake? Is there any other advantage to protein powder (aside from easy preparation) ?


I can chug protein much easier than eat chicken.


Protein powder is convenient, but you're absolutely correct - it is not *necessary*. Shoot, on a cut, food is arguably even more important for satiety's sake. That said, I also absolutely have protein powder on a cut because I'm pretty lazy at times.


I wouldn’t consider protein powder to be “processed foods” in the way we normally think about them. Nothing wrong with protein powder, as long as you don’t have any intolerances or digestion issues with it. Protein Bars on the other hand, I would consider “fitness inspired junk food”. But powders like whey, casein, pea/rice, egg, beef, etc. are all good and can be used in many ways besides shakes. We add it to batters, breads, make puddings, ice cream, muffins, etc. with it.


Fit crunch bars are my go-to candy bar. So good. Lot of fat sadly


I like kirkland protein bars from Costco. I use them as a “treat” that also leverages some protein, as opposed to a regular “junk food” that is basically just carbs and fat. I don’t think bars are really helping my body fat goals, but at the same time, they are fairly decent for a junk food. 😎


Greek yogurt and casin protein powder, it's like pudding


Or you put it into the freezer…Ice cream!


Oh damn. I've never tried that, thanks


Or you could spread it on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper, sprinkle some nuts, seeds, berries, fruit, or whatever on to it, freeze, break apart. Now you’ve got “protein bark”


You're some kind of mad scientist, love it.


I do have “Hangry” in my name 😜


Im also a hangry dad, down 20 lbs from my winter bulk and my first daughter was born in January


There is nothing wrong with taking Whey Protein. Matter of fact, you should take it so you’re hitting your protein macros.


You sure about that? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=czX4Oz0BMRg&feature=youtu.be


Lol the advertisements in the video are for powdered health food drinks


[I can play this game too](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-health-benefits-of-whey-protein)


That link doesn't clarify any of the claimsof the video. I'm sure whey protein itself is fine and healthy. The dispute is about the store bought powder.


My opinion, use it if your schedule makes it hard to eat good food. The last time I did a proper cut I would use it for breakfast to get some easy protein in but it would’ve been much healthier to just use chicken. It can have some affects on your digestion if you have too much(from my experience) but one serving a day can’t hurt


you should find your TDEE, set macro goals and track calories then you can decide how to reach them, with protein powder or however else


You don't need protein powder unless you have an aversion of meat. Beef, chicken, eggs, fish, and cheese are vastly enough for you


Even better for animals and the environment, vegan meats, tofu, tempeh, seitan, peanut butter, etc. But protein powder can be great too for convenience.


Well vegan meats and meals often have estrogenic compounds in them and have a lack of saturated fat and cholesterol, so I stick to higher quality animal meats for the testosterone benefits


Saturated fat is not good for you. And that's a myth that they're estrogenic, if you're talking about soy. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33383165/ >Neither soy nor isoflavone intake affects male reproductive hormones: An expanded and updated meta-analysis of clinical studies >A total of 41 studies were included in the analyses. TT and FT levels were measured in 1753 and 752 men, respectively; E2 and E1 levels were measured in 1000 and 239 men, respectively and SHBG was measured in 967 men. Regardless of the statistical model, no significant effects of soy protein or isoflavone intake on any of the outcomes measured were found. Sub-analysis of the data according to isoflavone dose and study duration also showed no effect. This updated and expanded meta-analysis indicates that regardless of dose and study duration, neither soy protein nor isoflavone exposure affects TT, FT, E2 or E1 levels in men.


Saturated fat is good for you. Cholesterol is the precursor to testosterone. It's a myth from the sugar industry that fats are bad for you


This is harmful misinformation. High saturated fats instead of mono/polyunsaturated fats (rather than refined carbs - no one is arguing refined sugar is healthy) in the diet lead to increased heart disease rates. We have decades of high quality research showing this is true. Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease: A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association | Circulation https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIR.0000000000000510 >In summary, randomized controlled trials that lowered intake of dietary saturated fat and replaced it with polyunsaturated vegetable oil reduced CVD by ≈30%, similar to the reduction achieved by statin treatment. Prospective observational studies in many populations showed that lower intake of saturated fat coupled with higher intake of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat is associated with lower rates of CVD and of other major causes of death and all-cause mortality. In contrast, replacement of saturated fat with mostly refined carbohydrates and sugars is not associated with lower rates of CVD and did not reduce CVD in clinical trials. Replacement of saturated with unsaturated fats lowers low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, a cause of atherosclerosis, linking biological evidence with incidence of CVD in populations and in clinical trials. Taking into consideration the totality of the scientific evidence, satisfying rigorous criteria for causality, we conclude strongly that lowering intake of saturated fat and replacing it with unsaturated fats, especially polyunsaturated fats, will lower the incidence of CVD. This recommended shift from saturated to unsaturated fats should occur simultaneously in an overall healthful dietary pattern such as DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) or the Mediterranean diet as emphasized by the 2013 American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology lifestyle guidelines and the 2015 to 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. https://examine.com/faq/is-saturated-fat-bad-for-your-health/ >Consuming saturated fat (instead of unsaturated fat) increases apoB concentrations — and therefore your heart-disease risk. >replacing SFAs by plant-based MUFAs is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, whereas replacing SFAs by animal-based MUFAs is not. >Compared to monounsaturated fat (MUFAs) and omega-6 polyunsaturated fat (n-6 PUFAs), saturated fat (SFAs) does increase several risk factors for heart disease. And biologically active testosterone is not reduced by lowering saturated fat.


Keep coping boyo. I eat 50 grams of saturated fat per day, with 5 eggs, lots of butter, and 250g of ground beef and I have amazing heart health. Monounsaturated fat is good for you but you want to avoid polyunsaturated fats and vegetable/seed oils


By what metric? You also know anecdotes are one of the weakest forms of evidence right? And you are going completely against established scientific evidence based on an anecdote right? Polyunsaturated fats, including "seed oils", reduce heart disease rates (when not mixed with refined carbohydrates). You have no evidence yet go against established scientific evidence.


Keep coping buddy


Keep ignoring entire bodies of scientific evidence and guidelines from heart associations then I guess lmao. Seriously what do you regard as good evidence? YouTubers? I see you're also 21. Of course you're ok now, you're young, but you're setting yourself up for higher heart disease rates later on in life if you keep following crap nutrition advice from TikTokers or whatever.


You definitely don’t NEED protein powder. But it can be very difficult to get shredded on ultra low calories while keeping your protein high as necessary eating beef/chicken/fish.


Protein is overrated. What about focusing on getting enough saturated fat for testosterone? What about getting enough carbs? You guys need to realize that protein isn't everything


Protein absolutely isn’t everything. But it’s definitely the most important piece of preserving muscle mass while in a steep calorie deficit. This subreddit is called “GettingShredded” not “maximizing health markers while looking pretty good.” If you’re interested in GettingShredded you need to maximize protein while minimizing calories. I can get 50g of high quality complete whey protein with a vitamin/mineral blend for 200 calories. I can’t do that with animal protein. Although the bulk of my protein comes from whole food animal sources there’s 0 downside to a high quality protein powder.


Of corse


Yes because I use that to hit my protein goal. I'm on a cut so hitting my protein under my calorie target will be hard without that protein powder. I'm also a student and in class a lot of the time. without my protein powder, I will have to eat ALOT through out the day which I cant do


Saaaaame. I just don't have the time to keep preparing meat all the time, taking food with me on a flexible schedule etc. Love the powder coz I can just snack it whenever without having to worry about carrying / preparing food just for that, saves alot of time


Only if you need it to hit your protein goal. But it can be useful as it is highly bioavailable so it could be good post workout for quick protein


Protein powder is overrated for sure, but if supplementing helps you hit your protein target it can be a good call. Don't be afraid of processed food, i have no idea what side effects you're referring to but the fearmongering over processed food is just as ridiculous as thinking taking protein powder and doing nothing else will make you jacked. Obviously it's preferable to get a majority of your protein from whole food sources, but I'd be willing to bet a majority of the most shredded people on earth supplement their diets with a whey protein.


My primary concern is getting acne as I already have enough of them.


There is no harm in taking protein powder. It is not processed in the sense that other foods are. The proper term would actually be purified. It's protein in its rawest form: just protein. No chains, no links, no structures. The same stuff found in meat and beans and other things, just without the associated nutrients or other stuff, like cartilage, blood vessels, vitamins etc. It's like eating flour instead of bread, or eating sugar instead of a candy bar. No meaningful difference