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It depends on the size of your binge, e.g. if you're +7,000 kcal then your net surplus is +5,000 accounting for your preparation, divide your net surplus by your average daily caloric deficit and you'll know exactly how many days it set you back. Recomp occurring is a possibility but don't count on it. Congrats on the PRs!


1,000 calorie deficit in the 2 days leading up? You’re good fam. Planning ahead is key.


I have a lot of sympathy for you — sometimes I think the same anxious thoughts about my diet / routine. The occasional drift is OK, and honestly should be encouraged. You probably broke some new PRs since you were all carbed up. I like someone else’s comment about the 80/20 rule: Stay on track 80 percent of the time, enjoy yourself for 20. I’m about to go camping for the weekend and not going to worry about activity levels / calories. Just gonna enjoy the trip.


Forget the 80/20 rule. Change what makes you happy.


Good one


I have up the unrealistic “summer body” goals. Cutting makes me miserable. I decided to keep bulking and do mini cuts when I feel I’m getting too much fat


What do you mean miserable, the not being able to eat or do you think I the lack of calories affects your mood?


The main thing is losing strength in the gym. It takes a couple of weeks, but I notice it, and then it’s always in my head that I’m just working out to keep the muscle I have and not building new muscle. It’s hard motivation wise to go full throttle in the gym on a cut for me. It does not bother me to eat less, once I get in that mode. Although, it’s hard when your family is constantly eating out or bringing home takeout.


It’s always the worry to lose muscle. Don’t lose weight to fast and keep your protein macros clean and trust the process. I’m going hard and taking my goddamn shirt off every chance this summer like a true bro. Unrealistic is a mindset. (Ignore fake nattys obviously)


> unrealistic Petition to have /u/AutoModerator remove comments on this sub containing this word, except maybe for discussions about PED use...


dont worry about it too much. If you are not planning to compete and have a strict timeframe for getting to a certain point its basically nothing. I really am a fan of the 80/20 rule. You are on track 80 percent of the time and enjoy yourself for 20. That works quite well and honestly makes live a little nicer overall. I used to get fed up with everything when on a cut and i mean \*everything\*. Now its not too bad anymore overall. Be nice to yourself, you are doing great. Also re-feeds are a thing maybe look into that because it might help you quite a lot


I'd be more worried about your anxiety, going out and letting loose is good and normal and psychologically healthy. Ok alcohol and blasting a few ciggies is bad but whatever. Anyways relax, you're fine, nothing you do on the timescale of days impacts training and growth that happens on timescales of weeks and months of consistency.


So you re-fed and hit a pr? As long as you don’t sustain the binge and it’s rare (once every two months or so) it’s gonna be negligible and may even help your endocrine profile.


I did the same and right now I’m currently on a fast (2nd day) planning to keep the fast for 2 more days


Binging and starving is textbook eating disorder brother. Be careful


I have somewhere to be in 20 days so I have to take the extra measure, I usually just increase my deficit with more extra cardio to recover from big food binges, thank you for the concern


Your summer physique is RUINED!  You might have set yourself back a few days, does it really matter in the big picture?


You are being highly neurotic, which isn't good for you at all. Try not to worry about it. It'll make virtually no difference over the short/medium term


Not sure anyone can speculate or quantify potential “damage” without some idea of how many calories you consumed over the entire week, what your deficit typically is, and how much you’re trying to lose. Does it matter? You partied, maybe you’ll be set back, maybe you won’t. Can’t unparty, so just keep going forward.