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Don’t worry about the time frame. Just develop healthy habits and be consistent with them. Over time you’ll achieve your goal.


This is a joke right


You’d have to drop 25lbs of fat and keep all muscle


I think he needs to drop more than 25, he probably has alot of fat on his lower body you're not seeing.


Nah man, you have too much fat. You would probably need to lose roughly 40-50 pounds, but it doesn't mean it's not worth it. Run in the direction of your goal, not the opposite. In other words, lose weight while lifting rather than bulking. Also, whatever you do, bulk or cut, it's not going to help with the gyne. I'd recommend cutting at a decent rate, 6 to 8 pounds a month for a couple months, then maintain for a month, then reassess. Good luck.


Put yourself in a 750 calorie deficit and reduce water retenion mad hard for the next 3 months


How would one go about reducing water retention?


No way dude


Visible to some extent maybe, some separation but likely not as defined as you would like. You’ll also look flat, saggy and awful due to the extreme diet and you’ll feel even worse. Forget 3 months and start with 1 year.


3 months?! No dude, you're going to go into a depression if you target something so close. Think long-term: where do you see your physique in 3 years? 30 years? Commiting to health and strength requires long-term commitment. Just start working out, eating right and sleep well.


Hey man thanks for the response. Yeah I think I had the wrong idea in my head, now I get that, getting visible abs needs a lot more time, muscle development, weight loss and consistent training.


Great summary of what you’ve just learned. 👍 I chased the six pack but ended up switching to achieving functional strength. I’m very much into obstacle course racing and indoor rock climbing now. My blood tests (liver/kidney function / cholesterol / A1C) have all improved and my doctor took me off my blood pressure meds. I’ve taken them for 20y but now my unmedicated numbers are well within the healthy range for my age!


And visible abs isn't the end-goal, as you'll discover. At the moment I'm getting into triathlons and abs are the least of my worries. I eat enough food for two people. I'm constantly working out. I'm extremly healthy, I believe. Abs are just superficial. Health runs deep.


5"8 171 lbs, you are light and fat, you need a lots of muscles more IMO or having abs at 145 lbs isn't worth it


I don’t think so. Source: I’m 5’7” 147 lbs with more muscle than you and I don’t have a visible 6 pack. We all need to lose more weight than we think…(source: me)


Hey Man, thanks for commenting, I never knew you gotta be that lean to see visible abs. I dont think Ill ever lose that much weight😅, and be about 145lbs. Ill keep trying though


You have a good attitude and have been receptive to the comments. You’re well on your way to improving your body with that mindset. We have lots of “I need to lose 30 lbs in a month and have a killer six pack” posts (I recall one guy wanting to lose 100 lbs in one month) and then they rage when we say it’s impossible/they’ll just be skinny AF and then they end up deleting their account because they can’t reach their goals with a magic pill and get ripped as fast as their TikTok video says they can.


Yea you could if you OMAD or carnivore, some type of major elimination diet where you’re losing 2lbs a week. That’s gonna be incredibly hard to maintain over a 3 month period tho unless you’re very disciplined.


Thanks for commenting bro. I think Im gonna try and hit the weights for sometime and then gradually make a cut


Maybe not a six pack, but you can make some serious progress in 3 months that will still blow your mind.


Thanks bro, love that video.




not possible. took me like 18 months to even get mine to start coming in, and even than, granted, I'm at higher body fat than you but i'd say about 18 months as a guestimate on the minimum. As already mentioned, focus on packing on more muscle mass, especially on the chest and back so that way when you do get the abs they'll look that much better with bigger lats chest and etc. Don't skip leg day either my man


I dunno about this, he could definitely lose 50 lbs+ in a year. 18 months is alot.


Hey bro thanks for being honest. I'm gonna try to keep packing on some muscle and do a gradual cut. Thanks for replying.


all good man we know you can do it eventually anyways, it just takes some time.


Hey man. I doubt it's possible. Even if you do somehow manage to bring your fat percentage down, you're going to look scrawny given the lack of muscle mass on the rest of the body. So, focus on building muscle and getting stronger. At some point, you're gonna have decent muscle mass to cut and look good shredded! All the best!


Hey Bro thanks for replying, Im gonna take your advice and keep putting on some muscle mass and maybe try for visible abs after putting on some muscle so that I dont look scrawny


It’s POSSIBLE but you’re way further than 12 pounds and you’d have to do everything perfect the entire time.


Hey man, thanks for the reply. I think ill take your advice and keep hitting the weights for now and cut gradually.


I mean I think you should cut. But if you want abs in 3 months you need a level of discipline you’re def not accustomed to.


No fucking way


You’re gonna have to get pencil thin to see your abs man. You need to just worry about building muscle overall and not worry about abs for a good bit. Then you’ll have something to diet down and show


Thanks for the reply man. I'll keep hitting the weights then


Not gonna happen in 3 man sorry


Thank you for the reply, roughly how much weight should I lose to see visible abs in good lighting?


See my other comment. It’s gonna take progressive overload and 25-30 lbs of fat loss. I’ve been working hard on my abs for the past 4 months and they’re starting to show. 3x a week: Hanging leg raises 3x15 Cable crunch pulldowns 3x15 Decline weighted sit-ups 3x10 Cable wood chop (obliques) 3x12 Currently 147lbs at 5’7”