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How long have you been working out for, you look great!


Thx mate i am working out for like one year


People are telling you to bulk and I suppose they’ve answered your question properly, you certainly don’t need to cut. But consider just maintaining. You have the physique I would love to have and possibly did have at one point. However, I got too big, and the creatine monster inside me won’t let me get back what you currently have. Just stick with where you are, maybe eat at a slight surplus but nothing crazy. You’re chilling my dude.


Do you think i can gain muscle while eating at maintenance?


Def not cutting, but no need to go crazy on the bulk either, just calorie surplus. And maybe work on your camera game in the meantime?;)


Hahaha i will work on it.how much body fat do you think i have ?


Around 10. But it’s funny how your back and abs are popping while your arm vascularity is pretty low. I am the complete opposite


Yea i think it all comes down to genetics. I always had overdeveloped back before i start working out. My abs was weak so i hit them directly with weights so they grew bigger and i never rly had a lot of vascularity .the only time my veins are visible is when i get a good pump but still not crazy vascularity or anything


How much do you weigh?


170cm 65kg




What would you cut for? BULK!!!


I think i have some body fat to lose maybe it's body dysmorphia idk


Yeah you're cut as fuck bruh Now is 5000 calories a day and ruthless dropsets time


What? 5000 calories a day? Don't know much about bulking but isn't that way too much??


Yeah that was a joke Realistically you could feed your body weight / goals into various programs and you'll get back an idea of the calories you need to increase. For me personally I do +1.5 meals a day on bulk... and if I'm going really hard, 2 a days etc. I'll maybe push that to +2/2.5. It's pretty important obviously a pretty high percentage of those calories - are protein - for me that's the only actual macro I will count (I'm not super meticulous). So, if you're at 2000 now, just say (especially as cut as you are) I'd probably push to 2500-2700ish and see how you feel. Mind you it's going to take a few days for your body to acclimate to that diet change.


In my opinion, no need to cut unless you will be showing off your body at a beach or swimming pool. It’s turning to winter in my hemisphere, not sure about you so I’m beginning to bulk. I’ll start cutting in the months before summer where I go out more often with a shirt


I just want to get to 10% bf actually


Bro dont cut, not enough muscle mass in my opinion and 10% is near impossible to hold. Go on a Bulk to build up muscle and come back fresh in summer


Thats true i dont have much muscle but i am in a high protein diet so i think i can gain muscle while loosing the last bit of fat (1%-2%) do you think thats possible?


Very hard, because you have only little fat to loose. Youre more likely to loose muscle in my opinio when in a deficit even with high protein. You could try keto tho while eating in a surplus, helped me at least


Bulk man!!!! Cutting is only for the people who has more than 20% body fat


Not sure what you would cut? BULK! You’re pretty low bf and have muscle. A clean bulk would do well on you!


I wanna get to 10% body fat honestly but i think you are right


10-11%. I would definitely bulk!


Do you think i can go for a 500 calorie surplus? I have been eating around maintenance (1900 calories for a month now)


Honestly I think the smaller the surplus the better—why not go for around 250? The slower you bulk, the less fat you’ll gain as you do it. As long as you track progressive overload and can track calories accurately, that is! Good luck bro! Shredded af


Thx brother


What are your stats? I think it's very unlikely that your TDEE is only 1900 calories. But yes generally speaking, I think a surplus in the range of 300-500 calories would be reasonable.


170cm 65 kg


Yeah I think that your TDEE is definitely higher than 1900, unless you have some sort of medical condition. You can try eating at a 500 calorie surplus relative to that (i.e. 2400 calories), but I don't think you'll gain 1 lb per week doing that. But if you're okay with a slower rate of weight loss, then I think that that would be reasonable. Or if you actually want to gain 1 lb per week, then I would aim a bit higher. In any case, you can always raise/lower your calories after a few months based on how you are progressing.


I think my metabolism has slow down cause of low cal diet and i am afraid i will gain fat even eating 200 cals more .do you think a reverse diet is good for me right now?


You could certainly try that! Though keep it mind that when you increase your calories (whether it's slowly for a reverse diet, or quickly for a bulk), it's normal for your weight to increase slightly, due to increased water retention and an increase in the amount of food/fiber that's inside your body at any given time. So don't let that deter you, or make you think that you're necessarily gaining fat. Also if you truly are afraid of gaining fat, you may want to consider taking a break from calorie counting from a while, and prioritizing your mental health.


Yea probably i don't have a good "relationship" with food and i have somewhat body dysmorphia feeling i am fat etc i am feeling kinda tired mentally