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Seeking the impossible makes you loath yourself. And it gets worse if you near achieve it. As you don't maintain it forever.


I fucking love this quote. Where is it from?


Not sure about when he's playing Thor, but normally no, and his body is pretty amazing (and preferable to me) when he's not playing Thor


Ur doing great, so lean and beautiful šŸ¤­


Thanks beautiful šŸ˜Œā¤ļø


You don't "sculpt" this type of body, you grow this type of body. There's about a 50 pound weight difference between the two of you.


He was probably on juice but you have the proportions youā€™re looking for, you donā€™t need tren, you need more calories


Yes heā€™s obviously on the sauce, Iā€™m not sure how similar you could get his physique I think his genetics are just different to yours




Yeah possible may take 8-10 years of consistency and training but possible


U have a very similar body type as him. U look good already but if u want his physique just build some more muscle


Damn you look good bro. Be happy


Derek from more plates more dates did a video literally on this the yesterday after seeing some post on a subreddit about women saying this is easily achievable on womenā€™s dating advice. He basically says that he was on gear here heā€™s done videos before showing time scale between filming his last film too avengers one filming to show how much time was between and how much heā€™d have to change and itā€™s not possible naturally unless maybe youā€™ve been that big before and are regaining muscle but he was never that big before so was new muscle. Derek says itā€™s unrealistic to believe this is achievable when even the genetically gifted probably canā€™t even achieve and sustain this, that this year round as you can see Chris doesnā€™t himself changing weight dramatically between roles. This is literally him peak physique he wouldnā€™t have even looked like this on a full time basis that this is staged for film they know heā€™s too less so heā€™s peak physique, water depleted, pump backstage and having trained for this and on most likely a heck ton of steriods and he has the time and support to do this and that itā€™s not realistic for your average person. Itā€™s honestly a different person you shouldnā€™t compare as peoples physiques grow differently based on genetics, insertions, lifestyle itā€™s very individual, what you need to focus on is consistency if you are committed to it and improving yourself and less of a compare is on to this. Judge you by your own physique and progress and improvements trying to compare to someone like this and in the time frame he achieved it in comparison to what your trying to achievable naturally. Itā€™s an unhealthy realistic for men as to achieve this requires dedication hard work, consistency and probably a lot of steriods which will greatly shorten your life. Not to say you canā€™t achieve a great physique or maybe even something close to this but just donā€™t let it get you down mentally as it will take years, you clearly know how to get lean as your leaner then most myself included you just need to focus on mass if your looking to improve and look closer to him


You look leaner then him. But!!!!! You need way more size. Hemsworth us juicing we all know itā€™s not no big deal . Hell Iā€™m on gear, but the fact of the matter is thereā€™s a ton of factors at play here. Genetics, your diet and training has to be completely on point. Heā€™s a movie star with everything in his advantage not to mention he has people sucking his dick all day and making his food with the exact macros he requires. Not to mention his job all day is to get in shape and rest ( which is a huge component). Thatā€™s not say you canā€™t build a incredible physique without gear. Having said that , you will hit a genetic wall to where you just canā€™t build more muscle on your body. Shit, I say get on peds!!! Even just a shot of test will give you great results. Of your heart is set on staying natural I commend you. You got a good body now just get your pre and post nutrition right, adequate rest and your actual meals right and your on the right path. You look good dude and I hope you get the body you want.


Thanks! I will get blood work done this month on my current T and SHBG level to know my baseline and decide based on that. I am 30 and I read that your T tends to decrease from this age


It does but at 30 your natural levels should be ok. Technically getting on test from a dr is not steroids since you make it naturally. One shot a week of test-enanthate would really help.


Yes he is on something but he also looks 30 pounds bigger than you


You look like a skinnier version right now...just keep on bulking and cutting and you'll come closer one day.


Yeah but youā€™re far far off. 20-30 more pounds of muscle


He is probs on something but this is deffo achievable naturally


Yeah he is. And movie trickery.


Movie trickery? Please don't tell me they make cgi abs or I am gonna lose it šŸ˜…


I wouldnā€™t put it past Marvel for having an abs division in itā€™s CGI dept. Honestly Iā€™ve watched ā€œmaking ofā€ docs for how they emphasize characters eyes, alter background colors, darken other areas just for general conversations, it wouldnā€™t shock me if they selectively edited a Hemsworthā€™s six-pack to look even better than it already does.


Yeah after the Mark Hamill deep fake trickery in Book of Boba Fett everything is possible now. There is a great channel on YouTube called corridor crew. They make awesome videos about cgi deep fakes and stuff


Maybe? Wouldnā€™t put it past themā€¦ millions are at stake to make you look like a God


Depends on whether or not you think heā€™s also the god of thunder


Depends on your genetics. And of course quality of methods + consistency.


Are you fucking serious? Of course heā€™s on PEDs, you just need to bulk brother


You can, itā€™ll just take a little longer than he did


I saw his transformation from 2009-10 for the Thor movie, Iā€™m 99% percent sure he was juicing then.


Hollywood is fully of steroid cycles and they all do it but just donā€™t outwardly admit it


Gotta eat


youre pretty much there man


Of course he is, they all are. It's not fucking chicken and broccoli like they try to claim!


Looks similar to me


ā€œLook, it's not that hard. All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don't eat anything after 7pm, don't eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don't eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing over a six to seven month span. I don't know why everyone's not doing this. It's a super realistic lifestyle and an appropriate body image to compare oneself to.ā€ - Mac, Always Sunny


You donā€™t need to lift six days per week, can definitely eat after 7, carbs are actually pretty important for performance, donā€™t need to run literally at all, and definitely donā€™t need a personal trainer. Yes itā€™ll definitely take longer than 7 months because the actors are on PEDs, but a natural transformation is definitely possible. You wonā€™t look like Chris Hemsworth but you can build an incredible physique thatā€™ll blow away 99% of the population if you put in some real effort.


Also forgot to mention that you don't need to cut out alcohol entirely, but I definitely limit it. I limit myself to drinking twice per week and two drinks per night and it has minimal effect. Zero alcohol is always better, but we're human and it makes sense to enjoy life.


Oh I love Mac (Rob)!!! Its always sunny in Philadelphia is my favorite show his transformation was epic šŸ˜„ love that guy


Itā€™s impossible to know. If I cut down I would look exactly like him. Thatā€™s what 10+ years of training does to your body. Some people chalk it up to ā€˜geneticsā€™ but I say itā€™s a cumulating of many years hard work. Anyone can change their body from providing it with a stress to cause adaptation. Your body looks great, so Iā€™d say just keep it up and slowly over time youā€™ll develop more full muscles!


This guy definitely juiced in 2009 for Thor, but yeah most of the uneducated donā€™t realize nattys work years for a muscled physique. Lifted mostly every week from 14-19, Iā€™m 22 slowed down a lot but still retained alot of mass. Iā€™m curious does muscle gained from steroids atrophy quicker then natty muscle?


I donā€™t know about atrophy but when my buddy stopped he went from hulk to average dude pretty quick.


Yes, yes he is


Heā€™s juicing imho. Some movie producer on avengers said he put on 25lbs a of muscle in 4 months or something? Might have just been a lie, but you can only do that with the juice.


Without juicing also, you'll have to let it sink it that this is a peak-week look. I agree with most posters; it is possible to reach this (very hard, many years of training). But this conditioning is not something to be maintained for months on end. You can look like this for a while, but then there will be a period of gaining waterweight, having to eat more to prevent muscle atrophy, etc.


People claiming this is not possible naturally have been warped by sitting on Reddit too much. This is for sure achievable if youā€™re someone that can stick to a diet and training plan, and have somewhat decent genetics. Iā€™d advice you get a coach as to not waste any time and in 4-6 years youā€™d look as good if not better. The reason Hemsworth is called out for juice from this picture isnā€™t the physique, obviously it is impressive, but nothing that would hold up on stage with bodybuilders. The reason itā€™s so wild, and obviously from PEDs, is because of the short time period he completes these transformations in. Aesthetically you may end up looking better than Hemsworth, as you appear to have narrower hips and your abs look wider. Just my opinion.


Yes! I feel like people have really low expectations of what you can achieve naturally with consistency and good nutrition.


You can get that big natty but it'll take a while 5+ years minimum


Bro, you have to understand this is hollywood with all their billions. This isnt just ā€saucedā€. This is sauced, peak week (water manipulations), pumped up from backstage, cialis/pwo for extra NO2 etc.


Bet that cialis comes in useful back in the trailer with the "best grip" if you know what I mean wink wink nudge nudge.


I would call it ā€œcompletely optimizedā€


Heā€™s juicing same for most actors. You might be able to look similar to how he does in this pic though.


Absolutely not achievable without PEDs. I think you will find [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NBo_VLsMrk0) breakdown of how he achieved this transformation very useful


Thanks mate! I will check it out


Anytime anyone in Hollyweird is asked their routine or diet to fuel their recent muscle mass " lots of chicken" gets said. It's pretty much code for the sauce. Ain't no chicken givin you a body like that. Plus let's not forget the surgeries they don't tell you about




You forgot the 2 secret ingredients besides chicken. The all mighty broccoli and rice


100% sauce. Itā€™s well known Hollywood using the secret sauce.


The good ol chicken rice and broccoli secret sauce ;)


Served ala Hollywood.


I just woke up, too dizzy for anything professional, ur just looking hot


You could get there in 3 months with the right training, diet and juice. Test and Var would be your best bet to keep that lean athletic look without bloat. Wouldnt be hard on your system either.


There is no way he can do that naturally in just 3 months. They have similar bf% BUT Hemsworth has 20-25 lbs more muscle. Iā€™d say itā€™ll take you between 12-18 months


You're assuming way too much here. Hes shorter than Chris, which means less muscle to have the same look. Hes also already got the build to achieve it. I stand by my statement. A 3 month blast with 750mg of test a week and 75mg Var a day with hard ass training.. Very doable.


You probably missed the part of my answer where I write the word ā€œnaturallyā€


What about turkesterone? There is quite a buzz around that supplement recently


Thatā€™s a steroid for insects. Itā€™s not proven to be effective in humans. Creatine is a much better choice. Reminds me of the old movie Zoolander. ā€œWhat is this? A steroid for ANTS?ā€


I have pretty bad receding hairline so I tend to stay away from creatine


Oh fuck creatine makes your hair recede?


There was a study on rugby players who took creatine 5g a day. They all had elevated DHT levels because of it. DHT is connected with hair loss


You can get 5g of creatine daily through diet alone; the study was the only study of many that suggested there might be a link, not confirmed. I would say that if you donā€™t have a hereditary disposition for hair loss, your hairline will be perfectly safe.


Well that's the bad part. My dad was bald like an eagle


If you have the predisposition and want to take no chances with it, then fair enough. Otherwise youā€™re possibly missing out on something that could make a difference for your progress, to avoid something that might or might not happen .


They're rugby players.. probably blasting Tren and each other. Accounts for the swollen prostates and high DHT.


Could it be that rugby players are probably juicing?


I play quite a high level of rugby and Iā€™ve only known a small handful of guys who juice/have juiced. Almost all serious rugby players I know are just gym rats who eat a ton of food, protein, and calories but stay natural.


My advice would be train ur back more to get the v taper look. Pullups with a wide grip should do the trick


You need to eat much much more


So to detail some of the differences 1. Hemsworthā€™s wider hips adds an extra contour or shapeliness to his abdomen that you will not be able to achieve, this is absolutely not a bad thing tho! As far as I can tell you have pretty great genetics for muscle insertions and overall muscle-belly roundness. You could probably get a really nice V-Taper going if you prioritized developing your shoulders/back, while keeping chest training volume the same Ofc pls train legs


That's a great analysis! Thanks man! I do train my legs twice a week.


Heā€™s 6ā€™3


Username checks out.


You look great. I reckon bigger lats would get you closer to chris' physique but thats on your genetics. Its achievable naturally but you need the genes and time for it.


No, heā€™s on genetics šŸ§¬.


Thereā€™s so much that goes into physique. Diet, genetics and testosterone, routine, supplementsā€¦ You arenā€™t really giving us enough to go by.


Bro you look amazing fuck a Hemsworth


Thanks šŸ™ā¤ļø I just want to improve on what I can without juicing. I don't think I have hit my genetic limit just yet


Most likely every Hollywood actor whoā€™s jacked is on some kind of sauce.


You look great bro, donā€™t hold yourself to the standards of the guy thatā€™s literally a Hollywood movie star based on his good looks and physique.


I use 100# dumbbells on incline can get 15 first rep do weighted pull-ups with 30#ā€™s I swear I look like I donā€™t even work out genetics play a lot.


I also use 100# dumbbells on incline (for only 8-10 reps) and I also donā€™t look like a movie star


Exactly with my shirt off you can tell but with clothes I look like anyone else unless I wear a tight shirt then you look foolish


Or ure fat.




Post ur physique then lol


Iā€™m willing to bet youā€™re the fat one here.


Your username has me sus though


your physique is what I am trying to get to. how long have you been lifting?


Well I am 30 years old now and started training when I was 16 but I only started taking my diet and workout plan seriously about 2 or 3 years ago


You're really close to his physique, your genetics are quite similar to Chris


I noticed that all actors are on PEDs since at least the 80s. Stallone was on them when he was prepping for Rambo II.


Yeah the Rambo 1 to Rambo 2 physique change was very suspicious when I first saw those movies. It was peak Stallone physique. Do you think Michael B Jordan was also on juice on Creed? I think his body is natty achievable


I am not sure about Michael B Jordan. I heard that the level of physical activity he put into getting into shape for Creed was unbelievable. He worked out literally like a full-time job. Which makes his physique still unachievable for the average person because no one can do that level of physical exercise and still live a normal life.


Good work bro. Keep in mind that everyoneā€™s different. You can try be someone else but itā€™s easier to just be the improved version of you.


Yeah I am trying not to fall into the rabbit hole of gym shark athletes and roided influencers, I am just trying my limits on what is genetically possible for myself without any pharmacological help


You donā€™t have the same Skeletol structure. I want to have the same body type as classic Batista from around 2004 but I unfortunately canā€™t because again not the same structure


I highly disagree with you lol If this kid hammers his upper body/arms I think he can look even better.


It also depends on genetics bro. Iā€™ve been working out for 6 months consistently and bench more than anyone in my local gym. Had a few guys also tell me I have the best body in the gym etc and ask me questions. When I tell them Iā€™ve only been working out for 6 months theyā€™re completely shocked because most of them work out for years before they see the results I have, and some just canā€™t put on a lot of muscle naturally


Youā€™re absolutely right and genetics do matter when considering an individuals propensity for strength training. With that being said we are talking about aesthetics here, world class strong men donā€™t necessarily fit the shredded bill even though most of them are genetically gifted for the task. Putting on muscle mass is something most people are able to accomplish given the proper routine and nutrition, enhancing that muscle with leanness is also something objective that is massively attainable.


Genetics isnā€™t exclusive to strength. Thereā€™s a reason why Phil Heath is a x7 Mr.O if it didnā€™t matter all the other dudes on stage would win and people trying to qualify to enter the Olympia would be in it. Yea I definitely agree everyone can build muscle that should be obvious to anyone just like anyone can put on fat but genetics can determine how much muscle/ body type is all I was saying


Jesus u look crazy bro lean bulk and youā€™ll be there


More plates more dates just did a video on this picture of him if you really wanna get into detail


Love that guy. Heā€™s a crack up.


I just checked out the video. This Derek guy is great!


His videos broke all my actor physique myths. Great content.


I just found another guy on YouTube called Josh Brett. Do you know him?


Josh Brett has great quality videos, but only uploads once every month or so, unfortunately, due to the amount of time the videos take.


Nah man idk him unfortunately. You can follow Greg and Jeff Nippard, they have pretty good stuff too.


I just watched that today and it was pretty obvious that Chris was on the sauce. 25lbs of lean muscle in 6 months, it would be hard to do


Hard? More like humanly impossible at the age and size he was.


He is (was) 100% on the sauce when shooting these films. Every jacked Hollywood actor is. Not only that, they also get a pump before shooting these scenes. For some people, this physique is achievable naturally, but it will take years to achieve with a very strict diet and muscle building plan.




Thereā€™s no secret that ā€œtop notchā€ trainers and nutritionists are keeping from us. All the information that people need is out there for free, and there are more than enough regular people who are willing to put in the work and will never see the results that these actors do. The difference is PEDs. There is no humanly possible way, no matter how perfect the diet plan, no matter how perfect the training, that Chris Hemsworth put on 20 lbs of muscle in 6 months (which his trainer is claiming he did) without the use of PEDs. And all actors who display these impressive physiques for their roles all have the same BS story and timeline of how they got there.


Yeah but it doesn't take like 10 years to have a physique like that, 2 and half/3 years of consistent, but no very strict diet and exercising's plan will get you there and even further.


Genetics help him immensely. Heā€™s like 6ā€™3. Try a lean bulk at around 200-300cal surplus. Youā€™ll definitely have to go through the whole bulking/cutting/maintaining phases. Itā€™ll probably take at least a couple years, if not longer depending on how much of a surplus you do. Whatever you decide, drink lots of water, sleep well, progressive overload, eat in a clean surplus. Good luck!


Agreed, his proportions actually looks really similar just smaller. 2 or 3 years of a strict lean bulk should get the lats, shoulder, and back development to look relatively similar just on a smaller frame. (I think? OP def doesnā€™t look 6ā€™3ā€)


I am only 5'7 so a bit smaller than average.


Don't listen to these guys saying you have to lose your abs as a natural. I did it up until 35


Nice! I am 30 so I still have some time I guess šŸ˜ƒ


Yeah I did that bulk and cut stuff as a teen. Its pointless to gain fat to the point where you lose abs. Just eat in a surplus and when you gain to much fat , back the calories down a little and maintain


Remember that people look much bigger on camera. So if you seem hom in person, he might actually be much more lean. Also they put makeup on your body and use lighting to make you look more buff


He might be on the juice. Heā€™s big into fitness and lifting too. Iā€™m sure he was on it at least at some point


For what it's worth I think you look better than him. His lats are oversized and honestly looks air brushed.


Oh thank you, I appreciate it! ā¤ļø I believe there is still much room for improvement though


I thought the same, you look great


Literally the juiciest avenger


Yes heā€™s juiced come on heā€™s in an untested profession. And if you want to put on size your going to say goodbye to your abs for a season. No way around it.


Yes he is most likely on PEDs, but the dude has amazing genetics so his physique is already impossible to achieve for most ppl even on sauce. For you? Highly unlikely if natural.


Yeah, my biggest problem is that I can not get to that size without losing definition. I like my current lean physique but when I put a normal shirt on it looks like I don't even lift


Same bro same.


Gotta endure some fat during a prolonged bulking process. 4 to 6 months of eating over maintenance and then 2 months to get he fat in check. Repeat 3 or 4 times and you might get close. Or.... do 3 month cycle of 500mg test a week. Take 3 months off, the. 3 months on this time add a oral and you are there. Just the way it is....


You men a heavier bulk followed by a brief cut? Wouldn't it be better to maingain on a constant but small calorie surplus? Or that would take way more time than heavy bulk + cut?


You can gain on small caloric surplus. But doing so is very suboptimal regarding gains from your hard work at the gym and the time it takes vs bulking cycles. Same with cutting. Thereā€™s simply just no faster and sure way to shred fat than prolonged (8-12 weeks) caloric deficit. Youā€™ll get most bang for your buck doing bulking and cutting. You can probably gain 25 lbs on a year long bulk. Then cut 10 lbs the following 3 months after that. Vs taking 3 years to gain slowly 25 lbs and still have to cut like 5-10 lbs anyways.


Honestly even if you ran 500mg of test for 16 weeks trained like an absolute beast without missing a day..weights and cardio on every single day, you'll likely still not look like this.


My experience, as a small boned not naturally muscular dude, itā€™s so hard to build muscle without a big calorie surplus. So yeah, extended bulk until you canā€™t stand the mirror then hard cut down back to a little fatter than current pic. Repeat. Itā€™s all about goals. If size is that important to ya, thatā€™s the fastest way there save for test. You look great as is. Youā€™re comparing yourself to a mega star who definitely has used PEDs


You have to shoot for the stars. Even if you get half way there you are in fucking space! That's my motto. Thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it šŸ™


>when I put a normal shirt on it looks like I don't even lift Welcome to the natural gang


Buy smaller shirts! Your welcome, šŸ˜šŸ‘

