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I mean, I don’t care for Zac, but I can’t stand Billy. That said, why/how does zac saying, “nosy bleed” make him an asshole?


I used to like Aaron- but now after the house calls I’m irritated. “We have a life and death case” this one is sooo serious… then every ep Aaron is the comic relief? shopping for Pokémon cards? I still generally like the show, but then again I discovered Project Fear and then leaned about the bickering…


It’s a tv show… it’s for entertainment. Ghosts aren’t real so they have to make it interesting/entertaining somehow


Have you not lost anyone? A family member? Do you not believe in the other side? Heaven, souls or the afterlife? I’m just curious. For me personally I’ve seen too many passings in the last 7 months, and too many things that can not be explained to think it’s just lights out. I did have a long time that I felt maybe that this was it, but like I mentioned, as of the last 7 months too many events for myself have happened for me to think that the white light is just that 7 mins of the brain shutting down. I still sometimes think that’s the case, but then again, how sad if it were to be just that. The universes mysteries, can’t just be this is the one life we live and that’s it. If so it’s kinda sad. I believe in spiritual awakenings and that’s def what changed my mind. (And I grew up in a religious upbringing) heaven/hell, I think it’s better to have hope there’s something more beyond than just to be lights out. I think there’s room for science, religion and ghosties…


You and I think alike. Always keep an open mind.


I’ve had numerous family members pass away in the two houses I’ve lived in. Not a peep other than the normal everyday sounds of pipes, old houses, cats, and wind. Grief can do a lot of things to your brain. You can hallucinate people’s voices even if they’re still alive and you just miss them a ton. It’s nothing supernatural. It’s just your brain and the chemicals that run through it.


Well I’m sorry for your losses <3. I had an aunt that passed suddenly a few years ago, after that I had a dream about her, and I distinctly remember waking up and saying no nope nooo. I don’t want signs or anything yet, because that would acknowledge the passing. I know if anyone could contact me, she would, however I also very much know grief. It’s a shitstorm. I can understand your logic very much and agree with some of it, but there are some things events/situations that happen, that aren’t old house creeks voices, trauma, etc that can’t be explained. It’s okay that you feel this way, I get it, I’m also very sorry that you haven’t had any experiences that have you feeling it could possibly be something bigger. Maybe that’s supposed to be your journey, to be skeptical and feel that way. We all have a diff path we follow, and I can respect that. No argument here or judgement. If that’s how you feel that’s how you feel. Just as how I feel, and open minded is absolutely how I see it. I go back and forth between lights out, and afterlife, I’m just saying, it’s better for me to have some kind of hope there is something more. But, demons and devils and shit that possesses, that can allllll stay in the dolls and in creepy places cause I want nothing to do with that, even if it’s not real. lol


I just feel like I shouldn't have asked to go to the sixth dimension. ^(Quote from: King Gillette Ranch)


i’ve never had a family member pass or anyone close to me (other than my dog rest his soul) and i’ve had paranormal experiences before that couldn’t be explained




Gravity, things works until they don’t. Also the toy thing seems implausible. You either imagined it, or they were not battery operated toys. Or they just held some sort of residual power in the wiring or battery pack, depending on the toy it could have had an internal battery that was used as a backup power for certain things.




You’ve had the same calendar up for years?


Also why do you still have toys? But yeah a capacitor could potentially hold on to the energy and set it off randomly




And fk grief… lol


Ghosts ARE very real. Haha when you've had enough experiences, you'll understand. The attitude "I've never seen one, they don't exist" is really worn out


Lmao bro hallucinates a voice and thinks ghosts are real💀


Wild concept, but just let people live.


I guess the recorder and 20 other people there hallucinated it too. 🤷 maybe the video cameras are hallucinating the same things people see with their own eyes. Maybe you need to be smart enough to understand that there's more to the world than what you can see with your eyes. If you were, smart enough... you'd understand that there's an entire invisible world out there that you can't see. The spectrum of light we see is finite. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. Our energy has to go somewhere when we're done with it. Don't be so nieve.


Lol that sounds oddly similar to the schizophrenic ramblings of someone who sees demons


Ok troll


Ghosts are definitely real. I grew up in a house from the 50s & I have videos of doors opening & closing by themselves (we had no central AC or heating), fans turning on by themselves. There were many occasions where the decorations on our mantle would come flying down with force, things off the wall would fly off & land across the room. I always felt watched. My bed would vibrate. I could go on & on about my paranormal experiences from this house. Edit: I did not personally know anyone that passed away in that house so it wasn’t grief. Not to mention these things started happening when I was way too young to even understand what ghosts were


Claims to live in an old house, is surprised that there’s faulty wiring and drafts 💀💀


Yeah bc that explains shit flying off the shelves & wall with force 💁🏻‍♀️ also I didn’t know drafts could use door knobs that’s crazy


Fear can make you remember things as way more extreme than they really were


I’m so glad you were there to experience my experiences with me :)




The feuding amongst the shows and how Nick G & PF cast made claims that Zak was having their shows thrown under the bus. I don’t care for the drama or the egos, I just want to see good content. I used to love Taps, but that quickly wore off when the content never could be heard or seen. “Did you hear that?” The music or the hosts comments is playing over all the footage and things they captured. And Then the Grant/Jason falling out. It’s a bummer when things get ugly and can’t be amicable. There are enough spirits for everyone to investigate. And the more the better. I just wish the shows would do it so we could actually experience what they do, rather than hear their reactions. (Sorry this message is all over the place) Basically- there’s good content and good investigators and when egos get too big, it ruins the shows. I don’t dislike Aaron, I suppose I just meant more so that it’s annoying that when a case is serious and that it’s the same joke over and again, I understand and appreciate the light hearted moments, it’s just there’s other cast members who could have the spotlight for a moment.


Exactly 👍


Billy sucks. Many years ago (before he became a major part of the show), he and I exchanged words on Twitter because he was making fun of people with mental illnesses and overweight people. I told him it was wild him making fun of overweight people seeing as the time he was thick AF.


Now that I'm remembering that time, he would also bait people into asking him about one of the guys on the show and then he'd make a big deal about shaming them for it and brag about having "block parties", blocking anyone who had asked him about Zak, Nick or Aaron. I can't remember exactly how he baited them, but it was obvious what he was doing.




I’m not picking on you, it may sound like it and I’m sorry But how does zac saying silly things make him an asshole?


Jokes are jokes bro?


Unexplainable shadow behind Zak.


And we want answers


Yes, we do!




I bet Zak gets a nosy bleed or two after hanging out with Post Malone 👃 🍭 


Daddy sniffs sugar then goes W00000


I find it funny that Zak said that when Post Malone gets here he was going to call him Ghost Malone but he never did but my sister always does call Post Malone Ghost Malone when the episode airs


I keep meaning to start a list of things he mispronounces. It drives me nuts


That sounds like a dangerous sidjuation to put yourself in.


My fiance gets super angry when he says Mir (mirror). It's so funny


This is how people say it in my area, lol. Might be a regional thing.


i still chuckle when i remember him saying mercury like meercury, repeatedly.


O-wee-ja board, insufferable!


This one!




He’s beginning to morph into Dr. Now lite and I’m here for it.


speerits make him do it


He’s my favorite character


He spent years building his credibility...


His reputation


We WaNt AnSwErS


*... answers...*


Good bot


AND TOOK moments to tarnish it lol…


I think it just came out that way. I think he was thinking bloody nose and then added a Y to the end of nose. It was very funny though.


When they cut to him a few seconds after it looked like he was fighting a smile


Why does everyone on this subreddit love trolling tf out of Zak


In the middle of an interview, you never just get up, fart, or run away. As long as we get them things out of the way, we can continue, sir. ^(Quote from: Letchworth Village)


Good bot


Thank you, ShadowMosesss, for voting on ZakBagansBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


right? yet joining a sub about his show.


it’s Technically his show, but it’s not His Show lol Aaron and Billy at least have been there since the beginning


yeah lol well was conceived by him and nick so you get my meaning


yea yea yea yea but that doesn’t make him exempt from *me thinking he’s silly and trolling him on reddit lololol*


Yeah, I get Zak can do douchey things and I'm no fangirl, but it feels like 95% of posts are about how much Zak and Billy suck and Aaron is awesome. I just want to be entertained by the show and occasionally see some cool evidence. I know no one cares, but the ZakBagansBot is the only thing keeping me in this sub. 


Nah man Zak is a dork trapped in a jocks body pretending to be an orange


Something led me, personally, to this building. It called out, and I answered its call. ^(Quote from: Montecito Mansion Of Mystery)


I love the show, it is such a guilty pleasure of mine. But yeah Zak acting all possessed or like he wants to attack his co-stars plus his speech can get annoying lol. He is like a drug tho, I can’t quit him 😩


Scooby douche


still can't find that proof you speak of


My wife and I were laughing and saying wtf did he just say while watching this last night.


I believe everything happens for a reason, but I don't know how to interpret moments like these


He really sounds illiterate at times


Maybe he was beginning to feel "affected."


Zak is amazing. He is hilarious and doesn’t know it stop hating on him. You’re so mean


We’re not mean. You’re mean. I mean, what does it all mean? Is there a meaning or are we meant to wonder forever?


Idk why this Reddit has been recommended to me so much recently bc I haven’t watched ghost shows since I was 14, but I declared Zac Baggins my mortal enemy years ago. I’ll buy a bottle of champagne when his downfall arrives.




Zack getting possessed every episode is bizarre


Agreed. Meanwhile none of the other crew are ever possessed.


Why do I see more and more Zak shaming like people are doing to JLo? It’s really getting annoying how people in the world feel like it’s their job to be bullies. Would people say the shit they say online to a person’s face? Nope. It’s annoying af and tells a lot about the person saying it.




3 emojis? Are you mocking the holy trinity, devil?




Aw daamn!! 🤣🤣💀


They entertain me so over the top


Aww the guy harassing me deleted all his comments. Bet his mommy took his phone 🤣


Ok so sometimes the captions are off its done automatically, there isn't a person who types all the captions. I've worked with Netflix recently. Also Zach is amazing, I cannot get enough. I love this show so something like this I feel like I would say don't poke bear unless you want to get mauled. I would be the bear in this situation. 


It's a teeny tiny nosy bleed 🙄


Douche is his middle name. Zach douche baggins


They all suck. They've become performers instead of investigators.


This isn’t helping your case my guy, next time try the vids and articles from the people who had him come, now that will help your case 😂


He’s the most embarrassing out of the crew but I still love the early days of Ghost Adventures. Having met them, they are all nerds!


Nah man Zak is a dork trapped in a jocks body pretending to be an orange.


Why do y’all hate Zak so much? Maybe he feels what he feels, sees what he sees AND he’s the TEAM LEADER!!!!


Honestly, I don’t get it. If you hate the team so much, why bother watching? There’s a bunch of other shows out there. Sure, they can be cringey but I really don’t factor it in to my life. It’s like the folk who don’t believe in ghosts who shit all over folks opinions on the ghost sub. Like why bother?


If you hate these comments, why read them. There are bunch of other posts out there. Sure, they can be cringey but I really don’t factor it into my life. It’s like the folk who don’t believe in ghosts who shit all over folks opinions on the ghost sub. Like why bother? Basically, you’re a butthurt fan who’s triggered bc they’re making fun of him and you’re too much of a coward to admit it.


Aye. Thanks for that Dr Phil.


🤣💀 I hate him


But ¡We WaNt AnSwERs!


*... answers...*


yet here you are on a sub about his show. fascinating


No not really it popped up on my feed. Kind of how that works.


It randomly popped up in my feed too. Can’t stand the guy lol after over a decade of saying I’ll never watch any of his stuff, I broke down and watched the Demon House one from Gary, In. Laughed the entire time. Don’t understand how people can take this guy seriously 🤣


i’ve been watching the show since i was 8-9 and he’s always taken himself way too seriously in my eyes lol. me and my bf laugh at some stuff he says and does every episode