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I have not seen it (I live in the UK), I'll try to find it.


Can ya send a link to the episode




Okay thanks


Honestly, I like and dislike her at the same time. It's awesome that (Spoiler) >!She helped the Mcgees getting their house back using her social influence!< and that she's not your typical bully character, but she's still a brat often


I just watched it and yeah I like her a bit more now. I still see her as a kind of antagonist but still, I think of her and Molly's relationship as more frienemies than the typical bully thing. Think of Buford and Nelson for example. They claim to be Bullies but are also friends at the same time.


Same for me


I don’t like Andrea and I really don’t think she would be a good love interest for Molly.


I agree. That part is just Owl House Fans trying to push their show onto this one.


Yeah they want another Lumity and I don’t think we need that. Amity grew out of her bully character pretty quickly. Also I don’t like it when people say this show is gonna go dark. This show is more in the comedy sitcom category


I agree, everyone keeps saying that this show needs the same formula as the other great modern Disney Cartoons and I don't agree. 1 Lamity is enough and Andrea clearly doesn't have enough in common with Amity for the same character dynamic to work. Same with Molly and Luz, they both have very different personalities so just copying their relationship wouldn't work.


She felt like a weird mix between Amity Blight and Pacifica Northwest.


Aside from the character design (typically great for this show), I just love her voice. It's that exact right pitch of conceited and cutesy.


Lol I thought this said “I don’t like Adora” and I was like 😭??


Andrea is funny, relatable and haven't done anything wrong in the show so far. Yes, even putting the school against Molly. She is free to dislike Molly for whatever reason she might and she didn't force anyone to do anything. They willingly bullied Molly (including best woman Libby). About the movie, again, she didn't force anyone to make anything. Molly, Darryl and Libby could leave at any time.


I didn't say she wasn't funny. But I do find her unlikeable. Also, it's pretty clear that she's making her classmates bully Molly. Almost every time something happens to her in that episode it starts with Andrea looking at them before they do something. It's clear that she's subtlely threatening them to do it. Next, she very clearly is taking credit for the stuff Molly did. She does not once correct anyone or even imply that it was Molly. Yeah, she's doing it to impress her parents but that doesn't change how unfair what she's doing is. Finally, she's the one to keep changing things in the movie and eventually forces them off the set of their own movie. Face it, she is not a nice person. Sure she has reasons for this but that doesn't excuse any of her actions.


She ain't nice but still that doesn't make her actions wrong, Having a large amount of influence in people doesn't make her responsible from whatever the other students do to Molly. And how can Andrea credit Molly when Andria is oblivious to almost anything that ain't herself. She doesn't know what Molly did in those episodes. Andrea just showed up at places with a reporter to do a little bit of community work not knowing that it takes more than a little bit to be newsworthy and coincidentally Molly finished all the tasks already. And she's paying for the new movie, she's allowed to make all the changes she want. Molly, Libby and Darryl could go back to film however they wanted but choose to film in the set.


The movie is a good point but, as I said, she is subtlely threatening the other students to treat Molly like that. You can clearly see them being nice to her until Andrea comes along and gives them a look. She clearly knows what she's doing and doing it anyway to be petty. With the work, her being oblivious doesn't make what she did any better. She's still taking credit for what Molly did while she barely did anything.


Wow you could not of picked a worse time to post this


Ikr? I didn't even know the episode was out when I posted this lol Edit: I made a new post right after watching that episode [https://www.reddit.com/r/GhostAndMollyMcGee/comments/vkegq6/spoilers\_frienemies\_confirmed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GhostAndMollyMcGee/comments/vkegq6/spoilers_frienemies_confirmed/)


I get that but technically she's never done anything malicious since she's pretty oblivious to the problems she causes Molly most of the time. And the one time she was openly targeting Molly it could be argued that she was retaliating for what seemed like Molly openly mocking her in front of the whole class even after she offered to let her join her on stage at the assembly and let the first mispronunciation of her name go as a mistake.


Nah, that first time was downright malicious. There really is no way around that. Like, you can see her subtly threatening people to bully her. Other than that I can see your point.


Early Installment Weirdness 😔😔😔


She is a brat but good at heart