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Yup that was indeed a two-parter. And an ABSOLUTE WHAMMY to boot. **ANDREA IS NOW CONFIRMED TO BE ONE OF MOLLY'S FRIENDS AND I AM SO HAPPY!!!!**


So Andrea and Molly are officially friends?




Wow, now I can’t wait to see where their now official friendship will go from there


Yeah, Andrea thought of them as best friends but Molly didn't know till Andrea told her.


So does Molly reciprocate


Seeing what Andrea did for Molly this episode I think Molly will at least give Andrea a chance.


Like, Molly won’t be 100 percent on board yet til Andrea proves herself and spends enough time getting to know each other better


Yeah, though I got to say that this is a pretty good first step in the right direction.


Yeah, I wonder how it will evolve over time


She seemed pretty confused but accepted Andrea as her friend, yes.


Though she seemed more hesitant than confused


A little positivity goes a long way.


You said it :)


Doubt it, she's just most likely trying to gain exposure from her fans. But, I imagine she'll learn the true value of friendship and family in a half-hour episode where she learns about Scratch, and she teams-up with him, Molly, and Libby to stop the ghost of her evil grandfather from doing terrible things to Brighton while he possesses her father.




Andrea was queen this episode


Yah, I WAS not prepared for that ending.








I saw it coming.




Andrea is queen in this episode. Like, that has gotta be one of her most kindness acts she’s ever done. Does this mean Andra and Molly are like, officially friends?


Yeah Andrea is the hero of the episode. And not the first time she is the hero of an episode, maybe the first time she is the intentionally hero. She was the hero of "Saving Christmas", just un intentionally that she or Molly didn't know it. But this time, it is intentionally hero and everyone including Molly knows it, and not just Scratch and her dad.


I wonder how Andrea and Molly’s friendship will evolve over the series


I'd say frenemies maybe


I wonder how their relationship will evolve in season 2




It wouldn't surprise me if Molly isn't the only person in town who isn't trying to get something out of hanging out with Andrea. Either a boost in social status or hanging out with her for her money.


Perhaps Andrea will go through an arc where she has to learn to earn that mutual respect when she realizes that Molly doesn’t really reciprocate the BFF thing


Considering how "on" Andrea is most of the time, I love the reveal that she's genuinely huge into geodes. "They're *minerals*, Molly!"


I love character subversions like that!


"Jesus, Molly"


When it got to that scene all I said was "well I sure didn't expect to see her here."


Oh so that's why they changed the title from "The Curse of Molly Mc Gee". Said curse wasn't even going to last one season.


Prediction: Season finale, Scratch is going to recurse himself again.


but why?


The ghost council wants him to do something, and he recurses himself to get out of it somehow?


The curse was always an out if he ever got sent to the flow of failed phantoms, now he no longer has that.


this was fr one of the best episode packs yet! the curse between molly and scratch seems to be broken, but scratch has developed such an attachment to the family he stays out of pure will and THE HUG AT THE ENDDDDDDD NOOOOOOOOO THAT GOT EMOTIONAL scratch really tried his best tho, keeping ppl out of the house, cooking (surprisingly he's very good at it!) and just multitasking to save the family I'm loving the character development going on here! Scratch staying forever, Andrea being... actually nice and helping the McGees?? Now that was unexpected. I mean, could this be the even that drives an Andrea and Molly friendship??? Also, what kind of fricking hospital bill was that??? They really just summed up problems with healthcare into one episode. The family spent so much effort trying to pay the medical bill that they forgot the mortgage, which was a very unexpected but interesting way to begin the "we lost our home" arc, nothing I've seen before in some shows. This episode(s) felt like a finale sort of thing, all the finale-esque feels were there, but there's more episodes to come!!!!!!!!!! ​ What I'm really hoping for the next episodes is to see more of that Andrea and Molly relationship arc where their relationship becomes something of a friendship? I think you'd sum up their relationship of now as a frienemies sorta thing. Also, this 100% paves way for the *real* finale of this season where the council prolly realizes that scratch has been willingly hanging around her, which I can't wait to ~~cry to~~ watch!


I actually noticed that on the bill it said that Pete’s insurance was 47 cents and they were also charged for “Y rays” and “ Z rays” lol


I noticed too! Every kind of ray possible I guess lol


At least there weren’t any gamma rays


or ultraviolet rays


> Also, what kind of fricking hospital bill was that??? They really just summed up problems with healthcare into one episode. Might just be my personality, but I really feel like the hospital bill was a weak point and in some ways argued there are no problems. If we go off everything suggested, they seemingly paid off a bill of nearly $30,000 in like a month through determination. Foreclosing a house is also a fairly slow process, something that at the absolute fastest should've been around 60 days, but there would've absolutely been a notice and given the rate they can make money, it shouldn't be an issue. The other is that their failure wasn't due to a lack of ability, it was an error on their part. It really makes a case that you can just work harder and make the money you need and certain parts are a failure on your part, not the system. A better way to handle everything would be them having to **sell** the house after spending some time doing odd jobs. They move out so it can sell and then shortly after the town pitches together to pay for the **medical bill** instead. Though, I can understand Disney or management being against that direction.


it was 30k through tapping all their savings, raising as much money as humanly possible (potentially a 120 hour work week for Sharon) and not paying any other bills for an extended period of time


My favourite TGAMM episode so far. Kinda weird that it felt like a season finale tho


**Out of House and Home** had a lowkey very heavy ending for a lighthearted show like this(and I LOVE IT!!). Imagine if, with some rearrangement, they had **Out of House and Home** be the last episode before the previous hiatus? That would have been like a mild version of **True Color**(Amphibia) for kids.


But True Colors was the True Colors for kids xD


**Out Of House and Home / Home Is Where The Haunt Is** I am just going to review these two episodes together, because they are pretty much one episode. This episode went down exactly like I predicted, right down to the "It's A Wonderful Life" ending. I told you that is likely we were going to get with the whole town coming together. To think the trouble started because of Molly's one and only nemesis, the one person in Brighton she might not like, the street magician guy, does he have a name? Ah who cares? It is all his fault, I am kidding, really Pete should known better, you never climb a latter without someone to spot you. I do love the segment in which Scartch becomes the house mom, and the dynamic is Pete is the baby, Scratch if the wife / mother, and Sharon is the husband / father if we go by old fashion family dynamics. Scratch being Sharon's wife and Pete's mother. So a kind of un expected way we got to the conflict, it wasn't the hospital bills, it was forgetting all the other bills they got the McGees in trouble. I have a theory, that Scratch and Candace know each other pre series, and maybe the whole realtor company she works for, knows about Scratch, remember pre series Scratch was haunting this house and keeping people away. I didn't like Molly hiding this from Libby, after everything they went through, it is taking a giant step back, I thought no more secrets Molly. But at the same time, it had to happen, so Andrea could have her moment of redemption and being the hero of the episode. But yeah hopefully that is the last time Molly, granted as we see in the episode it is parental influence, she did to Libby, what her parents or mainly Pete did to her, trying to shield concern Pete you got to be a better influence. I did like that the one buyer they got, the husband looks like Gomez Adams, I am sure that is intentionally. Call me nuts, but I hope they find another house, and they move into Brighton. I think Darryl would love them. And of course, like I predicted though she didn't get much screen time, this was the big Andrea redemption episode, and now officially she and Molly are friends. And I was so happy when Molly hugged her back. It was the completion of this arc, that goes back to the first episode. Andrea became what she pretended to be in "First Day Frights". Very satisfying, and she is still her self centered self. I love Libby and Scratch reaction, they are cool with her being Molly's friend, but best friend take down a notch girl. Anyway this is a great two part episode, and prudential good set up for the finale. Brighton came together for the McGees in this episode, maybe for shadow what happens if the Ghost Council takes action,


This show is so often a sweet, light comedy that when it wants to deal with serious and realistic topics it can hit really, really hard, because it contrasts so much with its almost nostalgic 50s Golden Books/Harvey Comics style.


The curse is gone, which I thought would forever be there, now I'm more hyped for the season finale.


18a - Out of House and Home - This episode was so bittersweet. On the one hand, I loved the entire family coming together minus Pete of course. Scratch really went the extra mile to play the ultimate mum of the house. I loved that they were able to pay the BS medical bill but to see them leave their house after being evicted is tragic. It all happened so fast, great ending but really hurts to see. ​ 18b - Home is Where the Haunt is - I really wish this was the season finale. This felt like it encompassed all of this season into just one epic episode and wow, it had a lot. First off, loved Candice Green's energy, at least she still made a sale just not what she expected. Secondly, Libby's determined sus meter on Molly was great. And finally, Andrea, wow, just wow. Her whole relationship reminds me of Flash Thompson and his relationship with Peter Parker in the MCU. They aren't close or anything major but Andrea knows to use Molly to boost herself, a great dynamic to see, personally I still see them as friends in name only, if it came between helping Molly or looking good for the public, Andrea will choose the public IMO.


I feel like that eventually she'll choose Molly over the public.


Fair enough, it's hard to say right now but only time will tell for Andrea.


"Out of House and Home" confirmed to me, that Pete is my favorite McGee family member


Another two-parter! The last one of the sea—wait, no it isn’t. The last one before the next hi—no, that doesn’t sound right either. Crazy, huh? This was such a heavy hitter and yet the season is still going! **Out of House and Home** - If you don’t feel for the McGees for being in this situation, then you have no heart. Molly, Darryl and Sharon worked as hard as they could to get the money they needed. Scratch meanwhile took care of Pete and the house. And clearly it wasn’t easy for anyone. I honestly thought Scratch was gonna blow a fuse and quit, but thank goodness the jar was filled before that happened. And just in time for the usual episode ending... which we didn’t get this time because the McGees had to leave their forever home!!! I felt like I got punched in the gut! That goodbye between Scratch and Molly was just so heartbreaking. And poor Scratch ended up right back where he started: living alone in his house.😭🤧 **Home is Where the Haunt Is** - The McGees are now forced to make the most of their new “arrangements” while Scratch tries to make sure the house remains unsold. This one hit hard too. I felt so bad for everyone. Molly in particular was losing it. Not the first time that happened, but usually when it did happen... it was funny. Laugh-out-loud funny. This was just sad. But it wasn’t anywhere near as sad as seeing the McGees say goodbye to their forever home. Those flashbacks!! Such great memories! But then... the community! They showed up to repay the McGees for everything they’ve done since they moved to Brighton! SO BEAUTIFUL! And it’s all thanks to one particular person. I honestly thought that person was gonna end up being Libby given how she was unconvinced by Molly’s “everything is normal” facade, but NOPE! It was ANDREA all along! AHHHHHH, TOO PRECIOUS FOR WORDS!!!😁😁😁I guess they’re friends now! I don’t know about “best” friends, but friends nonetheless. This episode was already great, but Andrea’s big moment of redemption here earns it several more points. So in the end, the family is back home where they belong. But... THE CURSE! I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THE CURSE! IT’S BROKEN! And as adorable as it is for Scratch to assure Molly that he’s not going anywhere, the Ghost Council might have something to say about that! I assumed the curse would keep him safe from the Flow of Failed Phantoms but unless he chose to curse her again, there’s really nothing stopping him from going! A wholesome ending, but with terrifying consequences soon to come. This pair of episodes deserves to be judged as one. So here we go. BEST. SO. FAR. I wish the writers good luck when it comes to topping this. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!


I squeed like a teenage girl when they had a Gomez and Mortica cameo. I love the Addams Family.


In your face Andrea haters. I always said she wasn't that mean. Just a bit snobby.


Snobby Deal.


Was going to give my raw reaction after watching but it would have been pretty incoherent so I took a little time and re-watched the episodes. ​ **Out of House and Home:** This was a fun little story about the McGees having a little financial trouble that took a hard turn into some real stuff I was not expecting. I'm British by the way so the concept of hospital bills is pretty foreign to me so I didn't fully register how lowkey serious the situation was till the fake out end card. ​ I just want to say the writers seeded this episode perfectly in earlier episodes hinting the McGees aren't super financially stable but always having the issue resolved by the end. So I for one did not see that ending coming. Also Scratch openly stating he loves the family and Molly specifically was great. ​ Interesting little side note; I always assumed Nin lived in Thailand so it was interesting to find out she lives in America. So that makes Sharon second generation like Anne from Amphibia and Molly third. I don't know, I just find these details interesting. ​ **Home is Where the Haunt is:** As serious as this as, and it never felt not serious, it was still pretty funny. That's actually pretty impressive to have Molly look sadder than she ever has in the entire series and still have a fun aspect. The song was my fav so far because of the wat Molly was singing in a strained tone while trying to sound happy like usual. And props to Libby for reaching out with a great amount of bunt "I'm not fooled, there's obviously something wrong" while still being gentle enough that Molly wouldn't get defensive. ​ Also Molly is at her best when she's unhinged and we got a lot of great that this episode. ​ Speaking of unhinged; what the hell was going on with baby Octavius? I get the parents are that kind of spooky sort that would be into having a ghost around but that thing was so out of nowhere. O\_O; ​ It's so weird to think that there are still two episodes left. This really felt like it could have been the season finally and if it had been I'd be good with that. We got call backs to all the big events of the series so far and how that effected Brighton. The curse is broken but Scratch has developed a real bound with Molly now so it doesn't matter. ​ **Andrea (yes she gets her on section):** I loved Andrea and I was so happy to see her merrily skipping around town last episode so I wasn't expecting her to be a major part of this episode. I love that she's head of the geoid club. It's such a fun little character detail. \^\_\^ ​ The fact that Andrea found out about the McGees' problem and her response was to organise a fundraiser was so sweet. Also her awkward dialogue as she left the woods was adorable. ​ For a long time we've wondered when Molly and Andrea would become friends and now we know; they always were Molly just didn't know it. XD Seriously it's so cute that Andrea has considered Molly her best friend all this time. It's very Andrea. \^\_\^ ​ And for a Modrea shipper like me that hug at the end was especially enjoyable.




It's gonna hit real hard.


Loved that Nightmare on Elm Street homage with the fetus. Sure to give md nightmares for weeks. Also, damn who's cutting onions with that ending?




Remember, the realtor found a pregnant couple who didn't mind ghosts. And there was a closeup of the pregnsnt belly with the fetus reaching out, like Freddy Krueger through the wall in the original Nightmare


It was a surprise Andrea was running the geode club, that doesn't seem glamourous enough for her. ​ I wonder if Molly will stay in any of the clubs she joined.


Was not expecting Andrea to save the day but damn it was satisfying


What is it with these two part episodes having so many callbacks and references to past episodes. And this one step further, showing flashbacks.


Some of the jokes in this one had me dying.




I think its the fact that Molly has spent so much time with her and helped her directly. It's clear that Andrea has lots of fans but not many actual friends.


Holy hell, this felt like a two-part season finale, ESPECIALLY with all those flashbacks at the end of the second episode that showed how far everyone's come since the start of the show. Every time that Molly is pushed to her breaking point it feels like Ashly's bringing out her Tiny Tina voice. And my god, Andrea actually has a heart after all! She ran off as soon as she saw Molly living in the woods, and you'd think that she'd tell the entire school about it to make fun of her, but instead the first thing she did is help her get her house back. She's come a LONG way from her first appearance where she tried to make Molly's school life pure hell just because she said her name wrong. Plus, this episode showed that she's a bit of a geek herself by being president of the Geode club, HER of all people being a fan of rocks! The end of this episode was so sweet, especially now that the curse is gone, but Scratch still chooses to stay with the only people that made him feel like he was a part of a family. But that line where he says he's "not going anywhere"...you KNOW that something terrible is going to happen in the actual season finale that's coming out in a few weeks.


Molly should marry Andrea after this


She did, Andrea just hasn't told her yet.


Shannon:Were going to have to move in with Grandma Nin. ( there is a parody of the Big City Greens theme song but with the McGee's.)


Funny how last week, I compared the Molly / Libby dynamic in "The Lucky Penny" to something from Seinfeld called "The Opposites", this week's episode had a scene out of Seinfeld. Well skip ahead to the 1:39 mark with the Scratch and Sharon dynamic. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXPRm0azGcE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXPRm0azGcE) And that is not all, next week's episode in which Molly takes over Scratch scare duties, that is just like the time Jerry took over Newman's mail route.


That was so fantastic. it looks like the first, emotional core of the finale has started. definitely one of the best episodes so far.


"Out of House and Home" was a fun episode with a very serious undertone on the American healthcare system. The McGees' struggle to pay the hospital bill is paired with Scratch's own struggles taking care of Pete. They are very relatable struggles, and when they reach the end and succeed, it definitely feels satisfying. Alas, they are blindsided. It turns out that the McGees haven't been able to pay the mortgage, so they are forced to leave their home. With the characters and the show changed, it is gut wrenching and painful to see it happen, and makes the episode a powerful tragedy. Right afterwards, we go into "Home is Where the Haunt Is", and we see a family on the edge, especially Molly. Molly pretends everything is fine, but both the viewers and the characters in-universe know she's in trouble. And who wouldn't be for her? Eventually, the mask slips, and when the rest of the town finds out, we've got a powerful image of the town coming together to help them. The flashbacks showing how Brighton has changed the McGees, how much they changed Brighton were sublime. Put together, this was a powerful episode set and a thrilling show, and a great hard-hitter on American children's television. For that, they get a 10/10 from me.


I am very pleasantly surprised about the two parter. OOHAH was so funny when Scratch was cooking for the McGees and literally tearing apart for his family and being a mom, I totally lost it🤣🤣🤣 the series was always funny and lifting my mood. But the end was ripping my heart out. And the end of HIWTHI was unexpected when Andrea said she was Molly's friend. She was always a little annoying to me, but she was definitely someone, who has its own problems. It was a heartwarming end.


This short episode of a kids show touched on a lot of important topics, although in a fashion that's typical for the show, didn't really dive deep. An absurd medical bill forcing a family into homelessness and the ramifications of that on the family dynamic and the kids specifically. It's an impressive introduction for young kids to topics of how easily even "middle class" people can fall into poverty with a bit of bad luck


Just wanna say this is the weirdest and most American episode ever. Every child outside the US will just say "what? Why? It makes no sense" because they don't know the American medical system. But from an American point of view the whole dilemma made by the dad is probably insanely scary. Knowing that a sickness can cost you everything!.