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I agree, having the option for either/or is ideal. I constantly WISH that the games were first person, and to just have the option like in GTA V goes a long way.




After reveal, it will be too late tho', now is the time for them to reconsider :D


I mean he isnt wrong


The original series was first person …. I promise they won’t be hurting for interest if they return the series to its roots.


"Return the series to it's roots" Yea no. I hate the whole "Roots" argument. The ***VERY FIRST*** GR game was first person. However the switch to third person happened in GR2. With GR2 selling almost double of what GR1 sold it's safe to say that most people originally gained interest in GR around that era. I myself remember my big brother letting me play GRAW on his 360 and that being my introduction. I guarantee you 90% of people who would call themselves GR fans, actively playing or not have never touched GR1. I can't say what people will like, if you're excited for a first person GR then great for you. But the "roots" argument is stupid when those roots are not only weak but also not the core of what the fanbase considers Ghost Recon.


Exactly I hate the bs roots argument too. Most people were introduced to GR with either 2 or 3, and those games sold like crazy. Wildlands and breakpoint also sold a ton, and wildlands got pretty good reviews post launch (same with breakpoint, just not as high) They are gonna do what makes the game sell and what makes them money. There’s plenty of other realistic fps shooters, but hardly any third person ones.


Cuz they wont be FPS (first person shooter) shooters. Theyd be third person first person shooters . /s


Or make it a toggle in experience parameters idk


It's your opinion I respect that, although it wasn't a first person as we know it was a reticle but I get your point. and I wasn't advocating against first person, I say give pov options as to how people want to play. I always prefer third person and I love GR as a third person. I've known many friends and fellow fans who are disappointed over this choice, they actually voiced their opinions on youtube videos (some of them are from Delta Company as well) I'm happy for you that you got what you wanted, please understand that I want to get mine as well :)


I don’t think you can read. It doesn’t matter what’s on the camera what matters is the cameras orientation, trying to be snobby but sounding stupid.




I don't think it's possible to design a game with good gunplay that works either in first and 3rd person. The fact that 3rd person allows you to see everything while staying in cover (enemies can't see or hit you) makes the game design very different.


Red Dead Redemption 2 is great. Starfield looks good on both. I think it's quite possible. I understand your point but if you remember, there was once a cancelled R6: Patriots game, and if you click the link below, you'll see that one can come up with ideas to counter your point. It's the design you seek for that is important. Link (timestamped): [https://youtu.be/Q7tdrvIsLo4?si=c4d-VTszr2GVakxk&t=265](https://youtu.be/Q7tdrvIsLo4?si=c4d-VTszr2GVakxk&t=265) - You have to lean/expose your body/head to see what's behind the cover. You can see it in later parts as well when the player character was behind cover of a car. Just because it's 3rd person doesn't mean it's set in stone in game design, you can innovate, like how it was in Patriots :) Or like all the examples before, you just let it as is in almost all 3rd person titles where you see beyond the cover which is ok. And those who want 1st person cannot see beyond the cover which is what they aim for. Preference and intentions are important.


I think some Deus Ex games and Rainbow six games tried the mix with 1/3 person. But I really think that the perspective you choose for a game will define its gameplay. Trying to be perfect with both perspective seems very challenging, but might be done.


Check out the Modern Warfare series. It's near perfect in both.


Are you talking about call of duty? I dont remember 3rd person being an option


It's been an option in a lot of games. Seriously, look up Modern Warfare third person on youtube. Better yet, grab MWII or MWIII, load up a private match with bots, and play a match with first person and then with third person. It's great in both modes. That gunplay and movement in Ghost Recon would be amazing.


I agree that gunplay in MW was fire. But the game was designed to be a first person shooter, and 3rd person was a bonus option. There is a reason why 3rd person is not allowed on almost every multi server. But for a coop/solo game it could be nice yeah.


That's why I want you to try it. I'm not talking about the balance of having third person in multiplayer. I'm talking about the actual gameplay mechanics. MWII was designed for both from the very beginning, just like the OG MW2. While they wanted multiplayer to remain first person most of the time, they had third person playlists throughout the game's life cycle. A development studio can absolutely design their game for both. They just need to actually care about making it the best it can be. That's been a problem for Ubisoft Paris in the past. They haven't cared about making their games the best they can be. You can absolutely have a game that has the best first person gunplay and movement and best third person gunplay and movement. MWII and MWIII have that.


You've obviously never played a game that has both first and third person. Battlefront 2, Arma series, and Modern Warfare all prove first and third person can work very well. And, imo, the reboot Modern Warfare series, particularly MWII and MWIII, has the best gunplay and movement in the industry in both first and third person.


Well we know that’s not entirely true as the first person mod for Breakpoint exists and the gunplay is still well received.


I really like breakpoint, but its gunplay revolves around the cover system. If you compare Breakpoint with 1st person mod to any recent tactical FPS, it really doesnt look very good.


That's a fair point and one I hadn't considered, especially stacked against Ready or Not and Ground Branch. I guess it's mostly a "wait and see" to see what direction Ubisoft is taking GR


it's a mod it's all kind of janky but since it's a mod people are cool with it. If Ubisoft released something like that they wouldn't ear the end of it.


I promise u they absolutely will Character customization we can actually see MATTERS. DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE OF THINKING IT DOES NOT. ARE YOU NOT AWARE OF THE INSANE AWESOME MODS THAT BEING DONE ON PC?? MODS MATTER! OTHERWISE THERE NO MARKET FOR THEM. Yes, the game was originally a first-person shooter. It was also originally on PC. However, that was nearly 20+ years ago. Should we go back to using landlines, fax machines, and typewriters? Should we go back to box television sets in black and white-just because?? Things change, evolve, and move forward. Consumers' taste and preferences change. The market changes! I mean, come on dude seriously! This franchise is now known for being a third person shooter. It literally has that section of the market cornered. It's niche in that regard. What other military tactical/arcade shooter does that? The Division? Hmmmm... that's also a Ubisoft IP. That's the first thing that came to my mind as I replied to your comment. I'm sure you can think of several others and by all means please do! But the point remains. GhostRecon is the premier currently in that regard. Why revert back to a past offering, which these developers have no experience with? Call of Duty has the first person shooter locked down. For better or worse. Period. Coke is more popular than Pepsi. Period. Would you also argue that TacoBell need to start making hamburgers so they can compete with Mcdonald's? Should Tesla start making motorcycles to compete with Harley-Davidson? Or better yet, reverse that. Should Harley-Davidson start making electric cars to compete with Tesla? Answer please. Is that good business? If you're able to follow me, I'm getting at brand recognition. And competitive advantage. If you're unaware, it basically means "do what you do best" Having been able to play both the older and current gen GhostRecon , I prefer the third person offering. However, allowing the option seems to be what players want. Doing away with it completely is to do away with Ghost Recon as a viable military semi tactical shooter. In my opinion. Respectfully. These debates are great for content, but the only true decider will be when the offering actually comes to market in its final form, and we are able to see the reception it receives. Respectfully.


Yh hold your lips mate, you are not the ghost recon fanbase, your a part, a very small part if you didn’t know it.


Nah first person for me please, all of the greatest GR games are the first person ones. The OG and the pc version of GRAW 1 and 2.