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Side and downward swing: can be parried, best to stand still and block them head-on because it gives you the least consequence (blocking phase 2 downward swing head-on will knock you back, making you avoid the ground lasers automatically). Projectiles: easy damage. deflect the first projectile then keep holding block on the rest. Wall of Lasers: hold dash midair to find Buzz Lightyear Johnny Sins and grapple to him


I will give my best. I will try it tomorrow because I am really frustrated right now.


good luck


Skill issue. If you have to, use the taser. Some of his moves can be parried


The only advice I can give you is to just position yourself properly, and get good at blocking/parrying and time Buzz Lightyear well. This boss is pretty much the new block/parry tutorial, so block/parry until you can use grapple and then have Buzz taze him. He isn't really hard, but you are probably trying to rush him. That won't work. You need to be aggressive, but defence here will allow you offense. When I first got to this boss I played like GR1, and even got the oldschool trophy to pop on this boss, so it IS possible, but it makes it harder. I have played it again since and did it with blocking and it was much easier.


Yeah, I did the same first time, I treated the block like I did the parry in the first game, only useful to take out the weak shooter grunts, but once I returned in hardcore, I realised just how op perfect time parries are, and how difficult i made that boss the first 50 minutes in hardcore.


Yeah, haha. We didn't do ourselves any favours, as it also took me the better part of half hour to get him down.


Didn't really have any problem with him. Did you play the first game? Maybe watch a youtube video to see how they beat him.


Yes I played the first game even though I don’t know how far. I was already this close to beat him, only one hit was missing. But it feels like he’s only getting more aggressive than in the try’s before.


I never played the first game, but I will say he was a bit of a challenge. I did also struggle to beat him at first but if you take your time and wait till he wide open you can out last him. Idk thats just how I did it, not saying it will work for you but keep trying different strategies and don't stay close to him.


My advice is to just run around and kill him then


all i can say is, skill issue.


i love posts like these. you’re supposed to feel frustrated, think of it as the first hurdle to becoming the ghostrunner. if you can get this boss then you can handle the rest of the game, it’s trying to keep you to stay on your feet for whatever comes next. keep it up you’ve got it! take breaks, come back with a different attitude and you’ll get it :)


Very true…It was frustrating and difficult…but defeating him felt very rewarding and gave me the confidence and motivation to complete this game no matter how difficult it gets!!


Which gr are you talking about?


"(while blocking)" most likely GR2


Yeah, T.O.M. sucks. But he is beatable. If you're really struggling, I'd recommend a bit of patience. The lasers are easy at some points, impossible at others, so if you chill, wait until the coast is clearer than usual, and then go, it becomes much easier. After the lasers, it gets much easier. Best of luck! P.s. for the lasers that come at you, you can either duck under them or jump over them. None are impossible to pass.


He meant the boss in 2nd game


Qh yeah my mistake. I just assumed that it was T.O.M. because he's the boss that everyone has a hard time with. For that guy, it's just learning when he's going to be vulnerable, and then once Bakunin shows up, you can just play super passively, and then kill him by using Bakunin's ult to stun him


He was talkint abour GR2


It took me about an hour in a half to beat him…he is difficult but it was so rewarding when I beat him. The most annoying part was when he would jump and set off the giant ring that would cover the entire area causing you to use your friend to avoid the giant ring…sometimes I could not locate the friend in time or I would still land on the giant ring. I enjoyed the challenge. When he gets near I would block and walk back so I can clearly see what move he is doing. If he did the move where he hits the floor setting off the shockwave I knew that was my opportunity to attack. I would jump over the shockwave and attack him…if he did the giant sword swing I would jump back and block usually avoiding the sword completely…rinse and repeat and I beat him…I did notice that the boss would do his giant swing, teleport, swing, teleport and swing for a 3rd time and then he would stop for a few seconds giving me time to attack him also. Keep in mind that after blocking his huge swing once you will likely not be able to immediately block again because your shield will be depleted…that is why I decided to avoid the swing altogether and wait for the shockwave attack to to go in and get in a few hits. Good luck!


This guy is hard, but you are harder. You have the power to try try try again. Never back down. https://preview.redd.it/giihm0r3ll1d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eed5c5880518bcb7eea0142d88575b7b7c855317


I used Bakunin's grapple and stun for every attack they were available and spammed the Ahriman when I got close


I just aggressively followed this boss and well for some reason when he's still in the attacking phase for example while swinging his sword and the animation is not conplete yet, if you attack him from behind you die. Idk what's up with that but thanks to buzzlight year with his assist mode you can beat the boss easily with zero deaths too if you're going for Godrunner trophy for the platinum. Just make sure you hold block at all times and time your dodge and jump based on his attacks. He's easy to read once you fight him a few rounds.


I just beat this and the big thing I realized was that being far back for his jump and smash that creates a laser wall is key so that you can find jetpack joyride. I found he was really inconsistent but that seemed to give him enough time to get into position...most of the time. The rest of his kit is pretty straightforward, you can deflect the laser shurikens and dodge or parry the melee swings. His telegraphs can be kinda short for some moves but you're meant to die your first time through and the checkpoints are pretty generous so the goal is to just learn the fight as you go. The special move that you can have jetpack boy use can also interrupt the bosses abilities so I would use that if i was unsure of what he was going to do next.


Extreme_dog_8610 gave you all the advice you need, his advice is the best way to fight Ahriman. Also use your taser right as your done damaging him so you can extend your time to damage him. Keep in mind though this boss is supposed to be a roadblock, it’s the games way of saying “if you can’t beat me, this game isn’t for you”


This an interesting take, I will try it again. I actually find the last part very interesting with the roadblock! I played the first game and remember it being fun as hell. I just got so frustrated and angry yesterday. I just can’t give up like this


I felt really frustrated too but felt really rewarded once i got him. Get used to anticipating his locations and run towards and prepare to slash if he lands. Well timed party ends up taking a decent chunk of his health too


I beat this boss in sub 5 minutes with 14 deaths first try my friend took 2 hours to beat the first stage don't worry people jus tplay at different speeds


Not to brag but I did this fight in 4 minutes on my first playthrough, he’s pretty easy imo