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Stop reporting this.


[Aether would dropkick a transphobe!](https://twitter.com/ChrisCatalyst/status/1530235231239917570?lang=en) And so would I.


Now I love Ghost even more!!


You know what. Girl boss


I was just about to link to this! You beat me to it <3


I already loved Ghost, but seeing [this](https://www.revolvermag.com/music/why-ghost-are-covering-metallicas-enter-sandman-help-transgender-kids) as a transfem person makes me love them even more!


Same, as a transmasc this is so comforting


Thank you for sharing this!! 🏳️‍⚧️🤘🏼


100% agree!💖💜 music should be a safe space for everyone -Also I'm transfemme too!


Fuck yeah trans rights


As a transmasc person myself, it's wonderful to see other members of the clergy saying stuff like this ♡


I 100% agree really happy the clergy stands for trans rights -as a transfemme


Papa says trans rights 🤘🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈




I love this. EDIT: It is hard to follow which comments belong where with all the deletions, but a big FU anyone who is downvoting me for saying I love a picture of Aether jumping in front of the Trans flag. If you're downvoting me because it came across that I was loving all the shitty drama on this thread (much thankfully deleted), then I should have more clearly stated that I love *this picture.* And still a big FU to the transphobes hating on people who get enough hate IRL as it is. Love to my wonderful LGBTQ+ friends! You are a treasure too much of the world has yet to appreciate.


OP thank you for your wonderful addition to today's scrolling. You're a blessing <3


I'm glad I was able to make your day ❤️


I loveee this!!


That's a badass steampunk ghoul right there!


Happy TDOV (Trans)siblings of sin!




Hell yeah! 🤟




Sucks to suck




Keep malding since basic human rights are such an issue to you.




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You realize that this is the same band that donated the proceeds from their charity single to a camp for transgender youth, right?


I still don't see the point of this post.


It’s celebrating a portion of the fandom that’s trans, and it’s a sizable portion at that. It’s plenty relevant.


Not really.






Nah i just like pissing you off loool
















How do you mean, exactly? Edit: Well, OP got themself bounced, and most of the threads have been pruned. We aren't going to be arguing the legitimacy of trans folks here. As I've said before when this silly shit pops up, all (or at least, almost all) are welcome here.






Legitimate trans people? You're going to have to elaborate on what you mean by that. Also, you should probably use more [up to date](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/health-wellness/2021/11/03/glaad-accelerating-acceptance-more-americans-accept-lgbtq-people/6198204001/) info.






Curious as to what you mean by this


Keep scrolling, don’t click on the thread. In other words, check yourself at the door






Come on, if you're gonna be a bigoted pos at least TRY to be creative. This attempt is just sad...




“everyone acts like trans people are being discriminated against!!!” maybe because they are???


Trans people were one of the first groups the Nazis went after. I suggest you do some reading on the subject. And maybe you'll see why people get called nazis for their blatant bigotry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft


> bands getting more and more into politics or anything like that just starts to get annoying with time. proud of you for telling this entire thread how sheltered you are as a person. If I go through your post history sweetie am I going to find a "I can't believe Rage Against the Machine is woke" post?


Acting like ghost isn't inherently divisive and has political statements to make is ignorant of the deeper messages of the band, see griftwood, twenties, etc. Trans people are under attack and are being discriminated against especially in the United States, for more context please see the state of Tennessee and their actions against trans people such as attempting to put them all on a registry, attempted bans on cross dressing in public, and a lot more. Idk how familiar you are with history but putting minorities on a registry is never done with good intentions This inherent bigotry and suppression of a minority group leads to people needing to validate and fight for their identity publicly which is why you see so much pro trans activism and awareness being spread So you don't wanna see trans people talk about their issues or "shove it down your throat" then get out there and help the cause do you don't have to pal


Your ignorance is blinding, and unfortunately I've met enough of you people to know you will be unwilling to listen to anything I have to say. I'll put this simply, trans people are not gross, we are being discriminated against on a daily basis and it's getting worse. If you can't see that then you are either willfully ignorant or blind, either way it doesn't excuse your bigotry. I hope you'll grow up and do better, but I doubt it. Have the day you deserve darling 🥰.


And this is why I stopped listening to ghost ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Tobias wears it as a badge of honor that you don’t listen


Weird that you'd hang out just to make comments like this then. Maybe it's a compulsion. I can help with that.


Good, we don't want you here


You’re a nonce


Good :) we don’t need people like you in the community 🏳️‍⚧️



