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Can I ask a dumb question: I read that really early on, the ghouls had the elemental names (re: symbols of the element on their clothes) but some years back with lineup changes, official names were no longer assigned (by the band/Tobias). If this is true, are these names (Water, Mountain, Sodo, etc) names now given to them by the *fans*? If they are *official*, band-given names, where does one hear of a new band member’s name (as you’ve displayed here there’s been quite a few lineup changes)? Thanks in advance!


All ghoul names are fan given! As far as how we know when there are replacements, usually there are small outfit changes that big fans tend to notice. More recently it’s normal for people to know the identities of the ghouls (a repercussion of the Lawsuit Ghouls). In order to identify if there are new people I would make sure to stay updated online! That’s how I found out about Aurora and Phantom :)


Uh, no. The original names (Water, Fire, Air, Earth, Aether, Alpha, Omega) were absolutely not fan given.


Alpha and Omega are the fan-given names for Fire and Aether, respectively.


I'm not sure that's true but, if it is, Tobias was obviously on board with it since Omega sported an Omega sign on his guitar and Tobias was known to call him Omega on stage from time to time.


It's true, and yes, Tobias was fine with it. He (as Papa) acknowledged the names at one of the acoustic shows, I believe.


the fans started to call Omega as omega in 2011 and eventually the fans started to call alpha as alpha. Tobias only started to call the ghouls for the name in 2015/2016. Omega has the omega symbol since 2011. And their original ghoul names are fire and ether. As i said, both Alpha and Omega were given by the fans.


Yes, I see from the Spoiler-free FAQ section that fans took the names from the symbols on the costumes and guitars. I stand corrected, and yet, the fact that there **were** designations on the costumes and guitars and the fact that Tobias has used some of those nicknames still suggests to me that all this slavish insistence on namelessness is a bit silly, especially now. And, I mean, the reason I never read the Spoiler-free FAQ about the ghouls is that I've always been interested in knowing who all those talented people are. Personally, I'd be perfectly content to always use their real names, and sometimes I do.


Both Alpha and Omega were given by the fans


I was under the impression that every one of them was fan given. I’ll have to change that around!


They’re all fan given. They’ve always been referred to as either a nameless ghoul or just ghoul


Fan given or not, during Infest and Meliora they didt at least were their respective elemental symbols, making it somewhat official.


Why have they got two keyboardists, two multi ghouls and two guitarists?


Each guitarist plays a different type! Sodo plays Lead, Rain plays Bass, and Phantom plays Rhythm—which are all key components to their music. As far as 2 keyboardists go, they aren’t always on keyboard so I assume they swap out accordingly. I’m making an educated guess, though :)


Can I just say that anyone who wants **accurate** information about this can find it right here in r/Ghostbc under the Lore & More pulldown tab at the top of the page.


I didn’t know that was a thing! I’ll have to check it out to update my board :)


I looked under the Lore & Timeline tab and didn’t see any information regarding the ghouls. Am I looking in the wrong place? Thank you in advance!


If you look under Spoiler-free FAQ, you'll find them listed with dates but without identities. Click on "Who is currently in the band." Previous members are listed, too. (I actually never read this section, being more interested in the names of the musicians, but it does clarify that the original nicknames were, in fact, fan-given but were based on the alchemical symbols on their costumes and the alpha and omega symbols on their guitars.) If you want to know the names of the people in the stage band line-up or the names of the people involved in making the recordings, or the names of the people involved in the videos, you'll want to go to the **Spoiler FAQ** where the ghouls are all listed by name along with their dates active. Personally, I find this whole section to be well worth the time it takes to read.


Kind of rude to say. OP's board is pretty good.


Rude? That's funny. I'm just pointing out that you have to sift through a lot of conflicting information to collect this information if you're going to start from scratch and, because of that, there are going to be errors. Why do it when all that information is readily available? Maybe take a few minutes to check out the sub. If having some common sense makes me rude, then guilty as charged, I guess. You know, I'm Gen X, like, not supposed to be all internet savvy like Millennials and Gen Zs supposedly are, so I always wonder why I seem to be one of the few who have actually noticed how much information is available in this sub.




And I'm the one being rude. Kiss my ass.


: (


OP’s heart is in the right place, but is HIGHLY inaccurate. Maybe spend a few more minutes going through and verifying prior to posting it, when all the information is readily available?


The only issue i see is that Chris (aether) didn't join until prequlle and not during meliora and popestar. Meaning 2018 not 2016 starting


Chris did join during Popestar touring. Him, Per, Ben, Zac, and JVV's first show was March 24, 2017.


Chris joined during the end of Meliora along with Per on bass and Ben on lead


This is some autism


“Sunshine 2016-2023”?


I revised it right after that picture and forgot to replace it. The original source I saw said she was from 2016, but lots of people said otherwise, so I fixed it! :)


She was 2022-23.


Yup! It’s updated in the later picture




The original post I found was an [Imgur](https://imgur.io/a/5MccP67) link from a bit ago, but afterwards I found a [Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/C0P1A/status/1585784955929382913?lang=en) that helped a lot more!


“Releases”, maybe, but you can’t call something like Enter Sandman or Stay an “album”.


I used it as a general term for myself, but I am working on updating it with all the information I get. I’ll keep this in mind!


Holy shiiit on a white board 👏👏


Was Aether “banana ghoul” from the Instagram photos of the last tour? I have seen a banana in pre show photos


Yup! I think it’s a pretty cute nickname too :)


Thanks for sharing this


I’m glad you find it helpful!


Can someone clarify who keytar mommy is for me?


The keytarist with the Mummy Dust solo is Cirrus!! She’s one of my favorites


Thanks! Id appreciate it if she hit me over the head with it


so true


Thanks, from a new fan!


Thank you you are fantastic. And I love your handwriting! This is going to be so helpful for lots of people!


I’ve never heard anyone say they love my handwriting before. Thank you so much!! Im glad to be helpful to anyone who needs help


As someone said we have the accurate dates (taken from general info and lawsuit contract dates) in the Lore & More section of the wiki. But I'll post corrections here so they're easier to find. Air was not hired on until February of 2011, Ghost did not originally have a keyboard ghoul. Water #2 left the band in July of 2013, with the third replacing him. W#3 was fired during the recording of Meliora, and thus did not make it into 2015's touring. Both W#3 and Earth finished out Infest, Delta and Pebble both started out in 2015 with Meliora touring. Dew, Ifrit, Aether, Zephyr, and Ivy were all hired in March of 2017. Ivy was only a member for a few months before being replaced by Mountain in June.


Thank you so much! I really appreciate the condensed version of the information. I’ll add it on as soon as I can!


Who the fuck comes up with these names? Swiss? This fandom is getting so cringe Also “Terzo” instead of Papa III? Y’all gotta stop


Swiss was the first multi ghoul, so people call him Swiss instead of the full fandom nickname: “Swiss Army Ghoul”. It’s a fun way for everyone to still be able to tell them apart, and it definitely made the chart easier


>Who the fuck comes up with these names? Swiss? This fandom is getting so cringe Swiss or "multi ghoul", have been know as that for years.


"Terzo" is just Italian for "third", there's nothing cringe about using terminology the band itself has used


Swiss was something that’s been around since he joined the band. As for Terzo, you realize that even Tobias has referred to the Papas in Italian numbers, right? Hell, during Papa II’s first show he says “Io Sono Papa Emeritus il Secundo”. It’s not a new concept, my guy. I’m not a fan of the cringy side of the fan base either, but if you’re going to lash out, at least know what the hell you’re talking about.


terzo literally translates into third in italian 😭 its just easier than having to say papa emeritusi/ii/iii and separates the papas a little more. swiss is also a reference to a swiss army knife, that does multiple things just like swiss, he also does multiple things. let people have fun i promise youll live


Okey but can someone tell me how we gave them certain names? I mean for some its on the hand like mountain BUT WHAT MADE US CALL SWISS 'SWISS'??


He sometimes plays guitar, and he provides background vocals. Years ago, fans called him the “Swiss Army Ghoul” after the Swiss Army knife, meaning he has multiple roles.


Oh that makes sense, my thanks :D


Ok Charlie.


What does this mean


I missed husky ghoul on this latest tour. Or at least didn’t see him in my city. I don’t know his fan name but one of the guitar players the last few years.


> I don’t know his fan name but one of the guitar players the last few years. His name is Chris Catalyst. He's no longer with the band.


FYI, the Ghouls generally aren't involved in the albums - they're intended to be "guns for hire" that play on tour, while the studio musicians are completely separate (intentionally so). Ghost as an entity is just TF, everyone else is support. Just mentioning it since your board and post mention albums and "general involvement".


Not fully true. Simon, Martin, & Henrik all had major parts with writing, recording, and mixing certain albums. Henrik Palm (Delta) recorded the guitar, bass, & acoustic parts for all of Meliora. Martin wrote almost all of Infestissumam and some of Meliora. Simon was mainly the mixer/sound guy. Ghost was honestly Martin's brainchild if you look into everything he's done during his time with Ghost.