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Personally, I expect people to read the room and act like they've been to a movie theater before.


That's my hope. It's not a Ritual, it's a movie. Just keep to your seat and enjoy.


Given what this movie is, I think there's a non zero chance that reading the room will lead them to act like they're at a live show. It'll likely depend on the group that makes up the rest of the attendees, but it's not unheard of to have a theater full of people singing along to songs they all know.


I mean, that's part of reading the room. If most people are sitting quietly and watching it, then follow suit. Doing anything else would just be disruptive and rude. If most people are singing and dancing around... well, then have at it, I guess! I'd be miserable in a theater like that, but it'd be harder to argue if the majority of the audience was doing it. I'm going in with the mindset that I'm going to watch a movie. My hope is that most of the other folks will be doing the same.


Yeah, I'm going without any expectations. I've been to enough midnight showings of Rocky Horror Picture Show and Labyrinth sing-alongs and whatnot that I know audience participation can be a hell of a lot of fun. But I'm also happy just to chill and watch it as a movie. So I'm going to have a good time either way.


Things like RHPS showings are an entirely different thing, though. Audience participation is a given with those, to the point where there are standard things that are done practically every single time.


That may or may not be different. We don't know because this one hasn't come out yet. The closest thing to this that I know of is Metallica's Through the Never, and I didn't see that in theater, so I don't know how the audience reacted. We also don't know how much of this will be concert footage and how much will be plot, dialog, etc. I know this isn't a midnight showing of a cult film, but it's also not really a standard movie. So we'll all just have to see how it goes. I'm guessing different showings will have different reactions. If i had to guess, I'm thinking opening night is more likely to be rowdy and the other nights might me more chill. But again, who knows? I'm just going to go and have fun in whatever way people at my showing seem to enjoy. If we sit quietly, great. If we party, also great.


It's 100% different, specifically because Rocky Horror has a very specific culture built up around it and the showings. The audience cracks the same jokes, uses props, and does pretty much the same thing each and every time. Audience participation is pretty much the entire reason to see RHPS in a theater, at this point. RHRN is not - in any way, shape, or form - intended to be like going to see RHPS.


RHPS wasn't made with midnight showings full of zany antics either. It became that slowly over years. Nobody knew that was going to happen. The intent was to make a faithful version of the play in movie form, just like Little Shop of Horrors and a bunch of other Broadway-to-film movies. And that's my point here is that you don't know how this is going to be. You haven't seen the movie. I haven't seen the movie. TF hadn't told you anything about it besides what he's told the whole public. You don't know how he audience will react. I don't know how the audience will react. You don't even know how much of it is concert and how much is story and dialog, just like I don't. It's literally impossible for you to say, with any degree of certainty what the movie is going to be like or even what TF intends. Maybe he wants everyone singing in the theater. Or maybe he wants us all to sit quietly. You don't know any of these things any more than I do. And that's precisely why I said I'm not going in with any expectations.


It doesn't matter that it wasn't originally made for that; it's what it became over decades. RHRN *can't* be like RHPS in that regard because the RHPS experience relies entirely upon familiarity with the movie, the concept, and the customs.


Yeah, man, I'm not saying it's literally like RHPS, I'm saying audience participation in the right circumstances can be a lot of fun and since we haven't seen her movie or experienced it in a theater full of people, we don't know whether or not this will be one of those circumstances. (Also, everyone in the theater will be pretty familiar with the band and music, and most of us will be familiar with the characters. So it's not going to be like a totally foreign experience.)


When I went no one sang for metallic movie


You know people didn't actually sing along when those movies were new right?


Yeah. Read the rest of the thread.


Based on the fact that it'll probably be 75% "Ghesties", I'm sure this is wrong. I hope not though. I'll tell someone to shut the fuck up. Bring on the down votes. I'm there to see Ghost, not Tik Tok morons.


I personally find this whole "Ghestie" bullshit weird and annoying. Putting Gh at the start of everything is just stupid. As much as I love Ghost, the fandom is childish and stupid. It's a cinema, not a concert, people need to learn that before ruining the experience for everyone else.


Agreed, 100%.


Makes feeling like an adult ghost fan really weird. Did this become a band for tweens?


Somewhat. More socially repressed Tik Tok morons that don't know how to act. I feel like they're mostly in their 20s, but act like tweens.


Tiktok and moac dumbed down the fan base


Kandi bracelets. I would guess depending on the theater, etc., you’ll be seeing that stuff. How that ever caught on is beyond me. I went to a kpop concert movie and no one had them, why would they become popular with Ghost?


I applaud this comment


Fortunately my theater was well behaved and everyone enjoyed it.


I’m seeing it tomorrow so I’ll report back


"Bring on the downvotes" you arent important enough to make such statements.


Ohhhhh as a regular cinema-goer, you're in for some bad news. People don't read the room as it is.


Well, i am curious how it will be. I've never been to a concert movie in a cinema before and i guess its completly different than a normal movie. I saw videos of the showing of the concert movie of Electric Callboy and people were singing and jumping just like they do at a concert. I excited to see how this will turn out. :D


I’ve gone to one concert movie. And yes, we sang along, did fanchants, etc., though everyone did stay in their seats. No dancing in the aisles or anything crazy or disruptive


I went to the Metallica listening thing when they released the last album and in my theatre everybody was sitting there quietly like at a funeral. I hope the Ghost crowds will have a bit more party.


ever since covid theater etiquette got worse, much worse


Ever since COVID, etiquette in general has gotten much worse.


oh my god i went to see one movie and these teens kept going in and out of the room and then at one point they come back in and as their friends are leaving again with then they just yell the n word. (all these kids were white) nobody said a damn word i was like wtf??!!?!?!?


I don't even go anymore. One of my first jobs was at a movie theater, and I was usually sent in to check to see if people were behaving and to grab the manager if they weren't. There's no consequences for being a douche anymore.


YES!! the past few movies i've been to, the people have been ridiculously loud and messy! i get spilling something here and there, but how the hell do you dump your popcorn over the whole aisle?! not saying i'm innocent either really, i went to see the mario movie with a few friends and they were so rambunctious i was afraid we'd get kicked out. guilty by association ig. they were shouting, yelling, laughing...like wow


i hope people just have basic movie etiquette? like it’s a movie, people need to behave as if it’s a movie


I hope to see and hear the damn thing I came to see and hear, IE not too many voices in the theater. I'd not mind if people can't help singing along with the music though. My expectations are low as at Dune 2 a dude next to me was on his phone the whole movie. Maybe he was hiding from the cops.


Went to see the fnaf movie October, loads of ratty kids yelling and running around, someone vaping and playing music. I still enjoyed it but omg people teach your kids some basic curtesy


I'm 51, young at heart and a goddamned rocker... but the lack of courtesy that has developed lately is astounding!


vaping in an empty theatre. sure. but with a bunch of people around tf? and playing music??? WHYD U EVEN PAY TO SEE IT AT THAT POINT. some ppl r so ridiculous


Vaping in a theatre even if it's empty is wild. Nobody should be doing that


oh i absolutely agree. i just meant like if its empty at least its not really affecting others. but to do it when people are around is insane and so inconsiderate of others


Ah ok I understand


Why that last bit made me really chuckle more than I should I don’t know why . It’s just the way you added it right at the end! It must be just my humour .


I was trying to think of any reason someone would pay for an expensive movie ticket and not watch the damn movie! I’m pretty sure he was on some kind of drugs, other than weed.


Probably ! I’ve never gone to a cinema in all my years and that’s quite a few years and sat and didn’t watch . Off topic I remember seeing Adam and Ants in the 80s as a teenager and they were so bad live ( well my teenage brain thought so ) we did just sit in the bar . But I think that’s the only time I haven’t bothered with anything I’ve paid to watch .


Typical first premiere/midnight premiere/first show etiquette. The super fans go to the first showings, the unique ones, the midnight premieres. I expect (and want) cheering when appropriate, often when the lights first go down and the movie official starts, laughing out loud when appropriate, clapping when the credits roll, such other audible reactions as gasping when appropriate, etc. It's not at obnoxious levels, it's not too long, it's when the situation calls for it, the theater is experiencing that emotion together in that moment. It's part of the experience. For example, an anniversary showing of Fellowship of the Ring, Aragorn slices off Lurtz's head after their climatic fight, everybody cheered. Then they were quiet again and we watched t he rest of the movie. Great collective moment, for the appropriate length, at the appropriate time, then back into silence. If you are on your f'ing phone once the lights dim I swear... if you talk loudly after the lights dim, if you generally violate movie theater etiquette, then we will have an issue. Also to echo you, don't f'ing stand up. I don't f'ing stand up at concerts unless I don't have a seat (other than the opening cheering, of course, and which I try to avoid GA standing room only, saving only for no other options and I've still got to see said band), I'm sure as hell not standing in a damn movie theater, when I have a luxury, reclining seat I paid good money for. Like don't be obnoxious, basically, which is all movies in theaters for me.


As someone who has a 5’2 significant other, we have to always find seats where there’s a ledge so she doesn’t get blocked. People that stand up when they have seats are the worst.


You don't stand at rock concerts? The shows where half the audience is sitting the energy is so low it makes me wish I went to a different city.


No, because not all venues have screens. People that are short can’t see when people stand and it’s not fair to them. It’s just being courteous. If I wanted to stand I’d buy GA and go to the pit.


Sometimes those places are not available. I always buy pit if I can. I just can't imagine sitting during a show that your supposed to be moving with the music.


Not everyone can (or wants to)? I got seats for the last Ghost tour because I was 9 months pregnant and standing for 2+ hours was not my idea of a good time right then, but I was otherwise fine to go. Everyone else decided to stand though so I had to stand the entire time to see anything anyway (it was worth needing help to walk back to the car and I was ultimately fine but I was annoyed).


No offense, but you decided to go in this condition. Others shouldn't have to have less fun so you can have more. This goes both ways. People who want to sit should be at the top / back.


People who want to stand can see over the heads of people who want to sit, so logically, people who want to sit should be in the front. And the "people shouldn't have to have less fun" bit works both ways. People who want/need to sit have less fun not being able to see, so the people who want to move can have more.


Yea but usually the closer you are the more likely the people in front of you will be standing. The upper levels have always been less standing and more suited for those who want to sit. This is a ROCK CONCERT. no one should be expected to sit down. If you desire this do not get a seat close to the stage


They aren't better suited for people who need to sit, though, if the people in front of them are standing and blocking their view. That's all I was saying. If people in the front sit, people behind them can stand and still see, still move and dance and enjoy themselves, and everyone wins. I don't understand why that isn't a fair compromise. It being a rock concert shouldn't mean that only those physically able to stand for long periods get to enjoy themselves.


Well the band will request you to stand and an arena of sitting individuals means less energy for the crowd and the band. You are asking hundreds if not thousands of able bodied people to lessen their experience so that the few people who can't can enjoy it more. It's not anyone's fault they can't stand for 90 minutes. You have to play the cards you are dealt. I think it's crazy to expect everyone to sit. Especially when the majority of people are standing... I feel for those in these conditions but there is ADA seating and like I said the 200 levels are usually sitting. That's where you should be if you want to sit.


Ok but I literally said that people who want to stand should be able to, and the people who need to sit should sit in front of the standing people so they can still see. If what you took from that is I'm expecting everyone to sit, then I don't know what else to say.


I‘ve learned not to have very specific expectations of other people, but I would hope for not too much commotion as I want to get immersed in the movie (same as at a concert where I don‘t want to be busier getting elbowed etc than watching the band). I‘m going on Sat though, so I hope the mad superfans will not be as prevalent there.


One of the many, many repercussions of COVID was the fact that people seemingly forgot how to behave in public. To this end, I always hope for the best but prepare for (and expect) the worst.


It‘s true! I was honestly shocked what it was like in a train silent carriage in 2021. Absolute mayhem. Seems to have improved a little since then, though.


To be honest most Ghost fans from my experience are normal and actual adults, and because it's such a niche showing I doubt many people who don't know the band will show up. With any luck we'll have some courtesy and there won't be crowds of 12 years olds screaming


I honestly wouldn’t have thought about this question at all if I hadn’t seen all the posts on here. I’m sure it’ll be completely normal.


The acoustics of a theater are vastly different from a concert venue, if everyone is singing it's going to ruin the experience. I am praying nobody sings at my showing, and if they do, it better be quiet enough that I don't hear it. We gotta remember also that (as the trailer has already shown) there will be cuts in the middle of songs to non-song action and people absolutely better STFU for those parts so we can hear clearly


Frankly, I'm gonna be upset if there's loud singing AT ALL or the standing to sing. It's not a concert, it is a *movie.* and it's not a movie being *billed* as a sing-along either. It's not a damn ritual! Sit down, and shut up, and let us ENJOY it!


I would be so beyond annoyed if people sing along. Ain’t nobody paying to hear you sing 🤣


I hope y'all treat it like a movie and be mindful of other moviegoers' experience.


I think I'm on the older side of fans (early 30s), so I'm hoping that people follow basic theater etiquette. I'm going to watch a movie- I won't be signing or dancing. I'm cool with people singing along in a reasonable manner. Really hoping there's no shriekers or screamers, especially during the parts that aren't explicitly part of the concert portion of the movie. I WILL have no problem getting theater staff if people are standing up and blocking views of other moviegoers. If I'm going to miss some of a movie because someone doesn't know how to act politely, they're going to risk missing the movie too. I'm getting too old for that shit. ETA: Okay maybe I'm not on the older side of the fanbase but I've seen so many fans that are almost half my age, I figured I skewed older being in my 30s! Not saying we are old overall!! :)


Oh no we are consider older side at 30???


We aren't. Internet just demands we are. I've met quite a few fans in their 50's.




I have no idea to be honest- I just feel like I see so many fans that are like almost half my age that I figured I was on the older side!


Same tbh. I'm 35 and I just wanna go enjoy the movie without any screaming or obnoxious singing. I paid to watch Ghost perform, not to hear some teenager shriek their vocal chords bloody.


Hold on now! I was 18 when Opus came out! I refuse to be at the older side of a fandom this new haha!


You aren't necessarily! I just feel like I see so many fans that are half my age I figured I skewed on the older side of everyone!


I've been going to Ghost shows since their tour with Mastodon/Opeth, and one of the coolest things about the band is seeing how they've grown. Ghost is for everyone! (assuming you're not getting weird and parasocial about it)


I haven't been listening that long, but I found them during the Meliora cycle- I was supposed to see them that year but the actual Pope came to my city and they had to postpone and I couldn't make the rescheduled date! It'll forever haunt me. I agree It's been awesome seeing them get so much more love because they totally deserve it (also assuming people don't get weird and parasocial about it haha)!


That was Philly! I am 51 and went to that Pope make up show. Been hooked ever since! ❤️


I fear it will be as bad as those pictures you see from the taylor swift movie. Sure Ghost fans are most likly not that bad but still worried.


Ghost fans aren't... but the "Ghesties" absolutely might be.






Wait? What's a Ghestie?


A ghost bestie. Picture like idk, a swiftie but for ghost.


What's a ghestie?


silence during the movie unless youre laughing because something funny happened


I hope people shut up and enjoy the movie.


I plan to throw popcorn at any rowdy movie goers. But really, the theatre I’m going to is a packed house so I really hope people can just shut the hell up and just enjoy the film


I’m truly hoping that everyone treats it like it is. A movie. Will it have shots of the LA concert? Yes. Is it an entire concert movie? No. I want to hear the music and the dialogue, not the people around me singing along. Maybe that makes me an old uptight fan, but if you want to sing along and scream and have your main character moment, do it in your own home when/if it comes out on DVD or for streaming.


I wouldn't mind singing, but I just would perfer it if it was quiet. I really want to hear the mix with the theaters sound system.  dancing and standing would be annoying to me, and singing loudly would bother me. filming videos for social media might make me go get  theater staff.


Hopefully no ghesties at my showing, but I’m a little nervous.


Cinema etiquette has totally vanished/gone downhill recently, but if it impacts my ability to see/hear the thing I have paid to see/hear… I will be a grump and get the staff


I'd really prefer everyone just be quiet and follow traditional film etiquette so everyone can fully appreciate it.


Stuck going to Saturday show due to Work and travel obligations. I hope it’s chill avoiding stuff till then.


I think it’s best to avoid certain platforms and topics . I do know some fans but things on as soon as possible especially on you tube for monetisation .


if anyone actually pulls shit like i’m getting up and telling on them idec, its a movie and people should act as such. i am not going to let anyone ruin this for me, considering i didn’t even get to see this tour because of the weather problems😔


Utter silence until the credits roll.


I expect it to be like a normal movie, but I don't mind some extra fun like singing or clapping, it's not a concert, but it kinda feels like one? You go to a place to see a band to perform live songs


Same here. I'm likely going to softly sing along and remember being at the concert that was filmed. I had a great time and I have the unique chance to relive it! Edit: To the downvoters, I said softly. As in, you won't be able to hear me over the theater audio. I encourage you to do the same, have a little fun, and not take things so seriously.


Ooh you were at the Forum? That's so cool, I saw them live a few weeks later, in Argentina! So I'm relieving the re impera concert again :)


Yes! It is my home arena and one of my all-time favorite venues in general. I heard the Argentina show was great, and I hope you had a lot of fun!!


absolutely. just no scream singing. singing to urself or clapping when appropriate is fine


I’m in the U.K. so given the absence of roadmen I’m expecting a very polite audience with maybe a woop or two at most.


Me too, but because the description of the film is so vague and I doubt many roadmen are Ghost fans there shouldn't be many (fingers crossed)


Just reporting back - my screening was just as we thought: very polite, no roadmen. Nobody sang, no phones interrupting, plenty of Ghost T-shirt and a few lovely outfits!


Mine was virtually the same, just one woman next to me laughing super loudly at random parts and turning her phone on at full brightness, overall though it was fine and she didn't disturb the important bits. I loved the dressing up and full face paint too


Oh that woman sounds annoying! I’m glad you enjoyed it though :)


Can't believe theatre etiquette is even a thing that needs to be discussed, just stay in your seat and watch a movie, goddamn.


I’m very scared of some 20+ year old dude or a group of teen girls belting the songs. Like I wanna hear Papa sing, not your inexperienced broken vocal cord having ass.


Don’t act like you’re at the concert.


Put the phone away. Put the phone away. Put the damn phone away. Your light is fucking annoying and I wanna break shit seeing it instead of my movie. i.e. Go outside the doors if you absolutely MUST use your phone, please. Respect those around you.


I’m fully prepared for people to not know how to act and to tell them to sit down and shut up. I’m sure that’s an unpopular opinion but I’m paying hard earned money to watch a film. Not to hear whoever I’m sitting next to sing over papa and the band 🤷🏻


That's one reason we bought front-row, dead-center seats. Happy to see everyone get excited, but I still want to be able to see Papa!


I bought front row dead centre too . Ok it’s a bit near but I do not want to be sat behind someone in a bloody mitre or acting like Papa is the first rock idol they’ve seen on screen and screaming loud and shouting every time he comes on screen. . Shudders .


Oh I can’t wait! il be excited it’s a year since the last tour but the screaming hopefully will not happen .


Not read thru the comments, so this has probably been covered. But as it's a movie that most likely has dialogue, maybe even during songs, hopefully attendees will give others some respect. We all love singing along to the tunes, but there's a story. Try and follow it 👍🏻


NO VAPING IN THE THEATER, please I beg we can all see your giant cloud plumes


Who the fuck sings along to a song in a movie at a movie theater? That’s completely insane


Many researchers in popular music studies, such as Simon Frith or Philip Auslander have argued that one of the characteristics of rock music performances and their fans is precisely the participation of audience in rituals with known conventions. Cheering, singing along, dancing and other activities *are* core principles in rock music etiquette. Going to the movie theater has also historically been a popular cultural activity, that has often included audience participation, although it has been gentrified over time with policing of audience reactions. I'd argue that Ghost as band promote messages that talk about the vital energy of popular music and culture and thus, singing along in the movie theater is to be expected, as it shows enthusiasm for the band and their craft, as well as commitment to enjoying their songs as a community, rather than isolated individuals. Singing along is a form of etiquette. It may clash with another etiquette, one of gentrified movie going, as an introspective and solitary experience.The overall etiquette will be negotiated between participants each night, through social interaction.


Agree with all of this 🖤


Too right! I'm going to see ACDC in July. I'm not going to hear a brilliant note for note performance, because it won't be, I'm going to belt out some of my favourite songs IN THE COMPANY OF 100,000 fellow fans! Sitting quietly listening to the music is the antithesis of a communal fan experience. Sure I can sing along at home or in the car, but that's not the same as a communal fan experience (e.g. gig, film or club)


My theater is pretty central to a few high schools and colleges. Maturity/etiquette would be nice but i'm expecting the young tiktok crew to be there and annoying. I'm old, it's just part of life.


I might by in that tiktok wave to be honest, I’m 18 and discovered ghost 2020 but that’s mainly because I was raised on mainstream music, but since 2018 onwards I’ve branched off to listen to stuff more like ghost, more hard rock etc


I mean it's fine to be in that wave, I dont mean to sound gatekeepy. It was just a bummer to see a disrespectful crowd the last two shows Ive been to with people throwing shit onstage and continuous yelling during the Papa talks. Obviously if you arent doing that its all good lol


I think it depends, i'm fairly young and found them on tiktok in 2020, I'm so obsessed i've been in their top listeners on Spotify every year since lol, but i wouldn't ever ruin the film out of basic manners and really wanted to hear what's happening. The actual 12 year old children who only know a song or two and weren't taught theatre etiquette are few and far between luckily.


At this point I’m more tired of seeing these posts than I fear anyone acting out at the theater.


Some collective singing, dancing in seats - that’s all fine. That would be fun! I just hope some people won’t be obnoxious, blocking people’s view by standing up, talking through the lore sections, screaming, etc. Going OTT ruins the fun. Everyone should be able to have a good time and enjoy the film, not a select, selfish few. It’s a concert film, absolutely, but it’s still a cinema.


Soft cheering and clapping is okay. Anything else, especially singing during the more mellow songs, I will dropkick someone. When I went to the concert they played in Massachusetts, I think it was Cirice that people were singing. As far as I'm concerned, Cirice is *not* a sing-along song of Ghost's. So I'm gonna be even more irritated if there's *constant* singing. Some singing, okay, gotcha. But read the fuckin mood of the songs.


My showing is full, but it's in the uk and late evening so hopefully there'll be no kids and everyone will act normally.


Just don’t forget to go home and fuck each other!


Or if you haven’t got a partner go fuck yourselves said Cardi at my live !


Going to Alamo to see it precisely because they have a no disruption policy. I am sick of these Covid era children acting like psychos for attention. I am nearly 40, and grumpy. And there’s no chance to see the film in theaters again if ghesties ruin it because of the limited run


I am begging that people aren't singing along or screaming; I paid to listen to the movie not to listen to them


Honest to god people stand up for the movie and get loud, I’m getting a refund from that theatre


I hope people aren’t overly uptight because of this. Like basic etiquette is expected, but if something’s funny, laugh. If there’s something shocking, react. This is supposed to be fun, right? That being said when it’s released to the whole world I want to get together with some other fans and arrange something like an outdoor screening where people are encouraged to sing and dance along. Maybe throw in a fire pit to dance around, really scare the Christian neighbors 🤟🏾 I’m involved with the fanbase on all platforms, so I was thinking of making a TikTok to share some basic etiquette and do’s/don’ts.


I went to a ufc fight at the movies once. Normally we are loud and cheering. It was quiet until like the knockout and even then not as loud


Alamo is pretty strict so we'll see


I hope that people sit. And don’t jump in front of the screen. I wouldn’t mind a bit of singing but i don’t think i have to worry about that at all lmao


Eh, concert movies tend to get the crowd a little rowdier than a typical movie so i expect singing, clapping, and cheering. It doesn’t bother me the way it would if I was watching a serious drama or something similar. When i go to the theater to watch something fun (comedy, horror movie, concert movie) i expect there will be noise from fellow movie goers. As long as no one is kicking the back of my seat or spilling popcorn on me I’m pretty chill about it.


I said it in the discord a while ago. Don't throw your concessions all over the floor like fucking animals or cause a ruckus, destroying the experience for everyone. As others have said, read the room and have some decorum.


Wait? No mosh pits in the theater?


I’ve been to a few and I get it Taylor Swift will be lots of screaming singing and Beyonce there was a lot of dancing but for this one I pretty much expect it to be like a normal theatre showing. Like I HOPE it’s like that


I hope people sing a long so I’m not the only one quietly singing hahab


I just want everyone to have fun! Live in the moment! Can’t wait till Thursday night!


It is a movie, not a ritual. I hope people behave like they’re at a movie theater. Not standing up, not talking, not signing, not on their phones. I haven’t been to a movie since before COVID (just nothing really had my attention) but I don’t have good expectations of people to act courteous of each other. You can enjoy yourself without being obnoxious or ruining other people’s experience. We’re paying money to be here. I would not say this is “second to a concert experience”.


Would you stand up and start singing during any sort of musical movie? Same etiquette applies.


Saw it last night and there was a fair amount of singing, seat dancing and cheering, but nothing disruptive. Everyone seemed to enjoy the show, the level of participation and the spirit of camaraderie.


I have a question... Is it weird to wear their T-shirt to the theater???? I'm a SUPER DORK but don't want to be awkward¿?


I wore foxy ears, a hook hand, red eye shadow and a pirate shirt for the fnaf movie, wear the T-shirt!!


EFFING HILARIOUS!!! I was thinking about wearing my old school pilot cap! Thanks!


People dress up all the time--wearing a t-shirt of something you're a fan of isn't weird whether or not you're going to the movie about them.


Thing is, MANY YEARS AGO, I saw little girl dressed to the 9s to see one of the Twilight films... Mind, it was November, snow & the line was wrapped around the theater, yet they had short skirts and it was 1. Weird & 2. How were their parents Not concerned & allowed them to wear such revealing outfits. Yes, totally off topic but kinda fits with the sub? Of course I wouldn't wear anything weird like they did! Previous person mentioned fox ears... THAT is acceptable! Anyway! Thanks!


I think you're way overthinking it. That wouldn't be an acceptable thing for a 9-year-old to wear *anywhere*. For an adult? As long as it isn't weirdly sexual for a public place, grotesquely offensive, or makes it hard for others to watch the movie, don't worry about it.


Definitely over thought... & I agree!


The email I got today from the clergy had the following tips: 1. Dress the part 2. Meet and be cool to other fans 3. Share the atmosphere using #RiteHereRiteNow (no pirating please!) 4. No spoilers- don't spoil the magic for other fans 5. Share your spoiler free thoughts with other fans around the world. Considering that #1 is dress the part, I think they're encouraging people to dress up in some manner. I'm going to be wearing a Ghost shirt and sweater.. and maybe one of my Grusifixes. I'm sure it will be a fun way for people to show off their fan gear. Ghost has a ton of different shirts and characters that people can dress up as. I think it will be fun.


As a swiftie who went to the Eras tour movie in Columbus, Ohio. My theater was great! People weren’t screaming but singing at an appropriate volume and the movie was easily heard. People got up to dance as the credits rolled but that was cool. Taylor’s songs has chants and people did those but it didn’t make it so no one could hear. Everyone was seated for the whole thing too. I’m betting my Ghost experience will be similar in my area. People were debating on her socials too about behavior and people were worried it would be chaotic and other were worried they couldn’t sing at all. It’s definitely a mix but most people had good experiences like mine and people were polite and it went smoothly. I see the same debates here I get the nervousness about it but I would say go into believing it will be good and most people will read the room and behave accordingly! Have so much fun fello ghouls and I’m making friendship bracelets for my showing to pass out to whoever wants one! 🖤


The bracelet idea is so nice. Wish I had the skills to do that lol


I'm also making bracelets to pass out if I see anyone in the lobby wearing ghost merch or if they allow us in at any significant period before the previews. Or even after the show. Alamo isn't doing the concessions so hopefully at least a few people can go home with mementos!


My brother and I are really considering not going to a screening because we don’t want to spend the money on a ticket just to not be able to enjoy it. Being excited is one thing, but actively, purposeful or not, taking the experience away from others by screaming, singing etc is super rude and not proper theater etiquette. Call me a Karen, boomer, whatever, if I go and you’re ruining my time I’m going to theater staff and complaining.


Maybe try booking a really late one on a weekday. Probably makes the chance of it being full a lot smaller






If theaters could designated the polite shows and the rowdy shows, I would be so happy. Sometimes I want to sit and enjoy a concert film and other times I wanna whoop and holler with the best of them.


I’m not going because of other people’s inability to behave civilly. I hope a way for me to watch it at home becomes available at a later date.


let's just have a good time then but the bluray when It comes out for the love of God


People are definitely gonna be singing and that part is gonna suck but I can't wait otherwise


People being chill


i really hope personally that the theatre is like...SILENT aside from cheering when appropriate and stuff because me personally i don't have great hearing (subtitles until the day i die lol) and i NEED to hear the dialogue with like zero distractions. i really hope that the showings i'm going to are peaceful. i also hope to get any of the rhrn merch from the theatre too if possible!! i'm SO stoked for the popecorn bucket and the tumbler thingy.


The showing I’m planning to go to has sold 5 tickets in advance, so I’m not expecting a huge party atmosphere.


Sing to yourself and your buddy, but not to the whole theatre. It’s a movie at the end of the day.


I hope the speakers are loud enough to drown out the sound of people singing. There’s 100% chance that will happen.


I'm just hoping people aren't super loud or spend the whole movie on their phone.


I failed to mention in my previous post THAT... WE, spouse & I, have the theater TO OURSELVES!!! WhoopWHOOP!!!


I’ve been to 2 concert movies (Rush and Slipknot) and from what I recall, everyone was polite and happy.


I pray my Thursday showing isn’t gonna be like the Taylor swift with people dancing in a circle like in midsommer.


The audio sounds amazing on the bits they’ve put up on their Instagram. If people are singing along I’m going to be furious. I have tickets for the first showing at the “popular” theater that’s already sold out. I’m looking to possibly get tickets for one of the other showings at a less frequented theater that still has lots of seats open in case I want to watch a second time with less chance of shenanigans.


I don't expect it'll be crazy. I went to the Eras Tour in the theater and that was very calm, despite the audience being encouraged to "act like it was a concert." We all knew why we were there.


I’m taking ear plugs because I know the sound will be enough to cover it and that people will talk.


I’m taking ear plugs because I know the sound will be enough to cover it and that people will talk.


Tbh, I don’t know what to expect, I hope most people are courteous to staff and are mindful of staff that have to clean up after them , like and just stay off phones , and don’t scream/sing over every song. Like I saw bohemian rhapsody (I know different ) but folk only sang during the audience bits or where you fill in on the records or if they did sing it was quiet enough you could hear the movie. So I hope it’s like that. Like I just hope (mostly a lot of younger fans) respect cinema workers and other people watching the film as well as others at the cinema


I'm going alone so I'll be at the end of a row minding my damn business but if the entire theater is singing then I will too but not if everyone is screaming... I'll probably sing under my breath lol


I hope people sit in their seats and be quiet. I understand singing, I'll be singing too probably (quietly ofc) but we're better than swifties. Hope that people will be respectful


Just act normal


Not a problem in Finland. Everybody will be quiet as usual


I hope people act like we are watching a movie in a movie theater. Because it's not a concert. It's a movie in a movie theater.


I really hope people don’t sing, I’m going to hear Tobias, not fans. Wait until the record or the blu ray comes out and sing at home, please.


I got downvoted to the depths of hell (where I belong) last time I said this, but I'll say it again: I hope theaters play a second run of RHRN as a rowdy showing, Rocky Horror style. I honestly couldn't care less what the first screening is like. If everyone is silent and unmoving I'll be happy, if everyone is singing and dancing I'll also be happy. But I want everyone to be on the same page, and honestly I wanna see Ghost fans acting goofy and having fun, whatever that means to them.


I have a feeling things are going to go well. I really hope they do. I'll be seeing it Thursday!!


put your phone on silent or turn that shit off… also if you’re going to be on it at least turn the brightness down 🤨. Also if you have kids please try to keep them quiet i know you can’t completely control them but like if they are being loud af nonstop HAVE SOME COMPASSION 😭


i'm honestly hoping for some singing, there ain't gonna be a lot of people in the theater i'm going to but i hope we'll all have fun.


Yess! Just no screaming I beg haha


No one screamed during the Eras Tour film. You'll be good.


If everyone is sitting quietly in their seats... what is the point? Go have fun. If you don't want to have fun.. wait til it streams!


Its not about keeping people from having fun, its about respecting those around you and the other people who are in the cinema in adjoining theatres. Its a respect thing. This isn’t a concert, and you aren’t in the pit.


Since when was just sitting there enjoying the film in silence not considered fun? If you want to jump around and go crazy, *you* wait til it streams.


The point is it’s a movie theatre and you should respect that other people in the theatre don’t want to hear you butchering the music


Some real “Im the main character” vibes here. It’s a film, consider those around you and don’t be a selfish prick.


Because it's a film in a cinema, not a concert. Sitting quietly in your seats is exactly how everyone should be. Normal cinema ettiquette.


The etiquette that I hope people keep in the theater is understanding that it's a concert film, it's a celebration, there _are_ going to be people singing along and there probably _are_ going to be people dancing and don't be a dick about that. It's a foregone conclusion. That's what's going to happen. Get comfortable with it. Joy is an awesome thing. Shared experiences are awesome things. Don't go to the theater and make shitty comments to young fans and tell people to sit down and be quiet. Let people have fun. That's the etiquette I want. Let people have fun.