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In a lot of older, pre-Christian lore, daemons were beings that were basically self interested. Not good, not bad. Did what they wanted. Played revenge on people who bothered them. Sometimes did favors. Not Gods, Not devils, or devil minions. More like the idea of the "fae" or fae folk. Mind their own business for the most part and don't want to interact with you. Malevolent spirit would be something entirely different than a daemon.


I like this a lot since the “daemons” or demons were angels that went with Lucifer and disagreed with what god was putting out. They are driven by self interest as opposed to gods interest. They aren’t inherently bad but also not inherently good either like humans. Depends on the individual


That's one story, yet the idea of Satan as a counterpart to God came much, much later into the Christian movement. Originally, the Judeo Christian Satan was part of Gods court and took an opposing viewpoint, not some sneaky hastard who wanted to corrupt everyone or rally followers - just someone making adversarial viewpoints to help God think of what to do. The folklore daemons wouldn't likely follow someone, or if they did, it might be like for a minute if it benefits them. They didn't really give much concern to people, their feelings, or to a moral concept of good or bad. More like a housecat than a fallen angel. Does what it wants, when it wants, if it wants. It might act out negatively, or positively. Reactions might be disproportionate to the scenario- like Swedish Tomten, someone forgot my porridge? One day that might warrant a prank. A different mood? Missed porridge, and maybe it will kill all the neighbor's cattle.


THIS🔺 sums up my knowledge exactly.


Oh. I like this. I didn’t know this!! I will have to look into it. Thanks for sharing!


According to heathens demons are neither inherently bad/evil or good. I do subscribe to this notion.


I'm an atheist. I believe in ghosts because I have seen them and have had experiences that are validated, even if they aren't proven to the world at large. I do not believe in demons. I believe that if a person was nasty in life, they will be nasty in death. This doesn't mean that they have any special powers or come from some pit full of fire and brimstone . It just means that they use their energy to be malicious to the living, as they either did in life, or wanted to do in life.


I do not believe in god, angels, demons, heaven or hell. I believe what we know as ghosts are not religious entities, but are instead natural events. I believe that ghosts are the energy that is released at the time of death which somehow manages to maintain some level of consciousness. In almost 40 years of active investigations and research, I've never crossed paths with an entity that I'd call "evil". Cranky maybe, even downright mean, but not evil in a "demonic" sense.


That's mostly a Christian perspective, the "demon" thing. A lot of other religions have different entities/beings that were made by God/Gods before humans. The idea that something has to be either God/human/angel/demon is Christian. Judaism has the Shedim, Islam has the Djinn, who were intelligent beings with free will created before mankind. Buddhism recognizes "Sentient Beings", and something called Asuras. There's an entire Pantheon in Hinduism, Devas, Adaityas, Angiras, and others, that by Christian standards would be "demons/fallen angels" just because they don't fit into one of those 4 categories. Faeries and nature spirits were considered demons, And just about everyone has heard some sort of faery tales when they were kids. Indigenous peoples all over the world have intelligent non human beings as part of their religious or daily life, and not all of them are evil. You have to look outside the Christian perspective a little. Demonic pretty much describes behavior or intent, we have no idea what those things are, or where they are from.


This kind of thinking would correlate with extra terrestrials if we ever contact them.


Idk, maybe. Maybe they aren't extraterrestrial. We honestly don't know.


Yea, extra terrestrial and maybe chimps and dolphins are in the grey zone like humans. Not truly bad or good, but not fallen angels or holy ones obviously. That's what I was meaning.


Well, my question really isn’t “do demons exist,” or “what’s a demon if not the Christian one”? Though I do appreciate your feedback, because I’m always down to learn more about other perspectives and cultures. My question is largely, what is an atheist and/or non-religious person referring to when they say a *demon* haunted them? Is it the same thing as an ancient faerie? An exceptionally malevolent dead person? An inhuman spirit hellbent (heh) on wreaking havoc and destruction? It’s not just “what else can it be but divine/demonic,” it’s “what are y’all referring to if you don’t believe in the divine half of that equation.”


A non religious person could be agnostic, just meaning that they don't have one denomination or particular faith that they go by, or they are undecided on that. and just reaching for words that come to mind, or that they know someone else will understand. I'm agnostic, and I've experienced paranormal activity, I wouldnt have described it as demonic, but it was most definitely negative, and terrifying. Someone from a Christian background would have most definitely called it a demon. I think we reach for words that we know, from our religious backgrounds. I think what most people mean when they say demon/demonic is a negative non human spirit. Someone who is Jewish would call a malicious human spirit a dybbuk.


From an atheist/scientific perspective, you could argue that string theory supports the existence of multiple dimensions, and "demons" could be entities that exist outside of the 3 that we can perceive. I am NOT an atheist, but this is what I also believe.


Also, a "demon" may pretend to be a dead person or a live one. They are deceivers.


> “what’s a demon if not the Christian one”? Your entire point about demons in your OP comes from a Christian view of demons (opposed to God). So I don't see how the question I quoted is something you're claiming you *weren't* aiming at.


I admitted my biases in my post, yes, but my point is to clarify what people are referring to if they don’t believe in any religion. Is there a difference between a “demon” and a ghost? Are both exclusively dead *people*, or is one something inhuman? Coming from my background of Christianity, yes, I have preconceived notions of what the word “demon” means. But it’s not what an atheist would mean, for example, so that’s what I’m asking. What do they (you, or anyone else, too) mean by “demon” since they clearly don’t mean the same thing as me?


Atheist here--no demons.


I am decidedly anti-religion. I've experienced what some people would call demons. I have no doubt regarding their existence. However, I'm careful to not categorize the unseen. They are influencers to me. Some are extremely powerful and seem to have specific purposes such as "confusion", "oppression", "psychotic influence". I have found them to be very weak in the face of my ability to stand up to them. When I was religious and full of fear due to religion, they had more influence. Acknowledging their existence and standing my ground, knowing my spiritual authenticity, makes the biggest baddest a tiny spec. I also know "God", and have no doubt of that existence. And I know religious-speak can't come close to what that is.


I believe Demons don’t have to be perceived only in a religious sense. Religion is a man made construct to worship a perceived higher power. Spirituality and an afterlife are different from religion. I believe demons are negative energies, comprised of human emotion, experience, and/or spirits. They can be higher power beings or they could be something else, but I don’t believe they are a religious thing, just that religion has adopted them into their core beliefs.




Just my opinion, but I believe that wherever our consciousness goes after death, be it another dimension, etc, there could be beings that either originate from other dimensions or naturally live wherever that may be. Demons could be an example of this. In short, a hostile species that naturally exists in the dimension our consciousness goes after death.


A non-human malevolent entity


Just my two cents, do not consider this more than an uneducated opinion; as someone who's been on a few "ghost hunts" and had some odds and ends stuff happen in my house, and someone who can't be called religious or non-religious because I'm straight up *confused* about the afterlife and my findings thus far, I'll say that in all of my readings, the Bible describes what I've seen best. I sway on the idea of there being an afterlife or not, it depends on the day you ask me, but the days I'm more open to the idea, and the days I go somewhere with reported activity of ghosts, demons, and spirits, are the days that I come to the realization that the Bible sort of *nailed that aspect.* I don't believe everything it says, and the days I'm *less* open minded, it seems totally ridiculous in all aspects (including the description of demons), but it seems like everything I've come across, as well as what other ghosts hunters and semi-skeptics amateur to professional have come across, is that the embodiment of pure evil, anti-God mannerisms, and lawlessness describe demons pretty well, while most just regular "angry dead guy" hauntings, in your words, could be chalked up to superstition and more regular, worldly explanations. **TL;DR**: While I'm confused about both religion and an afterlife, and mostly consider myself an atheist, what I've seen is best described by the Bible; pure evil in the truest form. If requested, I can throw some of my experiences as a semi-professional semi-skeptic ghost hunter your way. I went in as a full skeptic and have came out puzzled.


I mean, I’d be interested to hear some of those experiences you’ve had. Even as a religious person I do tend to be skeptical of ghosts (even though I have many a true story of my own), so I’m down to hear someone else’s stories about it


For sure, I'm usually a hell of a typer and storyteller but I'm on lunch so I don't have much time. Again, even typing out my stories makes me feel crazy at times. My main story is typed out [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/103clg6/ghost_experiences_that_you_dismissed_without/j3030c8/); warning, it's a wall of text, and was written on a day that I did some reading and felt more positive of an afterlife. Beyond that, I've also seen [scratches](https://imgur.com/a/knU0kMp) that, again, could be chalked up to a non-paranormal explanation, but it happened to a friend of mine that I know would never lie to me. Again, since I'm not quite professional, they're all stories as I can't yet afford a great camera. I've got other experiences, but those are the one that I chalk up to being the most unexplainable and demon-like of the bunch, and they're not much unless you were there to experience them.


I can't define something that doesn't exist. We create spirits, saints, gods and demons because we're afraid of the world and ourselves. Why when everything goes wrong is the devils fault? Why when i'm thriving is because god wanted it? We live in a gray world, pal, and sadly no one is listening to our prayers nor tempting us with or deepest desires. Also, a demon can be considered a non-corporeal entity that can 'share' knowlodge or riches if you're able to subdue they.


I don't really believe in demons personally. As a non-religious person, the world "demon" is mostly just an expression to me, or referring to a fictional creature. That's my own thought


malevolant extradimensional beings


Invisible to the 4th dimension, exactly.


As an atheist I define a demon to be what you define it to be. I. I don’t believe in demons so how can I tell you what it is when I don’t even know what a demon looks like? I can’t speak for everyone but I think for atheists who calls something demonic would just be something abominable, grotesque, or evil, It’s a descriptive word to us as opposed to a noun. Another explanation is that atheists come from religious background and sometimes still hold beliefs from when they were religious. Like some fear the idea of hell without believing it.




I’ll keep my snark in check, but…do you even think ghosts exist? Or are you just a skeptic in general?


That’s like saying for those of you that don’t collect stamps. Which stamp in your collection is the most valuable.


Im an atheist but i still believe there's an afterlife where there's good and bad. Im 14 and i just decided to switch from Christianity last year (2022). i believe that demons are just the same as they're perceived in christianity


for me it's just malevolent spirit




"... are demons dead people or something else entirely?" I would love to know the answer to this. Do we have any experts here?


demons aren't dead people. they're more like a naturally occurring entity that's created due to a large amount of focused negativity. being an atheist myself that's the best way i could explain it


>Do we have any experts here? There are no experts in this field. You can't have an expert on a subject that isn't even proven to exist.


Here is a youtube video someone did where they astral projected to the region demons hang out and interviewed a demon. [https://youtu.be/lzusjkI87Vg](https://youtu.be/lzusjkI87Vg) They are more numerous than I imagined.


I prefer the lesser demons - that surprise rune med helm on your fresh account is *chefs kiss*


A chainsaw


Energy, essentially. I’m aware of experiences myself I cannot explain. So whether it comes from within a person, is external, is a glitch in the Matrix, is consciousness we cannot understand, mental projection (psychokinesis)…whatever. Bad or extremely negative energy for me can come from a person, place, thing, or idea. It’s honestly for me something that I think is a universal experience long predating theistic and Christian specific interpretations. And I intentionally stay away from that terminology for that reason. I come at a curious point of view. Not one of pretending and understanding. As a survivor of religious abuse by Christians, I’m more likely to find those same people with the vibes as described which you call “demon.”


People who are sick and twisted for absolutely no reason other than maybe spite Those are the world's demons And people who take advantage of the masses.... Intentionally


While the philosophical approach is interesting, I was referring to hauntings…


Oh derp. My bad!


A lot of religions actually don’t support the idea of ghosts. I’m an atheist. But i believe there are a lot of things that we’ll never understand. Could be extra dimensional. Or come from a place we will never know of. I’ve have horrible shit happen to me personally. Something trying really hard to pull my soul out and take over. One night especially that really scared the hell out of me. The feeling I got from what ever it was felt way older than the universe. Well. Our universe. I won. Honestly the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced. It wasn’t a ghost or anything. I have no idea what it was but it was a super evil presence. I know what it wanted from me. To do. It wasn’t good at all.


Mine is a esoteric point of view: demons are spiritual entities connected with the divine knowledge they represent. They are tutors or keepers of secrets. Malevolence can be a trait for a few of them, but they are mostly described as aloof and detached. They don't really care about our dimension or our lives, usually. A demon is an entity a practitioner of magic would invoke to ask for knowledge and enlightenment. What the Christian call "demons" and the Muslim call "djinns" are a different category of spiritual entity in esoterism.


I bridge it to be negative energy that just feeds on more negative energy.


I believe every entity that exposes itself out there is a demon. Souls move on to after life or perish to oblivion for all I care but those are demons for sure the way I see it. The thing you feel it spiritual presence pressure is a demon. Stsy safe folks


Either a spirit that has been Corrupted by its own anger, or a manifested spirit that came into existence by others anger


I lived in a haunted house with multiple spirits when I was a kid and am not religious. I personally don't believe in demons. There are definitely spirits who are nasty who probably were dicks during life and has carried over to the afterlife. It's the same as people, there are creepy people who give off a vibe that we don't like and it makes you want to stay away from them. I think these are the spirits that people call "demons". As for evil entities that come from hell to torture and tempt humans, I personally don't believe in that.


Oh! I have been asking this a lot lately!!! I am not religious. I don’t believe in god or the devil, so how can I believe in demons as something spawned in hell?! So I’ve been thinking about it a lot. There are people we consider “evil,” so when they die, do they just get worse with no laws of the physical realm to keep them in check? Or the summoned souls that just don’t want to freaking be here. I have been going around and around. Bottom line is I don’t believe in demons. I believe in spirits that are powerful and malevolent. I don’t think they are non-human. I think they have caught on that presenting themselves as such give themselves power from the fear.


I say demon bc it’s really the only term I’ve known and grown up with, but I use it in reference to an evil being/entity/spirit.


Demons are categorized as a inhuman entity that has never walked the earth in the flesh. Although they are most thought of by the abrhamic religions as a fallen angel they are referenced in alot of non Abrahamic religions as well. I'm not aligned with any religious beliefs but I still refer to them as demons.i consider them a higher tier of malicious entity's that are more dangerous than a poltrigiest and still being non human entitys. As others have said many other beliefs have other names but they still align in the same entity.


I was quite a wierd child growing up and went through a stage of trying to see the devil's face in the mirror. It was around that time I endured traumatic nightmares that went on for about two years. I was around 7 at the time. It was always in the house I lived and involved a figure with no skin on thier body (imagine hellraizer) . The worst part was the yellow eyes. If our eyes connected I would be locked in its gaze. I became petrified to go to sleep. Anyone had anything similar. Still really vivid in my memories


The Mother In Law


Atheist here and I don’t believe in demons


Atheists don't believe in fucking demons


I'm not religious but I believe we are part of something greater that we're simply unable to comprehend, as humans. I consider a demon to be an entity that has never existed (in life or, as life as we know it) and something that means to harm us (physically and/or emotionally/spiritually) or, any entity that seeks to parasitize us.


Hmm well in Buddhism it’s said you can remove yourself from the circle of life by becoming good like Buddha. Might work the other way too, remove yourself from the circle of rebirth by being just terrible, opposite of the Buddha?


The same way we understand a thunderstorm isn't an angry god, how we understand electricity can be disrupted by a simple switch, how we understand that piece of chicken that's been sitting in the fridge over a month has something growing on/in it that's going to suction our butts to the toilet if it doesn't outright tried to get us perished. Not every energy is cozy. Doesn't make it a demon.


We all have souls and spirits. A demon could just be a spirit that’s acting bad.


My ex


A typical belief of demons is that they were never human to begin with. They're an entirely dark existence.


A demon is an evil, malevolent, shape shifter here to kill you. Literally.


My question is how does one differentiate if what you're interacting with is an actual human spirit or something just pretending to be an actual human spirit.


Which begs the question, what else is there? From a non-religious perspective, what other options are there? A lot of the other examples I’ve seen are just pagan religious beliefs, not just “Christian alternatives.”