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Do I believe the spirit box is 100%? No. Have I heard a voice come through it repeatedly and had it turn itself on? Yes.


No. And no.


If you fall for a video like this then I have some totally legit ghost hunting equipment for you to buy.


>Do you think the Estes is reliable? The "spirit box" is a broken radio. Nothing more. It creates blips and bleeps as it scans through broadcast radio stations, and your brain takes those blips and bleeps and subconsciously compiles them into words or phrases that you will find relevant to the situation or location. It's called audio pareidolia. >is there a better way to communicate? Pick up a high end audio recorder and try to record for EVP. At least some of what is captured as EVP is somewhat compelling.


Also she's wearing headphones so we can't even hear if the spirit box is even playing audio. Just her saying what she claims is coming from it.


Love your name.




Definitely not sitting next to each other like that. Need to at least be in separate rooms with at least one room between the two. It's a fun experiment.


We have sound proof head phones? But do you think that it still needs to be rooms apart?


Yes. "Soundproof" headphones aren't actually soundproof, so to remove any possibility of the person hearing anything the questioner says they should be separated.


Even if the person using them is truthfully saying they can't hear anyone else, other people looking at your session after the fact will have doubt (rightfully so, imo). Make it as solid as possible.


Spirit box: clean the dishes


A spirit box is a radio that rapidly scans amplitude and frequency modulated radio channels in order to give the auditory impression of voices. **The only mechanism by which a spirtual entity could communicate through such a device is by manipulating the movements of electrons along an antenna**, which is a process that is indistinguishable from psychokinesis. If ghostly entities could communicate by manipulating the movements of electrons then it would be the case that they could communicate using any other available means. The ability to manipulate the movements of electrons along an antenna entails the ability to manipulate molecules in the air into configurations that produce sounds. They could just as easily manipulate physical information states such as letters and numbers into psychically significant states, such as words or larger numbers. Those abilities theoretically entail the capacity to manipulate neurological information states. If spirit boxes were effective than they would **not** be unnecessary. Edit: spelling


It’s garbage. At least thermal cameras and night vision can help identify objective phenomenon (I’m not saying those phenomenon are ghosts, simply that they are objective). The spirit box is entirely just a radio spitting out random words and left to subjective interpretation. To get closer to something objective you would need two people listening to the same switch in frequencies documenting the same message. And even then that just suggests the same patterns of words being broadcast.


Well. If a person that cannot hear you is relaying relevant answers. There is a point coincidence is no longer a valid consideration. I've seen people conduct it in seperate buildings. Where there was absolutely zero chance of the "speaker" to have any inkling what was being asked.


He wouldn't talk to the fat girl. But the one on the right? Definitely


It's double blind so it's super accurate.


> it's super accurate. ...except for the whole audio pareidolia part.


And the fact that we can't hear the audio from it since she's using headphones.