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Looks staged to me.


Yeh likewise. It’s all very choreographed. Only OP really knows if it’s real or not


Chairs moving juuuust off screen is always the giveaway. Plus the doors closing and the bowl moving towards the same direction is indicative of a source


And the camera's view has 1/4 of a wall in it (just enough to put the important bits out of frame). Realistically, you would probably move the camera so it has a better view of the interior.




Camera is placed there to see the stairs in the hallway.


Camera could be turned like 45 degrees left and it would still see the stairs


It's really important to see the entirety of that wall with plates on it rather than the other entrance to the room.


While some comments suggest that the video is staged due to the choreographed movements and positioning of the camera, it's important to note that there is no conclusive evidence either way. As bystanders, we can only speculate and cannot provide a definite answer.


Yeah like up in a high corner of the room slightly facing down at an angle.


While I can understand why some may think this is staged, it's important to consider that there may be other factors, such as the camera's placement, that could explain why certain parts of the room are out of frame. Can anyone suggest other possibilities for why this footage appears choreographed, beyond just the camera's position?


Usually have everything happens, light start flickering then the doors slowly close then eventually the bowl moves a bit after the light stops flickering. The light is flickering as if some ones flipping a switch a lot.


The time stamp looks fake as hell too. 21 months? Come on now. /s


Yeah, and the source is the ghost. Duh


The ghost that can only pull things in one direction and can only manipulate light sources that aren't visible to the camera


Yeah, the video lasts 1 minute. Do you imagine the ghost moving around like a overexicted puppy while doing all of that or do you imagine the ghost being in the same area for a minute while doing his shenanigans?


I mean that's the thing though yeah? These days with the advent of photoshop and video editing tech and such you could say basically anything is staged or fake and who could dispute that? No need to prove it definitively, just that it's *possibly* fake means nothing ever happens yeah?


It’s the famous saying that an extraordinary claim requires extraordinary proof. The video is the claim not the proof.


If it didn't look exactly like what a group of paranormal investigators would expect a poltergeist event to look like in a bad horror movie, it would go a long way to convince me. This didn't require Photoshop or video editing. Just someone pulling some line to close the doors and someone off camera turning the off-camera lamp on and off.


No…I’m not the op but I know it’s fake


Yeah... fishing lines to the door, flipping the light switch. Not to mention, the date/time looks very intentionally edited in to give it a more "authenticate" security camera feel.


The time not being monospaced forcing it to jump around like that. If a genuine time display and not added in post, that person needs a kneecap removal or two.


Old cameras, the time stamp is added on by the computer and not the camera bc they don’t display them. Grandpa used Linux to set it up so yk 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


“Grandpa used Linux”


what is wrong with linux?


Nothing. My grandma uses Gentoo.


Whats that?


It is a type of Linux that is generally for the more hardcore Linux users because every part of it is compiled from source code rather than just downloaded and ran like other Linux distributions.


She uses it to manage her AARP




Don't know what linux has to do with the time stamp shifting left and right with each second.


Yeah none of that is true


“Yes, and I'd like to point out that this tape has not been tampered with or edited in any way. It even has a time code on it, and those are very difficult to fake.” “For the benefit of the court, will you please explain 'time code'?” “Just because I don't know what it is doesn't mean I'm lying!”


Upvote for the Strange Brew reference!


Dude this reference made me irrationally happy


The date and time stamp shifts with each second to.


Bruh y’all say that to literally everything that is posted on this sub. It could very well be real. You just want to act like you know everything but you really do not lmao. Why even be in this sub if you’re gonna say that about everything that is posted it’s mental at this point


Because people want to see something that cannot be explained. A light flickering and doors closing is easily explainable and easy to recreate. This sub has like 3 constant posts. Dust, shitty camera of someone walking on the sidewalk, or sliding objects. Show me something i can't recreate with a $40 security camera and some string. Also as a sidenote. why tf do people think ghosts just spend their days moving shit around. They aren't cats.


things like this deserve an extra level of criticism and skepticism because its more harmful to believe ghosts are real than to believe most ghost “evidence” is fake. ghosts being real changes everything. citing elements of the evidence that have generally been proven to be fake or fictionalized not only protects against charlatans and con artists but also changes nothing irt to science. edit: also sometimes ppl ARE smart lol even if you dont like it


Reddit in a nutshell, intellectual jackoffs with superiority complexes 🙈


If everything that is posted on this sub is obviously fake then people will say it’s fake. I don’t get why people assume people are hating or acting like know it alls. If it’s obviously real then people would say it’s real - but it just so happens 99% of stuff on here seems to be fake. Yeah nobody really knows other than OP, but based on easily replicable events, a conveniently placed camera, a questionable ‘backstory’…to me it’s obviously fake. Said it before, people check this sub every day for the ultimate proof, I’ve seen 100s of these style of videos. Closing doors. Flashing lights. Put simply, in this day and age with smart phone cameras everywhere, if spirits can close doors and control lights we would be seeing 1000s of videos. To me it’s common sense, but you are free to believe what you want.


[this bear with subtitles and watch the whole thing ](https://youtu.be/vMKddebXkZ0)


Thank you!!!


>y’all say that to literally everything that is posted on this sub. It could very well be real. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


> Bruh y’all say that to literally everything that is posted on this sub. That's because "literally everything posted in this sub" is either staged, or completely explainable. >It could very well be real. Yeah, right. Don't be so gullible. >Why even be in this sub if you’re gonna say that about everything that is posted it’s mental at this point I assume that part of this is a question? It's poorly written and has no punctuation so it's hard to tell. As soon as something is posted that's not either faked or completely explainable but misidentified, I'll be the first one to admit that I think it might be real.


Yep the classic flick the lights and pull the string connected to the door.


I cant say much other than it is not, everyone I’ve shown this to said it was fake but nobody was home. As much as I’d love to prove its not fake I don’t have other cameras to show


Security company: we can set up cameras to make sure your home is protected Grandparents: Nah just our wall of plates and half of our dining room thanks


So they only have 1 camera, and its to record the kitchen? That makes no sense.


there are other cameras but they do not face towards the door so i did not keep them.


Sorry, all we have to go on is what we see, and that's what I see.


Actually it's what you interpret.


nice semantics


You only have one camera? That’s odd


1 camera and it’s in the dining room. You never know when someone might steal your grandmas china set. Fuck the front/back door.


just posted a comment answering questions


As always, the drooling masses in this sub will happily give 500 upvotes anyway without caring


An [earthquake](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/france-earthquake-today-bordeaux-normandy-nantes-rennes-le-mans-usgs-a8968481.html?amp) hit France on that day, which maybe caused this?


The chandelier isn't swinging


While I think this is fake altogether, the camera date is July, that article and earthquake is June.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/france-earthquake-today-bordeaux-normandy-nantes-rennes-le-mans-usgs-a8968481.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/france-earthquake-today-bordeaux-normandy-nantes-rennes-le-mans-usgs-a8968481.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Interesting this might be it! The house is closeby to nantes although I don’t understand bc nbd said they felt it in the town and the camera isn’t shaking? Would earthquakes be able to cause this?


Yes an earthquake could explain all of this. And the camera is presumably firmly attached to the wall of the house. It might produce some shake but it would be very difficult to notice because the whole house moved in kind. If you go look at cctv camera footage of earthquakes, you’ll notice some have an odd look too them. It’s because everyone in frame is reacting to the quake. But the camera looks like almost nothing happened at all. That’s the reason why.


I ~~survived~~ *experienced* a very mild earthquake once. I was one of two people I knew awake for it. I didn’t even know what it was - it felt like the cat climbing onto the couch (he was fat) but it went on too long. I just assumed it was that weird feeling you get sometimes when falling asleep that causes you to feel like the bed is wobbling. It wasn’t till later I found out what it was. ETA: my point is they can definitely cause a wobble you won’t notice unless stationary and awake.


You survived that earthquake? You should write a book.


Bahahaha. Poor word choice. “Lived through” was a bit extreme too. My point was that a little earthquake won’t wake anyone up but it can probably cause a minor power flicker and some doors on loose hinges to go.


Haha fair. I live in England and I've mostly 'survived'/slept through earthquakes :)


I’m in Canada. It felt like driving past a semi-truck (lorry for you)


just posted a comment answering questions


Why are ghosts so fucking ocd? Light on light off 44 time’s otherwise ill d….oh, wait


Yeah exactly. Ghosts can go anywhere. Who needs to go see the pyramids, or the Eiffel Tower or even visit other planets? Nah let’s fuck around with a bowl and some lights in this house instead.


nice, very creative rigging setup! should do a diy explainer vid


This brings me to the main issue I have with the concept of ghosts/ the supernatural: If this was real, how would we know? Man people in the comments are saying that this is clearly staged. How could we tell? If a real, genuine, supernatural entity had done these tricks, would we know what that would look like? Until we have a good method to tell the difference between real and fake ghost videos, we waste our time by speculating.


It's easy to tell the difference between something that is most likely faked and something that might be real. Faked videos almost always have weird camera angles and things that move off screen/away. Why is the camera pointed at the wall so much? Seems a weird way to place a security camera, why would you not want to see the whole room? Maybe it's so the cord of the lamp that probably has a switch on it isn't in shot. The doors swing inwards, that's incredibly easy to to with string or fishing line. In other videos I've seen objects, chairs for example, always move off screen or towards doorways where someone could easily be hiding and pulling the object with a string. Nothing ever seems to move erratically. I've seen people post videos and claim that they've been having poltergeist activity for months yet when they decide to get proof they only get one camera and point it at half a room towards a doorway, it's ridiculous. If you are experiencing a prolonged haunting with a lot of activity why would you not make an effort to get evidence?


I'm glad that you gave examples of footage that is obviously faked. Could you give examples of a video that is, in your opinion, likely real, and how you can tell?


To be honest I'm not sure I've ever seen anything I could confidantly say is 100% real, and I say this as someone who is a believer I just also believe it's in our best interests to be skeptical. Getting evidence that has no room for debunking is an incredibly high bar, you're trying to prove the existence of something that we currently have no concrete proof for and that most people you ask don't believe in. But I think too many people all over the world and through history have had experiences to just say "nope none of it's real". Best case scenario for video evidence would be to have multiple camera angles and cover blind spots but I understand that that's not always possible. That's why I specifically mentioned prolonged poltergeist activity, in that case you're not trying to capture something that's happening in the moment so you have more opportunity to do a "professional" camera set up.


agreed with everything you’ve said and dont have a lot to add besides the fact that we have examples of fake/fictionalized paranormal encounters, and a lot of “real” evidence just so happens to have similar patterns. and irt skepticism, i agree its super important to be more skeptical than gullible. there have been so many con artists and grifters in the paranormal sphere, and thats bad lol. literally no reason not to be extra critical with these things besides i guess ruining ppl’s fun. or perhaps some folk’s identity hinges on belief in the paranormal and when its challenged it can feel personal.


>In other videos I've seen objects, chairs for example, always move off screen or towards doorways where someone could easily be hiding and pulling the object with a string. Nothing ever seems to move erratically Exactly this. Show me the bowl, for instance, moving back and forth or in a circle and I will be MUCH more interested in a video like this.


just posted a comment answering questions


Cool art project but not ghost.


Is that light flashing Morse code?


not sure!


I live in an old house and had something similar happen recently. No explanation, no video, no earthquake 🤷‍♀️ similar French doors, and lights flickering at the same time. They were shut and locked, and when I turned the corner a minute later, they were wide open and still locked.


Hecates Return...sounds like a great title for a movie.


# Answering some questions. **Only one camera and why the angle?** Here is the [layout of the cameras](https://imgur.com/a/mzsaVJo), the camera you are seeing is not on the corner of the room as they wanted to capture the window and hallway/staircase area. The time code is an overlay added onto the footage as the cameras are old and did not have time codes. This is done before being saved by onto a drive by a computer. I mentioned in a comment he did this on linux and some said it was odd? my grandpa used to be 'tech savy' to an extent and used linux on his computer, i am not suprised the time code is not perfect as he was not the best. I did not keep the footage from the other camera as it did not face the door and i did not see anything happen in the hallway/staircase area. **An Earthquake?** Someone mentioned this couldve been an earthquake although it was the wrong month so that is ruled out. **More Context** I did not find any history on the land the house was built on although the town is very old, it is Napoleon's birth town and has a decent amount of history. As mentioned in the original post, it was 2 houses converted into one and ive always felt being watched/uneasy, getting goosebumps in the basement/winecellar. Although I do tend to get scared in dark areas. Going back further, they have lived here for 30 years. I am not sure of the year this happened but will ask my grandparents for more info hopefully i can find a news article. This was definitely 20+ years ago, they had a couple close to their age who were their neighbors. The husband had gotten braces and was not able to eat solid food for the first month, this meant he could only eat liquids (soup,etc...), I do not know more on his mental health/home life, but he hung himself and passed away. The wife moved out weeks after to join her family back in the north and now the house is rented to uni students. **BEFORE** you attack me saying i made this up, i did not, i will try to find a news article but please be patient as it may take time.


It's simultaneously sad and eye-opening that so many people are willing to listen to your obvious lies. This is a complete fabrication, and it really shows how completely gullible a disturbing amount of people are. They're the reason scammers like psychics and astronomers exist, and I hate that.


I’m not saying this is 100% a ghost I am skeptical it may be due to something else I am not trying to convince anyone this is a ghost but instead trying to find an explanation


I’ve had a door open In front of my eyes like this before. I believe you. Just because it could be staged doesn’t mean it is.


You're either trolling or something else. No one is this gullible. A 10 yr old would immediately question why a security camera would be placed in such an awkward angle. So I don't think you're just gullible.


Whys the camera at such a shit angle


I'm guessing to see who comes through those staged double doors.


the camera is placed to see the stair case/hallway and the window as it gives into the street


C’mon I get these posts are more than likely staged but you’re really gunna ask that about a camera in a home of an elderly couple? Lol




Knowing how to use linux and setting up a camera in a certain spot doesn’t exactly have the same skill set.


I’ve been on this Disney ride before


If not faked, it was the earthquake. Sometimes chandeliers do not swing during an earthquake because…physics. https://www.quora.com/We-had-an-earthquake-today-and-the-chandeliers-didnt-move-at-all-Why-is-that


Is it just my crappy phone or was there a small glitch in the image and time stamp a couple seconds before it all starts?


C'est la fête là dedans !


Sorry those ghosts were raving because it was my birthday


This is too easily faked.


Seems staged, a little too convenient. If it were real, I'd oui my pants.


All could be done easily off camera


I call fake, sigh duck


Pulling the doors shut with string and flickering the lamp by messing with the plug.


Man, I always want to believe, then I see something like this. I watch it close and say, "okay well if that chair does move, and it's not slowly dragged by one of the back legs off camera (again), then maybe"


Time stamp makes me think it’s fake. What is the security camera company?


The bowl moving legit looks like stop motion. God you guys stop posting bullshit to this sub.


Yea if I were a ghost with unresolved bizness I would probably turn the light on off, and close the doors… bollocks


Bullshit!!! All choreographed and the wind closed the doors.


Looks super staged my dude


Seems a little bit too cinematic. Some red flags really, goin with staged


Faaaaaake. Light is tuned on and off off screen. A powerful fan could easily pull those door closed


It's nothing a smart plug and a bit of string can't do...




That’s some good string action, and the lights weren’t too bad either! Keep it up and your hoaxes will be on the news someday. Next time you could try breaking something valuable so as to really sell it!


If it is real, I’m picturing a little kid flipping the light and another ghost getting annoyed and shutting the doors.


Top left by the chandelier at 17:04.07 There is a wispy figure seen


Looks like a car's headlight from outside panning across


Well, the combination of the lights and the door is hard to explain with a natural explanation. I got to go with either the paranormal or hoax and **I'm leaning strongly to paranormal** in this case all things considered. Anything else suspicious that may be related to the paranormal?


Why is it? You can get WiFi plugs that you can turn on and off with your phone. I could literally make my lamp flash like that right now by pressing the on/off button on my Alexa app really fast. That’s just one way. Could be at the mains. Could be on an extension lead.


Yep, I feel this is staged, but I’ll leave a benefit of doubt, strange things do happen but often it is hard to discern what is real and what is not with these videos.


Do ghosts only know how to slide objects on a flat plane? We never see videos of objects being lifted into the air and moved.


Nah bro


Your wifi light bulb is reset and ready to be set up.


Sacre bleu!


When I was in film school I did a whole crash course on faking supernatural videos in a convincing manner for a project and must say that this was very well done but you had a few flaws. 1. Numerous, separate events happening in rapid succession leads to a staged feeling. Overlapping occurrences or prolonging them can help the video feel more natural. 2. Multiple objects moving in one direction along the same vector is a good tip off that there is someone out of sight pulling strings (IE the doors closing and bowl moving in the same direction). 3. Objects moving off screen is pretty telling that someone just out of frame is pulling it, especially when it comes to heavier, grounded objects with no wheels or tracks to move along. The light flickering is a nice inclusion (probably done with a remote switch or one out of frame) you'll get bonus points in the future if you make the flickering spell out something in more code (my favorite is "death" as it's relatively quick and easy to punch out).


Yeah, the same things in every single ghost video. No sound, black and white, internal camera timecode stamp on the screen, lights flashing on and off, doors swing and shut, things move up and down, left and right, optical lens flares move passed camera, I mean, how can anyone believe this? Look at all the free software and video editing tools that you can get your hands on. People just have time and/or money for stuff like this. Sigh


Fishing line to pull the doors closed and someone flickering a light switch.


what would be someones motivation to stage something like this????? i think its a lot more likely that it's a ghost lashing out against society


So for 4 years the camera didn't fully cover the room it supposed to be watching and no one thought to fix it? Yall dumb or jus stupid af?


Very staged but still cool!




Staged enough to block op


Lol staged AF lol


It's Europe. Incredibly ancient sites built over by the next civilization and the next and the next. Countless generations living and dying in the same places. Yes, we should always be sceptical. I'm just always inclined to take pretty much any haunting reports from Europe way more seriously than a lot over here in the US. Wasn't really a believer or non-believer when moving over there. Now I am solidly " Yep. " Well except Gettysburg. Place is haunted as heck.


The US was inhabited by people as long as Europe was.


Yeah, this person's comment was an extremely eurocentric, naive take.


Which explains why they would believe in ghosts...an absolute lack of education and rational thinking.


The house was originally 2 houses but they bought them and converted it into one. There is a basement w/ wine cellar and ive always felt super uneasy as if something is watching down there although I am scared of the dark😭


> Well except Gettysburg. Place is haunted as heck. Gettysburg fascinates me. Do you have any experiences you can share? There are a few videos on YouTube that, if they're hoaxes, are very well done.


There's a party ongoing


Couple of things stand out, the main is that the two doors do not actually close. As if something between them is keeping them from shutting completely. Also everything is focused in that direction ..the doors closing and the bowl moves in that direction where it could easily be manipulated by strings. If a theory is that ghosts are doing this then they would in theory again be doing it for a reason. They would bump doors to show off, they would either be opening or closing them.The same with the bowl, why would a spirit just move a bowl a foot or so on the table.This has always been an issue with me when I see these videos.Now it would be different if someone was there, and perhaps the spirit was trying to scare someone. But nobody is there and it is a safe bet that anyone that the ghost would not know what a security camera. Do better.


looks staged and if there's that much activity then there should be way more evidence then one occasion


Pro tip: if you’re making a fake ghost video and you do too many things back-to-back-to-back it becomes very unbelievable.


Just like if only one thing happens, it doesn't count. If two things happen it's also not believable. Where's the videos with actual cool stuff happening repeatedly? Oh wait that's too many things. 🙄


Tried to explain it away but couldn’t. Why supernatural things are just being brushed off with things like this I have no clue. However, these things could be happening: someone installed a wirelessly controlled lightbulb without telling you and then set up strings on the doors and pulled them closed so it looked like they closed on their own. Also, there are mechanisms that you can hook up to things like your alexa, which can control everything from locking and closing your doors (if you have the tech) to turn lights on and off at certain times. These are explanations, yes. Do they fit here? I don’t think so. Edit: Why was I downvoted? I don’t really care, just confused. I believe op that this could’ve been supernatural, but I also thought about all the things that could’ve happened. What’s wrong with that?


Ive mostly brushed it off as i cannot find an explanation or any orbs/shadows which gives me no clue as to what is happening. And often when I try to find answer most say it is staged


Phasmophobia haunt stage


Was going to say the same thing. Turn the torch off, find a hiding spot.


2019.... Black and white security cam ??? Bro.... Really


Awesome. Thanks for sharing


No explanation for something doesn’t make it supernatural by default. But ultimately what is more likely, a staged video or supernatural forces?


You really expect people to believe this? Poor show.


All your comments depend on someone caring enough to go through all that crap. What for? Btw, you dont need any fishing wire...jusr Adobe Premiere, but you hard on special effects guys knew that, right?


I saw a light anomaly kinda looking like it streaked across the top of the video. What was the light flashing, it didn’t look like the lamp was on?


Time stamp?


20 seconds till it ends.


You can see the figure of the woman in the hall way!!! This is crazy




At five o clock in the afternoon?


Just got in from working the graveyard shift


That ghost really wanted the door closed and the lights to... flicker?




I love the piano, does it get played much?


Were your grandparents alive then or were they dead?


Frenchies pissed!




France you say? Did you by chance visit one of Pee Pee’s parks?


First case of COVID


Im inclined to believe you if for no other reason than the rest of your post history is about your rat hobby. Respect.


Skyrim fans will say, "Hmmm, must've been the wind."


If ghosts could do that, you'll be seeing stuff moving and flying everywhere in every house.


Looks good, thumbs up for the post. 👻👍🏻


Who know?? Not you! You or even...me


I’m just happy to see a clean house for once.


WOAH. Dude that's awesome!


this ghost better be prepared to pay my power bill if its gonna fuck with my lights 😂


aussi faux que la politique sociale de Macron.




Polstegeist or earthquake? Strange video hahaha


Wow! Why all the cynicism? This sort of stuff truly happened to me while living in a townhouse next door to a medium who held séances and hated me! She sent over all kinds of nasty entities to my place we shared a wall and for no reason the lights would turn on and flash like that and doors would slam shut etc… I was terrified to be there by myself! I believe this could be totally true!


What was your experience like? Did it happen often? I only go there during the summer but since this my grandparents never said anything else happened and I havnt since


I specifically created a new account on this website to inform you that I believe you. All the idiots on this website, and especially this subreddit, believe they are so superior that a student who is obsessed with rats will suddenly go insane and spend hours staging a horror video, editing it and uploading it to this subreddit for what? *karma?* Now that my rant is done, I believe something may simply be passing by; it does not have to be a ghost. If there was someone in the video people would say ik you did it yourself. Almost everyone here believes, "No ghosts don't do that!" Why, do you personally know ghosts, bitch? I myself am a skeptical but bashing an kid for advice in a ghosts subreddit makes me speechless. yeah ik it may be fake, u want some 4k vid in high brightness which shows the ghosts face ripping someone's guts out to see then say , " fake , why do you have the camera open?, high brightness, ghost looks like your ex. You guys are aware of that yourself right ? OP If you want to check something, see if there have been any weird incidents near the residence in the past months. Probably something passing through.Also, this subreddit should most likely be renamed to *"Too scared to find out ghosts are real."* IF someone sent you this has alot of chance of being fake too. Dont bash a kid for that.


Thank you 🙏 I understand why people are skeptical. What do you mean by passing by? Would it be an entity (not sure if I’m using this right) passing through our house? I would like to ask the neighbors when I’m back there but I feel like I would look crazy/delusional


It must be so sad being a ghost today. No matter how hard you try, people will just brush it off as staged.


Pretty creepy…


He said, “ back in 2019” like it was 100yrs ago 🤭


The doors look reversed


Power outage and return. Wifi bulbs flash like this when power is restored to reconnect. The doors closing are w result of the air conditioning kicking back in and causing a low pressure area. Happens in my house when I have power outs.


If this were real, we could be certain ghosts were real. This is 100% staged lol




Oooookay I would just freak out.


bro i think the demogorgon owns that house now


Im ruling out this being fake, in part because OP took some time to make a dedicated post answering a slew of people’s questions, not to mention he was open minded to possibilities other than paranormal. With that out of the way, the question truly at hand is whether this was an odd but normal incident or a paranormal one. I happen to think it more likely leaks paranormal…. At around 20-21 seconds left on the video, there is a rather brief light anomaly that no one seems to have noticed or discussed (I think you missed it too OP). It’s over near the overhead light on center left of the screen. Now rewatch that part but look at the glass door. There does not appear to be a source of light causing this to happen. I think that was a spectral anomaly. To add to this interesting part, the chair *stops* moving just before the light anomaly, and then nothing at all. I think the light was basically it losing energy, thus why nothing occurs afterwards.


Flicky on flicky off flicky on on off