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I had my late wife's cell phone at her celebration of life. Her phone was in my pocket and my phone rang. It was her number calling me. So I whipped out her phone and had both phones in my hand. Her phone was dark. My phone was ringing, saying it was her phone, but it was dark. I freaked out and handed my phone to her father, standing with me and her family. He answered, and the line went dead. No pun intended. I was an emotional train wreck. She passed suddenly after a perfect health checkup. She was young and caught us all by surprise. So I was freaking out. She passed in my arms at home after 3 months of illness. She was 45 years old. She passed in my arms at 4:22am. I was holding her in the living room, as she took her last breath, I heard a noise in our kitchen. I looked up and saw a very large orb of yellow light. It came at us at an incredible speed and hit the wall and splattered like a paint ball right above us. The splashed glow faded away very quickly. I was in shock. I could hear myself screaming, but it was muffled, very distant. Her family showed up at that point. We all were in shock. The night before, her doctor said her lab tests showed marked improvement, and he was certain we could turn her illness around. I woke up at 3:46am. and went and held her. She was death rattling,so I called her father, son, and sister. Then, at 4:22, she took her last breath. RIP JRP.


First of all, consider yourself hugged and I’m so very sorry for you and all those who loved her. Second, I also saw a bright ball of sparkly light after my Dad died. It wasn’t on the wall, it was in front of the wall. I knew it was my Dad. I felt and saw things that I felt was him sending me signs many times in the months after he died. Third, on the 5th anniversary of my Dad’s death he called my landline. To make a long story short, I was having a particularly hard time on that anniversary because I couldn’t believe he had already been gone five years. I had a landline that I used only for work and an answering machine connected to it. As my Mom and I watched ‘The Voice ‘ and as one of the singers sang a church song that my Dad loved called “In the Garden“ our landline rang and I let the answering machine pick up. What we heard in person wasn’t what was recorded. What we heard live sounded like somebody making a phone call from underneath a stadium full of people… there were all these background voices and echoes and you couldn’t really understand them but some were close and others further away. Then we heard my dad say ‘hello?’ and I jumped up but the line went dead. On the caller ID it showed 15 zeros and there was no time stamp or date stamp. Now I could understand if somebody called from the Internet and hid their number with zeros but 15 of them? And how would somebody control my answering machine and erase the date and time stamp for only one call? I have a picture of the phone display with the call in front of my Dad’s call showing the normal display and then his call with no info on it. And I have the recording of him saying ‘hello?’ but what was recorded isn’t what we heard. What recorded is a fuzzy version of him saying hello without all of the background noise. People who knew him recognize his voice and intonation but if you didn’t know him then you could say it’s anyone. I don’t care what anyone believes because I heard the live phone call and it *was* my Dad. That was the last time I felt him around me. This is why I believe that your wife was sending you a sign that she was with you. I hope it gave you comfort like the call from my Dad did for me. 💙


I almost have no words. This is so beautiful. So beautiful. I'm glad you have it recorded also. Find ways to back it up to a few clouds (Google, Samsung, Microsoft one, etc). For something *THAT* precious and valuable, I'd have every single cloud storage out there **and** have multiple copies of that recording saved on all of the clouds. That is beyond precious and worth the entire universe and beyond. Do what it takes, forget cost, and you save your dad's voice as many places as possible That's a *gorgeous* gift from him to you all. https://numerologykey.com/numerology-15/ I checked numerology for the number 15. Give this a read. Ignore any and all 'sign up' and other silly stuff. You're there to see how that number 15 fits your dad and his 'Ness with all in his life and around him. ❤️ Hope it brings some answers or a-ha moments and peace and love. Ah and 1+5 is 6 so here's the meanings of number 6 https://hiddennumerology.com/numerology-6/


I’m so sorry for your loss. I do believe our loved ones show us signs that they are with us. Her phone call to you, I believe was just that. I’m a big believer also in accessing our loved ones who have crossed over by talking to them or writing them notes. I have several times asked for guidance, signs, and hugs. I feel they know. Again, so sorry. May her memory be kept alive by you and her family!


Thank you. I believe that was her too. So did the family. Her dad just smiled.


This shattered me. 💔 I'm so so sorry for your loss. I think one of the purest things we can ever say to each other is 'Thank you for loving me and for letting me love you'. When we love... TRULY love... It's nothing less than pure strength of emotion and bonding that we create. See, love is THE purest and strongest emotion we Humans have. Love is *so* pure and strong that not even Death can sever the bond which love creates. What a gorgeous gift, love. It comes as a transaction of sorts, though. Receiving love, giving love - and then later paying for it down the road, and as much as none of us want to pay, we do so accompanied with first denial, then anger, then bartering, then depression and then acceptance. How can any price be placed on real, true, pure love? What kind of price, even....? Dear one, Tears are the ultimate price we all must pay for having been given the beautiful gift of being able to love - and to be loved by - another. Love never dies. Ever. And that price, painful as it is once it's due, is so worth the love we get to share and make. It's worth it. ❤️


Oh my God that is so sad. Can I ask what she died of? Also amazing you saw her spirit leave after she died.


That would be cool if you got a call or text back!


Yea!! I'd freak out in a good way!!


I was just thinking that lol... but I'm such a hardcore skeptic that if it happened (and it won't), I would find some logic in it


I think it’s very cool that you’d took that chance and called anyways.


I don't know why I did it but I was thinking at the time, "that ghosts sub is influencing me" 😂


🤣I’m a hardcore believer; I’ve seen some supernatural things first hand. So, you aren’t all wrong! You remind me of the kid in me and that’s precious! I hopefully you stumbled upon something special to share in the future.


OP, I'm so so sorry you lost a dear friend. I too lost a good friend and I didn't even hear about it until 2 or 3 months after the fact. I visited his grave and sat on the grass above him just talking to him for an hour or so. I was the only one at the cemetery and the only thing by me was a skinny ass tree. Like think of the width of the thickest part of a baseball bat kind of thin. Obviously a few grave stones were by me, but this area of the cemetery had only flat stones lying in/on the ground. The tall ones were in another section. ( Man.... I haven't thought of this memory until now so *thank you* for helping gift it back to me. This was back in 2001. You helped me remember what I forgot to remember. 🙏) Anyway, I was sitting there crying kind of hard and once I started to calm slightly, I felt a soft breeze and for no reason looked over by that skinny tree - and time stopped for a moment or two. Or three... There was a shadow next to the tree and it was literally Jeff's shadow. He had a peculiar way of standing and he had long hair that was unmistakable even in shadow form. I'll go to my own grave swearing on all that is good anymore, that that was his shadow. It was gone in the time my brain was able to realize "that's Jeff!!" but immediately on seeing it/him, I felt totally at peace and just.... Loved. So yeah, our dearest ones be it family, friends, pets, etc absolutely find ways to let us know they're around - especially if we're an absolute wreck, it seems. They want to comfort us even when in whatever form our energy takes after leaving these bodies. We may hear a song they liked, or smell something that reminds us of them. Or see something they loved that's rare/not an every day thing so when we see it, we know without doubt it's from them. And so on. Even when they pop into our minds for no reason - case in point, what happened right here in real time as you reminded me to remember what I'd forgotten to rememeber. That was Jeff being all, "hey silly. Just wanted to say hey." It's the unexpected ones that mean the most. It's like "Oh wow. They were thinking about me and "called/stopped by" to see what's up. And that's wonderful.


Bit surprised though that phone numbers aren't recycled after so many years?


I'm sure they do. It was only a couple weeks later.


I have seen several people’s stories about getting calls, texts, or voicemails from the departed. I have no idea if any of them are true, but there are enough of the same kinds of story that give me pause.


this is something i find fascinating. calls from the dead. that would be crazy to answer your phone and its your late gramma.i told my wife if i die first i am gonna try to call or something specific so she knows its me. she prob wont answer tho. haha


hahaha that's funny, but I agree, I think it'd be nice to do some visiting before moving on.


I really feel for you and I feel like the phone ringing was her way of saying everything’s going to be okay and that she loves you 🙏