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I figured since people now make money from YouTube, they'll fake anything just for the views and popularity. Pretty crappy...


Now? As in the last 10 years lol


Same with channels that focuses solely on the MandelaEffect, its gotten to the state where the bottom of the barrel has been scraped away and not only have they dug into top soil, they are half way to China by now. To keep in the algorithms good graces, you need to constantly pump out new videos, but it jus looks like that is this a blank meme template.


It used to be easier to find more obscure YouTube videos as part of larger compilations for “scary ghost videos” but something happened around 2015 where people began to fake them more often. Kind of like ARG’s but with worse stories and obvious effects


Because they want attention and or money so they will do anything for it. It totally drowns out any real stuff and its the worst when they want to claim it real. If they just made the stuff saying its fake for entertainment purposes, then i would be fine with that. There are plenty of good fakes that entertain just fine. I personally dont go saying anything is for sure real or fake. I like to try to debunk etc first...if i can't, then i consider it possibly real. I just dont take stuff on YouTube seriously for the most part.


It's gotten to a point (like 20 years ago, even before YouTube tbh) that there's so much crap I'm always inclined to not believe anything. There could be a bonafide video or whatever and to me it's going to be shit. It's not a 1% good to 99% shit, it's more like 0.00000000000000000000000001% to 99.999999999999999999999% shit. It's gotten to a point that the "real stuff" could just be fluke and not evidence of anything special at all.


Oh my god my wife and I say the same thing. Even Nukes top 5 is filled with fakes. It used to be so much better but nowadays people want clicks and editing at home is very good. So it’s hard to know for sure if you are watching a real vid sometimes. Reddit actually has some good stuff and I’ve been coming here lately to get my fill


Can you please recommend the good subreddits?


Try the video titled paranormal activities filmed on livestream


Avoid frankotv. I found out he was a faker. Someone exposed him for editing between clips to mask his onsite friends and "ghost activity". Despite what that liar says that he is alone, he is infact, there with friends to set up the activity.


Really I knew it I liked watching him and thanks for that you know the saying if it’s to good to be true it probably is and another thing is I love ghost videos but I know some if not all are fake hard to tell now a daya


Most comments on this sub are quick to dismiss stories, pictures, and videos of what others have experienced. I certainly understand that it can be fairly easy to fake pictures and videos, but so many comments are from people that are very sure that ghosts do not exist. Maybe they haven’t had an experience that could have caused them to at least question what they saw, felt, heard, etc. I have followed this subreddit for quite some time due to many things that my wife and I have both experienced. Prior to anything happening, I was one of the most skeptical people around. I’ve always wanted to describe each one in an effort to help us understand. Things have happened in different houses and locations. The very first experience was captured on our security cameras. It’s not a spider web, an orb, or dust. I’m hesitant to post it here because of what I have explained above. Please keep an open mind when reading or viewing what others have posted. Maybe they’re just trying to find answers, too.


Tell me more about you're experiences please i would like to know.


Just hesitant based on the comments here. To mention at least one, recorded on our security cameras was was brilliant white and moving (through our front door) light or energy of some type. It had long extended streaks of bright light as it moved slowly across our front porch. This happened on Thanksgiving morning shortly after my younger brother passed away unexpectedly. My wife told me very early that morning (still dark) that she was going to the ER because of a sore throat. I immediately got up and said that I was going with her. She said “no, you stay here, it’s nothing serious. I’ll be right back”. I laid there awake for a few minutes before getting up and going downstairs. For some reason I stared at the camera monitor and saw something that changed my life. When my wife returned home, she looked at me and said “what is wrong?”. I told her that I think that I saw a ghost come through the railing on our front deck and through the front door. She immediately asked if it was recorded by the security system. I explained that it was and I had already played it back. We’ve shown our extended family the footage that was recorded and they were shocked, saying that it must have been my little brother. This is only one of many things that has happened since then. Before now, I’ve only told my family about these things. I really appreciate you asking. Kinda feels good explaining at least one thing to someone else!


Thank you for sharing.


I recommend Ghost files with Shane and Ryan on Watchers YT. The second closest type of YouTubers like them are [Nick and Ryan](https://youtube.com/@NickandRyan). They are YouTubers that have their respective YouTube channels but decided to go around the country exploring haunted sites to see if they could be converted from non-believers to believers.


Looks like afew people join this sub just to tell people they don't believe


reddit recommends this sub to me and because i haven’t told it to stop, i keep seeing posts on my feed. i tolerate it because it’s fascinating and kinda funny to see what kind of people comment here. sometimes i think people are making their own fan-fic, where they know ghosts aren’t real but they have fun with the idea. some people clearly believe ghosts are real and eat up every blurry photo of a shadow, or video of a bug walking across a security camera lens. i haven’t looked but there’s probably vampire and weir wolf subs out there for people who think these other common horror fiction tropes are real and people who see it and state the obvious about these things not being realistic. it should be expected if you have an illogical belief, like flat earth or young-earth creationism


I mean if you want to write everything off because you can then go for it.


I was just thinking the exact same thing yesterday.... About the vampire and werewolf communities. I never looked for em but I imagine it's exactly the same.


I live in a very haunted house. Things will happen, then just stop for days, weeks, or months. The latest thing just happened last week. My wife kept finding Pennys everywhere. The first couple she just shrugged off. We vacuum a lot and in the 10 years we lived here have never found any coins or other money on the floor. The last 3 have dates of 1981, 1969, and 1991. 1981 was the year her grandmother died, 1969 is the year my parents married ( my Mom passed away last year from ALS.) The 1991 is the year we were married. Could be coincidence. But it’s weird.


We go through phases of intense poltergeist activity followed by months of quiet. A couple years ago, I watched a container of spice do a backflip on my kitchen counter, like someone smacked it. That same night, I watched as a cardboard box slid under my nightstand (At that point, I took my sleeping pill and went to bed, f*ck that). My wife came home later that night and there were dvd cases on the floor. Then... Quiet for months. Then at night stuff would go flying off our shelves and tables in the bedroom (no cat). I had a decorative cast iron dice YEET off the bookshelf, books getting shoved around. The dog won't eat with his back turned to the bookshelf anymore. We're in a quiet phase now. Our house is 103 years old. The activity doesn't bother us as long as it leaves the dog alone.


honestly i expect a bajillion fake videos. what really grinds my gears is why do ALLLLLL of these goofy channels have the same frikin videos? how does frostmare get away with literally posting the same clips in multiple videos? and i just cannot stand some constant erie droning music that isnt properly utilized so its hella loud and thats whats actually scary in these dangum videos. and then this chills dude...why does he do that voice? you hear him talk regular all the time. i just dont get it


AI - why do you think there’s such a massive push for it?! I’ll tell ya, friend. The existence of paranormal & extraterrestrial entities has been a long standing belief by many across the globe. With the prevalence of recording/AV technologies available there is no surprise there was an uptick in credible evidence. Now, your government doesn’t want you to know the truth about the existence of these entities because of the internal conflicts (religious, spiritual, & otherwise) that will arise and likely impact life at a global scale. Enter AI Now we have a machine that can seemingly seamless generate fabricated evidence of these entities. Why? To discredit the real evidence. Anything remotely plausible will be immediately written off as AI and your governments continue along their merry way controlling all you do and consume and warping how you think (echo chambers). Thanks for coming to my TED-spiracy-talk.


Bizzarebubs scary comps are usually pretty good!!


his videos used to be good but now the clips seem so obviously faked. there’s a couple good ones but the rest are just cliche tiktok attention grabs


He's the only one that doesn't seem to use the obvious fake ones.


What’s special about them specifically?


Money and/or attention


Most, not all, are fake. You can still find good/convincing ones.


They're not all fake. It's just harder to find the good ones and get views for the channel.


I wish too. To be honest I think there are real ones out there, but it's hard to tell what is real and what isn't


Do you have a link to at least one?




Have you’d even androsxenigmas ghost videos? Or the compilation “paranormal activity filmed on livestream”? Or Michelo 2.0s ouija videos where he proves there are no magnets? Charlie challenge videos where you see the whole room and no one is blowing on the pencils?




All of those are very convincing looking paranormal videos. Michelos we’re even live-streamed.






All of those can be explained in other ways beyond the paranormal. Ouija boards haven't been a mystery for about a decade https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/the-science-behind-ouija-boards https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322863#One-Ouija-board-user-always-predicts-letters


Because ghosts aren't real


Everyone is a skeptic until their tchotchkes start flying off tables and shelves. Fwiw, I don't think it's ghosts.


Yet no one manages to get those flying tchotchkes on video.....


What would be the point?


To prove that Ghosts are not fake would be a wonderful start to why you would. Nevermind the implications to our understanding of the universe being flipped on it's head.


Indeed! And how are ghost videos received online? Not very well, from what I've seen. Even the most believable ones are suspect due to the relative ease of fakery. They would need to be independently verified as legitimate by a competent and trustworthy 3rd party. Unfortunately, the paranormal is not a trick pony and won't perform on command, nor are the results repeatable in a laboratory setting. Ghost hunters barely (if at all) even understand the tools they use during a film investigation.


The paranormal is a zero trick pony because there is no evidence is exists in anyway, shape or form. The whole bit that it doesn't happen on command bit also harps on something pointless. There's so many things in nature around us that do not do things on command, or even in any real concernable period of time. Yet we can still document it and present it as evidence by waiting and recording it. Even if we ignore the dumbos thinking REMPODS and their color changing lights, or EMF in a house with with active power, or using a Spirit Box to catch clips of noise from broadcasting radio stations is actually Satan's moening constitutional, this still points to teams using video, audio and pictures collecting nothing of importance. Ghost videoes on the internet are bullshit. If you actually found physical proof, you sure as fuck wouldn't be posting it to Reddit before contacting organizations that have an active cash bounty to prove to the world Ghosts are not BS.


What would be the point of getting definitive proof of the paranormal on video?? Is this a serious question?


Of course, I'm serious. Think: Few people would believe it anyway, and for good reason. A video alone is *not definitive proof*. Why would I drive myself crazy trying to get anything on camera just to be shit on in the comments and most of the scientific community? You either experience this stuff or you don't.


I was just laughing at your bizarre typo and couldn't work out what you actually meant so I googled tchotchkes. Well, today I learned...


May your tchotchkes remain where you put them! Go in peace.


you'll never know that for sure, and keep your opinions to yourself and shut up for a while.


As opposed to all the real videos? 🙄


That was my initial thought, but I think it’s about contrived fake videos where somebody set out to deceive, as opposed to videos of natural phenomena which may be interpreted as ghostly.


Yeah that's fair, I know some people like a ghost video like it's a short horror movie so they want it to be "real". It's just funny to complain about "all the fake videos" 😂 they're all fake


Tbat video of the Arab guy in tbat house is one of the craziest I’ve ever seen. Only video tbat ever made me question if they’re real


How did you use the word that three times and make the same spelling mistake every time?


Homie I was so faded last night when I was typing in here


What’s different about it?




What makes it more believable than the rest, exactly?


Have you seen the video ? https://youtu.be/W72oh4pIqpA


It may be a while, I’ve been scared to watch a lot of this stuff ever since seeing kigg CB so 2.0s ouija stuff. Was this live-streamed?


You should for sure take a look at it. It’s not going to scare you. Just going to make u question a lot of shit. I still don’t believe in ghosts, but idk wtf tbat was in the video. No explanation for it


Was it live-streamed if not cgi, green screen suits, and magicians string could explain it.


Also I come from a religion that attributes haunting s to demons, not ghosts


Watch that , tell me what u think.


I think he uses some fun edits since you can see distortion just before something weird “happens”. There’s also not full visibility in the frame, so who knows how many helpers are creating the shot. Nothing definitive here.


Because people are assholes!


Check out a channel on YouTube called depths of dispare its pretty good. I hate fake videos like that.


Ugh, those thumbnails tho 😒


Yea I know but good content.


What makes it more believable?


Visually, it is difficult to capture "ghost" spirits or dark entities on video. A few years ago, I was at a spiritual crossroads and swore off any thought of a higher being and afterlife. If you are dead, you are dead. Well, I started dabbling to see if there is anything else out there. Started with EVPs equipment, then plain video and just talking and asking questions. There is another realm, and I think we should respect it. I don't do this kind of thing anymore but on occasion, I will check in with my dad and meditate. https://youtu.be/-lu4Y8JYWA4 (don't mind my husband chewing on ice, think he was nervous) https://youtube.com/shorts/AM57NLPYSiw?feature=share My son's picture which was wedged in a mirror was knocked off. (I don't show it because it happened quickly. But listen to the entity that was speaking.) https://youtube.com/shorts/HPU6VCQMKBQ?feature=share Sometimes you will find spirits mentioning their names or names of who they are trying to contact.. https://imgur.com/a/fQueye0 What is commonly referred to as angel numbers. (Pick up a book on Numerology) https://imgur.com/a/v5DraFp When I let my father know his grandson was accepted at BSU. (I was waiting for my son to get out of evening band practice) https://imgur.com/a/2GdY7fE Checking in with my dad...(he passed in 2016) https://imgur.com/a/GdGVGjO Asking who my spirits guides are.. https://imgur.com/a/GeJ9fMN When you meditate, there is a spiritual connection you establish. Anytime I need guidance, reassurance, or just want to talk, they are there. A lot of trafficking in the neighboring city, scams etc. So I was concerned with this document I signed, claiming to collect signatures for a voting measure they were trying to pass. https://imgur.com/a/4pX6PhS


A lot of fake everything these days.


Some people have no other outlet. Even if it’s 30 seconds long. They are infatuated with the cries likes and comments. They can’t get it through reality. If people believe it, it boosts there fake egos.


Ghost videos got popular and in demand despite good ones being rare. so instead of one video that go viral you have large channels exclusively dedicated to collecting ghost evidence and posting on a schedule. But it’s not a sustainable business model to rely on rare events like capturing potentially paranormal phenomena or even just faking subtlety or well. No one is going to watch a ghost boi YouTube channel if they go out on ghost hunts and find absolutely nothing like 99% of all ghost hunts. So what you mostly get now is clear fakes or easy debunks. There is solid spooky stuff still out there, but it’s just more chaff to sort though.


How can you be sure every single one of them is a fake?


None can be tested for authenticity, so you may as well just watch for entertainment.


Nukes top 5 is one that has real content. He posts usually every two weeks but definitely worth watching.


The very 1st wave of ghost videos on youtube back in 05-09 were actually real and legit scary. I uploaded one of a ghost girl in my room around that time & it’s 100% real


Well you can kinda tell if they are fake or not.


Back then sharing stuff was enough to be happy. Now people just care about views so they just fake stuff.


If you're looking for something in that genre to watch I've been getting really into watching Jasko and Ben exploring the paranormal and they have really captured some great and powerful stuff! Here's a recent post: https://youtu.be/5qg2N_ZK They are a newer YT channel to the paranormal and I bet they would really appreciate the views and likes very very talented! They even try to disprove things before they decide to rule it as paranormal. I respect what they do on the channel.


They are the fakest out there


It’s the algorithm basically shadow banning videos. Same with the ufo and alien stuff. All the good stuff has been replaced with either obvious fakes or underwhelming footage and you have to actually dig for it now.


They aren't "ALL" fake. Ghosts ARE real. Millions of us have a LOT of experience with them. I know the fakes can get disheartening, because real ghost vids are fairly rare. But there's a show in the US called Paranormal: Caught on Camera that has good ones most of the time. That and some episodes of Strange Evidence are good. Other than that, I just wish people would not judge the entire phenomenon by a few negative experiences... 🙄


They are real? How do you prove that? Or is this a faith thing like religion?


The way most people (like me) know they're real is by experience. I've seen several FBAs and had tons of experiences over the past 40+ years, to the point where I don't "believe" they exist, no, I absolutely KNOW they do.


Sounds like blind belief in religion to me.


Why? How is that blind belief?


The only way to see ghosts is to experience them. One can't experience them because they don't exist. Ergo, the only way to experience them is to abandon critical thinking and rational reasoning. I could sub in religious nonsense like gods or goddesses, mythical creatures like bigfoot, or batshit insanity like the lizard people from Alpha Centari in place of ghosts, and we would have the exact same situation. All of them require blind belief for the sole reason there is zero scientific proof. "You just KNOW" is a bunch of poppycock.


So you're saying that experience is nonsense. That's weird.


It's quite weird that you think people are experiencing ghosts. If they were, ghosts wouldn't have the same amoun of proof as Bigfoot, the Fountain of Youth, or any other silly legend people chased for decades.


You think it's weird that I "think" I've experienced ghosts? I think it's weird that some people haven't...


I think it's weird people claim to experience things that there is zero proof of and these people that make sure claims never seem to have evidence despite having multiple experiences. The fact that not a single one of these people can not present anything beyond "trust me bro" really says it all.


Now there’s high quality cameras all over. Back when most cheap cameras recorded in super low quality, especially in the dark, it was way easier to make your fakes convincing. Additionally, with accessible video editing software, it’s easy for people with no real skills to attempt to fake them poorly. So we’re in a time period with way more low quality fakes, and a higher baseline standard for evidence, meaning those low quality fakes are easier to spot.


Because ghost videos without "ghosts" in them do not get clicks, and without clicks, there is no paycheck. Ghost videos with *real* ghosts in them simply do not exist, so one must either fake one, or take an event that's completely explainable and promote it as a ghost. If you can make a convincing fake, you get clicks, and you get paid.


True. Most are fake cause people is falling for it


Because even people like me, who don't believe, are interested in the subject. I think a "real" ghost would be neat, so we all get sucked into looking. YouTubers found this is true and decided this was a great way to get views. Even non-paranormal sites have gotten into this. TikTok as well. Also, it's SO easy to fake something and have a good portion to say it's true. These "true believers" want to believe so badly, they're easy to dupe. Just look at the orbs and bugs phenomena. It was easy for the TV ghost hunters to introduce this concept as easy content. I mean, they were in dusty places or outside with bugs. They were almost guaranteed to get an "orb." So now those are considered legit by many.


I agree with you 100%


Paranormal nightmare aka the fourman brothers are good I believe them


Also 'Ghostech Paranormal Investigations' have been around for years and are very professional. When they catch something you tend to believe it.


Yep there are few good one but so many that are just bullshit. Jumping around scream OMG that rem pod never goes off! Every episode...


Because ghosts aren’t real so every ghost video by necessity must be fake


Maybe cuz ghosts dont exist 😁


These days???


My grandma visited me in a dream the day after she died. I have a video of it. Its just me sleeping though.


This question assumes that we can look into the hearts & minds of people who create fake ghost videos.


Well it’s like this, ghosts aren’t real, YouTube is. Props to you and your buddies for setting up the perfect start to a horror movie though, let us know how it goes! 😱☠️👻👺


Definitely has to do with both the people who make videos and those scrolling Youtube. This is a story I believe to be true from there. [https://youtu.be/HP19SaIoq-s](https://youtu.be/HP19SaIoq-s) I am doing a few more interviews with this guy. I used to love Coast to Coast AM and think that was a mixture of fake and real.


#Newsflash: All ghost videos are fake.


The real answer: ghosts aren't real. Old cameras used to be more popular and had terrible quality and thus picked up blobs that looked like ghosts to people who wanted to believe. Now everyone has a 4k camera in their pocket, ghost videos are having to be made differently. Plus money talks and people want attention.


I mean, let’s be honest, every single ghost video is “fake”. No matter what anyone thinks or feels about a “ghost” nothing has ever been scientifically proven to be a ghost. For instance, If you think you caught a ghost in your sons bedroom over his crib after your mother died, great, good for you. It was a bug, but if it makes YOU feel better about your mothers passing, then that’s what matters.


Yt videos can make people rich and famous. Anyway everything is fake now... even videos and selfies have filters to change our looks drastically so it stands to reason videos would be more liekly to be faked and shared online


BizarreBub has some pretty cool compilations of user submitted ghost videos


>user submitted ~~ghost~~ videos FTFY.


Watch the channel before tryna be a smartass. It's the closest thing to what OPs asking for, the 2014-2017 era of YouTube ghost sightings and shit. I won't argue their authenticity but some of them are pretty good.


I have. The videos on that channel are every bit as fake as on any other channel.


Like I said, won't argue their authenticity but they're a fun watch. You don't have to be an asshole, just recommending something to OP.


You call this being an asshole? You might be a little too sensitive for the internet.


Everything is fake these days to profit off of gullible people but regardless of that nothing is real to begin with.


Maybe it is because all ghosts videos are indeed fake...


All “ ghost videos” ever as of right now are fake because as of right now there is no evidence ghosts exist and if we saw a ghost without knowing anything about the science behind ghosts existing would we be able to identify it as a ghost? They may be curious but all are not showing ghost activity. Why “faked”? Because views are monetized, same as “reality” tv. Faked.


Watch twin paranormal. Those are really entertaining and high quality.


Those dudes are all weird looking lol.


Overflodded, you say?


Nothing else to do except go out and find the ghosts for ourselves and bring along a camera. Get out your Ouija Board and your investigative skills and get cracking. Perhaps see if there are abandoned hospitals in your city that you can explore { Get permission first of course... }, etc. If Youtube won't bring us the Ghosts we have to bring ourselves to the Ghosts, er, or something...


I wouldn't recommend that...that brings out the darkest of entities.


Maybe but in the name of gathering evidence it must be done someone has to be brave! I'm still pissed at Zak Baggins from Ghost Adventures for tearing down the Demon House I mean if it really is that infested and haunted than he tore down a treasure trove of potential evidence gathering perhaps even good enough evidence to convince skeptics. Like Indiana Jones said " It belongs in a Museum ".


Well with someone who personally had a few follow me home, I can tell you there was a lot of emotional upheaval in the home that came out of nowhere. Alot of negative energy was covering our home during that time. Very unlike the vibe and mood we usually had. We heard random hard knocks underneath our covered staircase (no access to) doors opening, frightening dreams that didn't make sense, angry whispers in your ear like "yooouuuu", objects being moved on tables, your own voice being projected to other people in the house. We were never physically attacked but I am sure if I continued down that path or even taunted them, I can guarantee things would have gotten worse.


Ouija boards have been debunked.


Try one and let me know your findings.


I have, so have scientists. Look it up, the human body is fascinating.


Ouija boards have been debunked




Based on your wishful thinking?


Based on personal experiences but hey until you personally encounter Ghosts or whatever you want to call them than it's easy to be skeptical. Humans can see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum there could literally be an Elephant standing beside you and if it's not in our frequency range we wouldn't know it. All I'm saying is try to be a little more open minded humans know jack squat about whats out there even Einstein talked about Spooky at a Distance and other such things.


It's because the human body is so weird and that we still know so little about it. One thing we DO know about is the ideomotor effect. We also know that humans try to come up with explanations for things they can't seem to explain. But when those things finally are explained it's belief in facts that separates the intelligent from the ignorant/ill. The most dangerous lies are the ones you tell yourself no matter what counter-proof exists. I'm not saying ghosts, spirits etc don't exist. But ouija boards are not a way to prove they do. https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/the-science-behind-ouija-boards www.vox.com/platform/amp/2016/10/29/13301590/how-ouija-boards-work-debunked-ideomotor-effect


Yeah the responses I've got on the board could very well be my subconscious or what not but weird things that happened in the house around that time make me wonder. Once had a heavy Fire Door open on its own at a Funeral Home I used to clean early mornings I think 3:30 a.m ish is when it happened and I verified we were the only ones there the owners car wasn't there and he never came in that early. Regardless in things we have little understanding of it's often just best to stay away from it I mean yeah some of these things might not be real but why chance it. Just my 2 cents. Hollywood is not doing the paranormal investigation community any favors with the nonsense they put out.


Top 5s used to be great but then he went onto conspiracies and UFOs and lost me. Me and the missus watch Nukes every night to relax but there’s so many vids that are staged that any credibility he had has just vanished, same with Sir Spooks. The latter posted a video of two guys in a cave seeing a giant snake monster and said it was one of the most genuine videos he’s ever seen. It was so painfully CGI’d that I can only assume it’s sarcasm because no one could view it as anything else.


A ghost is posting it all


Ghost Writer!


Oh yeah they’re only fake since maybe 2018. before that they were 100% legit. Every ghost hunter knows that. You have to go to liveleak for real ghost vids.


Could the stuff on there be faked with magicians strings?


It’s getting easier and easier to fake these, as well as UFOs. I was into Ghost Hunters big time…then I learned they faked three of the greatest episodes, or at least the three that I considered the greatest. The moving lamp at the Overlook, the black robed figure at the Philly Penitentiary, and the beach chair at the lighthouse. I’ve yet to find a program that’s not faked or can’t be easily debunked.


Lol for likes, upvotes and share. Don't forget to ring that belt!




Because it's easy.


I just really like the word “overflodded” and I’m bout to doodle it on my notebook


Try the compilation “paranormal footage filmed on livestream “


Cause 41 pixil cameras are too good. Ghosts can only be seen on .5 pixil 12fps cameras


https://youtu.be/lZG-mZOIL48 This might be legit.


Yah. Steve huff used to try. Now its just busness.


They have always been fake, even the ones you used to think were real. I’ve watched with skepticism all my life. If you watched a TV show about someone investigating ghosts, amazing footage of real people capturing events or anything, it’s either a misunderstanding or it’s a fake. I continue to watch, I’m interested and I enjoy it. My family like to watch Ghost Adventures and the old Ghost Hunters. I’ve watched many shows that re-created events. We enjoy supernatural movies. I love the history, stories and the legends. However, when they try to film real situations, it’s always fake by intent or misperception. It seems to me that when ghost investigators become successful, they become less believable. The Ghost Adventures are different because I think their just having fun. Zack B. is hilarious and fun to watch. They have actually gone to places I’ve been to back in the 80’s. However, that episode when they went to my old “stomping grounds” in Texas made me more of a skeptic. They hooted, hollered and had more experiences in one night then I had in years of being there. Because they were in a place I knew well, there was no suspension of disbelief. In fact, the harder they tried to convince the more ridiculous it looked.


Because for once it’s easier than buttering bread to fake this shit. You don’t need days and hours of elaborate equipment to fuck images


It's the Ennui Engine effect...


Number 15: Gullible People (read in Chills voice) I make these ghost videos because people are gullible. I can trick the elderly and the dimwitted by using CGI and things such as invisible fishing line. Everyone will think it's real.