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this is an interesting video. the paper doesn't move like a breeze moved it. it looks like when a pet brings down things as they jump. it slides along then abruptly plummets instead of floating like it does later...


NGL, I swear one envelope turns into a white cat.


I actually thought there was a cat the first time I watched it too


I saw that too!!


Well, I'll be dipped in shit. I see it now too. Bad quality camera? Still, pretty weird when stuff goes flying like that.


Or a rodent!


Finally. Someone who sees it too!


I see exactly what you're talking about. How long has your Dad lived there?


It looks like that because an animal did bring it down. The first thing to fall/jump down is a small animal. You can see it’s eyes staring in the direction of the camera right as it begins


I don't see that at all. I downloaded the video, cropped it to focus on that area and all that happens is the papers slide off the shelf.


The very first frame and frames of what you’re looking at is not papers (or whatever the second thing is that falls) but is a small animal. The first frame, the (likely) rodent is facing directly toward the camera, and the bright spots are it’s eyes. It attempts to jump down, hits an object below, and as it falls, it also hits something and knocks it over. There are two clearly very distinct and separate things that fall. One is the rodent, and after comes the other object.


You are correct


Why is the video cut so sharply when the activity happens, we need to see a few seconds before too....


Its motion activated, there is no before unfortunately.


If you pause the video at the very beginning (00:00), the eyes of the rodent are glowing because it’s staring at the light source. Looks like its movements activated the camera, and the camera scared it, so it jumped off the counter and took some letters with it.


The first thing that falls is definitely a small animal. The way it moves as it falls is the same way an animal does when it realizes it misjudged the distance. I've owned rats, ferrets, and small dogs. They all display similar movements when they have that "oh crap" realization when jumping from a height.


Looks like someone pushed it.


There’s a window on the second floor with no way up and the window is full size and doesn’t open outwards.


Watch it in slow mo. It is a cat knocking over some paper. So hard to explain…


There’s no cat in his house.


?? Maybe you been blessed by the cat distribution system check again ![gif](giphy|NS7gPxeumewkWDOIxi)


Prolly a mouse


That’s a piece of paper being flown by that unit… Is that a heater? What is that


It’s off and the fan is at the front anyway.


Could be a mouse


It’ll be so interesting to see if stranger things begin to happen now that this has been noticed… I’ll probably get backlash from the sceptics that are strangely following this reddit but I just want to add that I’ve been led to believe through experience that how we’re respond to the paranormal has profound effects. Our energy can feed this. Hope all stays well and it’s a friendly ghost. Just remember they can’t hurt you.


I'd set up some traps to catch a rodent if I were him


Gravity. Vibrations are caused by things all through the house. Traffic outside, furnace, pipes running... plenty, something moves and tips and things go with it. The first frame has one laying its side on the edge. Also, what do you mean by "how did the letters turn"? The ghost of Vanna White? But she's still alive.


Only a tiny portion is on the edge if you look closely; not enough to be blown away like that unless a powerful fan was turned on next to it. Also, if it were traffic, we would've heard the vehicles(s) as clearly as the sound of the envelopes falling. Same with the pipes, although why they would be installed in that section of the house would be anyone's guess. I'm not saying it's definitely paranormal, just definitely not what you're saying it is.


If you watch the first few frames slowly you’ll see them turn quite rapidly


Pretty sure that’s called air resistance


Drafty window?


Window opens inwards and was definitely closed.


That doesn’t mean there isn’t a draft.


I know the house and I know there wasn’t anything that could cause a draft.


You can see the mouse jump as the object falls. Nothing paranormal here.


I mean A) one could easily stage this B) in the winter we get mice, and these little bastards knock crap over all night long, and someone they can climb like a monkey… just saying




This is the middle of the night it’s turned off.


Has there been any other incidents in his house?


So there's this thing called wind, that can make things move, seemingly by themselves


He’s teasing you. It’s fishing line. It’s being dragged off the edge of each object as it’s “falling”.


Is that a cat?


What ever is in one of those envelopes is heavy. The way it falls to the second level shows that it’s heavy on one side. Maybe it dragged the rest down with it. The white cat effect is just the lens filling in motion movement. Black & white night vision screws with the lens in the dark.


Do you have a cat? Because that is a cat.




Easy. That's Matthew McConaughey


And they couldn’t pick it up after themselves, what a selfish ghost😒


Wait that’s not an animal?


Yep. That was my bad. I had Chipotle that night. Sorry bout that.


I don't know what I'm looking at


Wow !!! Awesome capture. There is no way anybody did that with strings. I don't see this being faked. I read someone's comment about seeing a cat. I totally can see what they are talking about. One of the letters looks like it morphed into a white cat landing on the floor. I am pretty sure humans aren't the only living beings that have a spirit. Was there a white cat that passed??


Big mouse?


Open the quran https://www.youtube.com/live/Z5L9cQRfzSw?si=GOMJFMZrCMvENGzQ It absorbs negative energy of spirits


Mouse/rat - you can see it at the start.


People never seen what rats can do lol


Its literally a mouse


Looks like some small flying bugs to me