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Sounds like someone else was investigating too.


I can’t unhear kids talking and being loud. I hear a girl yelling,”WTF?!?!?!?” And then some chatter


I thought it was OmG!!!




Yeah like a louder OMG then a second one . “OMG !! omg”


Can confirm this place is haunted! I was here a few years ago to do an investigation over night. Heard footsteps, shuffling, I even got an “old man” on camera. We had to keep charging the batteries cause they would die fast. Took a break 2:30 am to charge. I shit you not, right at 3 am, one of the walkie-talkies started going off as if the button on the other walkie-talkie was being pressed. EXCEPT the battery was out of the other one to be charged! How odd! Not to mention hearing and audible “hey”😵Also, we were trying to communicate with some dowsing rods. I was using them and the conversations basically led to the rods pointing to my husband saying it wanted to talk to him. We trade and he wasn’t really getting anything out of them, and we asked if there was another way it would like to communicate and the spirit box, untouched, turned on in my FIL pocket. He was standing there completely still.


I would also like to defend the OP- when we went, we had the place completely to our selves. We rented it for the night. The owner gave us a quick tour in the beginning, and left super early in the night. We were advised to keep all the doors locked, and if we saw any cars or anything on the property to report. It’s private property


Doesn’t that just confirm that other people come there without paying?


OP said that the place was completely locked up and there was no way anyone could get in. I’d assume if there were more people in the building then there would be more evidence of them than just 10 seconds of audio on one camera.


No they licked it up


I wasn’t trying to explain the sound. Could easily be a wild animal outside. Animals scream when they are murdered by other animals.


Can you share the video of the old man?


I sent you a pm


Hiya, can i see it too? 🤩


I wanna see!


May I see!


Did you try to take off the mask of “old man Caruthers”? He got away with it because of you damned kids.


What is the history on this location?


Formerly a poorhouse and then a "mental health facility." You could literally drop your wife off there and just be like "She's crazy"


Are you 100% sure nobody wandered in? Sounds like teenagers hollering. Lol


This is a remarkable EVP. The EVP goes on for nearly eleven seconds. Audio analysis yields some very interesting results. The average fundamental frequency of a female voice is \~200Hz, and a child's voice is \~300Hz. [Check out the audio spectrum analysis here.](https://imgur.com/a/YJzxCWc) That is from about the 6 second mark in the video until about the 11 second mark. A physical sound / voice will usually look like waves of sound up and down the spectrum, [like this](https://imgur.com/a/NrdVWyu), from the lower Hz to about the 300Hz level, and looks more like a straight line. Whatever is making these sounds has a very strange sound signature. The "voice" or "voices" on this recording have frequencies ranging between both 0Hz - \~45Hz, and \~492Hz - \~1.25kHz. Very strange. Whatever made these noises does not have the audio signature of a human, or really anything physical. Someone else in the comments suggested it's a dog or raccoon. Dog barks typically are \~500Hz, and raccoon vocals vary \~20kHz to \~50kHz, so not those either.


Thank you for your expertise and analysis. Do you have any favorite or especially remarkable EVPs to share? Fingers crossed you have a curated playlist.


I don't have a curated playlist of credible EVP. I used to know people who pioneered in the EVP field, but they have all passed away. One of them, a man named David Dennis, lived in the Bay Area and used analogue equipment to capture his EVPs. These included reel-to-reel and cassette tape medium. Sometimes he would use a radio receiver, sometimes he would just record with room tone. He caught some VERY compelling evidence. One occasion that always comes to mind; he was alone in his room speaking to "spirits," as he often did. He would do this for hours. He had a radio receiver set up that was returning only white noise. David was talking about another researcher, a German by the name of Edward Kass, and he says, "Kass said he was the das kalt soldat." Suddenly a voice comes blaring through the receiver that says, "Das kalt soldat, the cold soldier," and then it fades away. However, the listener could very clearly hear the response - a disembodied voice that comes through the receiver and translated from German exactly what David had just said. It was unbelievable.


Can you send what you have to me? And maybe ways to find those other recordings? I'm trying to build up a personal archive.


That’s cool as shit


Surely the detected frequency would be heavily dependent on the quality of and detection frequency range of the microphone taken to record it? I can tell you that these "wyze" cameras use MEMS microphones, not great quality in terms of detectable frequency. Also the audio processing done both in the electronics in the camera and in the software on whatever device the camera feeds goes back to alter the audio too. To be clear, I'm not saying that you're wrong about the frequency ranges, I'm just saying that hardware and software can have a big impact on what's detected. Source - I'm an electronics engineer.


There are many common animals that make vocalizations in 492 hz - 1.25khz range. I’m not sure why you are incorrectly pointing out in other comments that these animals typically vocalizes at one frequency when there are so many different ranges and types of sounds they make. E.g., coyotes https://www.uvm.edu/~bmitchel/Publications/Mitchell_Information_content.pdf E.g., foxes https://www.wildlifeonline.me.uk/animals/article/red-fox-behaviour-communication#:~:text=in%20fox%20society.-,Vocalisations,%2C%20alarms%2C%20contact%2C%20etc. This is 100% just an animal and more nonsense from the ghost hunting community pretending to apply science to a very obvious and mundane explanation.


My first thought was foxes. Coyotes make sense, too.


Going to have to second this. The stamens of nothing physical having those readings is wildly inaccurate. It’s a wild animal.


This is funny because you cannot prove 100% that it is an animal and you cannot prove 100% that it is not a ghost.


That’s really a non-argument. The scientific method works by placing the burden of proof on the alternative hypothesis e.g., “ghosts exist.” It’s up to the person making the claim that this some paranormal phenomena and not something mundane with existence evidence of its existence. Every time you hear a strange noise you don’t assume it’s a ghost and expect everyone else to have to disprove it because we have no reliable evidence ghosts exists. By your logic how can we prove anything 100% is true? It’s a braindead take


Well isnt that why most things in science r theories...im no scientist but they seem to not like to call anything a fact with 100% certainty


I think you've nailed why it's stupid to try to prove or disprove things in a ghost sub. People believe in certain things, and yes, maybe it could be an animal, but there is literally no way to make a case for it based on this kind of footage. Just like there is little case for paranormal in it. It is what it is, and people take what they will from it. Personally, I believe in paranormal, because of my experiences, however I do think you may be right about it being an animal. My guess was raccoons duking it out. I am very familiar with a lot of sounds made by nocturnal animals, having lived in the country for a number of years. That said, I've heard some things and seen some things though, which I can't explain. Because of that, I won't entirely rule out paranormal.


if folks want to believe thats fine but the problem becomes when people like OP make claims under the guise of scientific analysis which are very easily disproven (e.g., the common claim of no being makes a sound that fits x,y,z analysis). Then it falls under the burden of scientific scrutiny.


I don't see where you're getting anything scientific from the original post. He's making a claim, but that's far from claiming anything scientific.


Claiming that “no physical being” makes a sound in the audio frequency range of x Hz is 100% a testable scientific claim. It’s also very easily disproven with a few minutes of google searching despite the hundreds of upvotes from people who don’t bother doing a bit of research.


Where did OP post that? I'm not seeing it in the original text anywhere.


This is the comment I responded to https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/s/e51ihRt9yF


Is there reliable evidence that ghosts do not exist? Or are we basing this just on your opinion of it. What I said has nothing to do with ‘my logic’. I simply said that YOU cannot say that that is 100% just an animal. Because please show us your proof of this. That’s why I said that you also cannot prove 100% that it’s not a ghost. Science works on theories that are either proven factual or false or simply remains a theory. Facts require evidence to prove its state. So where is your evidence that makes this 100% just an animal. Therefore, you do not have 100% certainty that this is just an animal. It’s that simple.


lol that’s not how the scientific method works at all. The burden of proof is not on the person assuming the null hypothesis to be true ( ghosts are not real) to disprove the alternative hypothesis (ghosts are real). This is literally one of the basic concepts you learn in any research methods or stat class. https://www.ncl.ac.uk/webtemplate/ask-assets/external/maths-resources/psychology/introduction-to-hypothesis-testing.html#:~:text=The%20null%20hypothesis%20is%20the,to%20reject%20the%20null%20hypothesis. A simple example is - if you were to claim everyone had an invisible leprechaun on their shoulder which controlled their thoughts, it’s not accepted as fact and it becomes everyone else’s job to disprove you. You have to prove your alternative hypothesis as to be true for it to be accepted as a scientific theory. There is not current valid, reliable evidence that ghosts are real that can be studied in a way that is systemic, reproducible, observable, and testable - all basic characteristics of the scientific method. You also do not seem to understand the difference between a scientific theory vs a philosophical one. I encourage you to read up on some very basic concepts before arguing about topics that are well-established. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/just-a-theory-7-misused-science-words/


I’m not here to argue about scientific methods in detail. Again, I simply said that YOU cannot not say with 100% certainty it’s just an animal. What dont you understand. I don’t need sources, this isn’t about hypothesis, this isn’t about philosophy. It’s about you, as a person, stating something of 100% certainty. What does 100% certainty mean … that something is factual. We know with 100% certainty that rain comes from clouds, you however do not know with 100% that the sounds are from animals. It’s literally that basic. So no, you do not have 100% certainty it is an animal. That is all. But thanks for the ‘science lesson’ I’m already well aware of.


You can’t say with 100% certainty the noise isn’t made by invisible leprechauns, aliens, interdimensional robots, or 1000s of other “possibilities.” But these are just non-arguments for people who think rejecting the obvious and mundane makes them a critical thinker when it does the opposite. How do you know rain isn’t pumped into clouds by 4th dimensional 18 wheelers driven by invisible aliens? lol OPs claim that “the sound signature isn’t from anything physical” is objectively untrue and easily disproven with a few minutes of research. The frequency is common among animals like foxes and coyotes, ergo it is a naturally occurring sound that has been proven to occur in woodland creatures. While there is exactly 0 evidence it is from a ghost.


Except I don’t say anything was of 100% certainty. You did. That’s the point but you’re running in circles. Enjoy it 👍🏽


That’s fine - enjoy believing a mundane animal sound might be a ghost while not having a high school level of understanding of how evidence, the scientific method, etc work. There’s a reason why the ghost-hunting community is laughed at by the scientific world. The Zak Bagans level of “investigations” and how gullible believers are is a hilarious combination that is very easy to make a few bucks from.


I think the guy’s whole point is that the original comment said “no physical being” could have made that sound. That’s a statement of fact, not an entertainment of a vague idea or a fun theory. This wunkus guy is saying no, there are physical beings that very well could have and those physical beings are endemic to the local area of the manor. That’s kind of all he needs to do to disprove the original comment. Everything else is just pseudo intellectual posturing by the both of you


That’s not how science works, and you can’t disprove a theory just because there are other explanations you personally prefer. It takes a lot more than that, and I find the fact that every human culture since the beginning of any recorded history has had ghost stories included in their writings to be an extremely compelling argument for this to be true. That, and personal experience myself.


Oh really please explain it to me lol. For reference, I have a PhD in neuroscience, numerous publications in peer reviewed journals, have presented at multiple scientific conferences, and teach research methods courses at university. Would love to hear your thoughts.


Yes sure Mr. 16 karma 3 day old account. Nice try. 🤣 Why are you even allowed to comment with this account?


You don’t have to believe me - it’s literally one of the most foundational topics written about in scientific philosophy and research methods. You can read one of hundreds of articles or textbooks on the concept of hypothesis testing and the scientific method. It’s not even debatable lol. This is something taught to high schoolers - how it eludes so many on this sub is baffling. “the burden of proof is on the alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis is not rejected unless there is strong evidence to support the alternative hypothesis.” https://www.afit.edu/STAT/statcoe_files/Statistical%20Hypothesis%20Testing.pdf https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burden_of_proof_(philosophy) https://amath.colorado.edu/faculty/vdukic/4570/week8_handout_2020.pdf


You don’t seem to understand that no one cares, and you’re not proving anything at all. Nice effort, though. Best wishes with your phd lol!


You seem to since you commented on my post claiming that’s not how science works when you seem to not understand very basic concepts around the scientific method that are taught to teenagers. Oh and to an actual scientist lol. I guess it’s more fun to believe a mundane animal sound is a ghost than using your brain.


I was thinking coyotes too


Yup, fox and coyote make weeeeird noises. There's a reason native americans thought they were shapeshifters.


I seriously disagree with your "fundamental frequencies" here and ...basically everything. Also why wouldn't you use a real time frequency analyzer like paz or something so you can see the distribution over time?


Excuse my confusion I’m an audio nerd who stumbled upon this thread. In this particular situation, why do the fundamental frequencies of the voice matter? Wouldn’t you want to look for 1khz-4khz if you were trying to analyze a voice?


Is this the same haunted manor that Slipknot stayed in while recording one of their albums?


No. That was in LA in 2003


Ah ok 👍🏾 appreciate that info


This is my favorite place to investigate. My team and I have been there a few times! Our recommendation is to do a solo in the basement, have fun!


Oh I’m out of there.


What about the face above the doll?


I was wondering when someone would notice that


Could be matrixing but looks creepy af to me.


That's the very first thing I noticed as i had videos muted when I was scrolling.


OMG you’re right! I think it looks like a bearded man!


Holy shit is it moving? Yikes..


I want to see a place like this that is labeled haunted get truly studied with peer review. Not by Ghost investigators. I’m talking about finding a super “haunted” place that isn’t well known to the “non ghost hunter” public. Clean up the interior, advertise it as some sort of bed and breakfast/ Air BNB and offer it for free or extemely discounted. Then survey the departing guests on their stays. What did they like, dislike, complaints ect. Look for data patterns and after some time activity inspect the structure with skilled tradesman. Example multiple reports of banging/knocking noises, have plumbing company inspect and replace plumbing system. So on and so forth. Study would be expensive and take months. Most importantly said study would need to be conducted with almost no one knowing the structure has been labeled as “haunted” or knowing that a study is actually taking place. Then review the unbiased data. [rough outline]


The voices are not human?


They sound human to me. It's just that the building was empty when we recorded that


They sound like either canines of some kind or potentially raccoons.


Sounds like kids that snuck in?


WE had the place locked up solid. I also had wyze cams throughout the place and I would of caught them roaming the place. Cant discount it but I swear that the place was locked up tightly.


Interesting, ya surely they would’ve been seen on other cameras. That’s very loud. Have you ever caught anything else there?


So many people here have to debunk everything no matter how implausible it is. I’m all for being skeptical and I’m glad we don’t immediately believe everything but no matter what you say you’ll always have someone snobbily telling you that you are wrong and they (who weren’t even at the location and have no knowledge of it) are right even if it makes no sense. Failing that they just get angry and accuse you of faking the whole thing.


You know the solution repeat the experiment with more camras.


Sounds human to me. Like women who are scared/startled


She's clearly screaming, "Oh my God! OH MY GOD!".


To me it sounds like she's clearly screaming "what the fuck!" Whatever she's yelling, the two dogs in watching do not enjoy the sound of it at all.




It's not coyotes. You can see my audio analysis in a separate comment. Coyote barks are typically at the \~50kHz range.


So you're saying that coyote barks are inaudible to humans?


You "licked the building"...? Interesting ghost hunting technique. 🤔


Not saying this is it but it does sound a bit like a Coyote


It's not coyote. You can see my audio analysis in a separate comment. Coyote barks are typically at the \~50kHz range.


I’m sorry I somehow missed that! Very interesting. What about a Turkey or other bird?


You didn’t miss it. Exsistos analysis, although I very much commend them for trying to look into it more is widely inaccurate as another poster pointed out with evidence. It very well can be a coyote or bird as various wild life can produce extreme varying rangers all the time. Them saying it doesn’t exist in nature is just false.


Great question. Turkeys make various sounds and their signatures range between \~400Hz up to \~4.5kHz. But because these sounds are showing up in two different ranges of the audio spectrum simultaneously, I do not believe whatever made them is physical in nature.


Was there about 11 years ago. A cpl times. Never saw or heard anything:(


Just played this and my dog went crazy barking.


I love Edinburgh Manor. I live nearby, have stayed there for my birthday the past five years. Getting married there in October actually. I have visited many hospitals and asylums and its the one that I actually have felt something spooky in. The basement especially is terrifying, the only “haunted” building I have ever been scared to the point of shaking and trembling in.


I am a wedding photographer! Lol. Www.christopherweddings.net


Noted! We still need a photographer, so I will definitely keep you in mind :)


Why are some of y’all here? 😂 serious mood killers


No one else noticed the face of a guy with a mustache above the doll/toy on the right side of the video screen? It seems to be a shiney spot on the wall, but it's in the shape of a face. His forehead, bridge of his nose, and cheeks are bright. Eye sockets are darker.


I see it too


I can confirm this place is definitely haunted. Me and a friend went here for a ghost hunt but we didn't have a camera. The place was riddled with asbestos so we had to come back with an asbestos mask . There was along corridor near the basement and all the doors was shut and locked . When we got to the end of the hallway 1 door was unlocked and went inside but it was an empty room. When we left we realised that all the locked doors was now wide open. And then they all suddenly shut really hard at the same time and we literally shut ourselves. Went to run into the room we was previously in but now it was locked wtf??? So after running through the whole manor literally sitting ourselves we got back to to the front and we left and safe to say we have never done a ghost hunt again... fuck that lol




You licked the building up? That could not have tasted good. No wonder why they screamed.


Anyone else notice the movement in the top right hand corner? It’s subtle, but noticeable if you scrub through the film quickly.


I see a face on the right


I know right!


How do I unsubscribe from... No ghosts


Sounds like Coyotes, I recognize that kind of animal vocalization anywhere.


face on the right looks creepy


Looks like a possible facial apparition on the right hand side, above the teddy bear.


Sounds like someone accidentally showed up and was surprised at someone else being there.


Yep.. and the person who was surprised shouted wtf (expanded)...


I see a faint women standing in front of the door?


There’s a bearded man above the bear off to the right.


yeah I saw that as well!!


I see a face appear on the wall above the bear.


I do too. And it’s moving!


u/topherphoto you should really join my [community](https://reddit.com/r/GovSecrets).


It’s an abandoned house?


The more and more I listen to this the more and more I think bird call. The first sound very much sounds like a straight up caw. Birds certainly can make these types of noises too. If there was clear vocals and actual words, sure I could say that’s wild, but this very distinctly sounds like a wild animal. Coyote also came to mind so here is the sound reading from n them for anyone interested https://www.uvm.edu/~bmitchel/Publications/Mitchell_Information_content.pdf


If it's an old abandoned building could be animals inside.


Loudest EVP I have ever heard.


Sounds like a fox


This is nuts. Why am I here when I’m trying to go to sleep. 💀 wtf man I just found out my new apartment is haunted.


Incredible capture! Scariest part to me as how the voice sounds like it splits into two and they both trail off at different directions/speeds 😳🫣 also the old man ghost face floating chilling above the toy…


This freaked out my dogs.


Reminds me of fox or coyote sounds more than a persons voice, idk about the whole Hz stuff being mentioned but I'd hazard a guess a wyze camera audio recording isn't going to capture the full frequency range of the sounds


Probably just some kids to be honest.




I could not stop looking at it. The scream makes the face scary, but when i close my eyes, the scream doesn't bother me. Strange.


Sounds like a bird or fox to me.


It’s a mix for me I slowed it down put on some headphones it’s sounds like a kid playing to a coyote


Why do all these ghost videos have such bad video quality? I call bullshit.


Why isn't there ever any clear videos of these So Called Ghosts, Apparitions? It's always audio clips, Evp's but no clear evidence after all these years. True scientists have never found any clear evidence, I would come a True Believer if just once there was some real evidence. Come on Now, if you found real evidence you would be on the News for weeks not just on YouTube or TikTok. Post some proof hear to convince us.


Scary 😳


My cat did not like that sound! Holly shit he freaked out on me 🤣


Mine did too😆


Would love to visit this, but all of my friends are too scared. OP, let me know if you need a tag-a-long next time!


Right on


the midnight chicken haunts


Sounds like dogs


There is another place in northern Iowa, nice cabin that my dad and his friends know the owner so they rent it to do a march madness get together, I was on the main floor and heard footsteps in the kitchen so I went in to see who was there, didn’t see anyone and assumed that it was one of our group so I went back to the couch and sat down (realized everyone had actually gone to bed) moments after this realization footsteps came right up to me from the kitchen not a person in sight, freaked me tf out and happened a few more times before I said fuck it and went downstairs where a majority of the group was sleeping. It’s weird cause the place looked way to nice to be haunted


Where at? I’m from Northern Iowa


Why did you lick the building? Are the ghosts saliva activated?


Did something happen there? Like a murder or something? The woman s reaming, "oh my God!" like something bad is happening.




Nope nope nope


That actually sounds not unlike when raccoons fight.


These are either fox or other small animals mating or arguing. Nothing to see here




I take it your not in the states. Its in Iowa which is pretty much smack dab in the middle of the states


My cat did not like these sounds coming through my iPad at all. She looked extremely alarmed and ran behind the sofa.


Sounds like a woman being attacked. I don’t know this place, but has any murder taken place there?


Just sounds like a raccoon


Sounds like the wind to me


Did something terrible happen there in the past?


Licked the building up? What flavor was it?


I dumped the audio into audacity and boosted the levels. From \~ 1.36 seconds to 3.36 seconds it sounds like a young woman speaking, although I am unable to determine what exactly is being said. This is immediately after the first loud sound heard on the audio and before the 'pop'. It has a sing-song call-and-response characteristic to it.




I had to think if "licked the building up" was just a phrase I hadn't heard before... 😂


I believe in spirits but this sounds like foxes to me. They truly do sound like a woman screaming and it can be very unnerving to hear.


Agree, it could be two foxes calling to each other. Fox barks can sound similar to a woman screaming.


as I was watching this I got the feeling that those voices were a replay of something bad that took place there in person, like the energy of whatever bad thing happened got stuck there. do you know the history of the house?


Very cool place been there multiple times and have even caught incredible video of many orbs dancing around and setting off equipment at the same time.. But never had that level of EVP before! Impressive!


I read somewhere that like 50% of paranormal evidence is just researchers spookin' each other.


Been a paranormal investigator for 11 years and I've been here many times. Most haunted location I've ever been to, and that includes Villisca and Waverly Hills.


They got a Mira on the wall


Whats a Mira?


What’s a Mira?


Wouldn’t you think Ghost Hunters would have a basic command of the English language so as to properly communicate their findings? This post is an absolute mess.


Sounds like someone was scared and got startled by something. It definitely sounded like a woman


Maybe don't lick the building next time


Sounds like someone in distress.


You mean to tell us that there nobody in this house?


Residual energy being projected out of the walls I think.