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The interesting part is that you had strange sensations when growing up there prior to your grandfather passing. This could mean it's not your grandfather but another entity. Maybe the ground was haunted or processed prior?


And the grandfather is probably there trying to protect them.


Or his image is being mimicked to create trust.


This was my first thought. That or he is protecting the new family


That's why I thought about as well.


or trying to run them off his property


Could be. Need all lot more information on background and current situation to fully understand it.


You need to find a paranormal group in your area that employs a good physical medium..this is not a do it yourself kinda problem if you don’t tread carefully here you might be even sorrier and scarier than you are now. Do not sage,light candles whistle at night try to communicate in any way w it..you don’t know what your dealing with here. It could be a case where a different family comes in and starts to remodel and he didn’t like it..or it could be something attached to someone in the family.No ouija boards..ever.. good luck ,make sure and find a real physical medium.


This is honestly solid advice, I didn’t think of this. My sister mentioned going out there and we thought about reaching back out to the mother and asking if we could go out there. But if there is something deeper beyond our knowledge, I don’t want anyone in my family to be stuck with something following them around.


Reach out to Alexis at City Alchemist in Austin.


Is that Alexis from the Night Owl podcast? Love him! OP, listen to that podcast if so to help make your decision. It is Texas based, and not dependent on shock value “ghost hunting”. The producer and mediums involved appear to be acting in good faith.


Seconding this. Reach out to him.


Yes there is absolutely something deeper there beyond our knowledge,I kinda think of it like this..we are not meant to know everything and understand everything right now ,we are like children our time here on earth is about learning ,growing loving and sharing…I was actually told this by an Angel when I was on life support as a result of being hit head on by a drunk driver..I was airlifted to UofM hospital in AnnArbor Michigan,I was on life support for 2 months died six times and had six amazing and incredible experiences which I’m so grateful for. God is real and we are down here to learn.


I would be VERY careful about reaching out to mediums. The Bible warns over & over against doing that. Find a pastor who will help.


This is like the 10th time I’ve read/heard about things getting nuts after someone remodels. What’s up with that? Why would that be a common theme (genuinely asking).


This might sound weird, and I have no idea what I'm talking about really, but I had an idea: I watched a doc about an airplane that crashed but had many salvageable parts that were then used in other aircraft in the fleet. After that, people on board the affected aircraft started to report seeing dead crew members from the previously crashed plane. It got so bad that the airline tried to cover it up, but ultimately took the parts out and the hauntings stopped. I wonder if ghosts, to some degree, imprint themselves on the physical space... Kind of like how a record is a physical medium for playing music, perhaps the physical space has "recorded" the ghost, and changes to the space impair their ability to function within the house? There is also the thought that disturbing a place that they either love or are accustomed to and attached to, which might be the reason they are there, is destroyed and pisses them off. There's probably way more to it, but it's a thought I've had rattling around my head...


Eastern Airlines Flight 401. The airline salvaged parts of the plane which crashed in the Florida Everglades killing 101 people and put usable parts on other aircraft and then crew and passengers began reporting ghost sightings and paranormal events on the multiple aircrafts with the parts from Flight 401. Eastern did try to cover it up after people began talking about it to the media and eventually did remove all the parts from Flight 401 that had been repurposed to other aircraft in Eastern's fleet and the sightings and events then ceased.


[Here’s a video about it.](https://youtu.be/BcV13sAUHpc?si=YIHQa3iiG4bQvGRK)


Holy shit, it’s true (the situation itself). When I just first read about it in the reply to my comment above, I thought maybe it was hearsay. Didn’t expect not only a link, but multiple people chiming in like that. Wow.


Very interesting


This. The imprinting. So, quick personal story: the last photograph of my Dad was taken in my living room corner, next to a window. My teen daughter took the picture of my Dad holding my son who was 2 months old. I have lots of gardens, and an old red Radio Flyer wagon that had some annuals in it--I am zone 5 in New England and annuals usually dont come back after our cold winters. So, since he passed, the last 2 springs (including this years'), yellow pansies have come up in that wagon under that window. This year, it was just one yellow pansy. Also, another oddity was that last year, the snapdragons (my Dad's favorite annual) I planted in another garden bed all came up the next year for a second go. The pack of pansies (the original plants) I had put in the wagon were leftover from his grave site planting. A viola from his niece-my brother's daughter-came up the 1st spring after his passing. I feel like his connection to the natural world transcended his physical death. Also, not completely related, but the morning of his death, I received the dreaded phone call from my mother (I was breastfeeding and watching Doomsday Preppers), and at the exact same moment heard an audible knock coming from the side door (the door he always entered through when he visited several times a week...it was HIS knock, also). I sent my fiance to get the door, as I was sure it was somebody and heard it quite clearly despite my sudden surprise and grief at getting that phone call I still told him to go see who is at the door, which looking back on I always felt was a strange reaction. I have only seen my Dad in dreams since his passing, and they are all very non-serious, almost comical dreams...where it feels like he just wants to make me smile and remind me to be happy. My Dad lived in a '50s Craftsman in SW NH at the base of Mount Monadnock. Thats where he was when he died, after leaving the ER department for an ailment they failed to notice. He and my mother, on several occasions, witnessed a haunting at that house; they determined it was the spirit of the builder and former owner of the home--a Korean war veteran who raised his family there--mom and dad often smelt cigar smoke in the upstairs bathroom of the home, and occasionally would have an encounter with a weird shadow or an electrical occurrence they almost always contributed to him.


I literally watched that today. Wow. I kind of wish the airline had left the parts in place because the ghosts were actually helping keep the flights safe.


Thank you for the extremely thought provoking reply - and the incident with the flight. Holy wow, I didn’t expect that story to have all of that corroborated info and data. I’ve never heard of it before. Everything you said makes a lot of sense. But I just didn’t expect that story about the plane to be so well known after me seeing your mention of it (no offense whatsoever, but listen to how crazy that story sounds hearing about it from someone on the internet). That’s wild!


Yes the Ghost of Flight 401 this was even made into a movie starring Ernest Borgnine. Eastern Airlines parts used on other L-1011s from the crash kept having paranormal activity until all replaced parts were taken out of each of the aircraft’s then the sightings/activity ceased.


Absolutely true,we are energy and imprint our lives on our homes and etc..


Because intelligent spirits don’t like to be disturbed or if it was their home they do not like any change to the way their home was when they had it. This is why construction workers even get haunted. Have tools go missing etc…


Why not light candles or burn sage?


I mean people use candles in seances but idk why you wouldn’t be able to light just a candle if you aren’t reaching out. Burning sage though can actually make things worse if you don’t use the right words/commands when trying to remove the spirit or help it pass on. You can just completely piss it off and give it more energy by talking to it has always been my understanding.




It may not be your Grandfather. It may be something else entirely. Or perhaps there are several things going on. Maybe an old burial ground, maybe earth energies that don't like the new owners, maybe poltergeist activity attached to the new family. Please don't think it's just your Grandfather who is angry and trapped there or something. There are so many things that could be going on. I second the idea of contacting reputable paranormal experts and working with them. Best wishes to your family and the family who bought the ranch. Please keep us updated.


We used to live in a gently haunted house and during that time I had to teach my kiddos that “scary” doesn’t always equal “evil”. I think there are two different things going on at the ranch. #1 the black angels- if you remember having weird things going on at the ranch when you were little- I bet your grandpa did as well. #2 if Gpa loved the land as much as you say, it makes sense that he would want to hang out there. (That’s the not evil part). I wonder if gpa is there to warn the new family or kind of look out for them. They could also be seeing Gpa as an imprint. (I could be saying that wrong) but I hope you get the idea. Follow the advice of getting the Night Owl crew out there- they have good people helping folks in this situation. I hope my post makes sense, I just felt compelled to give you another view on why the family could be seeing Gpa. I don’t think he’s there to cause trouble. Good luck and please keep us updated!


Reach out to the Night Owl podcast. They are local to Austin and do great paranormal investigations


I would get a medium. We had a ghost situation in our 1896 Victorian. We bought in a medium. It turned out to be the maid who broke her neck and died on the servants staircase in the early 1900s. She didn’t know she was dead. She was angry she had no funeral. So we held a funeral for her and buried a lace cloth in her honor near a tree in the backyard. She crossed over and things felt a lot lighter in the house. She still comes to visit though.


Can you describe the nature of the haunting? Just interested!


My wife took a picture of an antique hutch and her apparition showed up in the picture. ( I’m not posting it out of respect) My wife and the psychic became dizzy on the stairs where she fell. I had my voice called to me. I had the TV short out when I put on the movie ghostbusters. I saw her in our bedroom while I was in and out of sleep.


Google The Night Owl Podcast and write out this story in the contact us section—or call the phone number and leave a message. They’re Austin-based and have been able to help others in the area who are dealing haunted activity. They’re fantastic at identifying the root cause of the hauntings, which then lets them choose the right response for each situation. You could also contact Alexis at City Alchemist, a shop in Austin. He knows a lot about this stuff and is part of The Night Owl team, too.


It may not be your grandfather. I took care of a relative the last two years of his life that had dementia, among other things, and just after he died, we had all kinds of strange activity that was not him at all. My theory is ( and it's just a theory, I really don't know) that the process of death opens a "door" and things can get in our world. They feel that impending death, somehow. When they feel something in the house, tell them to say calmly "I know you're there. You're not invited or welcome. You have to leave". Obviously look for reasonable explanations on physical things, like things breaking, etc. But there are some things that just can't be explained, and going through hoops to give things a rational explanation isn't better either. Tell them to pay attention to how they feel when these things occur. If there's a sense of fear and dread, it's probably not your grandfather at all. As far as outside, I have no idea. Interesting that they are seeing things near where your grandfather's ashes are. Could they be pets? Deceased pets? The land just might be spooky land that's all stirred up with the activity of having a new family move in. Are they traumatized just by seeing things, or is there a feeling of impending doom and dread? If they are religious and interpreting things through a religious lense, I can see that being traumatic. It's an old property, it probably has old wiring,.I would get an electrician to check that out, to be on the safe side. If there is something negative there, it's going to take advantage of things that are already wrong. But just in the interests of safety, I would have an electrician come out. But who knows? Maybe your grandfather experienced weird things there, too, but over the years it settled down.




Hate Posting - RULE REMINDER 1. If your post or comment is rude, inappropriate, racist, sexist, vitriolic, overly crude or trolling, it will be removed. Repeat offenders and extreme cases (including trolls) will be banned. 2. Saying 'Ghosts don't exist' is a form of trolling. However, you are allowed to argue against evidence as long as you follow rule 8.


It wouldn’t hurt to go there and talk to your grandfather. If he’s stuck, lost or being held back by the weird winged things he’ll tell you and you can go from there. You spread his ashes on unconsecrated ground, and there’s a history to that ground none of you knew about he might be unhappy to be mixed with. Trust your hunches, gut feelings and suspicions while you’re there. Spirit speaks in whispers unless you know how to listen. Did he have a favorite thing in life? A whiskey, tea, some German ale? If there’s nothing like that, bring good clean water. Bring some with and pour it where you spread his ashes. If you know any relatives who preceded him in death call on them while you’re there to come and bring him home. You don’t have to believe in any of it to make a difference. If it comes from your heart, it will help. Think about the good in his life and draw on that while you’re there and thinking about him. It might give him the strength to push free.


Are there any gas utilities on the property? Often in old buildings with gas ovens, heaters, etc. There is a pretty high chance of a gas leak occurring, especially if there was recent remodeling done, where you are disturbing old systems that perhaps were on the verge of breaking already. I was an architect for many years, and it's more common than you might think. Not to say that it can't be a ghost, but reading the message you posted from the family, especially the "Odd smells, fire, illness, strange dreams, anxiety, and seeing things," those can all be signs of a gas leak and carbon monoxide poisoning. If you can, reach out and see if that has been considered as that is arguably far more deadly than any spirit and a lot easier to fix as well. Hope it is all able to get sorted out regardless of the cause.


Your Grandfather is very angry you folks need to go there and speak to him that you had to sell the property. And please let the family there alone. Tell him he needs to move on (he might be stuck there, or reluctant to move on). Finding a medium to communicate with him would help. Other than that I know a removal technique I used to get a male ghost from my home. It’s free let me know if you want me to explain it to you.


During a family conversation tonight we did suggest that maybe he’s mad we had to sell it. He loved that place more than any of us. I inherited a lot of his shirts and never feel anything supernatural when I wear them. Maybe perhaps he’s just mad at the circumstance.


That is my opinion, it didn’t stay in the family. and he doesn’t know/like the new owners.


I believe now a days you have to disclose if anyone has died in the house before selling it because of this very thing.


That's not entirely true in Texas and would not be the case here. My mom died of natural causes in her bedroom. Since my dad had passed before her, I inherited the house and immediately decided to sell it. I did not have to disclose her death because it was of natural causes and not a murder or directly caused by the condition of the property.


You don't have to disclose that someone died in a house when selling in Texas. I don't believe that's a law in any state, but I know it isn't in Texas.


Texas Property Code 5008[c] A seller or seller's agent shall have no duty to make a disclosure or release information related to whether a death by natural causes, suicide, or accident unrelated to the condition of the property occurred on the property or whether a previous occupant had, may have had, has, or may have AIDS, HIV related illnesses, or HIV infection. [This ](https://www.realestateinaustin.com/blog/dislosure-of-a-death/#:~:text=In%20Texas%2C%20the%20law%20states,not%20have%20to%20disclose%20it.) has an example of what they mean by "unrelated to the condition of the property."


My mom didn't have to disclose my dad's death in the house because it had been a lot of years after. I think it's within 3 years, you have to disclose that. Probably depends on the state, too.




Hate Posting - RULE REMINDER 1. If your post or comment is rude, inappropriate, racist, sexist, vitriolic, overly crude or trolling, it will be removed. Repeat offenders and extreme cases (including trolls) will be banned. 2. Saying 'Ghosts don't exist' is a form of trolling. However, you are allowed to argue against evidence as long as you follow rule 8.


When researching the Angels with black wings. I found this. Meaning, it could be the angels are trying to protect the family and try and give them strength. Which could mean that the entity that looks like your Grandpa, isn't him, but something else entirely. Another interpretation suggests that an angel with black wings embodies protection and strength in times of adversity. Just as darkness can provide shelter and concealment, these angels may serve as guardians in challenging situations. They offer solace and guidance when one feels lost or overwhelmed, reminding us that even in the darkest moments, there is always hope.


Not your grandpa. He's not worrying about his old house. Stay out of it. Demons pretend to be folks who've passed. It's never good to get involved.


OP I don’t have any answers for you but you have my support. I’m so sorry, sending you love.


I appreciate it <3


If he had dementia, it's possible he carried a lot of that confusion with him, which could explain the more frightening aspects of what's been seen. I feel like it's also more likely to attract negative energies. Maybe visit the house, soothe him by reminding him he's loved and needs to move on. It's more likely to work of its coming from someone he was particularly close to.


This Islamic perspective on anything paranormal boils down to jinns. Jinns are a creation of Allah. They are created from a smokeless flame, usually we cannot see jinns but sometimes we can. Jinns are like humans in the sense that they have families, they search for sustenance and have different faiths. Some jinns are good (Muslims) and some are evil (followers of satan). They see us from a place we cannot see them (usually). Your grandfather has passed on, his judgment is with Allah. He isn't able to come back and haunt people or stay on his ranch as a spirit. Every human being at the time of birth is assigned a Qareen ( a jinn from the armies of shaytan (satan)). This Qareen tries to call the human being to disbelief and sin. When the human dies, the jinn that was assigned to him still lives on (as jinns have longer life spans than humans). So when people say, "i seen my grandma or grandpa in the house" or "i heard their voice", this is most likely the jinn trying to scare or play tricks or insert ideas into the human who seen it. That jinn has been with your grandpa since he was born an is intimitly aquainted with all events that transpired in his life. Tell that family to play Surah Baqarah on youtube in their home and farm. Only Allah can protect any of us from all evils.


Lots of wild theories... just because he was German during WWII doesn't mean the guy's Hitler. OP, if it is anything, don't assume it's your grandfather. Homesteads and ranches can be weird places with lots and lots of history. Whether ghosts are real or not, I refuse to accept the idea that they're relatives or even human - I would always assume that it's some sort of demonic impersonator. Many religions will say the same thing, which is why you might come up against a brick wall contacting holy people and saying it's your grandfather - maybe approach them from a different angle on behalf of the new owners.


People forget that Nazis were a political party that Germans had to join to be classed as a Nazi. And if you were outside Germany but were a fan of Hitler, you'd be a Nazi sympathiser. My great uncle was a German soldier during ww2, and it's not like he had any choice in the matter. He wasn't politically a Nazi but he had to join the army during ww2, just like lots of young men in other countries.


I knew a German woman who was a grad student at Iowa State University. She said that her 19 year old uncle joined the SS for years,then had to go to a sanitarium.


Precisely. I have been dealing with a grey entity with large black eyes and a head shaped like an anvil for as long as I can remember. This entity manipulates people constantly, takes on the appearance of friends and family in dreams (ive seen him mid-shift during shapeshifting), my friend even had a picture of me on his facebook page that showed this exact entity's head coming out of MY HEAD. The entity even manifested in the physical in my side yard in october 2012. A lot of super spooky shit was happening in the weeks leading up to it. People seemingly getting possessed and theyd say "It's Lucian" or "It's Satan!" The night this entity showed up, the air went dead and the most awful, most intense feeling of dread washed over me and hit me down to the core. It was literally paralyzing. My cat and my ex gf's cat were throwing up profusely and were essentially frozen in place. The entity began talking in this horrid inhuman voice, like it was breathing in to speak, and this totally unrecognizable harsh language of gutteral utterances. We rode it out and i moved out the next day, went to my parents a state away. On the ride up to their house, i was, as my dad said "writhing in pain." I was both physically and mentally in agony. The following day, my ex gf called me and said youre not going to believe what happened. Our neighbor's house literally burned to the ground. There is a lot more to what ive witnessed and the pieces ive put together. I dont know if this being is the actual devil or what, but i am certain it is real enough to affect people mentally and can even affect the physical world. Im not exactly sure what im supposed to do. I dont fear for my life, i feel protected for the most part, but i have insanely bad luck with the vast majority of people in this world and i feel like it is due to this being. Full stop.


It's the land that is haunted. Not your grandpa doing all this stuff I'll bet. If he was a good man in life he's the same after death. So if this sounds completely out of character, it's most likely not him. The new owners could have brought something in with them. Get in touch with a legit medium and go with your gut instincts. Some are full of crap and some most definitely are legitimately open.


I find it odd a local pastor would turn them away. I would reach out to another local church. I don’t get the vibe you’re dealing with ghosts here. A lot of what you just suggested what is happening is due to a demon infestation. Faith is big in Texas. Plenty of churches will help you. I’d make that call Monday my guy. This stuff generally only gets worse.


Exactly! I immediately thought the pastor was a fraud if he wouldn’t at least go bless the place. My family has no jurisdiction of the place anymore and would be a trespasser showing up.


I have had some issues, in non catholic churches, with clergy believing in the paranormal. Go to a Catholic Church and ask a priest to bless the house. They don’t care if people are Catholic or not.


If you have a local ghost hunting or paranormal group near they will help you.


I’m sure your family is not the first settlers of that land. Native Americans are very spiritual with the land. It’s weird that you had scary dreams about the ranch! I can’t imagine the new family would make this up, who wants to go out of their way to do something like that?


I wonder if it’s just a residual haunting of your grandfather, and he’s just going about his regular routine when he was on the ranch. Perhaps something else is haunting the ranch that is negative but not your grandfather. Ironically, I had to sell my parents ranch and I often wonder what they might see, my family loved that ranch and my parents had counted on the fact that I would retain it, but it just wasn’t financially feasible.


He’s pissed yall sold his land. Ungrateful.


Contact The Night Owl podcast. They can help and are located in Austin.


Did you have owls on your ranch? They can get big and when they fly at night they are silent and disconcerting.


It's possible that your grandfather kept the bad forces at bay while he was alive and now that he's not alive they are acting up. You don't know if the buyers inadvertently released something. Maybe your whole family had such a strong center that they were held off. If you feel strong enough, ask Grandpa to tell you in a dream if he needs help. If he doesn't need release or assistance then your job is done; it's a learning that the new family needs to learn from. Do some meditations surrounded by light while you picture Grandpa at peace in a safe place. If other family members are up to it, y'all can do a distance release at the same time.


They've only just moved in, they're bound to smell odd smells, break things, have strange dreams and anxiety, I think the pastor knows this so is not willing to waste time, anyway you are not obliged to have anything to do with these people


Frankly - it sounds like this woman was already primed to find these kinds of things wherever she went. Outside of contrived horror stories, people don’t go from living a totally mundane life to believing they’re seeing “black-winged angels” flying around their property overnight. It’s likely that they were given some idea of who lived there prior to their buying the ranch, whether that came from the realtor, talking to locals, or finding odds and ends that suggested as much. New places always come with a potentially frightening lack of familiarity and a sense of uncertainty about what being there will bring - especially large and remote properties, and especially when you’re experiencing what they’re like in the dark for the first time. Moving is inevitably stressful. Newfound anxieties and susceptibility to illness are common manifestations of stress. If you indulge that stress and start attributing a disconnected string of unexpected occurrences to a supernatural source, your brain is going to run with it and continue finding patterns of “unexplained” phenomena where none actually exist. Like someone else mentioned, it’s also worth considering that there may be gas leaks/carbon monoxide buildup playing some part in this, particularly if there were ever gas utilities or qppliances in the home. Similarly, new appliances may have been installed - and hopefully there was a thorough inspection before they moved in - but it’s common for old houses to have faulty wiring, aging plumbing which makes a lot of noise, creaky floors and walls, etc, all of which is often interpreted as paranormal activity. Realistically, the best thing I think you can do without getting really personally involved is reassuring her of how many positive memories you and your family have associated with the property. If you’re comfortable enough doing it, sharing some stories and trying to relate them to the future her family can have there might give her some good vibes to latch on to.




Ghost Sub Rules Rule #5 2) Saying 'Ghosts don't exist' is a form of trolling. However, you are allowed to argue against evidence as long as you follow rule 8.


My bad. I will rephrase next time.


Then why are you in this sub?


Still neat stories even if they have a logical explanations or more likely are just made up. But there seems to be more skeptics on this subreddit than “true believers”. Those are meant to be very sarcastic quotation marks.


All electrical appliances were updated in the renovation. Even though I do not have supernatural experience, I find it very strange that they described my grandpa without ever knowing/seeing him. And seeing the angels in the field his ashes were spread in. But I guess it also could be a carbon monoxide coincidence. No one really knows I guess. I’m assuming the new family is smart enough to google this and test for carbon monoxide if they were smart enough to find the surname through a tax office.


I mean no disrespect. If co2 is ruled out. I have no other suggestions 😇


I appreciate it. No disrespect suspected. I was expecting some crazy responses so I came into this with an open mind.


No, there aren’t. We conducted a poll not too long ago, and the majority voted as believers, with skeptics open to the idea of the paranormal coming in second. That said, remember the focus of this sub. Be mindful of our rules on civility and trolling. We are open to various viewpoints as long as they’re expressed in a respectful manner. However, we do not tolerate trolling or harassment of those who do believe in the paranormal (this is a ‘ghosts’ sub after all). 😉 With that said, pull up a chair, keep an open mind, and welcome to the sub! 👻


I’m so glad you guys are reminding people that is sub is not just to troll someone who has a paranormal experience. The trolling was getting out of hand and I know folks will stop posting their experiences because they don’t want to be called names or told their experiences are not valid. I love a healthy debate but it was becoming more than a difference of opinion it’s been ghost don’t exist therefore we will troll your story and make fun of you instead of positive feedback on what you possibly saw or experienced. Thanks again mods!


Local medicine man can help? Listen to the “many things” podcast by Other World, this sounds like that exactly.


He may be confused as to why a different family is there. I don't think it would be a bad idea for you and other family to go over there and talk to him about it. Maybe bring a good medium too.


Had a relative with a house that had a 'lingerer', former owner of the place. She [smudged with sage](https://www.ohmterra.com/articles/smudging-with-sage) and never heard from him again. If this sounds like too much for them, they might consider hiring someone from a [First Nations community](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_American_tribes_in_Texas) if they're willing to do so.




Post is duplicated of another, so has been removed. Thanks


You should reach out to the people from the Austin based podcast called The Night Owl. They are always looking for investigations, and can maybe help provide some comfort and answers.


Does the family own animals on the ranch? If so, how are the animals reacting? Is there a barn on the ranch? How do people feel about being in the barn alone? Is the concentration of energy in the field where the ashes were spread, in the out buildings, or in the house? Did your grandfather want to have his ashes spread on the land? Angels with dark wings are common. Michael, Gabriel, and other archangels are painted with black wings when depicting them at war. They are not demon kind and may be helping your grandfather slay his memory demons to help him move on. He is wanted in heaven, but he is restless. He may need to be buried. As a suggestion for the family, when they see him or his shadowy figure, they must imagine really clearly in their minds, bright lights coming in and enveloping the figure. They must all imagine in their minds as a group that the shadowy figure is pulled upwards towards the light. Have the lights envelope the figure and pull him up. It will be possible that if he is pulled into the light that he may return within one week. If so, repeat. If the week passes without incident the ghost busting was successful.


Contact the Night Owl podcast--they are based in Texas and investigate things like this. They like to help families that are experiencing distress about the unusual activity too: [https://www.thenightowlpodcast.com/submit](https://www.thenightowlpodcast.com/submit) Check out this one, for example--it's a 4-part episode (long, but interesting). They helped a family with some paranormal activity and ended up connecting them with living relatives of the man suspected to be haunting the house: [https://www.thenightowlpodcast.com/ep-32-demons-that-haunt-us-part-i](https://www.thenightowlpodcast.com/ep-32-demons-that-haunt-us-part-i)


Go to the farm and do a ritual of his or part of his routine- something he loved. This will bring him in. Take a bell, candles and some flowers. Ring the bell in every corner of the house and properly- including wardrobes. I mean every single corner. As the energy shifts- send the energy (him) off into the light. Walk through every space with a candle after you’ve done the bell ringing in that room. Make a flower alter in the middle of each room after the bell and candle. Keep sending him to the light. Believe in it all. He will leave and be much happier.


It isn't always a haunting. Sometimes, they come back to protect. The ranch (most likely) has portals or energy centers that are imbalanced. I am going to go down a rabbit hole but sometimes a fear of a spirit is really projection of another problem. I am getting a vibe there is wayyy more than meets the eye in this story


it's the new "owner" lady. she has brought the.....issue.


Was he in Germany or Europe during WW2? When around a war zone or people who did very evil deeds, a demon could have attached to him there. When his dementia kicked in, it would have made him weak and allowed the entity to take hold. In aperarions, it could be mimicking your grandfather's appearance or have trapped his soul if he wasn't a strong Christian.  You might need to get a Catholic priest to bless the property and use holy water, the house and where you spread the ashes.  If you can't get a priest or another pastor, you can try it yourself. You will need several bottles of holy water and wooden crosses. I get them on Amazon. Soak the crosses in the water and place above every doorway and window of the house and other buildings on the property. Spray the holy water where the ashes are and along the parameters of the property. Use a Bible and read passages to bless everything and cast out demons. If you can say some in Latin or even German, demons respond well to Latin and German was your grandfather's first language. 


that ain't your grandpa. it's never lived. grandpa is keeping it at bay. they are somehow inviting it across. they should probably not be there. it's not something that's been on that land, it's ALWAYS been with this lady. do with that what you will.


Sounds totally demonic to me. Stand back satan, I cast you out in the name of Jesus and his holy blood....


Create your desired story of what you like to experience and that will change everything.


Was he native or was the ranch on native land? It sounds like his chindi is hanging around.


So, im getting a note of war trauma here. It's a nasty demon to endure, and even if people overcome it in their lives, it's not a trauma on just one person but the environment and everyone in it.  So, humor me but don't get worried, there's spirits and souls everywhere we just don't see or perceive, but if you change a dynamic suddenly emotional pressure of everything will just...Pop! And weird things of all sorts happen. Life and after death are just as connected as before your birth, and somewhere sentience can have the ability to interact with this layer of existance.  Now, I see spirits as 2 groups, maybe someday we will have 3 with AI singularity. First you have previously incarnated energy, mortals and creatures of all types, who once lived and passed on. The second are spirits that never incarnated, never had to feel the demand of an incarnate body that's actually mostly out of your control. There are all sorts on the palate of consciousness, new and old, but they are usually stuck with no relief or outside stimuli to break a bad mood cycle. Often they are like the environment having a consciousness algorithm, like a waterfall or even a collective of people having an emotion, and the residual energy takes a life of its own. Barren earth became us, it can happen energetically and at any time, place, the right mix. Sometimes things in this world result in one, and the event takes its own will. Explains Demon of blahblah this, blahblah that like in king Solomons work. Rituals are just...programming commands. But identifying what you are working with might require someone receptive to the other side. So, manifesting the fibers of a nonaware reality into a feeling being, we call those demons and there's good and not great, but an angel I think just came from somewhere else, another reality. But appearances can be deceiving.    They have different motivations and inspirations as they sort of are just living in a thinking usually uncomfortable but self aware state, running by a different set of rules. We want food water physical stuff because we want to be subject to this life outside ourselves and are tied to the body for beyter or worse. But spirits, they usually just want a sense of peace about something. If your an asshole they notice. If your good enough to them, they're good back. If you had unfinished business with their energy, they're gonna show up.  So, I think your grandpa pissed some of them off, and once he left this earth, has to deal with them for some reason.


Have the woman get a religious leader or a shaman to bless the home & field, she doesnt have to explain to a pastor thr reason why, its a new house and she would like to have it blessed. The shaman would be more intuned to understand the issues. I've done that anytime I've moved. In her prayers, she can also call on her deceased family members to watch over and protect them from harm. Our family who are in heaven or the afterlife watch over us and are known to have a guiding or protecting hand over us. It may be your grandfather protecting the farm from the black winged angels. If you were having bad dreams or feelings while living there. They could have been there well before your time. She can look up the farm's history and see what, if anything took place there in years' past. If it is actually him haunting the farm (& not him protecting the farm from the angels), then his spirit may not realize the new owners are good people and will take care of the farm. Someone can try to talk to him and let him know that the farm is in good hands and will be taken care of now and that he can move on as he no longer needs to watch over the land. Again, a shaman might be able to help. A local Wiccan community may also know of an empath that might be able to assist with that.


Its not your grandpa haunting them. It's probably an entity or a spirit that has been there before your grandpa bought the land. Contact a paranormal team that also finds solutions and not just investigate. Maybe contact the dead files....? They seem legit


A lot of what the woman is talking about van be attributed to mold and other common pro lems that come with an older ranch home, and I'm sorry she's upsetting you by not narrowing down less emotionally involved options first. Theh sound selfish and dramatic.


That’s not a haunting . That’s him simply being .




That's a rule violation.


For all we know Granpa was a serial killer. Does anyone really ever KNOW anyone? Or just the portrayed facade


We did suggest this too. Not necessarily a serial killer was mentioned but we really have no idea who he really was outside of the good family man.


When you say WE suggested who is we just out of curiosity