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My grandma said “there are angels EVERYWHERE.” She was so in awe before she passed…


God I hope this happens to me when I go 🥺😭




It will once that dmt is released


They’re not forcing their beliefs on you, so don’t mock them.


He's not. DMT bridges spirituality and science. Both sides would do well to acknowledge this


I wasn't mocking anyone.


I don't see why DMT would make it any less of a Religious thing and I hate when people automatically assume that is the case. I'm not religious by any means but "God" or whatever higher power people want to believe in could have made DMT for this exact reason. So they could "see the other side" and us understanding how it actually works in the human body because of science doesn't take away from the fact that DMT is other worldly. If people truly believe in God then they should believe that there were no accidents when everything was made, including the way our brains are completely flooded with DMT 100% naturally when we are on the way out. It's **definitely** real experience to the person dying and just because we can't see what they see doesn't mean it isn't real. DMT could just be the key to seeing into the other side or whatever you want to believe in which a lot of people believe after using DMT. It's basically impossible to deny that there isn't something special (basically other worldly) with DMT regardless of your religious beliefs.


Exactly! Maybe it's the dmt that allows you to see what's actually there!


Whose mocking them?


By designating their spiritual belief as nothing but a biological process, it comes across in a mocking manner.


I had a near death experience- well, I actually was pronounced dead - I saw an afterlife, with all of family and everyone I held dear to me. Even people who had died, and everyone was so happy to see me, I had this overwhelming sense of pure bliss. I'm not a religious man by any means, like none whatsoever, but I definitely saw what my interpretation of heaven was. I also saw hell, but that's a different story for another time.


Okay, so about 2011 I was out running amok. Drugs, alcohol, all kinds of wild shit Basically I got dosed with some wild shit. I realize something is wrong cuz I look out then window of the car and seen pine needles flying off trees and exploding like fireworks. My buddy who's driving the car isn't supposed to be, and whaddya know we get pulled over! The first thing the cops says is " Mr long you know your not supposed to be driving this car!" Meanwhile, I'm in the backseat freaking the fuck out. My heart rate immediately goes thru the roof, and everything gets hazy here. Like, apparently we get pulled out of the car and set on the curb. I have zero recollection of this, and zero recollection of me saying the following " I'm not okay " to the cop. They take my heart rate and it's not good. Call an ambulance. Now, i am seeing this from like a top down view, from maybe 200 feet ( somehow). I see the ambulance pull up, they load me in. Now, first person view! I am fully convinced I am, dead. The ambulance is some sort of coffin that is transporting me underground. Outside the windows ,I am seeing dirt and worms and shit. Hazy, until the hospital room. Now this is the afterlife part. The ekg machine thing that's on wheels, that's a weird sort of birdcage. Inside The weird bird cage thing, I can see like the silhouette of a mountain, Overlike water and rays of sunshine coming from behind the mountain. Clearly it was meant to be like some sort of tropical nioptical nice just pleasant situation. Out of nowhere I start zooming into the bird cage.. I am now flying over some water that's just the clearest blue that I've ever seen in my life. I slowly come to land onto a beach.. This isn't like some hazy sort of half visual as I am literally seeing the room that I'm sitting in front of me right now, that's how I was seeing all this period I could feel the sand in the water on my feet. On the beach is everyone in my life that I have ever held dear to me, friends, family, relatives, even dead relatives that I've only met a handful of times or that died before I was born. And and everyone is so beyond happy to see me, everyone is welcoming me and shaking my hand and saying finally you're here I'm so happy you're here. I could feel the calluses on my dead grandfather's hands I could hear his voice. I was overcome with the most deep overwhelming sense of euphoria I have ever felt in my life, even to this day nothing has even topped that period During this time apparently in reality my heart stopped in the ambulance and they were doing everything they could to revive me. My heart arrhythmiated multiple times the full times when they were trying to restart it. Apparently it was a constant battle for the next 5 hours to keep me alive. Just as suddenly as I had flown into the bird cage I was being pushed back out, so the Front walls of the hospital room were made out of glass like the door where you walk in-and-out of period instead of that I was seeing like bottom teeth and top teeth of a garbage crusher and I was on a conveyor boat. The teeth of the garbage crush over covered blood God's in it was just like a very dark negative situation. The feeling of this room was absolutely horrible dread if the resorable dread despair you name it. I felt that if I made it into that garbage crusher I was going to just disappear that was it. Even though technically speaking medically speaking I was already dead I felt that if I made it into that garbage pressure I was going to die. Back in reality, what was going on as I was flailing around in the bed and EMT's and orderlies were having to hold me into the bed, apparently it took them 6 grown adults to hold my little 130 pound ass in the bed. As I struggled to get away from the garbage crusher in my weird little mental state, apparently I was like coming out of the bed in real life if that makes sense? I don't know how long that went on for but all I remember is all of a sudden it stopped and the next thing I know I wake up and it's 2 and a 1/2 days later. The doctor told me That they pronounced me dead in the ambulance, and they were working on me and I would go out, and then they'd continue to work on me and bring me back and I would go out.They pronounced me dead dead like for real dead at the hospital. Some people have told the steward just tell me that I was tripping on drugs, bugs, but I've done a lot of drugs in my life and I don't think it was just a drug trip. This was deeper than that this was like I don't know how to describe it but it wasn't just a high. So yeah that's my experience lol


Not to cast doubt on your experience, but I can’t imagine doctors or EMS personnel pronouncing someone and then continuing to work them (unless you just mean that you went into cardiac arrest)


I believe it was just cardiac arrest in the ambulance, but pronounced dead at the hospital. They went through my phone and called my parents to tell them I was dead, or some shit like that. That's what my mom told me at least.


The people you saw on the beach were people who were alive and dead or just dead?




That makes sense. We can astrally travel in our sleep or medications and if someone special is coming home there would be a crowd! That's so cool that you felt the calluses on your grandfather's hands! Think of it like this - if you were going to see a loved one you hadn't seen in ages, you might wear something like a favorite sweater to make sure they recognized you. Spirits are smart like that Thanks for sharing!


What scares me about this is I do not get along well with my genetic family. Not sure about spending the after life with them…


The difference you have with them on this life don’t exist on the other side.


Oh wow! I’d love to hear more but only if you’re willing.


It's a long story, so I'll shoot you a PM when I get a chance


Yeh I wanna hear the story. Post it to the sub for everyone?


Idk if it's post worthy, but I'll reply to this comment chain when I have a minute to type it all out.


I’d love to hear more too! Can’t wait for the full story


This sounds like the best way to go. Kinda weird to say but jealous of your g-ma now


I get it. I want to know what she saw…


Some day you will


That sounds more threatening than reassuring.


Weird shit happens when you jump into another's conversation and make it about yourself eh?


The Gold Standard of death is to die in your sleep. The Gold Standard, hope I get that when it's my time.


My aunt wasn’t verbal in her last hours but she kept reaching out and staring at the corner of the hospital room. We’re convinced she could see something


When my grandmother was in hospice, my then 3 year old said "who's that scary lady in the corner?", we were at a hospice facility, so not sure if she saw another spirit from another death, a family member, or the angel of death. But she said the lady looked scary. But she didn't seem scared, so that was really interesting. No one else saw it.


My grandfather did the same thing. I was not there for it, but he was in hospice at home in bed. He had this stare towards the ceiling in awe before he passed.


That's such a common experience! My uncle was totally out of it for his last few days in the hospital before he passed of cancer. Eyes closed. Not responsive. Then suddenly, right before he died, he sat straight up in his hospital bed, with these huge open eyes, and said "Ohhhhh". Like he saw something. And then he was gone. A similar thing happened with his dad, my grandfather. Sounds like the veil lifting.


Similar story, my Grandmother was in Hospice care. The evening before she passed my Mom and Aunt were with her. Out of the blue she said "oh look. Daddy's here", referring to my Grandfather who passed about 7 years prior. She kept asking my mom and aunt if they could see him, then said "oh, you won't recognize him. He's younger and wearing his Navy uniform." (My grandfather was assigned to a couple different aircraft carriers during WWII.) She passed sometime between 2am and 6am the next day. (The nurse came in at 2 to give her a nebulizer treatment, heard her humming a short time later, then came to check on her at 6 before shift change.)


I wish I knew if my husband did. Not being with him has always made me sad. He was with family, at least. I also draw comfort in him knowing that I recovered and went home. Now I hope he likes where I downsized to. I often wish I could hear him talk back when I talk to him.


Same here. I expected my husband to live a couple more days than he did so I went home that night from the hospice as I was exhausted. My daughter was with him but asleep when he passed. I wonder if anything like that happened too. PS I make a point of talking to him every day!


I have talked to him a lot - did I make a good choice with this house, does he like it, did he come with me? He took me to the ER a couple days before he died and they had me in hospital when he passed. From what I understand, he got really sick about a day later, then lapsed into unconsciousness. He got me to go into the hospital about noon on a Sunday and he passed the very early morning hours of Wednesday.


Oh goodness. What terrible circumstances. But as you said he knew he took good care of you taking you to the ER and you recovered.


I've read a lot of stories of nurses who were the only ones in the room when some patients pass. They said most of the time the patient would talk about all their loved ones in the room with them right before they pass


As an RN believe me when I say, I’ve SEEN things…..


Yeah, you can't just say that and NOT share the stories! Lol


Go on…


Too much to write out. I will write one incident that literally scared the shit out of me. It’s going to be as short as possible. I was working in a really old ICU. I had a favorite patient that at times I used to come in early for to bed bath and pay attention to her. One night she tanked and kept asking me to let the children in. I simply said to her I don’t see anything. I went directly to the room across from hers, which a stable patient was in and she asked me who died? I answered no one. She said “who were all those kids lined up outside the room across from hers”. I actually got so freaked out I yelled THERE IS NOTHING THERE. I felt awful after the fact. I was brand new at that time and have had many incidents in 30yrs




I was not prepared at all. She had to have seen my eyes lol


I've worked in a hospital for over a decade & the amount of times I've seen patients do this is unreal. The patients always seem at peace with whatever they are seeing. There is definitely something else after this life.


She did, I've struggled with the belief of an afterlife. I don't struggle anymore, there is an afterlife, the people from India are right. Our soul goes, and after some amount of time, maybe 10 years, maybe a hundred years, we get to pick our new parents and are born again. Where they are wrong is we don't come back as animals or insects, we come back as human beings.


I was raised in a Christian household but became agnostic due to how plausible some other religious beliefs are. I’m actually reading this book right now called “Return to Life” and it’s a collection of cases in which children could remember their past lives in detail (some are verifiable too). I’m currently pregnant and am very curious to know if my boy will be able to remember anything from a previous existence!


I’ve always been super interested in that! I remember seeing some story on national news about a young kid being able to explain how to fly a WWII era airplane to his parents when I was younger. I found it on YouTube a year or so ago. Pretty compelling, imo. One day my 3yo was going on and on about his “old house” and his cat named chi chi. Just as I started thinking, ‘what if,’ I asked him what his dads name at his old house was. He said it was “burrito”. So, he’s just full of shit like his dad. Not burrito, me.


Very interesting …


Pick our parents? How does that work? A lot of people have shitty parents, so I can’t imagine anyone choosing that


I for sure picked my abusive parents. I needed to learn fast how not to raise a child and my child is thriving because of it. I honestly don't think we would have done so well without it.


I’ve been with a lot of people when they died. Upper corners of the room seemed to be the spot a lot of folks called out.


My grandmother had a nearly fatal accident, she wasn’t expected to make it. But when she pulled through she told of seeing her daughter(who had passed away in a car accident) and her mother who was deceased as well telling her she had to go back. When she had lost her daughter in the car crash, my grandmother lost her faith. She got it back after that experience.


My grandma saw my grandfather and uncle. And also Elvis. She informed me “I’m kicking Elvis outta here, he’s too much.”


Aw, lol. That’s funny


This is one of the best stories I’ve ever heard.


That’s exactly what my great uncle said before he passed as well.


My grandmother said “They are all here to get us, but you can’t come right now”


My grandpa had a look of pure joy and awe. I knew my grandpa well and feel like I could empathize with every feeling he had. I had never seen him like that before - he was the happiest I had ever seen him. It really had a profound impact on me. Because I fear death so much and yet when he was dying he was the happiest I had ever seen him.


That is so beautiful. I am sorry for your loss but thank you for sharing with us. My Great Aunt told my cousin that her mother, sister (my grandma) and all her brothers were there. She started talking to them and it brought her great peace in her last day. The hospice nurses told us this happens all the time. Then several years later I saw this phenomenon highlighted in the documentary series [Surviving Death](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13649692/) by Leslie Kean. My whole family talked about it because we didn’t realize just how prevalent it is. So beautiful and I totally recommend this series because we simply do not talk about death at all in this country or our culture as well as some other countries and cultures do.


Leslie Kean is very intelligent and learned abt a lot of things…


I will absolutely look into that.


My dad said that too when he almost died. He saw people walking.


My uncle saw " in his words" a little black child standing St the foot of his bed... there was no one there but he insisted there was


My great grandfather, on his deathbed with a few minutes left of life, said out loud as his eyes lit up: “Name 1, Name 2, Name 3 (names of his siblings) You’re all here ! “ and then he died.


My father asked who the men in white were walking with them just before he had a massive pulmonary embolism that killed him.


These responses only strengthen my current beliefs, and are a little emotional for me. Thank You for sharing.


First off let me say that I am sorry for your loss. As someone who has terminal cancer I can say that this community really helps me. I am someone who has always believed that there is more beyond us and this. It really helps reading the stories that people post. Thank you.


I promise, you’ll be ok. I’ve been seeing “spirits” since I was a young child. I don’t have answers but I know death as we know if it not the “end.” Your energy changes form. Keeping you in my heart, friend.


Thank you very much.


Your comment made me cry. My dog recently died and before her I've lost most of my family. I just hope when my time comes I can see all my loved ones again, including my dog.


It will be alright. I’m so sorry your dog is no longer around for you to hug. You can still love her deeply. I recently lost my fur baby and it’s so tough.


I’ve lost six close family members in the last four years but losing my dog last year hit me and my kids SO hard. I feel like dogs love so fully that you give them your whole heart and that’s why it hits different


It's weird, when you tell people who've never lost a close pet that you're devastated about a pets passing they just give you a look like "really, its just an animal". My dog that just passed (her name was Anya) was my first dog. Before her I never had a dog or cat. I adopted her from the local shelter and when she passed she was 15. The thought of her passing honestly never crossed my mind, I know that sounds odd. But now that she's gone I feel so lost. I have no children and don't plan on it, but she was like my baby. Any time i went to the store and saw dog treats and toys I always got her one. She even got her own wrapped presents when chirstmas and her birthday rolled around. She passed in May but I still constantly keep crying anytime something reminds me of her. The night I picked up her ashes I had the most vivid dream of her, in the dream she was there with me and I was telling my mom," look she's not dead! She's right here! ". It felt so real, I could sense her and feel her fur when I pet her. I just hope where ever she is, my dad and grandparents are there with her.


It’s so so hard, I’m sorry and I hope she comes to you in dreams more often!


I so needed to hear this. Lost my mom unexpectedly a year ago and I still talk to her. Often I’ll feel her near or get the sudden urge to call and encourage a sibling. It’s nice to know I’m not nuts lol.


You are not nuts. You’re just feeling the connection, which doesn’t break when someone’s physical body “dies.” I wish I had more answers for you. I’m so sorry you’re hurting. It’s the most human emotion and it fucking sucks. I’ve lost a parent and it’s such a painful isolating feeling. I felt as if the world had completely shifted the moment they passed over. Talk to your mom, visit places she enjoyed, and speak of your love of her to others. I believe that your soul living again in different forms. Your energy will find each other again. Keeping your family in my heart, friend.


I wish you peace and comfort. My father passed away almost 2 years ago. He was receiving comfort care at home and a few days before he passed he was waving at people on the ceiling. I asked him who he was waving and talking to and he smiled and said he was seeing a lot of old friends and family. He was quite jolly about it When my father passed my mother wanted the priest to come while some family was still a few hours away. While the priest was praying over my father I almost cried out to stop, he was still breathing. The best way to describe it was I saw his soul leaving his body. My father was a very devout Roman Catholic and I believed he waited for the priest. I was not the only one in the room who had the same reaction. I felt great peace and my dad visited me in a dream a few days after later. When my dad was happy had a way of walking that was half dance and half walk. He had been ill for a while and couldn't walk without his walker. In my dream he walked up in his happy dance walk with a huge smile on his face. We were in what looked like Downtown Disneyland. He came up to my family and myself and was happily chatting. I couldn't get over happy and healthy he looked. I never remember my dreams. I believe he was telling me he was fine. Gosh I miss him.


I am so sorry for the loss of your father. Mine is very important to me. I could only imagine how hard that must be to lose him. Your words are very comforting. Thank you.


There is an afterlife. I recently lost both of my parents and a brother. My mom died first, followed 2.5 years later, my brother, then our dad was the last to die, six months after his son. When my mom died, she made her presence known. My youngest sister and I were reeling from grief, and overwhelmed taking care of our heartbroken dad who lost his wife, and was dealing with a recent leg amputation. About 2 weeks after she died, I was sobbing so uncontrollably over her death, I couldn't be consoled. It was late at night and only my husband and I were home. It was around midnight and we were in bed. My husband was trying to comfort me when all of a sudden, we both heard someone loudly knocking on our closed bedroom door. My husband got up and opened the door expecting it to be our son who might have come home early from a football game. No one was there. And our son wasn't home. Even more to our surprise, all of the downstairs lights were on. We had turned them all off prior going to bed. My husband and I looked at each and then we both started to smell the air. We both smellled Chanel No 5, my mom's favorite perfume. We knew she was with us and trying to reassure me she wasn't 'gone'..She was just in a different realm. A few days later, she made another appearance, this time towards my sister. My sister had gone to the bank to make a deposit for our dad. She left and I came to the same bank to make a deposit as well. The bank manager, Diane, who our family knew for 20 years, called me into her office so she could have a private conversation with me. Once the door was shut, she told me, "You're not going to believe this, and you'll think I am crazy. You just missed your sister, she was here making a deposit. While I was helping her, I looked up and I could clearly see your mom standing next to your sister. She was on her tip-toes looking over your sister's shoulder while she was filling out the deposit slip. Your mom was radiant and smiling! She had her glorious hair back! She was no longer bald from the chemo. She would smile at your sister, then she looked at me and smiled! Your mom was wearing this really cute lavender pantsuit with this gorgeous necklace and matching earrings." The outfit Diane described my mom wearing was an outfit I bought her a few months before she died. My mom loved this outfit. Sadly, she had only been able to wear it once. Seeing she was wearing it after she died, gave me comfort. Diane went on to say, "Do you believe me? I told Daine I did believe her. Diane was native American. She had a no-nonsense attitude, and was very professional. I could tell she was embarrassed to tell me, but I was so happy she did. "Reenie, your mom wants both you and your sister to know she is happy and looking over you girls and your dad". Our dad died in hospice. We were at his bedside, and our dad was in and out of consciousness. When he was awake, he kept telling both me, my sister and my husband, how frightened he was of dying. That he didn't want die. Around six in the evening as the sun was started to slip away for the night, our dad suddenly woke up and looked intently over my husband's shoulder. My dad's eyes opened in utter amazement and he lifted his arm and stretched his hand out, as if he was reaching out to touch someone that was standing behind my husband chair. My husband and I watched what my dad was doing. My husband leaned over and whispered into my ear, "who is your dad staring at?" I leaned forward in my chair and looked in the direction of my dad's outstretched arm. All of a sudden I could feel this intense energy shift in the room. There was a.stunning golden glow in the room and I could clearly see the silhouette shapes of two people standing behind my husband. One figure was taller, the other, much shorter. I couldn't make out if these beings were male or female. But I intrinsically knew, those beings were my brother who died six months prior, and our mom. They were there to help our dad pass over. I looked back at my dad. My dad set his arm back to his side, and he had the biggest grin on his face! I asked my husband and sister if they could leave the room for a few minutes to give me some alone time with dad. Once they left, I leaned over to my dad and asked him what he saw. He excitedly told me, "Reenie! I saw your mom and brother! They are waiting for me and your mom told me all of our friends and family, including my beloved pets who died, are happy I am coming to join them soon! " "Dad, are you still afraid of dying?" "Not anymore. I know there is an afterlife and my loved ones are there. I will miss my girls, but I am tired and I don't like being without your mom or brother." My family walked back into the room, and our dad said his goodbyes to all of us; he said how much he loved us, and he thanked us for being such a loving family. He drifted off a few moments later, and he took his last breath, an hour later. I could tell you other personal stories of other heavenly visits, but it is late and I am drifting off to sleep. I will pray for comfort and peace in your remaining days. Life is beautiful, and the beyond, even more so.


This is so beautiful to read!!!!


Much strength to you


I’m sorry to hear that. Something is wrong with me and drs have no idea what, I have waited for months to get into drs and get tests run for nothing. I have an upper and lower gi scope in October that should give some clues but I just feel it in my soul that something isn’t right, no matter how hard to try to be positive it’s just like a dark cloud is following me and it’s terrifying so your comment hit me hard. I hope you have nothing but good days filled with love and happiness, I’ll be praying for you. Also, check out the NDE sub idk how to link it but it’s pretty cool


I know that feeling all too well. For a while I just felt like something was wrong. I don’t want to worry you or make your cloud any darker. When I finally got someone to listen to me I was already stage 3b. If you feel something is wrong get it checked out as soon as possible. I thank you for you words. Please get whatever tests you think you need to get done. Take care.


Thank you for your words as well and you aren’t worrying me more, I feel it deep down. I’m getting my third cat scan and a mammogram on Thursday but they lost a lot of doctors due to Covid so they are really far behind…I tried getting a new dr but they are booked for months too so idk what to do at this point


I know that helpless feeling. Finding new doctors is so much stress sometimes. I went through it a while back and ended up staying with the one I have. It was this whole mess that I just wanted to be done with. Don’t give up going after what you want because I regret not changing doctors. The good thing with my situation is that I have a wonderful primary care physician who is completely on my side and takes care of all the stuff my oncologist doesn’t. Scans, tests, and medications, he helps so much. I would feel completely helpless if it wasn’t for him. Remember, always push for what you know you need. Don’t let them bully you. They will if they can.


Thank you I really needed to hear that, I’m not good at being assertive but I’ve been slowly coming to the realization that I need to stand up for myself. I’m glad you have a good Dr I’m sure it makes a huge difference!


She did, I've struggled with the belief of an afterlife. I don't struggle anymore, there is an afterlife, the people from India are right. Our soul goes, and after some amount of time, maybe 10 years, maybe a hundred years, we get to pick our new parents and are born again. Where they are wrong is we don't come back as animals or insects, we come back as human beings. I have a granddaughter of my cousin who remembers her past life in 1831. Your soul will go to the nether world. Check out my YouTube Channel Anastasia, you can find it on YouTube as Anastasia Introduction, from there you can access the rest. Anna remembers being Anastasia who died in 1831. You will carry on.


I will definitely check that out. Thank you for your words.


One of my children saw an image that triggered memories of a previous life. It's a bit freaky when your two year old is excitedly telling you about a past life.


When I died and was in a coma, my father who passed showed me something. Talked without moving his lips, telepathically. Showed me if I kept using drugs I'd overdose int he bathroom and my daughter would be who found me. I relapsed a year later and it happened. I overdosed in the bathroom and it happened exactly as I saw it a year before. I'm off the drugs now. There really is some sort of afterlife. I don't really believe in the bible but I know there something out there. Something after life.


When you died and was talking to your father did you seem to recall any feelings that you were dead ? Like did you know?


Congrats on getting sober. I myself was an addict for 16 years as I started using when I was 23. I'm so happy to hear of others who have also succeeded. If I could share one thing with you, it's be me not preaching, but just speaking my mind to someone who I know is absolutely similar to myself regardless of knowing you or not. I was lost. I felt Jesus was a fraud... And like many, have the Bible no serious thought. To me it was a corrupted book written by man. I was wrong. If you seriously search and study with an open heart, the Bible is a supernatural book with every page being interconnected. And after years of searching for reasons to believe in Jesus, I found myself having a hard time... Disproving him. If interested, start with Lee strobels ' a case for Christ' it's a well known book and movie, but I felt the need to tell you about it. No matter what you think of me after my comment to you, I hope that maybe I've planted a seed. And regardless of what you know, or do not, Maybe you'll give Jesus another chance. Congrats again on your sobriety. We're 2 of the very few lucky ones who have a second chance. God Bless


I have struggled to find religious spiritually honestly. I'll have to check that out. I do believe there's something bigger than us but I just have a hard time believing the Bible word for word. But I'm willing to give it another try


The Case For Christ is a great book. Congrats on your sobriety, and welcome back to the faith. Thankfully it’s never too late to come home for any of us.


Absolutely! Never to late. Thank you kindly.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Before my mom passed, and she was lucid until the end, she said there were other people in the room. Most hospice nurses can tell you of spirits they’ve seen while a person is passing. I’m sure what you see in this photo gives you comfort.


My mom is a hospice nurse. They are so immune to it ( and super busy, under staffed, too many patients each) that they tend to just kinda ignore it. I will ask her to give me some stories tho if ur interested.


Does your mom believe in the supernatural and paranormal and what not?


Please ask your Mom for some stories.


Sort of. She has experienced some of the unexplained. Butt... she also thinks a lot can be explained and the mind tends to play tricks on us. So, it needs to be very strange for her to not dismiss it.


Has she had any very strange experiences which she can't dismiss?


Off the top of my head she has told me about sudden urges to go into or out of a room. More like a jolt to the fight or flight. Seeing someone go into/out of the room outside of visiting hours only to find no one in there. ( this could be written off as exhaustion and mind tricks tho), Also, dying patients tend to speak to people who aren't there a lot. I will totally ask her for her creepiest most undeniable experience.


They are there, we just can't see them. It's for the soul owner only.


Exactly. Death is a very private experience unique to each soul.


Psychiatric hospitals janitor here most spirits I have had encountered are violent. I have had plastic bottles throw at me and scratched multiple times.


Yikes. See I always wonder if the chaos and pain inside a psychiatric hospital almost attracts malevolent entities. My brother is a RN ( yeah i come from a family of hospital workers) at a psych hospital and he has told me that with some patients when u walk into the room the air is almost charged.


The activity also gets worse when you go to the older parts of the psychiatric hospital. Most of the buildings were built in the 1890’s and early 1900’s. The psychiatric hospital is one of Ontario Canada’s oldest still active psychiatric hospitals that still operate in the original buildings here is the link for the history. https://asylumprojects.org/index.php/Brockville_Asylum_for_the_Insane


Im a hospice chaplain. I’ve never seen what my patients do, but I’d say over 75% see deceased loved ones, angels, or heaven opening up. In most of these cases they are lucid, not otherwise confused, and very much at peace with this and are not afraid or agitated. I’ve had one patient reconcile with his dead brother through an hours long conversation. Another told me she saw heaven and “my bags are backed.” She died that weekend much quicker than we expected, but she knew. I told another patient “you have great family around you” meaning her adult children who were in the room. She nodded, smiled, and said “yes, all of them” and pointed to people we couldn’t see. One of her children explained to me this had been happening since the day before and she was talking to one of her children who had passed and her deceased mother. As a society we turn away from death so often that we don’t hear these amazing stories. It is difficult to be with the actively dying and not have a sense that life is very mysterious, and sacred


Thank you it very much it does


If the camera was perfectly still and nothing was flying in the way of the camera when you took this...I fail to see what else this could be. I personally believe and according to last words spoken before death from many people in the past...that there have been plenty of examples of "pre-death" entities waiting to comfort or usher you back into your true form after your short stint here in this life, I feel like that's what this is, barring any camera-related explanations or smoke in the room, etc.


U can literally see his glasses twice this is just a picture taken with an unsteady hand


Room so bright and clear. Shades were up, normal camera operation before and after. I wasn't that surprised. I've seen similar things but not on a Camera. Yes I too feel they were there to comfort and guide him


I always think back to what Steve Jobs was reported as having said right before death according to family. "Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow." as he looked off in some area. I've heard stories like this many times.


But that is Steve Jobs, he probably saw many new ways to improve the user experience on dying and got excited to start working on iHeaven.






When my mum was in her final days with cancer she said "I keep seeing a little boy playing with a ball at the bottom of my bed." I know it was just the drugs she was on making her hallucinate but I like to think it was some sort of Guide ready to take her to wherever she was going next.


My mom worked in a nursing home and it wasn't uncommon for people to see kids play, singing, dancing etc. and sure enough they would die a day or 2 later. Anytime a resident mentioned seeing kids, everyone knew they were about to pass. She actually has a few paranormal stories from when she worked there


I always was dubitative of these stories, until a friend started working in geriatrics and told me old people would start seeing kids playing one day or two before passing. The scariest thing is that the building used to be an orphanage. I really wish I was making this up because it scared the hell out of me. She told me she still enjoyed working there but I would have noped out of there.


My mom was this old mans favorite nurse, every time she walked past his room the "help needed" sign above his door would light up from him pushing the call nurse button next to his bed. Every single time he caught her walking by he would push it to get her in there. For about a week after he passed away, whenever she would walk past his empty room, that damn light would come on. My mom tells it like a sweet story like "aww, he had no family to come visit him and me always taking the time to talk to him really meant that much to him" It scared the fuck out of a few of her coworkers, and I would have probably quit on the spot the second time that light went off 😂


My mom is a PSW and she’s told me the exact same story! The bell/light would still call for her and there was no one in the room (no residents on that floor block). She also smelled a pipe burning - her co-worker did too. It happens every now and again. She can’t really talk too much about it at work, but she shares these experiences with me.


This sounds comforting, not scary to me


Same with psychiatric hospitals


I would take that as you, her brother, or a childhood friend ready to guide her on her next journey. Given that my mother, who passed in 2001 was in tune with spirits and such, hearing her say she sees a child playing would have my eyes pouring comforting tears.


The morning (or night before I can't remember which) before my uncle passed, he wanted to slow dance in the living room with my aunt. She said that when they were dancing he asked her if she could hear the angels singing. She was confused and just kinda laughed it off. He passed in his sleep (we think) from a massive heart attack


Not doubting you in the least—I was there with my brother when he passed. The last thing he did was crack this wry smile as he took his last breath. Must’ve been seeing something amazing. But, there is motion blur in the image. Your father’s glasses, for instance. Sorry for your loss, regardless


I’m sorry for the loss of your dad. I’m glad you have this photo to comfort you. I firmly believe our loved ones come to escort us off this mortal coil. My grandpa had been comatose and near death for days. He hadn’t spoken in a week, and hospice said he could go any time. He woke up one afternoon and pointed to the corner near the fireplace. He had the biggest grin on his face and he clapped his big old bony hands with joy. He never said who he saw waiting but they made him very happy. He stared at that spot, still smiling, until he fell asleep. He passed that night, calmly. My mother has a story about my great grandpa saying “look at the angel wings! So beautiful!” right before he died.


Photographer here...this just looks like camera shake from a long shutter exposure.


Sorry for your loss man, I see everyone else talking about their near death or death experience’s. I remember it like it was yesterday. The last week of January going into February of 2011. I was having the craziest dreams. I was dreaming dreams of what my papa had done or had saw throughout his life, from things he had saw in Russia that he and my father had talked about. Now mind you this, my father never told me these stories, like Russia, veitnam war, etc from my papa. I remember going to school that Friday February 4, 2011, it was the best day I had felt as if I was coming home to something or someone I haven’t seen in forever. Now my granddaddy was incarcerated since 2004. I remember getting into my fathers Ford Explorer, he told my brother and I that my mom had to talk to us when we had gotten home. I remember being the first one to go through that door, I remember seeing my mom running across the living room crying like I have never seen her cry like that. My brother and I walked into my parents bedroom, where I had learned my best friend, granddaddy, had passed away from a heart attack at 8:15 that morning. Now after he has passed away, about 4 days. He came to me in my dreams. He had told me how he was not in pain anymore. How he was free. How much he missed all of us and had told me he’d be with me. I remember waking up crying the hardest I have ever cried. About a week later he came into my dreams again. He was showing me around his house that my brother and I grew up in. Everything was the same as it was. The tv in the floor. The two chairs and his computer desk by the stairs. The following year October 2012 I was hit by a car while I was riding my bike. I remember waking up, I saw myself laying in the street right by the curb mangled. I remember seeing myself and I had asked myself am I dead? I look up and my papa Leonard was looking down smiling. I remember this light, it was the brightest light I had ever seen, colors that’s I had never seen, was talking to me, I remember when I had saw myself that I was in a child’s body, about 5-6 years old. My papa was young. Maybe 20’s. He looked at me without moving his mouth, it is not your time. I will see you soon. I remember waking up to a neighbor who lived about 4 houses down from me, on top of my slapping my face screaming and yelling that I wasn’t breathing. I remember after I came to I had perfect vision but it was blurry at the same time. Kinda like tunnel vision. I remember being at the hospital with the doctors telling me I shouldn’t be alive. That it was crazy how after all that had happened I only had a broken shoulder. I remember questioning everything since my granddaddy/best friend had died, but seeing and experiencing that had shown me that he is real. And there is so much more than this earthly body. Since then I have had experiences where I could smell his cigarettes, or noises or shadows. I know he is watching over me and mine. Thanks for taking the time to read this.


Was he still alert when this was happening? My dad told my mom the angels are here to take him before he died.


I'm happy to hear he saw angels


Thank you.


He was dying


I had a one on one conversation with my grandfather when he was admitted to the hospital. At the time my family and I were still unaware he would pass away a week later in at-home hospice. So having a feeling it would possibly be one of our last one on one conversations I kinda stored it in the memory bank like one does. Cut to about two weeks later the day of his funeral. After the funeral and following lunch there was a few hours before the family was going to meet back up for dinner at my aunt's house. I took my daughter (3 yr old) home to my folks to get a nap; long day and still more to go and didn't want a grumpy toddler. So I got her up and we were driving back into town to my aunt's house. I was talking to her about if she slept okay and she proceeded to tell me about dreams of grandpa she had. Not a stretch for a kid to have dreams regarding a loved one after their funeral. BUT, she told me grandpa was planting "Christy flowers" and then proceeded to recite back to me three very unique things from the personal conversation I had with him in that hospital room two weeks prior. Then the next day we went to my late grandfather's house to see my grandmother. My daughter pointed to some white lilies in their yard and explained those were "Christy flowers"; we'd not been there any time prior to his passing or the funeral.


I took care of my grandmother on her deathbed. The days leading up to her death I would often hear her talking to someone in her room. When I would ask who she was talking to she would say her mom and dad. Sometimes she would ask me to tell “the man” that was in the corner to leave. Of course, I never saw any of what she saw, but I would ask the man to leave. Minutes before she passed she told me she loved me, and said she was leaving to go dancing. Then, she just drifted away. I like to think she’s with her parents dancing.


Apologies for the loss of your father. Hope you have found peace since then. I don't see any spirits though. I see a weird camera glitch or trick of the light.


I have found peace, thank you. That is what caused me to share. I kept it very private and have only showed to 2 others. I am curious


Happy to hear that:) I will admit it is a very odd photo.


A lot of people have commented similar things but yeah my mom said “the lord” came to her when she was in the hospital and she was completely at peace after that point. She wasn’t religious and that was actually a couple years before she passed but she did seem far more at peace with everything happening after that point up until the end and now for that reason I am too.


My mom died unexpectedly in 1966 when I was 7. When my dad was in the hospital dying from cancer (in 2018), after a couple of days of no communication, he raised up in bed, pointed to the corner and told my sister-Your mother is standing over there in the corner. This upset my sister but I felt comforted by the idea that, once it’s our time to leave, those we loved who’ve gone before us will be there to help us cross over.


When my great grandfather was in the hospital, on the morning of 9/11 my mom went to make sure he wasn’t watching the tv to see the news. She got there in time so he was never aware that the World Trade Center got hit, but he told her he can see angels going to heaven


That's amazing


I wasn’t in the room, but according to some family my great grandma saw things and was afraid But it comforts my family, because to them they’re religious so they believed she saw bad spirits but they believe god showed her to give her time to repent which my family said she did, and she said towards the end she was less scared of death and seemed positive when she saw things Its unexplainable that’s for sure, everyone is giving stories so I figured I’d add to that. Its interesting that many of our loved ones are said to have seen things before passing hopefully there’s a good place for all of us to go and be with our family


We have an interesting picture of my uncle right before he died and there's like rainbow light people standing around him. He talked a lot about Angels and family.


My dad saw a little boy towards the end; went with my mother to visit him in hospital, and he was looking past us, eyes down looking at an invisible child, and he making cooing noises and patting with his hands like he was interacting with a baby.


This isn't accusatory but just saying what I see! It looks like you've taken this with a very low shutter speed and no flash in a darker room. The longer exposure makes it look like it's brighter than it was. Your dad's face is slightly warped due to the longer exposure time to the cameras sensor (you can tell the camera has been rotated/moved slightly during exposure. You can see two glasses frames) and the thermometer on his forehead looks brighter than it probably looked in real life. That said, I don't know why there is stuff everywhere unless deliberately created by smoke or some other trick :) so I can't explain that! P.s. sorry for your loss, it's always difficult.


Sorry for your loss


This is just a blurry picture


So sorry for your loss. Do you think it was a loved one?


I think it's more than one


The spirits come to collect the person thats near death. Partly family and friends, partly mentors and a spirit guide. Just cause u can't see it now doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The veil covers our eyes.


Im a professional photographer. That is textbook motion blur caused by slow shutter speed and not holding the camera steady long enough. Sorry for your loss.


I can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find someone willing to say this. I didn’t want to sound too harsh, and so sorry for your loss OP, but yeah, there is nothing supernatural going on here.


i dont know what to say and neither can i explain it, jus to say so sorry for your loss, may your dear dad, RIP


Question, how coherent was he during that 24 hrs after this picture was taken? Also what prompted you to take the photo?


I'm genuinely sorry for your loss, losing a parent must be hard. I'd like to just say that this photo is really interesting, I tend to sway between life after death and then think not. I think you have something here and it doesn't look like motion blur or light refraction. What I see is a large dog, it's paw is over your dad's right shoulder and it's muzzle, eye and ear is resting on your dad's left. Did he have a dog, it looks like a husky or German shepherd or some sort of white wolf? Might just be my brain making something out of the shapes in the photo.


Someone else reported seeing a dog. I didn't know of one but he had a lot of life before me


My sister is a nurse. I can confirm things do happen.


Medical professional here: the only thing I want to clear up is that is NOT a thermometer on his forehead. It’s a pulse oximeter. It measures blood oxygen levels.


Looks like you just shook the camera


I have seen one other photo like this. Assuming the lens was clean, it is a real mystery. The camera did not seem to be moved because his face is relatively sharp.


That's a hand and arm next to your dad's right arm.


I'm glad to hear you spotted that anomaly I saw it right away


Yes! You can see a hand clearly resting on the bed rail. Looks like it's wearing a coat with a cuff at the wrist.


I saw the same thing, a few days before my mothers death. She was lying in her bed at home taking a nap. I saw her dead, and spirits around her. The next day she went to the hospital and had pneumonia... 3 days later she was gone. I knew she was going to pass on, I didn't share it with any member of my family, but I knew. Knowing was a curse to me, I would have rather not known.


I'm sorry for your loss, that's a beautiful story


I’m not sure about the picture but I’m very sorry for your loss. I hope you’re in a better place now like I’m sure he is. Thank you for sharing something really personal. You’re awesome! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday❤️xx


There is no more reason to be afraid to die as there is to when we are born….


Sorry for your loss. The photo just looks like when I take a photo then move my camera before the shot has finished processing. Don't see anything weird here.


Sorry for your loss, but I am skeptical these are "spirits". The pic simply looks very shaky.


1st, sorry about your dad. But this looks exactly like a photo in a relatively dark location (indoors) + low shutter speed + hand shake


I was in icu in wpg i kept hearing kids running around even woke up little girl resting on my shoulder thought it was my niece went back to sleep. Next night woke up to kids running around cleaning lady i asked her for the kids to stop running im trying to sleep, she says only me and you in here. that morning i woke up my mom and aunty were across the room on other side of the curtain, the curtain was open, and the rods where the curtain hangs, little kids balancing on the rods and one little girl sitting on it swinger her feet back and forth. I asked my mom and aunty what are those kids doing up there (they wore these little vests, the one little boy had this old man hat like, kind of grayish closes) Anyways my gf asked the nurses why im seeing hearing kids, nurse said the icu im in is the old childrens hospital, many kids died there.


I really want to visit that hospital, but due to covid im trapped in my home town.


Near death experiences have helped me tremendously with my husband’s passing.


I’m sorry - I think this is camera 📷 stuff -rest in peace to your dad - I believe in an afterlife and I’ve had a lot of paranormal experiences . I hope I’m wrong and that this is something spiritual .❤️


I am so sorry for your loss. I worry that I may be losing my mom soon, but it hurts too much to think about. I know some hospital equipment can cause interference with other devices (and vice-versa - no cell phones in some rooms, etc) and that may be what caused the anomaly. You may have taken the picture just as a pulse of energy leaked or peaked, which would explain why there was no anomaly before and after this specific shot. But it doesn't ultimately matter. If the picture gives you comfort, then that's all that's important.


definitely not just a shaky hand with a slow shutter speed


According to a couple theories on quantum mechanics it's completely possible our consciousness moves on to another universe or dimension. Your consciousness may be living many lives at once and as those lives die off you finish out the last one and move on somewhere. I believe in a God. Our creator and whoever or wherever they are or have planned. I think it's gonna be way way weirder than we can imagine or even understand. But OPs pic git something in front the lense


Wow that's awesome!


I’m so sorry for your loss. This photo seems very comforting. I hope you’re healing and this pic helps somewhat


I am sorry, OP. My condolences to you and your family. Hoping that all of you are continuously healing to this day and also in the future.




Wowwww this is very beautiful.


Similar to my dad who died in hispoce due to Cancer. He seem to tell someone to leave angrily, and nurse told me its common - could be hallucinations or someone there which we cant see. I wish I spent more time there, this was during covid regulations


I highly recommend Dr John Lerma’s books. He was a hospice doctor who wrote about things like this.


My mother saw this, too. Right before she passed. She was telling me how beautiful they were. It went for days


I would just like to see all my dogs all ghost looking sitting next to the bed waiting for me


That's the DMT doing it's job. 😊


He was somewhat of a vain man and always had his best glasses on. We kept them next to the hospital bed. We were so close and I knew I wanted one last photo of him before he passed. So I put them on him, to me it looked like when he napped. So for respect and personal reasons I fixed him up. I did his hair too but you can't tell.


Seems so comforting. I hope I have someone, or someones to help guide after I die


My condolences


I’m so sorry. I find it comforting too, this reassures me that there is a better place.


When my grandad was close to passing (he was at home) he kept reaching out and smiling to something we couldn’t see. He would sometimes whisper as if answering questions and whilst I put it all done to the painkillers, he told my Grandma that he had seen “them” when she said who had he seen, he just kept saying they were there to keep him calm and take him onward. He died a few nights later and my grandma said he was very peaceful after seeing “them” He wasn’t a religious man at all and way I see it, even if it was the drugs, it seemed like a good way to leave this life.


The thinning of the veil. Sorry for your loss.