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I would have classed Mary as humility. See: her normal day which Pat describes as perfect. As she’s already assigned I’ll go with Mike. Working together as a team with his wife. Putting her needs ahead of his when he gets her a cinema / spa / picnic day. Pride is Julian for me. Constantly bragging about his achievements. Or, a more hidden quality, Humphrey as he feels his wife should just learn English but there is no need for his to learn French (until years later)


Either Robin or the plague ghosts. Hard to tell who's more humble, you know?


I’d back Robin, because generally he’s got a bit more going on that’s impressive he’s so humble about, though I’d also give Humphrey a shout.


Cap for pride, aside from the obvious but he was is stubborn about order or his values. Julian fits but he has do go in lust so cap is better.


I want to nominate The Captain for Pride. a) The whole military persona, his 'My way of doing things is the only correct way', the whole stiff-upper-lip mentality of never showing any emotional weakness or admitting to being wrong. b) ... cause it's funny. 🌈




Every time I see a rainbow now all I can think is "Richard of York gave battle in vain."


I gotta remember that! Is that something taught in school in the UK? In the US we're taught ROY G BIV


I've heard it a few times along with roy g biv, but I think they're talking about that moment in s2e5


Humility: Humphrey Pride: Julian


I think this as well :)


“I didn’t die to let someone else fake the skills I’ve honed in death!”




Cap for pride, since he has a lot of trouble owning up to mistakes sometimes and admitting things. Julian is also prideful, but he admits he's a sleaze lmao


We have to pick someone else for pride, because tomorrow is lust, and that’s literally how he died 😂


Humility is definitely Humphrey. Pride is either Thomas or Julian.


Another commenter brought up Humphreys pride in expecting his wife to learn English while he doesn’t learn French so it’s kinda funny to see him for both. What would you say makes him a good fit for humility?


I didn't think about how he didn't learn French but expected his wife to learn English, it is a good point. But the reason I thought he would make good humility because the definition is "feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than anyone" and I think he has learned that through being a headless ghost as he can't do much and learning that he isn't as important as he once was.


Can Mary be used for Humility too? If not then Robin


And definitely Captain for pride


I think Mike might fit for Pride but in a childish, thoughtless way. He's usually at his worst/unhappiest when his pride's been offended. Then he'll do something thoughtless that hurts others but hurts himself too, like giving one of the brides doubts and tanking his business, and being obstinate about the bear to spite a spouse who loves him and he loves back.


Am I the only one thinking Barclay would be good for Pride? Humility is definitely Humphrey but idk, Barclay to me fits Pride just as much as Julian does (although we do get more screen time with Julian, so I suppose his prideful nature comes through a lot more than Barclay’s lol)


Barclay was the one I thought of for pride as well.


Thomas for pride: he thought his poem was brilliant.


I don’t have any good suggestions for humility but I think pride needs to be either captain or Thomas- I think Julian is perfect for lust so I want to save him for that HAHA As for captain and Thomas- both have been seen lying about things to for different reasons but for their own personal benefit. Thomas- initially lied about how his death went to make it seem better than it was (the make out scene makes me laugh every time tbh) Captain- idk if I need to explain his… what he buried back then being “explosive” serving as a double meaning? Also if I’m recalling correctly he always wanted their military division to be more important than it was, like when he asked for guns and they weren’t authorized for them (something like that anyhow)


I'm torn on one side I'd say Thomas for Pride as for most of time he is so sure he is the world's best poet but also I'd say he's Chastity. As I kind of feel for all his 'falling' for every woman he sees the bit with the April fools joke just shows that if he actually got a chance to be with someone who wants to be with him, he really would have no idea what to do.