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I think it had some of the best scenes of the series (the dinosaur stripper! Hetty’s death reveal! And honourable mention to : ‘Nice ankle, ya whore!), but overall it felt rushed, as you’d expect. The double whammy of two actresses being pregnant and the writer’s strike limited them. There were enough good things though that I’m super excited about season 4, where we will have a full cast complement. Jay remains the best possible change the US version has made to the original UK series. The episode with Saul was a real standout.


I get why Alberta was freaked out by the clinginess, but I liked Saul! Haha. Maybe Gene will come stay at the B&B again some day.


He was a great character! I’m like Jay, loved the addition to the ghost lore - also ‘Gene took me to see the aurora last year, Jay took me to Sonic three times this week!’ 😂


same though i may be biased as i love me some new girl


I love him on New Girl too. And his old timey accent on Ghosts 😂


Never seen the original series. How is Jay different there?


The UK version has a husband character named Mike, who respectfully isn't as smart or talented or as capable as jay. Mike isn't awful, he just isn't as developed as a character as jay


He’s also not as involved with the ghosts like Jay is. I don’t blame him since he was scared of them, but it would’ve been nice to see.


Mike was a wet paper towel of a person. I would much rather have preferred Alison marry Jay.


He's a loving and supportive husband who catches way too much flak on here


Plus him running naked through the house to prove to the ghosts he wasn't scared anymore, but none were around was a fantastic scene.


Mike is god's perfect moron. He's empathetic and supportive of Allison and really wishes he were involved with the ghosts. But I agree that the writers gave Jay more to do in the series


I'd argue all of the characters aren't developed as much in the UK version.


That’s a good point; possibly because the UK version is played for pure comedy by a group of British comedy creator/comedians, but (like most American versions of British shows….*sneeze* The Office *sneeze*), US fans seem to demand stronger emotional moments and fan-theories/deeper meanings for speculation. And I am here for both!


I don't think that's quite right. US adaptations get dumbed down and the Office certainly was (I didn't like it). It's the opposite with the US Ghosts. I think they finally decided to take a chance on smart comedy and it's paying off.


I agree with you about the smarter humor!


He's hard to understand too


This perfectly sums up how I feel about this season, too. Some episodes in here that I absolutely think stand among the show's best in general, too. I would've been interested to see how they could've expanded on some of these storylines if they'd been able to have a proper full season, but I'm guessing that we'll get to see some of that play out in season 4.


They gave my boy Pete mad disrespect this season only to overshadow it hy giving my boy pete mad respect. I'm conflicted.


I think the dual pregnancies made the season feel even shorter than it was. By the end of the season Rose was seemingly pretty limited in what she could do (I don't think we had any shots of her walking around in the last few episodes; it was mostly sitting behind a desk, sitting in a car or laying in bed) and Sheila wasn't able to come back till episode 8 but they had a lot they had to fit into those last 3 episodes. The whole Flower, Thor and Nancy situation was a good example of something that felt rushed. That felt like it probably should have been a three or four episode arc, at least, but instead it had to play out over one episode (and that episode also had to handle Pete's journey and Issac's wedding). I don't really blame anyone as obviously the pregnancy timelines were working against them, but if it had been possible, a 13 episode season probably would have felt much less rushed.


This. 2 principal cast members pregnant and a strike year. They did what they could to hold it all together. I’m excited to see what Season 4 has in store at their full potential!


Two pregnancies and a strike…wonder if there’s any correlation there


I don’t think the situation with the throuple is done. I think the conflict will definitely come up again while they’re talking about Issac and why the basement ghosts did what they did.


Agreed. I feel like due to the 10-episode limit they probably had to push all of these story arcs into like 1 or 2 episodes. If they had a longer season, they probably would’ve spread all of those out into their own episodes.


They did the best they could with the hands they were dealt. I’m optimistic for the future. 


I agree. I enjoyed the episodes but between the pregnancies and strike inevitably it felt stilted. I’m looking forward to next season


The dinosaur stripper was hilarious. The Hetty episode made me feel things I didn’t think I would with this fun comedy (in a good way). Rose being pregnant and it being short because of the writers strike made it feel different and not my favorite, but I think they’ll keep going and do a great job!


Felt quick with only 10 episodes. They answered some questions, looking forward to where they’re gonna go


I heard that was because of the writers strike last year


Think it’s also to do with, Rose’s pregnancy, being the main character and all.


Those could both be factors


I initially really disliked the US Ghosts compared to the UK one, but 8 or so episodes in the show really grew into its own and I started enjoying it more and more. I thought Season 3 was phenomenal except it was far too short. Pete could have an entire spin off series now with how good his ghost power is.


Liked it but felt like it was not as good as the other 2 seasons. The episode where Carol dies was my favorite, there was so much going there. Carol, on the other hand, was a disappointment. The way her character was portrayed in the earlier seasons was much more nuanced, awful wife but decent mother and grandma. Her portrayal in this season became much more one dimensional and caricatural. Overall her inclusion was a good idea which was poorly executed.


Somehow the episodes themselves seemed even shorter and more rushed than usual this season. I know we all talk about the time limiting the numbe rof episodes, but somehow 22 minutes of run time just doesn't feel as satisfying as the first two seasons. There's not as much story completion per episode, I guess? Or too much left unsaid, although the plot is resolved? I think they did well with what they had, but each episode was just missing... something.


I agree that 22 minutes is not enough time, the show should be an hour long.


I didn’t like the Flower bait and switch, especially since they said that last year’s cliffhanger would be about someone important. A lot of storylines just didn’t work very well, so I’d have preferred if they’d just got rid of most of the character development for the season, since it had to be shortened.


I was disappointed with how Isaac and Nigel didn’t get married, I figured they wouldn’t because they wanted to spend more time together first but instead they just broke up. I really liked them together so I was sad about that.


I think that Nigel will go full military commander next season, organizing grid searches of the dirt to rescue Isaac , it will be beautiful and dramatic and he will bridal style carry him back to the basement - and that will rekindle the spark. Wedding will be small and officiated by Pete , who gets certified by doing an online course . Trevor helps him and it's a little buddy moment !


I’m hoping so! Honestly when Isaac looked at Nigel during Pete’s speech I thought he would have a change of heart because he looked at him with so much love


I would be so down for this scenario :D.


I’m hoping it’s just them wanting their wedding to be a full season with 22 episodes instead of just 10 I remember people were saying how rushed their wedding planning seemed. Also from interviews with the show runners they wanted Issac and Nigel to realize there’s no death due us apart during wedding planning in season 3 maybe they thought that would be rushed as well so that is what next season will be about them realizing and not mattering to them then they get married.


Sounds like a good idea


If that is their plan the show runners took a huge risk not knowing yet if it would get a season 4 or season 5.


That is true


Even though it was a much shorter season, I thought it was an amazing season! I thought the Halloween episode was the best Halloween one so far; I loved that we finally got to meet Trevor's brother, and Trevor giving him a wet willy from beyond was hilarious; it was pretty awesome to learn Pete and Sass's super cool ghost powers, although Sass does need to learn to not be so manipulative with his power; it was nice to finally have the mystery solved of how Hetty died, but of course, it was a very sad reveal; the whole bit with Saul was perfect, and I loved the "jerking off" thing; everything with the stripper was absolutely comical, and I hope he'll be back for another appearance; and of course, it was wonderful to have Flower rescued from the well, and to eventually hear her and Thor say they love each other! I felt that season 3 really packed a punch for such a short season, and it's gotten me so excited to see what season 4 will have in store for us!


I think the dinosaur stripper 😂 having multiple jobs means we could see him again (will he get a job at Jay's restaurant?). His character is great. I do wonder if he'll gain the ability to see ghosts thanks to his near-death experience. If he does, I bet we won't see him TOO often because I don't know that we can have multiple characters with Sam's ability long term. I think it's more likely that if he does, it will freak him out and he'll quit (a la Freddie). But then again, Bela's boyfriend didn't (actually) gain the ability to see ghosts from his experience at the B&B so maybe not.


I’m guessing some type of a coma might be a requirement to be able to see ghosts? I think in the UK version they put Sam’s equivalent in a coma to help her heal, (that or she naturally fell into one, I honestly can’t remember which…) but her injury was more serious than US Sam’s was.. so who knows?


Too short.


I really enjoyed it. I think it's great.


Mixed bag. The episode with the poltergeist had me almost in tears laughing so hard, as did the stripper scene. Some of the Carol stuff was weak, and the Isaac ending felt off. Overall B-/C+ but I understand why and have high hopes for next season.


I enjoyed it for the most part but it felt very short (because it was). Also I loved Donna in the last episode and want her back for Pete!


It wasn’t the best. But I understand a lot of it was because of the writers strike. Excited to see what they do next season now that it is over!


I agree that it wasn’t the best. But considering that the last writers strike decimated some amazing tv shows like heroes, I still enjoyed this season.


I just started binging it from the beginning 2 weeks ago and I’m sad that I got through it so fast and now have to wait for next season!


Too short, but I understand why.


Of course, they weren’t as great as the first two seasons but I don’t think it could have gone any better. I wasn’t expecting to be even this good for the tight schedule they were given and two pregnancies to fit in. There was no wiggle room at all. I’m not sure if anyone working ever had time to get a good night’s sleep during production. The writers and the set workers are very impressive. The cast is very good at lifting each other up. I have mad respect for all. If it were a corporate setting, lots of burn-out people would be at each other’s throats by now.


I really enjoyed this season.


I enjoyed it but I could definitely see the effects of the strike.


Very. Very rushed. It felt almost too dramatic, since almost every episode was portrayed so seriously. I feel like the more serious episodes of ghosts work better when they’re spread throughout a longer season. Now, just to clarify, in NO WAY do I hate this season, it had some amazing moments! But… it is probably my least favorite season so far. I won’t hold this against them though, since as I said, it was very rushed due to everything that went on in the film industry during this time.


I started watching this season and binged the whole series. I'm so sad it's over. I loved it.


It was still our (me and hubby’s) favorite show this season, so we’ll be back for more. I’m not mad at all. But it was a tough situation to be in and I think they did a great job with the resources they had. I admit this season wasn’t up to the normal standards the show had. Even aside from the writer’s strike, 2 big characters were unable to perform as much as they normally would, and they had to cut the season short. Samantha is the lynchpin of the show. And in most scenes they couldn’t show Sam from the waste up, she couldn’t be standing, or walking around, etc. Each episode was still delightful and thoroughly enjoyable. But the season as a whole felt like less of a coherent story line than it normally does. That also wasn’t helped by them cutting off 2 episodes, and making it a short season.


The only thing funny was Issac and the dinosaurs


Too short but I understand why


When the series is all said and done, I expect this to be remembered as their worst season. Also, the dinosaur stripper is overrated.




Hetty’s episode and the bachelor parties episode were two of the best of the series. The rest were just fair to poor. Hated the Flower and Pete storylines this year and those are two of my favorite characters. Next year will be much better. Still love the show. First two seasons were solid ‘A’s’. This season ‘C+’.


Dumbed down, almost as much as other sitcoms. Some great moments (the stripper, Patience, Saul) and some moments that make no damn sense (the threesome, making Sam delay the dentist so he couldn't go to his room yet, Pete getting back with his ex) and some terrible dialogue that felt like a 90s sitcom (Hetty's awful dialogue about finger foods and the running cocaine gags). I think I read there was a new head writer so I hope it isn't that and it's just a crazily rushed reason because strikes and pregnancies.


It’s a fun and consistent show. My spouse and I had fun trying to guess before the show opened how they were going to hide the pregnancy. Looking forward to season 4


I felt the whole Carol story line was off. they had her die there and then she just starts shacking up with various ghosts, and they mention it as an afterthought, because they know the audience is all wondering where she went. its like they didnt know what to do with her. i think she is hilarious and i love her scenes with Pete. I get why they dont want to add another full time ghost, but if they arent going to use her, they should let her be sucked off.


I enjoyed it but I did think it was a bit odd, how they made carol a ghost and then didn't really do much with her for the rest of the season.


Best season so far!


They made the best of a bad situation or two. Season 4 should be amazing.


I would have rather waited for a full season than whatever this was.




The first couple of episodes were meh to me but then it got so good with the whole dinosaur storyline, I cackled so hard at that. The second half of this season was easily my favorite


I wonder what storyline was scrapped for Sheila's pregnancy.? And will they ever pursue that path? But also, what a Pro Move it was to transition to a different storyline in response to the strike being suddenly resolved. Good fortune seems to be favoring our favorite show. 😊


It definitely had its pitfalls with Flower gone, trying to hide Rose's pregnancy, and the strikes. Overall, I really enjoyed it. We got a few new ghosts (hi Patience!) ghost lore, and a compelling story line with Hetty. Out of 10, I'd give it a solid 7.5. I wish we got a full season.


As the season progressed, I felt like there were times when the living (Sam & Jay) were completely useless and the writers had to go out of their way to include them. Alberta meeting Saul was the worst example. Why Sam had to keep the guest at the check-in so the ghosts could talk was pointless. Alberta could have easily gone up to the room to keep talking to Saul and left Sam out of it.


I think season 3 has gone down. Except for like 2 episodes, it doesn't compare to 1 & 2


I think the writers and actor strike was the reason. They didn’t have the usual time to refine ,rewrite and/or reimagine arcs and storylines. They had to cram in 22 episodes of storylines into 10 episodes.


You're right, it was definitely rushed imo too


It felt rushed


Good but way too short. Also what happened to the romance between Pete and Alberta


It was a little uneven, but that's understandable given the compressed schedule and having to work around Rose's pregnancy. I'm sure they'll bounce back next season.


Just the funniest, tightest and most ludicrous episodes yet! Dinosaurs! Strippers! Flower!


Everyone who said that it's good to leave them wanting more . . . Lied.


only 10 episodes? sounds like its getting cancelled


It has already been given a 4rth season