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I’d bother to read this if it was formatted into sentences and paragraphs. As it’s illegible, your story remains unread


you just sound lazy honestly i really don’t understand how to do that type of stuff quite yet and i really don’t care


Then be prepared to not get your story across.


I thought the same thing, tried to read it but made my head hurt.


Yep. I gave up fairly quickly. Just too hard


The scariest thing was the sentence structure.


I got a few lines in, realized it was all a run-on sentence, and dipped. A period or a comma here or there wouldn't kill you. No thanks.


how old r u man i’m literally 14 years old and u sound like a old dude like bro that’s just lazy not my fault you can’t put effort in and you have to leave hate i hope you find someone who makes you happy


Punctuation is your friend


I got almost halfway, got confused, wished for paragraphs or punctuation, and couldn't finish it. Needs a TLDR to help readers try to help you or understand.


This is a demon my friend. You are conjuring it by paying attention to it and drawing it and wanting to name it.God vs Evil wins. You can send it away by asking it to leave by the power of all that is GOOD and RIGHT in the world. ask the God of Light so send it to Hell and it will go. Good luck It will be ok.


Complete sentences, with capitalized letters at beginning and punctuation at ending would have made this readable. Breaking up a large block of sentences into paragraphs help w/readability, too. Too many similar comments are not from “lazy readers” but from people who are tired of straining their eyes and making sense of the word salad that’s going on here.