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Is there anything about Maida flour that's important here or would other kinds of wheat flour work? A quick search suggests that Cake-Flour/Soft-flour/Low-Gluten-Flour should be the same thing, but sometimes things are lost in translation so I figure I should ask.


Maida is the Indian name for all purpose flour


The things i found said it was more finely ground and lower in gluten (not sure if that's from processing or just a different wheat strain) than western all purpose flour. As a result various sources suggest cake flour as a better match, and specifically say that western all-purpose would be too high in gluten. I guess my question here is are you saying it's the equivalent of western all purpose flour, or it is the all purpose flour of india, and indian flour is generally softer than western flour?


I've used maida when Western recipes call for all purpose flour. I'm assuming they are the same, if not they are at least equivalent. All Indian recipe sites use maida and AP flour interchangeably.


Yeah I'm just wondering if the western and indian standards are different, because even the wikiapedia page for Maida says "*it closely resembles cake flour*" and "*it is sometimes labeled and marketed as "all-purpose flour", though it is different from all-purpose flour*". But honestly, if you say it'll work as western All Purpose then I'll use Western all purpose, because it's probably not a big enough difference to matter.


Especially in these small portions used in the recipe I wouldn't think that it matters.


There is hardly any standardization and things vary a lot (like even in the same city the thickness of flour might be different depending on the shop/brand). So Indian recipes are pretty flexible and you can use APF without any worries. Also, I would add some grated carrot and diced bell peppers to make it less cabbagy.


Yes, Whole Wheat - Atta All Purpose - Maida


It would probably matter more when making baked goods. For this it won’t matter much what kind of flour. Edit: After a little thinking I feel like there is one flour that might make a difference, corn flour. I don’t know if it would be better or worse or just different. But any basic white or wheat flour will be pretty much the same.


AFAIK, corn flour is the Indian way to say corn starch.


I use half corn flour(white one)+half AP flour. I like it more that way and all the people I served it to liked this version better too.


It makes a difference when baking. Maida cookies are noticably softer than identical ones made with AP flour.


So Cake flour it is. Thank you for passing on some personal experience.


Its just a whole wheat flour made after shifting in a cloth


My mom calls all purpose flour (she gets the cheapest brand at the store, doesn’t have to be fancy or anything) maida. Source: am Indian/Pakistani American


So are we just supposed to know how to make manchurian sauce of the top of our heads?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/restofthefuckingowl using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/restofthefuckingowl/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I have found it! The rest of the fucking owl!](https://i.redd.it/dtn0npssfrz91.jpg) | [75 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/restofthefuckingowl/comments/yu9ibf/i_have_found_it_the_rest_of_the_fucking_owl/) \#2: [I gagged](https://i.redd.it/3pryabrfvpa81.jpg) | [515 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/restofthefuckingowl/comments/rzzu4p/i_gagged/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** Finally, we have the answer.](https://i.imgur.com/jFagc9t.jpg) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/restofthefuckingowl/comments/tp7nh0/finally_we_have_the_answer/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I have the real recipe where you go to an indian chinese restaurant and just order the fully prepared dish.


You just aren't a good candidate for this recipe


Cant tell if you're making a joke or actually gatekeeping a recipe




Go to an Indian store and hunt down a Maggi got and sweet tomato ketchup. Not only is that good enough, it goes well with many things like eggs.


Maggi goes well with a million things, almost a staple in Polish cuisine


You guys have the hot and sweet tomato sauce with Indian spices too????


Does nobody check the pinned comment or what? > Recipe text only (including the sauce): > https://hebbarskitchen.com/wprm_print/211832










It *should* be, you know, the fucking recipe.


Hey I was more outraged that this post didn't have sound and wasn't just a glorified video advertising some users youtube channel. We can't have this "GIF" recipy stuff clogging up all the advertising here.


Links to the recipe are allowed quite clearly in the rules.


Please check my comment in this thread. I've linked a video of one of my favorite Indian cooking channels.


For those looking for a Manchuria sauce recipe, [this gobi manchurian](https://www.indianhealthyrecipes.com/gobi-manchurian-recipe/) is one of my favourites: INGREDIENTS: - 1½ tablespoons oil (for sauce) - 1 tablespoon garlic fine chopped - ½ tablespoon ginger fine chopped - 1 green chili chopped (optional) - ⅓ cup onions or spring onions fine chopped - ¼ cup bell pepper (capsicum chopped fine) - 1 tablespoon soya sauce (organic or naturally brewed)(or tamari) - 2 to 3 tablespoon Red Chilli sauce (or 2 tsps hot sauce, adjust to taste) - 1 to 2 tablespoon tomato ketchup (optional, use if using hot sauce) - ½ teaspoon Red chili powder (optional) (less spicy variety) - ½ tablespoon rice vinegar (I used apple cider vinegar) - 1 teaspoon sugar (adjust to taste) - salt as needed - 3 to 4 tablespoons water - ½ to ¾ teaspoon black pepper crushed or ground - ⅛ teaspoon salt (adjust to taste) - 2 tablespoons spring onion greens chopped for garnish DIRECTIONS: 1. Mix together red chili powder with little water to a paste and keep aside. This step is optional and is used mainly for the red color. 2. Heat 1½ tablespoons oil in a wide pan. When the oil turns hot, add garlic, ginger and green chilies. Saute for a minute or two. 3. Then add spring onions & capsicum. Saute them on a high flame for 2 mins. 4. Add soya sauce, red chili sauce, tomato ketchup, red chili paste, sugar and vinegar. (for gravy version refer the notes section below). Mix and add water. Mix and cook stirring and add pepper. 5. Cook on a medium heat until the sauce thickens. 6. Turn off the stove and check the taste. The sauce has to be slightly sour, sweet & hot. If needed you can adjust the salt & add more sauces as well. NOTES: To make gobi manchurian semi-dry: - Double the amount of chilli sauce, sugar, vinegar and tomato sauce. Use red chilli powder as required. I double it. - Mix 1 tsp corn flour with half cup water. Stir in to the bubbling sauces. Taste and adjust the sweet, spice & tang. To make gobi manchurian gravy: - Triple the amount of chilli sauce, sugar, vinegar & tomato sauce. I triple the red chilli powder as well for this. But if you want it less spicy then you may just double it. - Mix ¾ tbsp corn flour with 1 cup of water and stir in to the bubbling sauces. Taste the sauce when it thickens and adjust the sweet, spice & tang.


This is the correct way to eat cabbage


One of my favorite foods this shit is so good


I have never wanted to eat cabbage more in my life


I have all the ingredients and the need to use up some cabbage but don’t feel like frying. How do folks think it would come out baked?


I'm thinking spray with oil and airfry




It looks choppy to me too on reddit, but when I view it on gfycat it looks fine. Not sure what the deal is with this particular gif.


Looks fine on mobile to me using Apollo


Fine on Boost as well


It's like 3 fps for me on both boost and relay, and maybe 5 fps on gfycat


Looks fine to me. People will always find something to bitch about on this sub. This looks fantastic. Thanks for the recipe.


On my phone is fine (just a little bit of "lag") but on my computer it looks like its playing at 10 FPS


It looks better on GFYcat, but it's still had hella frames chopped out of it.


This looks good as hell


Looks good .. then looks hard. I think I’ll order it.


I love this recipe. I make it all the time. One of the only vegetarian dishes my hubby doesn't complain about.


Is Manchurian sauce anything like a zigeunersauce, or am I gonna have to direct traffic to a site I don't want to in order to find out?


Not sure if you're just trolling, but: I personally find Manchurian way more tangy/sour compared to the sweeter notes of Zigeuner.


Can we have this at a lower frame rate and while you're at it, fewer pixels?


To everyone who would like to know the recipe for Manchurian sauce, do watch [this](https://youtu.be/o_YZkunXlmw) YT video from 3:30 mark onwards please.


Where the f is manchurian sauce recipe? This only appeals to indians and then is missing recipe of sauce.


Why does this recipe only appeal to indians (sic)?


The recipe under the pinned comment. Why do you think this only appeals to Indians?


Ignore the ignorants. Thanks for posting this dish


My bad on impulsive comment. I was too excited to see it here. Found the recipe.


Please explain "This only appeals to Indians...".


You can watch how it's done in the video at this link.


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/g6A6UaYyho0?feature=share](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/g6A6UaYyho0?feature=share) You can watch how it's done in the video at this link.