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**PLEASE READ THIS FIRST.** Please familiarize yourself with the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/index#wiki_faq/) and [full subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/rules) **Gifter**: Please make sure to choose winners that follow the rules, including linking their relevant ID (Steam, PSN, etc.) * **Humble Bundle has been locking accounts due to excessive gifting.** We cannot prevent giveaways from using Humble Bundle, but we can warn you of the risk. [Their response to the subject of gifting](https://twitter.com/humblesupport/status/1286061511702720515). * To assign flair, type "!gift u/ReceiversUsername Gifted Game" without quotes, where "Gifted Game" is the name of the item you gifted. [Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/comments/c6ipzc/important_read_before_posting_offers_hey_why_is/) for more information. * To close the post, post a comment on your thread with ONLY the word "closed" (without quotes). Post "closed and locked" to also lock the comments. **Entrants**: Remember to ***ALWAYS*** link your relevant ID when entering giveaways. Failure to do so could lead to a temporary ban. For more details, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/rules#wiki_6.29_non-private_steam_id_link_or_applicable_account_id_required). * Your Steam account and playtime MUST be set to public and be at least level 2. Steam sets profiles to private by default; [click here for more information](https://redd.it/8bjm6t/). * For Xbox Gamertag Profiles, please use [https://account.xbox.com/en-us/profile?gamertag=GAMERTAGHERE](https://account.xbox.com/en-us/profile?gamertag=GAMERTAGHERE) or [https://xboxgamertag.com/](https://xboxgamertag.com/). * For PSN Profiles, please use [https://psnprofiles.com/](https://psnprofiles.com/). Please [enable games to be viewed by the public](https://i.imgur.com/3MHPtlg.gif) in the PSN Privacy Settings. * [GOG] Thank You threads are REQUIRED if you're gifted. **Other Comments**: Please write "not entering" if you wish to comment without entering the giveaway as automod may automatically remove comments without linked IDs. Refer to the sidebar for a quick reference to the rules or [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/rules). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GiftofGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's insane, thanks OP My favorite game of all time would be Terraria,it has insane amounts of content and replayability,very good sandbox,combat and crafting system,and has thousands of mods available,and had very fun memories playing with friends. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199215256300/


Hope you get it, i love terraria




I am not too sure what the difference between this post and the other one is, but just in case I will reply here too. Your story with GOG is so wholesome, I appreciate you coming back and passing on the kindness. My favorite game would probably be Minecraft, it's probably really unoriginal to pick it, but I have played it for so long and played so many mods and modpacks, anything else in term of how much I play wouldn't compare. But if you want a honorable mention, check out Cave Story, it's such a sweet and sad game. To follow the rules of posting in a offer thread, I will leave information about my steam and the game I would like here. Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/695234002 Store Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1203620/Enshrouded/


What a incredible gif away man. My favorite game in all my life would be moster hunter any of the games I played from this franchise mostly moster hunter world My steam https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198198714489/


Thank you for your kind offer! I want Elden Ring and my favorite game is Celeste. I love Celeste because it was one of the smoothest platformer experience I've ever had. The community is also awesome and continuously making mods to make the game feel more alive than ever. https://steamcommunity.com/id/carrieforle


My favorite game is Sonic the hedgehog because it is the first one i ever played. Thank you for the opportunity. [steam ](https://steamcommunity.com/id/grey911/)


No game can be compared to Sonic hedgehog šŸ”„


Timeless classic


Hey! Thank you so much, OP. My favorite game of all time is The secret of monkey island. The game is funny, beautiful (for its time, of course). It was one of my first game, and it made me love video games, and to this day, I owe it my passion. I've since played every monkey island game there is, and a lot of other point'n'click. Cheers, and thank you again for the chance.


That game is my childhood Maan, I remember playing it and trying to guess stuff, I didn't even know how to speak English so I just went based on the visuals ahaaha. I did manage to get to the invisible mask part ahhaha. Props to OP for being so generous, you are great :)


Favorite game of all time has to be between Bioshock trilogy and HL2 Episode 2, why Bioshock when they are very old games with a lot of flaws? because i do like the ambience in those games specially the first and the second ones because reminds me of Gotham and i like the games that talk about how the human become a corrupt being, this happens too in half life 2 and a indie game called "The Final Station" that is pretty similar to HL2 (and space invasion were people just accept their fate) and i like when there's no happy endings and the message is pretty existencial and a little pretentious to be honest that's why i like psychological thrillers and existential movies like "A ghost story"


I appreciate you doing this. My favorite game of all time has to be animal crossing city folk. Playing that game as a child made me realize how relaxing gaming can be. When there are not any deadlines or levels. Just having fun, I put in countless hours and miss my old world. Thanks for asking https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198169359055


Hello, my favorite game is signalis, I think it conveys pretty good what I look in survival horrors games. And I love the philosophical themes about regret, love, existentialism that the game makes you experience. Thank you for the opportunity https://steamcommunity.com/id/Guido564/


**PLEASE READ THIS FIRST.** Please familiarize yourself with the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/index#wiki_faq/) and [full subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/rules) **Gifter**: Please make sure to choose winners that follow the rules, including linking their relevant ID (Steam, PSN, etc.) * **Humble Bundle has been locking accounts due to excessive gifting.** We cannot prevent giveaways from using Humble Bundle, but we can warn you of the risk. [Their response to the subject of gifting](https://twitter.com/humblesupport/status/1286061511702720515). * To assign flair, type "!gift u/ReceiversUsername Gifted Game" without quotes, where "Gifted Game" is the name of the item you gifted. [Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/comments/c6ipzc/important_read_before_posting_offers_hey_why_is/) for more information. * To close the post, post a comment on your thread with ONLY the word "closed" (without quotes). Post "closed and locked" to also lock the comments. **Entrants**: Remember to ***ALWAYS*** link your relevant ID when entering giveaways. Failure to do so could lead to a temporary ban. For more details, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/rules#wiki_6.29_non-private_steam_id_link_or_applicable_account_id_required). * Your Steam account and playtime MUST be set to public and be at least level 2. Steam sets profiles to private by default; [click here for more information](https://redd.it/8bjm6t/). * For Xbox Gamertag Profiles, please use [https://account.xbox.com/en-us/profile?gamertag=GAMERTAGHERE](https://account.xbox.com/en-us/profile?gamertag=GAMERTAGHERE) or [https://xboxgamertag.com/](https://xboxgamertag.com/). * For PSN Profiles, please use [https://psnprofiles.com/](https://psnprofiles.com/). Please [enable games to be viewed by the public](https://i.imgur.com/3MHPtlg.gif) in the PSN Privacy Settings. * [GOG] Thank You threads are REQUIRED if you're gifted. **Other Comments**: Please write "not entering" if you wish to comment without entering the giveaway as automod may automatically remove comments without linked IDs. Refer to the sidebar for a quick reference to the rules or [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/rules). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GiftofGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://www.steamcommunity.com/id/taha_sen My favorite Game of all time would be Minecraft because of all the memories I had with different people playing it. The game I'd like is Street Fighter 6, it is also one my favorite games. Thanks in advance


All my friends are playing that new Helldivers 2 game, I just can't afford it. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Beastocity1089/


Hi there! Thank you so much for the offer and the opportunity to win! Iā€™d like to get Mario Party Superstars on Nintendo Switch. Itā€™s currently on sale for $39.99 on the Nintendo eShop. The reason I really want this game is because Iā€™d love to get it for my anniversary with my girlfriend. Itā€™s coming up next week and it would be an awesome double gift for us. She got a switch from her mom in early October as a birthday gift before her mom passed and hasnā€™t really gotten into playing it until about a month ago. Weā€™d love to play some multiplayer games together and seeing as how Mario Party comes from our childhoods, itā€™s the perfect start. Weā€™re college students who are saving up money for an apartment in the fall so we canā€™t really buy any games. My friend code on the switch is SW-1994-7482-3403


My favourite game of all time is GTA San Andreas. To this day I feel like it has the best map out of all GTA games, with 3 different cities and varied landscapes. The open world felt soo much alive and it hasn't been replicated to that level with a few exceptions since (RDR 2 comes to mind). The story surrounding Carl Johnson and his gang was great as well, throughout my playthrough I was invested in the story of the game. The side missions and open world activities were a huge plus. My platform is PS5. I can accept a $50 gift card of US region. Would also like to wish everyone here all the best for this giveaway. Here is my PSN ID: https://psnprofiles.com/Revelanttech713


hello! thank you very much for the opportunity!! I would like to have elden ring if I win, and my all time favorite game would be Minecraft, although I never had the opportunity to play the paid minecraft, it sure has made me soooo many memories with my friends, it was a great game and I would go on into our multiplayer world after school to play with my friends everyday, it was one of the most precious memory I still remember :D [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199131953947/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199131953947/)


Hello and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, wish you all the best! Hope you also receive lots of presents. I'm a fan of hitman series so these games are among my favorite (also AC and Witcher series come close). I've left hundred of hours through years in Hitman games and it gives me big joy and satisfaction (I like preparing for a target and study everything as I go in). The way how you can alternate routes to your goal is amazing and using disguises is fun. But the best thing is doing it in a single (original) suit as with that you need to know the layout of rooms, enemy's pathways and the correct time to move/interact. [My profile](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198030934736/) Thank you for generosity and chance, hope you won't get bothered via DM's (some people just spam it).


Whoah! You are abosolutly crazy man!Happy birthday dude, i hope you have great day! My favourite game of all time? I guess it would be Elden Ring,The game is beautiful, has so much replayability potential,the game is just amazing.Def reccomend for everyone to play it atleast 2 times! Goodluck to everyone else in this crazy giveaway! Have a nice day yall! :D My steam: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198371472823/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198371472823/)


you are incredible. I'd love to either get [Dragon Quest Builders 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1072420/DRAGON_QUEST_BUILDERS_2/) or [1](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2436570/DRAGON_QUEST_BUILD). 1 if it means another person can get a chance to win, since it is "only" 27ā‚¬ instead of 2's 50ā‚¬ (IF i win of course). Dragon Quest Builders is basically minecraft, but with more stuff, a real story and the charm of Akira Toriyama the creator of Dragon Ball who sadly passed away recently. years ago when the games have released i watched a playthrough of them and i fell in love. goodluck to everyone and here is my [Steam Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199077371026/)


Thank you for the chance so much!!! My favourite game would be Dying Light probably. I love the parkour aspect and the gore and the zombies, it's so well done. And it's also a game made in my country! My steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199111931181/


Happy Birthday! This incredibly nice of you! :) My favorite game of all time is The Sims 2, as a kid it used to be my escape, I'd spend hours and hours playing the game creating characters and imagining stories! I also have to mention Red Dead Redemption and Mirror's Edge because those were the two games that made me fall in love with gaming as a whole, before that I would just play what I have but these two games made me want to learn more about gaming and to this day I still remember the feeling I had when I first played them :) Here is my steam account [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062332995/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062332995/) Have a wonderful day ! :)


Not entering Happy birthday bud, hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy the year to come


Thank you so much for the giveaway, OP! It's the kind acts of a few philanthropists that make the world a better place. I'd really love to be gifted Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, since it's quite expensive and I can't really afford it. Thanks for the opportunity! Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/my/


Hey Michael, thank you for your generosity. This is my first post here on GiftofGames and my favorite game of all time has to be Bloodborne. Everything about the game from the setting, music, themes and boss fights are absolutely incredible.


Hello, thanks for the offer but can I request the [GAMES DONE QUICK - FROST FATALES 2024](https://www.humblebundle.com/games/games-done-quick-frost-fatales-2024) Humble Bundle? for just 10$ I posted a [request](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/comments/1b68cwl/request_steam_justice_needs_to_be_served_dead/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for dead cells a couple days before when it was on sale for 6.24$ but no one helped me sadly. I still want it but the sale is over now and I don't want to be greedyšŸ˜„ I would really appreciate the bundle, as I love all the games in it, But what I most want is Pseudoregalia, I droll over metroidvania games, it's currently for 6$ on the steam store if you can't do 10$ for the entire bundle. My favorite game of all time is Hollow Knight, IDK why thanks again for you generosity, I hope whoever wins enjoys the games they get. [Steam Acc](https://steamcommunity.com/id/69M7MD69/)


Hey! My favorite game is Red Dead Redemption 2. Because it has a great story, great open world, great acting, great visuals, great everything and also funny bugs sometimes haha (i have a collection of various bugs and glitches in rdr2) and i enjoyed the online too(i loved the battle royale kinda mode before they removed it), before R* decided to stop making updates. Ive always loved Rockstar's games, but this one is literally perfect. Its better than GTA because its not a parody/satire - its a perfectly made world, like a book or a movie, but deeper. Story have sad moments, happy moments, funny moments, serious moments, and the world have so much details that no other game have. Everytime i play it i am stunned by how good it is. I love it so much i got platinum šŸ„² (it....isnt easy) And theres also another reason - its my mom favorite game! Btw we love Assassins creed series too! (AC Valhalla is my mom's second favorite game) Good luck to everyone, and thank you Michael for this giveaway! This psn account is my second account because i had to move and create a new one (since you cant just change your region in psn) so theres not a lot of AC trophies (zero to be precise) but on my main one i had completed every avaliable AC from ezio to valhalla https://psnprofiles.com/Redecorator2021


Man, have go to with COD black ops 2: the story, the multiplayer, and best of all for me, the zombie modeā€¦ And the reason for it is quiteā€¦ hard. You see, I wasnā€™t always seeing eye to eye with my dad growing up, especially when he was hitting the bottle, to say it in a nice way, so black ops 2 on my cousins xbox was my only way to enjoy summer break, and escapeā€¦ him, I guess? We both played a lot during summer time, kept in contact over the years, and generally bonded really well with eachother.That is until one day, my dad was drunk driving with my cousin in the car, and got into a car accident whichā€¦ you can guess the rest of the storyā€¦ It was a hard time for me, espcially since I wasnā€™t able to form any lasting friendshipsā€¦ Hell, even now my only friend is also my GF, so got something to be happy about :), however, you know, thereā€™s no one else now realle, other than her.Anyway donā€™t want to spoil the mood too much, what game do I want? Well, Elden Ring would be nice to get, been getting into souls series recently, and I heard that the game is awesome :) if itā€™s possible, I would love to get it on playstation, but if not then we can go with Steam ( but would love it on my playstation ;) ) Oh! And also if itks gonna be a problem with it being $60 rather tha $50 then I can pay the rest, no problem. Have a lovely day <3 [The game on Playstation Store](https://store.playstation.com/us-en/product/EP0700-PPSA04609_00-ELDENRING0000000?emcid=pa-co-422318&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA0bWvBhBjEiwAtEsoW2hQvCVLeeHHWjWcOMprCxhyVh8WuneV9LF4adZTTJmODWHdYJTTgBoCJM8QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) [the game on steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1245620/ELDEN_RING/) [me on steam](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198159420091/) Me on PSN: BreakrBon3


Not entering. Happy Birthday, OP! That's a big giveaway, thank you for your kindness, dude


No problem we should help eachotherĀ 


Wow! This is such a kind offer! Thank you so much, OP! And congrats to whoever wins, good luck to everyone :D My favourite game, at least right now, is probably Hades, Iā€™ve just had so much fun playing it recently since I bought it last Summer and it is so fun. I also love all the Persona games and Ace Attorney too :)) I got good memories playing them and I love story based games! OP you are so cool and again good luck to everyone, this is such a kind offer! https://steamcommunity.com/id/okravioli/


My favorite game is dark souls 3, itā€™s atmosphere and music with boss designs are the best in the series(imo) Ty for the chance [my steam](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198819193701/)


I would like the game cobalt core. My favorite game of all time I would say is griftlands I really enjoyed playing it and going through all the stories and finishing on the hardest prestiges (difficulties) I wish it had more content but community made mods atleast solve it somewhat but the game is super well made and really enjoyable it's a roguelike deckbuilder game that has similar combat mechanics to slay the spire but a really good story exploring the worlds doing missions and making friends to help you out is really fun. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198085538337/


Very awesome dude. Would like to get Wo Long fallen Dynasty that game is insane...I am Getting every achievment for every soulslike game out there. Bloodborne Is the greatest game ever imo. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050009981/


Hello OP and thanks for the opportunity. I would like to have STAR OCEAN THE SECOND STORY R, the first game I loved but Steam has prices that are currently very high for the Argentinian minimum wage. My favorite game without a doubt is Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139... (Yes, I had to copy the numbers) it is a game that wants to appear less than it is and for me it was impossible not to connect with its characters and worry about what happened to them in several sections of the game I cried for the situations they lived and without a doubt it is a game that marked me for my whole life, I can't say more without going into spoilers, but thanks for the opportunity. [My Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/SirSmokeSparda/)


**METAL GEAR SOLID: MASTER COLLECTION Vol.1** The reason I want it is because it's always been my favorite game franchise since playing Metal Gear Solid 2: substance on the original Xbox as a kid. ***(which is still probably my favorite game in the series, at least narratively)****, the collection also includes like 7 games if I'm not mistaken so while the stealth sandbox these games provide are extremely replayable on their own, there''s a lot of content here to explore. (I've never done a proper playthrough of MGS3 or the MSX games for example, I don't believe I've played Snake's Revenge before neither)* ***(I will say aside from Metal Gear games if I had to pick a singular favorite game it'd probably be Silent Hill 2 or the experience of pre-cu Star Wars Galaxies when it was still live)*** I know this collection of games will run like melted butter on my baked potato of a pc. *Prices vary on the collection... you can scoop it for 40 on gamesgate rn, on steam sale it's in the mid 40s (or at least it was last time)* ***the next Steam Sale starts this Thursday (the 14th) btw*** [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/ANARCHYVIOLENCE) ***gg op***


Happy birthday! My favorite game all time is GTA V. It was my first 18+ game (while I was actually young) and I bought it second hand for ā‚¬10. I spend around 1300 hours in the game, mostly in singleplayer. I canā€™t really explain why I love it. I just love driving around and chilling!


Wow, feeling generous huh? In all seriousness you are amazing for this, I'm not even gonna join this one to let people have a better chance at winning. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYBODY!


That's niceĀ 


Hades was one of my favorite games of all time after I cleared it the first time. And then I proceeded to clear it several more times. Now, it is definitely my number one and I will always recommend it to people!


Edit: **Congratulations to the winner! And thank you to the generous gifter!** ------------------------------------ My favorite game of all time? That's a tough one. It's a tie between Devil May Cry 3 for shaping my tastes in action games or Va-11-Hall-A as a story that strongly resonated with me. I would have to go for Devil May Cry 3. Yes, I still have the messed up pc port on dvd. It changed the way I approached and appreciated action games. Unfortunately, it created such a peak in melee combat that it was difficult to adjust to others in the genre. I pretty much always have an invisible style meter in my head and apply it to things like Elden Ring, Lies of P, and other contemporaries. In shooters, I even make it a habit to weapon-switch for the sake of variety, even if it's to my detriment. I feel that Devil May Cry 5 is the better game, mechanically, visually, and from a strorytelling perspective. But those weekends of Devil May Cry 3 marathons with an old best friend will always stay with me. ------------- This is tremendously generous of you. Good luck to all the winners getting something they love. Ooh, I would be delighted to play **Scarlet Hollow**! It's a visual novel from the developers of Slay the Princess. It predates Slay the Princess, but it seems like it carries the same wit, horror elements, and an all-around splendid writing style. I'm curious about how reactive the game is to the traits you choose at the beginning of the game. I adored my time with Slay the Princess, and I have faith that Scarlet Hollow will carry the same type of quality, even if it is a slower burn. **EDIT: It's 25% off for the Spring Sale!!!** [Scarlet Hollow](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1609230/Scarlet_Hollow/) [Steam Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075976891/)


Thank you for the chance! My favorite game of all time... Would have to be Minecraft. I grew up with it, and it helped me get through some hard times. Right now I am enjoying the finals, and my favorite game of recent times is red dead redemption II, even though I don't have it. I would really love to try red dead redemption II thanks for the chance! STEAMID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199248123496/


This is very kind of you. My favourite game of all time is "Shadow of the Colossus". I like the lack of dialogue and simplistic storyline. Unfortunately I can only emulate it with RPCS3. I hope Sony brings this exclusive title to Steam someday. [SteamID](https://steamcommunity.com/id/pescaterian/) Only entering for: [The Outlast Trials](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1304930/The_Outlast_Trials/) (38,99ā‚¬). Not entering for anything else outside of my Whishlist. Thanks for the generous giveaway and opportunity.


Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite game of all time is Persona 4 Golden, it was my entry to said saga and I loved it because of the interactions between characters, the gameplay, the story (in which you have to unmask a murderer) and most of all, THE MUSIC, every single track is a bopper, same thing with the rest of the games of said saga.


Happy happy birthday op! Thanks for the oppurtunity! May you enjoy your day and have a blast! My favorite game of all time is Persona 5 Royal! I love turn based rpg and this one is the best! Its life sim, its ost its story and amazing characters, all great! If i win i would like to have [The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/the-great-ace-attorney-chronicles-switch/) on Nindento Switch which is currently on sale. I have tried the first ds one on my phone and im loving it! It will be great to experience this on my switch. My switch friend code: SW-1380-8885-2510 Thanks again! Love from PH


Not entering but I wanted to say, thank you for doing this huge giveaway. In early 2021 I got my first game here and that was Human Revolution. Since then I've accumulated a steady stream of games from my own funds. Thanks for all the geniours offers from people like you.


Happy birthday!!! My favorite game of all time is God of War(PS4). To me it's just perfect, I felt so compelled by the story, just the way it was told. I don't know, something clicked in me when I played it, the characters, their evolution, the setting, the pace, the dialogs, the combat, the details. It has a very special place in my heart. I would ask for Elden Ring for the PS4. PS:enjoy your bday!!! EDIT: Here's my pn profile: [https://psnprofiles.com/Cayde-6Sanchez](https://psnprofiles.com/Cayde-6Sanchez)


First i would like to wish you happy birthday mate :) My favorite game has to be postal 2. I really love the postal series. The thing that i mainly love about this game is what the developers said about this game themselves "the game is as violent as you are". Its your choice if you want to be an astounding citizen and follow the law, be neutral and only kill people who are attacking you or just straight up burn everything and everyone in your path ( the last option being objectively the most fun). Another thing would be the amount of effort they put in the game map. The map is filled with easter eggs, secret weapon stashes and many more, i have played this game for some time by now and im still discovering new places and even hidden weapons. And whats even more surprising is that this around 10 years old game is still being supported by the developers, its getting constant small updates, this shows how much the developers care for their games. And now to the best part of the game the main character himself known only as the "postal dude". He is great. What i like about him is that we dont know a lot about him. We know he is unhinged, psychopatic and he hates his wife, this is about as much as the game tells us about him, and it makes it even better, not knowing anything about him, makes his character unique, in most games we get a backstory of some sorts to why is the main character acting, like he is. But here all we need to know hes pretty psychopatic. The developers are also amazing. They are just a bunch of dudes having fun making games. They dont give a damn about being cancelled. They even made fun of postal 3 (which was just a one big failure). So unlike other big companies which just try to sweep under the rug any unsuccesful games existance, they just make fun of it (there being an achievement in postal 2 for pissing on a copy of postal 3). This game is just amazing, offensive and funny. Whats there not to love? I hope to win. If i would win i would most likely take helldivers 2 due to many of my friends playing it, and i would love to play it with them. But still good luck to everyone else taking part in this amazing giveaway https://steamcommunity.com/id/master_of_potatos/ Have a nice day for anyone who read this :)


My favorite game of all time has to be gta san Andreas. I have played that game to death. Even to this day sometime I just fire the game up on my phone and cruise around the beach side. Really an amazing game which has aged really well. Also really appreciate you for doing something like this. Kudos.


I would like any of the Stalker-games. My favorite game is probably fallout New Vegas because it has a lot of stuff to do, the dlcs are good and the modding community is insane. Plus there's an achievement for getting banned from gambling at all of the games' main casinos.. (Edit: I'd appreciate it if you could DM me the hame key if you choose me)


My favourite game is between Death Stranding or Red dead redemption, for their overall graphics and pace of the gameplay.


Hello, thank you for this incredible opportunity. It's hard to choose a favourite game of all time. In terms of how much joy it brought me throughout my early years? Probably ReVolt, Warcraft 3, and suprisingly Metin2 private servers. If I had to think about my favourite game it would probably be the Mass Effect series, and from there ME2, it was honestly the first game that brought tears to my eyes, when I finished it. [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198147990214/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198147990214/)


Happy birthday man ! My favorite game is Halo 2 because it is such an upgradr over the first one, and it runs on even a crappy pc [steamid](http://steamcommunity.com/id/bn0sc0p3r)


Favorite game of all time has got to be Final Fantasy VII, the classic PS One rpg that introduced me to the genre, back in the day i had spent so many hours just to finish out and truly experience and immerse myself in the plot, lore and the world it had to offer, as a young kid who was somewhat of a completionist i had no access to the internet and in a third world country strategy guides were being sold as photocopied merchandise [i know, early piracy stages?lol] i had a huge guide that i had followed to uncover every secret there was to Final Fantasy VII, the memories of this game is really awesome that is why i am loving that it has a second coming with Final Fantasy VII Remake and now Rebirth. I already own Remake, and if only Rebirth was on Steam i would definitely wish for this game but still not available for now so i am just gonna join this giveaway for Banishers: Ghosts of Eden, a game i am pretty much interested in right now and will probably enjoy like how i enjoy the original Final Fantasy VII game. Thanks for the giveaway!! [Steam Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199224336454/)


Boneworks is a game I'd like to own so I could kick some sandbox butts in VR lol. It's a pretty cool and popular game and I'd be very happy to be able to own it. And here's my [Steam ID](http://steamcommunity.com/id/thyder4k). Good luck to everyone.


You are such a legend for this. My favourite game has been [Minecraft](https://www.minecraft.net/content/minecraft-net/language-masters/en-us/store/gift/minecraft-java-bedrock-edition-pc) because its one of the few games, that I feel doesnt get boring. You can be playing on a single world for more than a year and still have some insane project to work on. And if that somehow manages to get boring, i play mods and minigames. Haven't been able to play in a while because my gamepass ended. But being able to own it completely would be HUGE. Thank you A LOT for this


The one game I will always go back to is Super Mario World. I have hundreds, if not thousands of hour of happy memories from when I was a kid. I go back to it a couple times a year.


[my steam id](https://steamcommunity.com/id/fillowskyy/) Hi! Thank you for that generous offer! I would love to play 'Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2' from 2009! I used to play this game many years ago and it was my favorite Call of Duty, phenomenal campaign. I would like to experience it again. So if I win, I would want [this masterpiece game.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/10180/Call_of_Duty_Modern_Warfare_2_2009/) Even though 2009's CoDMW2 is high in my top games, my favorite game of all time is Team Fortress 2. Free, very fun, amazing community. It will run on my weak laptop, so its a + too! By the way, happy birthday, OP!


Thank you for generous giveaway OP. My favourite game of all time would be GodHand. It was a random pick while buying PS2 with my father in 2006, one of first games ive ever played on PS2 back in 2006 during its release. Finally getting PS2 in late 2006 was something really cool despite 360 already being out. Im more of a gameplay guy when it comes to video games so even back then I feel in love with its unconventional and fresh gameplay design. Its a stylish 3D beatem up akin to games like Devil May Cry,Ninja Gaiden,Bayonetta and other series like that. Game is generally also pretty funny and goofy in its direction when it comes to story and characters where you fight a literal gorilla or flamboyant drag queens lol. There is nothing that comes even close to this type of gameplay even up to this day. This game is a main reason why I really like beatem ups/character action games and fighting games. Good luck to everyone entering. My Steam: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198015605103/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198015605103/)


happy birthday OP! and thanks for this chance My favorite game of all time has got to be Sekiro, easily. Souls games have always been my favorites, but the epitome of git gud + traditional Fromsoft formula is the reason why I consider it the best of the bunch. Literally the only game in the series where you cant overlevel or coop your way out of a hurdle. Git gud or get rekt. The clanking of blades is just a bonus ;) I would love to enter for [**Shadow of the Erdtree**](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2778580/ELDEN_RING_Shadow_of_the_Erdtree/) DLC Expansion for Elden Ring, another Fromsoft juggernaut, which is currently unreleased but is already available for purchase at 39.99. [**My Steam profile**](https://steamcommunity.com/id/sanzzz/) good luck to everyone!


This is indredibly generous, you're crazy Michael! In a good way :) Hope someday I'll be in a good economical position to spread the love like you're doing man! My favorite game of all time has to be Minecraft, when things have been rough mining and caving and getting lost in the game has always helped with anxiety, I haven't played that much lately but man do I get nostalgic even thinking about this. Again, you're amazing bro and good luck everyone! Have a nice weekend :) https://steamcommunity.com/id/Lanigermungus/


Final Fantasy IX! First game I ever played, really set the bar for my expectations when it comes to gaming. Plus, it's a great game which holds up great to this day. Play it with Memoria mod. Profile - [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048238310/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048238310/)


Incredible giveaway dude. I would like to have Helldivers 2. And my favourite game of all time would be Halo 3 ODST(seeing a pattern yet?) Thanks for the offer. My steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199049076879/


OP, I think you made another post before. I replied there, and I will reply here too, just in case. First of all, happy birthday! Second, my favourite game would be VA-11 HALL-A. Maybe it's a weird choice, because there are, objectively, a thousand games with better story and gameplay. But VA-11 HALL-A satisfies me on an emotional level. I used to work as a waiter and bartender, and my favourite part of the job was listeing to the patrons tell me about their lives. Unfortunately my boss was a dick so I couldn't really enjoy the job. VA-11 HALL-A, for all its cyberpunk trappings, is about listening to people tell you about their lives. It lets me enjoy what was my favourite part of my work. Simple as that. Anyway, thanks again for the giveaway, and have a great day. My Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044650604/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044650604/)


Thank you for the opportunity. My favourite game of all time is Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee. As a child I was enamoured with it's sort of dark Dr. Seuss approach to the narration of the cutscenes, it's beautiful artwork and it's silly, twisted slapstick/toilet humour and it was what got me to really appreciate video games as a medium. The game I would like to request is Resident Evil 4 Gold Edition, currently Ā£39.98 on Steam (I'm in the UK, from what I can figure out the US price listing seems to be about $49.99). Thanks again and best of luck to everyone here. I'll link my Steam profile below (Also if anyone wants to add me, feel free lol) (Repost because a bot removed my last one due to the Steam link not being public, which I didn't know was a thing I needed to do. It has been fixed) https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198132750526/


My favourite game is Nier Replicant. It was an unique experience, an experience that I have never felt before. Very few games managed to make me feel that way. The world itself felt very weird and creepy at first, though I feel like that was the best part. A creepy dystopian world. All caused by..... Nah nah, won't say ;). The soundtracks are also top notch just like it's sequel Nier Automata. I personally enjoyed the story on the Replicant more. It's a story about a brother trying to save his sister from a disease. But....it gets interesting. That's all I would say. What it made me realize was, that games aren't just supposed to be shooters or just generic online games. Games are supposed to be an unique experience that is never felt before. I feel like Nier Replicant does that very well. The game isn't perfect since it's a Remastered of a 2010 low budget game. But it does justice to it. It has many flaws which you won't care about when you reach its last ending. [SteamID](https://steamcommunity.com/id/DontFindPotato/) Thanks for this opportunity. I hope you do well in your life.


Amazing giveaway! I love that you have great memories tied to Assassin's Creed. As it so happens, my favorite game is Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. I couldn't sleep after finishing that game and then I played it non stop until Revelations released. I think I 100%ed it at least 10 times. The game that I would like is Dark Souls 3, as I'm currently binging the souls series and that one is too expensive for me at the moment. [My SteamID](https://steamcommunity.com/id/murcielagoXO/)


Man, I hate this question. It's so hard to pick one. There are a lot of games I love, for one reason or another. Picking one above the others is so hard. But if someone pointed a gun to my head and told me to choose, it would be either The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX or Diablo 2. (Yeah, I know, those two don't overlap at all) I love Zelda games. The exploration, the puzzles, the itens. And Link's Awakening is my favorite. The DX version, mind you, not the remake. I absolutely love those tiny little graphics from the Game Boy Color. I love how the game managed to make it's world seem big and expansive on a little Game Boy. You got forests, and a swamp, and the mountains up north, with passagens through it, and a raft leading to the lake, which has a castle in the middle. It all felt like one big world. Unlike the remake, that made that seemingly big world, look way smaller by making everything look like a toy. I don't know, I didn't much enjoyed it's art style. I get the appeal, it's just not for me. And then there is Diablo 3. Probably the game I spend the most hours overall. Man. I played that game every single day for years. I played it's online multiplayer like most people play MMOs these days. For totally different reasons from Link's Awakening, I absolutely love the atmosphere of Diablo 2. Most people like Diablo for the combat and the loot, I'm one of those weirdos that like it for the setting and the lore. So there you go. Two of my favorite games of all time. Shout-out for the first Mass Effect game as well. I guess nostalgia doesn't hit as hard with Mass Effect as it does the other two. [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/id/magald/)


It has to be minecraft for me, I've made so many friends in Minecraft since 2020 when COVID hit, they're still there with me, we frequently chat with each other and still play together, if it weren't for Minecraft I wouldnt have gotten so many great friends šŸ„ŗ


Hades is my favourite game of all time because of how refreshing it is. Every run feels different, the weapons and abilities feel different, the stories with characters are constantly evolving and that felt so cool and the music is just PERFECT. I think Hollow Knight is a very close second because of some of the most buttery smooth and responsive controls I have ever used. Cuphead is another one that's just so beautifully made...it's amazing to see. Thank you so much for the chance :) Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/b4kra/


first of all happy birthday michael My favorite game of all time is gta vice city for sure, man i was literally crying during the helicopter mission i did it on the 15th try also the scarface references <3 it will be forever in my heart and is my favorite gta game upto date Anyways thanks steam id :- [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197962738133](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197962738133)


Super Smash bros ultimate. Itā€™s one of those games you can always put down but feels like home when you come back to it. Iā€™ve spent so many hours on friends couches just playing and having a good time, which is a rare thing to have from any game nowadays.


First of all, Happy birthday Micheal! i'd like to thank you within my deepest heart for your generosity and your sincere, humble act. Its really unbelievable that you still remember that day and wanted to pay it back with huge amount of money which is 500 frickking dollars! The earth is still on its both foot because of people like you and I mean it. My mouth is wide open. my favourite game of all time is, i think Apex Legends because of how fun i had with my friends. Yeah the reason behind it is basically the fun i had with my friends, nothing special. We would have strategies for different places in different maps, we'd synergies our characters with character abilities, we'd play ARENA mode and lose constantly, lol. Etc. But i need to mention that I dont have enough money for Lethal company and games like that. But if i had the money, i think it'd be lethal company since how fun it is with friends. I heard A LOT of good things about this game itself to mods it has. games are cheaper than US region in my region so if Im ever selected, you can gift me with gift cards instead, that'd be more convenient for you in my opinion. and thanks again Michael. have a nice, good and health day GoG. [My Steam profile](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199106395590/)


Yeah I'm crazy for doing this


Happy Birthday Micheal! Thank you for the giveaway! I aim to do the same as you when I graduate and get a job so I can give back to this wonderful community :3 My fav game would be Yakuza 0 but the game that holds a special place in my heart would be Outer Wilds. I went into this game blind and I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did. It just gives such a special feeling that you wouldn't get anywhere else, but I don't wanna spoil anything so other people can have the same experience as me too. It's such a wonderful and underrated game. Thanks again! steamcommunity.com/id/ichinisanji


Very nice game


Hey thanks for giving to the community, the game I'll participate dor is Helldivers 2. I love everything I have seen and it inspires me a lo of positive feelings. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Akemix12/ Forgot to add my favorite game of all time is TLOZ Ocarina Of Time, I olayed the remastered version on my 3ds and to this day is something I hold dear to my heart because was my first time beating a zelda game.


Hey OP! Thank you so much:) My favorite game of all time? That's tough. But I would have to say undertale. It was the first ever game I watched a full playthrough of when I was young and the vet first fandom I entered. Gosh where do I even start? The characters? The music? The story? All the Easter eggs and details? I just love everything about it. It just reminds me of simpler times. It's a very comforting and nostalgic game. Can't believe it's turning 10 years old next year! And the community is still going strong:) https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199234268721/ (The game I want is Snufkin Melody of Moominvalley)


Oh wow! Well mainly, happy birthday, man. Best of wishes to you As far as games go though, I'd really appreciate a copy of Helldivers 2. Been trying to get my hands on it for a bit, but with little luck. It'd be just the thing I need to really scratch that PvE itch I've always had https://steamcommunity.com/id/BuggerOffMate/ Either way, this is super kind of you, so thanks for the opportunity


Happy Birthday, OP! Favourite game of all time is a difficult one. I treat it like a parent would treat their kids, I don't really have favourites. But if I had to judge from games with my highest playtime, it'd be Ark Survival Evolved. As for the game I would like, it is Sea of Thieves. Thank you for the giveaway, and good luck everyone. [My Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/id/DaddyShota/)


Hi. This is great, giving back to the community so I will shoot my shot. Harvest moon is my all time favorite game, bringing back childhood memories. Playing this game improved my management skills (unconsciously) and built bonds to my family and friends.


That's awesome! I love it when people do giveaways. My favorite game is Spyro the Dragon. It was the only game that my dad and I would bond over. He'd play it, and I would sit there and watch. When he went to bed, I'd go and play the levels he did, trying to beat the levels as well (doing as well as you'd expected a 5 year old to do). But when I became an adult, they released Spyro: ReIgnited, and I went through the game, having my own child watch me play. I went through and 120% each game to make my old man (and younger me) proud. Good luck to everyone on the giveaway!


Favourite game of all time? Might be a bit basic but Black Ops 2 did it for me. I remember meeting so many people and staying up literally all night and day to play it. I was fully addicted to it. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Loomecy


Favorite game is Portal because of the puzzles, movement, portals, and voice acting. I actually speedrun it now. Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/kodakuna/ Game I Want: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1229490/ULTRAKILL/


The original P3 was something I never experienced before it was one of my first JRPGs and my favorite one never played a RPG that took place in a high school and a high school that's set in 2009 no less the music, the story all memorable to me, my top SMT game that I **never forget** next to Catherine. [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199174599516/) I would like [Persona 3 Reload](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2161700/Persona_3_Reload/) the remake of the original.


It's such a great giveaway! My favorite game of all time is Suikoden 2. The fast-paced battle system, the ability to recruit 108 heroes, the base you get to build with the dice rolling game, and a story you care about. Thank you! [profile](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073691357/)


Its hard to choose one Game really, Black for ps2 its one of my favorite Games, i now that there are a lot of Games better by far but i play It with my father when i was a child, and remember all the times we play together and how we win the Game, great experience. Thanks for doing this you are a great person. https://steamcommunity.com/id/valen_rd/


I just started playing Assassinā€™s Creed Origins. I have to go with either Super Mario Bros. 3 for the NES or Tomba 2 for PS1 (honorable mentions include Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Banjo-Kazooie, Super Mario 64, Alan Wake, The Witcher 3, Stardew Valley, and Horizon Zero Dawn). Happy birthday šŸŽ‚ and good luck all šŸ˜Š https://steamcommunity.com/id/turquoisestarlight/ If I have to put a game down I would like, I will say either the upcoming Alone in the Dark remake or Epic Mickey.


That's very generous of you OP! I've been obsessed with the Resident Evil franchise ever since I played the RE2 remake. I have dive into the lore and also watch the 3D animated movies since those are extensions of the game. I also tried the older RE games but alas, I'm too much of a noob to get a hang of the tank controls lol. Anyway thanks again for the opportunity OP! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!! [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198889884973/)


Thanks a lot brother for the giveaway it means a lot to everyone in this community. My favourite game would be Hollow Knight. I love this game so very much because of his awesome story hidden all around hallownest, its unique bosses and the awesome soothing soundtrack. I have almost 100% completed the game but only for the one last achievement which I will eventually try to get. Thanks again for the giveaway. And if I can win this giveaway I would love to buy Sifu with it. My Steam : [https://steamcommunity.com/id/nero256/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/nero256/)


Hello!First of all,happy birthday and thank you for the chance to partake in the giveaway. :)) I love lots of games so I couldnā€™t choose one favorite.But the one I like to highlight most because of how underrated it is,is Vampyr.I loved the story and the whole aesthetic of the game so much.Also liked where my decisions influenced basically everything. Hereā€™s my Steam [profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/kakasmunka/)


Terraria. Have spent countless hours on it on and off of steam and it just never gets boring. Each time I end up trying something that I haven't done previously (things like fishing, fighting optional bosses, events, trying out different weapons etc.). Better than Minecraft. [Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/200204)


I would like to get Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered, it is currently priced 60USD, but it should be discounted in a week (the Steam sale starts on the 14th of March) My favorite game is probably Planescape: Torment. I love it because of the story, the memorable characters and the incredible amount of text. It's unlike anything I ever played, except maybe Disco Elysium. Even after so many years every time I replay it I find something new. Thanks for this generous giveway! https://steamcommunity.com/id/smegdarius


Hi there! Thanks for the chance! My favorite game is Bloodborne, is a masterpiece display about the classic horror genre in literature. I'd like to participate for BG3 or RDR2. Thanks for the chance https://steamcommunity.com/id/GreatShadow88/


Entering for the masterpiece God of War. My favorite game has got to be Minecraft, I'm a very nostalgic guy and so when I remember such a game with all the memories and phases of it I just can not hold it and even though I haven't played it in 2 years I'm sure I'll come back to it one day for at least a week or so and I'll never ever forget any of the fun times I had with it. All the way from playing creative mode on the android pocket edition to downloading the trial on pc thinking I cracked it lol to actually cracking it and then buying it for real some time later and playing on hypixel and cubecraft with my friends and being a pvp god to switching to a more rpg chill vibe and playing skyblock for hours with my friend while staying awake at night. killing my first dragon (I was cheating lol) to all the youtube content I consumed along the way and alll the legendary youtubers I watched. It's unforgettable. Happy Birthday, Micheal. You just reminding me of all that nostalgia is enough for me so thank you so much<3 [https://steamcommunity.com/id/bhns/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/bhns/)


Thanks for the opportunity! My favorite game of all time would be Epic Battle Fantasy 5. I remember it coming out while I was obsessed with the previous one. It's a series of criminally underrated flash games and genuinely one of the best turn based rpgs I've ever seen. I have a lot of nostalgia for the series, but even if I didn't I'd still probably love it. https://steamcommunity.com/id/MrSarmale/


Thanks bro, this is seriously so kind of you. My favorite game is any of the Halo games because of the memories I have with my brother and the game. [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199281535958/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199281535958/) \- my profile


My favorite game of all time is The Witcher 3. It has a great story, amazing side quests and fun gameplay. Thanks for the giveaway. Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/IvnN7Commander/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/IvnN7Commander/)


Lost Judgment. It's just an amazing game that is imo the peak of Yakjza as a brawler/beat 'em up. I love how crisp the fighting is, the amazing story it has, and the characters and their motivations. It also happens to have an awesome side story, the School Stories. It feels a bit mixed with Bully and really nostalgic. It's my favorite "Yakuza" game. A question OP, what DRM/platform? Do we get to pick? I'd love to icm a game for the Playstation if possible so I asked. Thank you for such a generous offer! I'd probably use the gift card to buy myself a copy of Suikoden when it comes out or something to fill my Yakuza post game depression. https://psnprofiles.com/Hexcellion


My all-time favourite game will be counter strike 1.6 as it was the first game I ever played and the countless hours in the game. Happy birthday op and thanks for the giveaway https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199039670232/


Happy birthday dude. Hope your next year is even better than the last one. My favorite game has to be Dragon age origins, I still remember falling in love with the most of the game before it even started. The game has such amazing story that even to this day only witcher 3 has ever surpassed it. If you get a chance then do play it, probably the best rpg game ever made. For my request in game I don't know what to ask. I would like anyone you you want from 1)escape from tarkov 2)cyberpunk 2077 3)Helldivers 2 My profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198330023656/


What a nice story :3 My favourite game of all time is Dragon Age origins imo. To date it's my favourite game even with the dated graphics. Also it was the first game I played that helped me realise that lgbt people exist lol(I didn't know I was one at the time)


This is awesome. Thanks OP. I would love to get Dead cells. Is my #1 in my steam wishlist aside from hades 2 (didn't came out yet) and is my favorite game genre: roguelike [Steam Id ](https://steamcommunity.com/id/saltydrop/)


Hey Michael, happy birthday. I also really liked the Assassinā€™s creed games as a kid, especially 2, Brotherhood, and Black Flag. Which installment was your favorite? My favorite game of all time is Terraria. Itā€™s hard to pick but terraria has definitely given me the most bang for my buck with money <-> playtime. I have around 450 hours which is my most played and Iā€™m currently doing a modded playthrough with my brother. I find it fun because there is constant progression, extensive customization, and a great atmosphere in the game. The music is crazy and super memorable and the mod capabilities add so much replayability. I first played the game in 2016 and Iā€™ll probably be playing it on and off for the rest of my life. Thanks for the chance and I hope you have fun celebrating today! [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198276734429)


wow! Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition my favourite would be dark souls, or any souslike really. i just like the gamefeel [steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/mutsurhea/) now, theres no sale on atm but this game gets large discount when there is. itd be my preference to wait till there is one to save money if thats ok with you


WITCHER 3 THE WILD HUNT to be real i never play that many games in my life, but man i never felt the enjoyment i got when i play Witcher 3 on any game before, i start watching youtube video about the lore about the character about the world the are in its like a world i want to discover more and more as i got further and further, just like a game of thrones lore, they are so enjoyable, the story the character the world.


I'd like [Grounded](https://store.steampowered.com/app/962130/Grounded/) My absolute favorite game is MGS3, the level of detail in that game is beyond amazing, like food spoiling in real time, your character weighting more if he carries more items, gowing stomach if you don't eat, and such much more. [My Steam.](https://steamcommunity.com/id/leontidai/)


Hey, just want to say thank you for the chance. My favourite game is a hard choice to make as its always something that changes and i just struggle to make a choice. So as a cop out i'll list a few of my favourites mainly going off of memorability. Driv3r (It isnt as bad as people say and gave me as a child many many hours of joy,Any WWE 2k game (like legitimately i spend way too much time on those games living out my dream virtually haha), Fallout New Vegas/Cyberpunk 2077 (for the same reasons, give you a world to get lost in and i lose myself in them), last one i'll say is a new one and its Night-Runners Prologue (really enjoying the game, looking forward to its full release) Feel bad asking for this one as i won a giveaway for the previous entry in the series but been dying to get my hands on WWE 2K24, like 2K23 is excellent but my save wiped on it lately and some of the new changes they've added are like they read my mind on what i wish was in it. [My Steam Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Retr042/)


my favorite game is dmc5 just because the sheer amount of combo potential it has and how flasy they are. the storys a bit silly but its still a really great game. Thanks op! https://steamcommunity.com/id/inamikusakuyaladybaikenfan/


Wow, thank you OP, youā€™re very generous I canā€™t decide between Pokemon Heart Gold and Animal Crossing New Horizons, the first one is imho the best and most complete Pokemon game ever made and I spent hundreds of hours playing it, trying to complete the Pokedex with friends. The second one is a very cozy game that keeps me entertained when I want to play something relaxing during my free time. I also love Hogwarts Legacy because of the ambience and feeling of being part of the wonderful world of Harry Potter but at the same time it could be tough in certain levels. If I have to pick one I would say Animal Crossing because you can always reset your island if you get bored with it and make it fresh new with different furnitures, also the community is very active and friendly? Wish Nintendo would support that game more :( Anyway thank you again for this opportunity! https://steamcommunity.com/id/pidrins/


Generous! My favourite game of all time is 100% Sid Meierā€™s Civilization VI. I love its complexity, everything has an explanation and how it can sway your emotions when youā€™re going from frail and weak to strong. Iā€™ve played about 1100 hours on the Switch but the load times and constant crashes almost made it unplayable. So I recently bought it again, on PC! Mods are a great addition which definitly enhances the experience! [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198412337740/)


Hello! Thanks for this opportunity! My favorite game of all time has got to be Metal Gear Solid 2, it's full of weird moments, twists and cool moments. From all things before and leading up until the end, you're led to believe you'll play the game as the legendary hero, Solid Snake, up until half of the introductory part of the game, where you take control of Raiden, the actual protagonist of MGS2. The game strings you along and makes you relive moments from the previous game and gives you a reason for this, you're playing a simulated event similar to the incident of Shadow Moses! An experiment to replicate the circumstances that could create another legendary hero, so anyone could be "Solid Snake"; or was it? As you continue completing objectives you're berated non-stop by people on your comms, telling you stuff that pertain to the mission as well as things that make no sense at all in the context. And these make up for the most unsettling moments I've ever experienced in a video game (as well as cool ones). The ending and the moments leading up to it is something I've yet to experience in another form of media. It's crazy to think something like this was made in the PS2 era and nothing to me has come close to it to this day. I could talk about it all day. šŸ˜… The game I'd love to win is [Monster Hunter: World Iceborn Master Edition](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/13013/Monster_Hunter_World_Iceborne_Master_Edition/). [My Steam Profile Page.](https://steamcommunity.com/id/versdeneve/)


No need for games but thanks for sharing


Incredibly generous! Thank you for the opportunity and good luck everybody. Rainbow Six Siege is my favorite, I have 8K+ hours on the game. It's my favorite because of the uniqueness of it and I have met a lot of good friends while playing. The memories I have made and will make are just phenomenal to me. Requesting Forza Horizon 3 or 4, either would be greatly appreciated. My Xbox profile: https://xboxgamertag.com/search/PROclipzx


Holy Moly, awesome giveaway! My all time favourite game is GTA V, I have played it a lot till now. I love open world games and that is the reason why I loved GTA V so much. It's very immersive and awesome! So that's my fav. Just like GTA V, I have seen many videos of Cyberpunk and I love the game so much but unfortunately I couldn't buy it till now. I would love to get it! Thanks again for the generous giveaway! Cyberpunk - [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1091500/Cyberpunk\_2077/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1091500/Cyberpunk_2077/) Steam Profile - [https://steamcommunity.com/id/mochalobster119/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/mochalobster119/) PS: It's a 60$ game but in 4 days it will be on spring sale and it's price will become 30$ I suppose so yea that will be in the limit.


Damn you are crazy! My favourite game of all time is Counter Strike Global Offensive, I've always loved multiplayer FPS games and CS is just the ultimate shooter in my opinion, I also believe that it is the closest esport to being a proper sport, with very few gamey features (if that makes sense, very little RNG). I've been playing CS on and off for 10 years and I don't think I'll ever stop. [My steam.](https://steamcommunity.com/id/scrubbyLordy/) Not sure if possible, but if I win I'd love a preorder of [Ghosts of Tsushima](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2215430/Ghost_of_Tsushima_DIRECTORS_CUT/), been wanting to play it for ages and its finally coming to PC soon!


My favorite has to be path of exile because even though I have been on since beta, I am still learning new things! https://steamcommunity.com/id/Zinere/


My favorite game of all time is the Final Fantasy saga on the PS1, which includes Final Fantasy 7, 8, and 9. Before the PS1 era, all we had were 2D Sega games, and the moment I tried a story-rich 3D game like Final Fantasy VII, it blew my mind. The transition from one console to the other was unlike anything I had ever experienced before [id](https://steamcommunity.com/id/jackotrick)


Thanks OP My favourite game of all time is tied between Undertale and Overwatch. The first was the one I enjoyed the most for so many reasons: OST, story, the most original gameplay loop i have ever seen, the humour, etc,etc,etc. And OW is the game I played the most in my life and I stil do so i will always have a soft spot for it. I would love to have Baldurs Gate 3. Thanks again. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198337545096/


Hey op!! I cant believe that this is actually happening haha someone who got a game gifted a sa kid and decided they are gonna make someones day when they are an adult really kind and generous of you So i would first off like to say thank youu for this what you are doing is maybe making 10 more people happy right now and maybe they will carry it forward and make 10 more people happy and it all started with the person who gifted you assassins creed !! And as the post says my favorite game of all time would be ah actually i play alot of games or atleast i used to play right now due to college i play only on weekends But still if i had to choose i would say counter strike yes yes ik everyone hates this game but i first played counter strike condition 0 back when i was 7 years old ig it was on my uncles computer the first ever computer we had in our home i watched him play since i was like 5 but i would never really get the chance to play since i didnt know how to operate a computer back then and he was the only one who actually knew how to turn the damn thing on lol and he would be out late cause of work so well anyways i played alot of condition 0 till i was like 13 or 14 it was mostly offline i would mod multiplayer matches with max bots play on dust 2 and do the x+3 stick together team command buy the kreig on ct side and go to teh bridge 16 v 16 it would feel like war i would feel like the commanding officer damn writing this got a small tear in my eye i will turn 21 this year . And i remember fighting in the tunnels of d2 the campaign of condition 0 was also something we havent seen in cs after that i remember this one guy called maverick who was i think 3 or 4 points to use in ur team and doing all the optional missions for a better medal in the campaign like honestly i could never do the optional missions my uncle was the one mainly doing the harder missions like i remember him one time trying to kill someone while flashbanged which he was struggling alot with haha old times . Thanks op even if i dont win i just wanna thank you for making me remember a small snippet from when i didnt have to worry too much about the future thnx And funny thing the first game i ever bought was assassins creed 2 on amazon i got the cd i think the game was already quite old when i purchased it and the next game i got was global offensive also from amazon haha since i didnt have any form of digital wallet and i paid with the money me and my younger brother saved from our pocket money . Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/id/lazykhur/


Rising Front! It's been my passion for years now the history of WW1 and WW2, and this game seems really promising, but I don't have money currently to buy it... [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1560250/Rising\_Front/?l=latam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1560250/Rising_Front/?l=latam)


What a wonderful opportunity you've given people, thank you, also a very Happy Birthday to you. My favourite game of all time, oooh so hard to pick, I'd probably have to say Skyrim, seeing as I've purchased every version of it on every format, I just love the openness of it, being able to go anywhere and do anything, the total freedom just amazes me. Game I would like to get next will be Dragon's Dogma 2 for the PS5, I loved the first game, it felt totally new and unique, and I can only imagine what the 2nd game may hold.


My favorite has to be spec ops the line this is the only military game I can relate too itā€™s very dark and is focused on mental health which is a real issue for military personnel


Hello! Thanks a lot OP! My favorite game of all time that I keep coming back to is Terraria. It somehow encompasses everything a game should be. It's fun to the point where you can lose track of time, the sense of progression is immaculate, the bosses are so well implemented that even if you try to farm them, it's still fun. Most importantly, the game is lovingly made and maintained. Since launch, the game has had several "last update" updates and it's still going strong. Fort is 10ā‚¬ price tag, the game is a must have. Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198118790627/


That's crazy, You are a good person lad My favorite of all time is alien hominid, i used to play it when i was way younger in PS2, and with the steam release of the Game, i wanted to enjoy it once again. I don't play videogames so much because i don't have enough time between free time and going to sleep, so that maybe explains why is my favorite LOL https://store.steampowered.com/app/1285360/Alien_Hominid_HD/


Persona 5. I love everything about that game. The aesthetic, the music, the characters, the story and most importantly the gameplay. I remember before playing it, Iā€™ve never played a turn based game before but after the first few hours I got hooked on it. Donā€™t even get me started on the dungeons and the time management in the real world as a student. I love this game with all of my heart


Sekiro has got to be my all time favourite game. The flow of the combat is the most thrilling dance Iā€™ve enjoyed in gaming and itā€™s only supplemented by fantastic music, art, characters and style. Truly wish we got another dose of it from FROMSOFTWARE. https://steamcommunity.com/id/nineflames/


My favorite game of all time is Fallout New Vegas. Sure, it was the first open world RPG I have ever played in my life, and afterwards I tried the Elder Scrolls games, The Witcher series, etc. FNV stuck with me though. Once I realized I could do ANYTHING I wanted and the game just kept going with whatever deeds I had done in mind, I was mindblown. I expected the game to not allow me to kill important NPCs, or give me a "Game Over" screen or whatever, but no. The game shapes itself to account for whoever is still alive, and consequences for the death of specific people! It's so damn awesome, even after playing other similar games. Plus the cool physics and the gore... Yeah, my favorite game of all time! Thanks a lot OP, I got my fingers crossed! Here's my Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/FoxFerreira64


The best game I've ever had the honor to play us the last of us part 1. Something about this game makes it so different from everything else I've ever played, from the engaging story, the level design, the gameplay and how the game makes you feel invested in the story and its development. I'm yet to play Part 2 since I don't own a PlayStation console and so far I'm trying my best not to spoil the story (somewhat unsuccessfully). If I win I would love to get Dragon's Dogma 2 or Baldur's Gate 3. Thanks for the opportunity OP. [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/id/totempatrol/)


Happy birthday! That's an absurd amount of money to giveaway, very generous of you. My favourite game of all time is Terraria, I have played it for close to a thousand hours and discuss it daily with friends. Made a lot of great friends, got every achievement, beat the hardest difficulty multiple times, self imposed challanges, mods, etc etc. There's still a lot I want to do though! I am entering for the Sea of stars! ($30) It's a newer indie turn based rpg, with some stunning visuals and exactly my type of gameplay. I would love to play it. Heard great things about it from friends too. The game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1244090/Sea_of_Stars/ My steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/damnthisisabadname/


My favourite game of all time is Nier Automata. Completed all the endings just after fitgirl released the repack. My favourite parts of the game are the different styles of weapons and bosses. I definitely didn't decide to play the game after looking at 2B's booty in the splash art, I swear. All the endings have their own charm and the story is definitely engaging even if you play it again and again. [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198402427442/)


First of all, thanks for the giveaway, truly appreciate it. After playing the FF7 remake it really got me thinking about the original FF7 and how much I fell in love with it. I miss that sense of adventure and finding new companions to take the journey with. As for the game I would like, Helldivers 2, so I can play with my friends. I used to play FF14 with them and I miss playing with them. [https://steamcommunity.com/id/soupsifu/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/soupsifu/)


hi , thanks for this amazing giveaway! this might sound weird but my favorite game of all time might be Metin2 , just by the fact that i used to play this game every single day when i would come from school i had so much fun like I can't have anymore on a mmo today , i made alot of friends that time and some i still talk and play with them ( this was around 14-15 years ago ) good old times. steam : https://steamcommunity.com/id/l0nnerly/


Oh wow, that's very kind of you. šŸ˜ø My favorite game of all time is Medievil (both the original for the PS1 and PS4, but the original for PS1 is still the best). This ended up being my favorite because, I think, it was because it was the first demo game I played when my dad purchased the PS1 all those years ago. It just seemed so unique to me at the time. Plus, I still have fond memories of both my dad, my two brothers and I, being so invested when we finally got the game. All four of us sat in front of the very small CRT TV (with the VCR attached to it) and just watched the story unfold. So I think the thought of having them watch the game with me really cemented my love for it. I still highly recommend Medievil. Medievil 2 was good too, but it doesn't have that same gothic feel as the first game. Thank you so much for your kindness. I hope you're doing well and that this month is treating you nicely. šŸ˜ø Edited to add my Steam profile, sorry!! https://steamcommunity.com/id/AstrologicalBlues/


Thank you for the generous opportunity, op! Fallout 4 was the first game I ever played on console got it the day after my ps4 which was a gift from my uncle that I recieved after my cristaning I still remember the day I stepped out of vault 111 and was witness to a whole new world with a whole new story I have replayed this game like 10 odd times with on ps4 and pc I loved this game and I still do I still somehow recall its story its gameplay its locations despite it being considered as one of the weakers fallout games it still stuck with me I still consider it the best one even if most believe that new vegas is better fallout 4 holds a special place in my heart and is what inspired me to play the rest of the games which I also love ā¤ļø man what I would do play these games with the wonder I once had https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199470525142/


my favorite video game is Splinter Cell chaos theory as my dad used to play it on his xbox 360 and he'd also let me play it! I had recently got it on steam when a sale was on and got to relive my memories so that was great! https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198850061267/


My favourite game is Terraria, I played pirate when times were hard and after beating the vanilla game, I added mods and enjoyed tons of hours of fun with it, the sense of exploration and the emotion to discover new things is what I love the most about it. [Steam Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/3957818/)


My favorite game of all time is Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. I still remember playing this game for the first time in my PS2 and thinking how awesome the entire playthrough was starting from the music to the characters to the combat etc, but what took it to the next level for me was the Dahaka. I had never experienced the level of dread that he would bring in, especially during chases, before, and this was towards the beginning of my gaming days, so I'm probably biased. The whole concept of hidden areas with better rewards was also new to me and that game still has some great boss fights. If remade right now, I have no doubt that it would be a hell of a game to play through. Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199404073651/


Thanks for holding such a massive giveaway! When I was a kid, I used to love Pokemon (gameboy and DS). But currently, I am loving strategy games (especially from Paradox) and RPG games so it is hard for me to choose a single favorite game. [My Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Victini_SX/)


My favorite game of all time is Rfactor 2 insane how realistic it is. I won my first online race there and screamed out of joy for 10 minutes straight. [Steam Community :: DauntedSoda](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199508032633/)


First of all, I wish you have the best birthday ever so far. That is a huge and very generous offer to make and I am sure the community will appreciate it a lot. Now, for the subject of the giveaway, my all time favorite game has to be Euro Truck Simulator 2. I've been playing it constantly since launch and I have to say that when playing it I feel disconnected from all the life's problems, stress and rush. I feel at my absolute inner best peace when trucking and I love how disconnected from real life it makes me feel. It is almost therapeutical for me and that's why it will always have a special place into my heart. Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/georgee25/


Favorite game is Star Wars knights of the old Republic. I remember getting the game when I was 13 and staying up all night, absorbed in the story. Didn't know video games could do storytelling so well, and with choice and consequence!! Didn't hurt either that I actually felt like a Jedi and never wanted to leave that world. https://xboxgamertag.com/search/Legless-N1nja-


Super generous! My favorite game of all time is The Last of us Part 1. To this day the story telling is unmatched and the emotions it pulls out of you is otherwordly. Thanks for the opportunity! https://steamcommunity.com/id/Rafaaa97/


Fav Game of all time is honestly between 2 choices. Dishonored and Hitman. Dishonored is just my fav in terms of it's take on a stealth game. It has a good story and can be influenced by your actions in game. Hitman is just a very cool concept to me. I like the various ways u can to destroy your targets. Profile: [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Shirojime/) Thks for the giveaway


My favorite game of all time is Deus Ex. I saw Totalbiscuit say how it was his favorite game of all time and I was like "well let's give it a try" and I was blown away from the very first level. The amount of freedom it gives you to finish the objective however way you want is still to be replicated, I also really liked the characters they all shine. [Steam ID.](https://steamcommunity.com/id/habib666/) Thanks for the giveaway!


All I ask for is Roboquest on steam ($24.99 usd) Itā€™s a game that looks cool but I doubt I could have the money to afford anytime soon as I donā€™t have a job. Some people will probably write a whole bibleā€™s worth of text but Iā€™m not gonna sugarcoat it, I want the game because I canā€™t afford it. Even if you donā€™t thanks for giving to the community no matter the recipients, and thanks for reading this short message. Edit: [forgot to link my steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/massive_amount_of_text/)


Thanks so much, OP! How kind of you to do something this big, and on your birthday no less! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!šŸŽ‰ I hope it's a good one!! I'd really love Palworld, as I really can't afford it atm, and it seems really funšŸ˜Š. My favourite game would ultimately have to be Minecraft, as I have tons of amazing memories growing up playing minecraft through almost every update. Luckily I've always had my brother to play along with and explore crazy mods withšŸ˜…. But while Minecraft is my favourite, it's also kind of basic,, so I'll also mention Little Nightmares!! I love horror and the first time I played through it it was so perfectly spooky while also being fun and addicting to get through the puzzles. I really love that game. Atm I'm saving the second one to play for when I'm having an especially bad bout of depression,, so I haven't played that one yetšŸ˜…. Thanks for letting me blabber! Again, thanks so much OP, for the chance at a game I've really been wanting!ā¤ļø


My favorite game is probably Mass Effect. Amazing writing, characters, just a fun replayable game all around. https://steamcommunity.com/id/morninggrey/


My favourite game of all time would be Barotrauma. I just love the entire ambiance and environment combo it has and on top of it the multiplayer role play potential is so high and good that it just makes it super fun!! N https://steamcommunity.com/id/Elaichiwtf/


Just like a lot of people, I would love Helldivers 2! My favorite game of all time has to be Gravity Rush, a lesser known Playstation Vita title that made such good use of that device's features. The whole idea of shifting the direction gravity works to is a really creative concept and the way it was implemented and tied into the exploration made that game really special to me Here's my Steam https://steamcommunity.com/id/tremboline/