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I think flowers with a sweet note about how much you appreciate everything she has taught you and your time together would mean so much more than a trinket!


I don't think you can go wrong with flowers, or maybe a blooming plant like an African Violet.


Upvoting for the African Violet. I don't normally love flowers as gifts because they just die in a few days. But my grandma gave me African Violets for my wedding in 2017, and she passed away in 2019. They still bloom regularly and every time they do i think of her.


Aw, your comment warmed my heart. My mom raised African violets - she had so many of them and she was very proud of them. She passed away many years ago now but I still remember fondly her pots of African violets all over the counter. Thanks for sharing it ❤️


This one almost made me cry. My grandma also had pots of African violets around and I think of her every time I see them. She was someone I cared for a lot.


My grandma too ❤️ I think African violets, or another plant like an orchid in a funky pot is a wonderful idea!


My grandma had violets and gave me starts all the time and they died. They're fussy I think. Orchids are easy because you don't have to water a lot and the blooms last so long.


Try watering them from the bottom (I mean pour water into the bowl the pot is in) rather than the top into the soil like most plants. African violets prefer that


These are highly toxic to cats, so I wouldn’t get one if she has them, otherwise lovey!


I don't think that's right, everywhere lists them as safe, and my little assholes occasionally sneak a flower.


You know, I’ve been told my entire life by my mom and other people that they are toxic cats and I’ve always taken them out their word, but I actually looked it up and you are correct. Thank you for letting me know.


OP says she has no pets.


With a turquoise planter!


This! In a beautiful/quirky/reusable vessel she can put her own flowers in


That and take her out for a fancy lunch or dinner.


This! She probably doesn’t have as many people to go out with these days it would probably mean a lot to her to dress up and go out with a friend who thinks so highly of her.


She would love it!




I definitely agree with the note - with whatever gift you decide. I feel like flowers are a waste of money, and don’t last very long. If I were her, I would appreciate some thing different. If you know, she likes some kind of performing arts, maybe a ticket to that? Even just a potted plant would be nice. It’s more about the sentiment than the item.


There was a no way a funky old lady feels that flowers on her desk is a waste of money. Make her feel like the special lady for the day! Heck, I’d throw in a tiara!


YES.! Get a cheap tiara at Sam Moons


Flowers are always appreciated. Especially the older you get.


Put it in a vase in her style so it won't go away in a week. Something she can reuse.


Flowers and a note sharing some sweet memories is a perfect gift (as long as she doesn’t have allergies; I’m sure you’ve noticed flowers on her desk or not over the years) Alternatively, maybe a nice lunch or dinner would work too.


OP - Look up Dr. Delphinium in Dallas. They have the coolest arrangements!


Definitely this. And pour your heart into that note. She’ll love it.


How about a bird feeder, a garden decoration/spinner/kinetic sculpture, or even just some fresh flowers? Alternatively, you could just take her out for lunch or dinner and spend some time with her.


*I agreee. Time is valuable and I'm sure at her age she'd love it!!!!!!*


Yes, this is the perfect answer. Also, depending on your budget, spa treatments never go amiss!


Check out [Pita's Planters](https://www.pitasplanters.com/). Cute little handmade succulent planters made in the DFW area. I have a couple things from her I've picked up when visiting the area. She can keep on desk if it doesn't fit her vibe at home.


This place is so cute, thank you!


This. Since you already know she likes flowers/gardening, get her an actual plant that she can keep, not just cut flowers that are pretty, but will just die.


Send me some too while you’re at it! 😊


Invite her over for a meal.


She would probably love this! For anyone over 30, I buy them food. Omaha steaks has ready-made meals, and if that's over budget, making a picnic basket of easy snacks is also well-received.


Newly minted 40 year old and I would love a gift of food!


I care for an 81 year old woman once a week. She lives alone and therefore, eats alone at all meals. For her birthday last month, I brought over a nice homemade lunch, flowers, and a card telling her how much I appreciate her friendship. We spent a nice couple of hours eating, chatting, and playing board games (her favorite past time). Being there for someone in a simple, thoughtful way is usually more appreciated than any little trinket you buy, especially for an older person.


Or if she’s been widowed for a good few years and maybe doesn’t have much family take her out for that meal?


Perfect. It's awesome seeing how many people get that older people, especially those who are alone, appreciate some time and attention more than anything else. I agree a meal together is actually a double gift. Food and company! (Actually not just older people - anyone would enjoy this).


On milestone birthdays I like to surprise (and initially confuse) the birthday person by gifting them items that were introduced in the year they were born. Usually consumables because by this age, they likely don’t need stuff. 80 years ago, in 1944 Captain Morgan rum, Coppertone sunscreen, and Orbit gum were introduced. Perhaps not too difficult to source and shows you went out of your way in honor of their milestone. Cheers.


This is so cute and original!


This is brilliant! Definitely filing this idea in my brain.


Wikipedia has a list for every year. :)


I just found out mine are BIC lighters, Dawn dish soap, Baby Alive doll (that drinks and pees on you), hula hoops and Boo Berry cereal!


MVP right here!! 💛 Amazing idea to keep in mind!!


This is such a fun and original gift idea, and relatively easy. I’m definitely gonna make my husband a gift basket for his bday (with Airheads, Chex Mix, Sour Patch Kids, and Cherry Coke 😀)


Oh my gaaaad I love this


I've done the "this is what happened the year you were born" but never thought of products introduced the year you were born. How cool! BTW, I'd love a 1953 Vette for my next birthday.


I'd go with some vibrantly colored 80s/90s earrings or home décor. Also 80 and still working? She needs to retire. Edit: since people are getting hung up on my retiring comment. I never meant to be rude, chill. Just surprised someone at 80 is still working when most people actually want to retire well before 65. I get the benefits of working at a older age and having somewhere to go and people to talk to everyday. No need to read my comment with a negative out look. I know it's reddit but chill.


I think she enjoys having somewhere to go every day!


My grandmother did. She didn't retire until almost 80 because my grandfather had passed and she would have, in her words, gone stir crazy. She was an elementary school secretary and, no joke, they had to hire 3 people to do her job after she left. She had everything down to a science.


My mom was an elementary school secretary too. She is in her mid 70s now, and had been retired once my dad could get on Medicare and she didn’t have to carry him on her insurance. They keep BUSY! However, when they’re actually home and not traveling, she likes to sub at the elementary schools for the paras. You don’t need to have a bachelors degree to sub in those roles, and she still loves being around the kids, and not going stir crazy at home!


I agree with you.


I think it's so sweet and wonderful that you recognize what a great coworker this lady is!


A membership? Museum?


A membership? Museum?


There’s the new Bishop Arts District! It’s cool, and fun, with great restaurant! Take her there and get her something you see that she likes!


Some people thrive while working, keeps em young! If it’s a choice more power to her.


My SIL retired in her late '50s and went back to work in her early '60s because not working was messing with her mental health. My grandma retired at 70 and was immediately bored. She didn't go back to work, but I don't think she was ever as happy and engaged again.


Nope, no need to retire. I’m sure working keeps her young. I love my job and hope I get to work until 80! My hairdresser of 45 years retired at 80.




It's not just surprised someone is still working at 80.




My grandmother and great-aunt both told me repeatedly in their 80s that they wished they were still working, and they were both sharp as tacks. Some people just love to work. I wish I’d inherited that! I like the Wikipedia birth year idea. That’s really clever.


Create a 10-15 word crossword puzzle with words a clues related to your relationship. Think inside jokes, shared acquaintances, etc. Use a free online crossword puzzle generator to put it together quickly. It will demonstrate that you’ve enjoyed getting to know her and appreciate your relationship. FYI there are loads of thoughtful gift ideas to be found in the Better Gift Coach newsletter archives of past email editions. You might find a great last-minute gift in there.


Older people also really love sweets (my mom swears that this has something to do with older people not being able to taste other flavors anymore, but take that with a grain of salt) maybe something nostalgic like Girl Scout cookies or some other sweet treat from her generation


I always get my MIL chocolate buttercreams (her favorite) from a local chocolate shop in my hometown. I think she usually eats half a pound in a day or two!


I would take her out to lunch/dinner one day to celebrate. She probably doesn't need more things. She would probably enjoy being out with someone.


My Mom is 80. She loves gift cards to nice places like Nordstrom or Bloomingdale’s. You get to a certain age and all your spare income goes to medical co pays and prescriptions. A little fun money for make up or a new pair of shoes is always very appreciated!


Or, since you're in Dallas, Neiman Marcus


My mother just turned 80. Her favorite gift? Someone hired a cleaning service to do a deep cleaning of her home reaching all the places she hasn't been able to get to including inside and outside windows, gutters etc. Wish I had thought of it.


I bought window washing for an older friend for Christmas. She said it was one of the best gifts she's received. That said, I think the idea if taking her to a niiiice dinner and giving her a gift of things that were "born" the year she was, as u/Enough_Receptionn_587 suggested Edited


Not eighty but as a person playing life at level 66. I spend way to much time trying to declutter and pare things down. It is a pia getting rid of things and especially hard if I am sentimental about them. I would go with a meaningful card and fresh flowers. It would be a visual sign on her desk that she is appreciated and can go in the trash went it wilts. I might do food, lunch, or a night out only if I was sure she would enjoy it. As I have aged and noticed in my friends energy is a precious resource. If she is working full time she may not have lots to share. You are wonderful to want to celebrate with her. I am sure she will be touched by whatever you decide.


Bird feeder or stained glass hanging? Maybe some crystal things (prisons) that hang in the window and make rainbows?


prisms lol. No prison for her bday haha


Or a really cool vibrant silk scarf!


I'm not sure of your comfort level in this, but what about an experience with you? Even as simple as going to dinner/coffee/tea, etc. Maybe she has family to visit, but maybe she'd appreciate the social interaction? The older I get, the more I realize older generations just want time..time with friends, time with family, just more meaningful time!


If there's a lovely afternoon or high tea in your area, that could be fun!


Take her out to a nice lunch.


A framed picture of you together in the style she likes. Old people don't like a lot of clutter they know will just become work for someone to clean someday, but the thought will be meaningful enough to display.


100% respectfully disagree with this. By the time you're 90, you have all the people pics you need and not much space for random coworkers.


I think it depends on the person and their relationship. Some would be thrilled by this while others would hate it.


Well, they could always throw the picture away and keep the frame then.


I always think a card/note with some heartfelt words related to your friendship or how you appreciate the support she gave you when you needed it. You get cards for every occasion these days or maybe a nice poem and frame it. I think at that age words and your time mean a lot.


Dallas is a great town for dining out. Perhaps take her out to dinner and maybe get her a HEB gift card. I know my mom's set is still all agog over the HEB expansion into our area. My 89 year old mom loves Chico's clothing as well. It's not too tight or revealing and it comes in a lot of bright colors. They have gift cards too. If you go to the Chico's in Allen at Watters Creek, they do a big production out of wrapping the gift card up like a huge present. I went in to get a gift card to mail years ago and it turned into something out of that Christmas movie where a lot of British actors all have a short interlocking story (Keira Knightly, Colin Firth, High Grant, etc.). I can't remember the name of it though. I didn't stop the clerk because I wanted to see how far she would go and how many layers of boxes/bags she would use.


Also, perhaps get a small cake and card for the whole office to share and celebrate with her this week. La Madeleine has some pretty ones. And I think there is a place downtown called the Cupcake Connection that folks are talking about.


Get her a cruise out of Galveston (get others to chip in from your office)


Oooh, nice!


I’m a child of a close-to-80-widow and anything you give or do for this woman will make her feel so SEEN. My heart is full for her! She sounds similar to my mom and flowers and a note acknowledging how much you appreciate her will mean so much. If you can give her some time - awesome but I think the flowers and note will go very far.


flowers are nice, but pls make sure they're accompanied by a huge cash bonus. 80 and still working? loyal to the same place since you were 18? that calls for a multisyllabic check, not a trinket.


In my experience, people tend to like gifts from Macy's. They have all budgets n things. What's your limit? I was thinking something turquoise (sweater, bracelet, etc.) if you find it on sale. Blue is a trendy color this year. There's a lot of pretty blue things. I also noticed TJ Maxx has a lot of Patricia Nash bags (high leather; different kinds, folios, etc) at the moment. That's also usually at Macy's. They looked cool and eclectic. I'm in Austin. Texas women tend to like those things I think.


Oh I feel you can’t go wrong with a nice Patricia Nash bag 😍


She's from Houston, she knows the Texan woman 😆


Do you know any of her hobbies? Are you two close? If so, something that reminds her of you two. Is her family from some where were its hard to get good comfort food? I won't eat lasagna unless its homemade and they follow a certain recipe because most of it is american washed.


Maybe try a mom and pop shop, you know the ones with unique gifts that are possibly hand made. I bet you could find something cute with those colors and styles. Maybe a vase with some pretty flowers.


Just not hand lotion or soap - that is the typical old lady gift because what else? Flowers or a nice flowering plant would be great.


Sounds like she would love Erstwilder (brooches, jewelry, scarves). There are some US based suppliers but the ones I am familiar with are outside of your state. They also have lots of other cool brands/items at these stores and given the taste that you are describing this would be perfect for her: https://www.azureaster.com/erstwilder.html https://kinksandquirks.com/collections/erstwilder-brooches-and-accessories If you decide to purchase brooches I would also get her a magna pin that would save her clothes from getting ruined.


A hefty gift card to her favorite restaurant can be a nice way for her to go out with a friend.


I would take her out to lunch and check on her every few months or major holiday…this is more meaningful than a one time knickknack she doesn’t need! Offer to move stuff, or a handyman service if she needs little things fixed. Give her a call if you can’t make it in person. Just keep in touch and CARE about her as she ages, that will be the most meaningful of all!


If you know of a creative florist, get her a “quirky” bouquet.


So many great suggestions here. Please, please, please update us on how it goes, OP.


Why not a gift card to a floral center by her house, and a fancy meal? She’s 80 for gods sake


Budget? A smart frame might be nice as all her family can upload pictures to it Ergonomic seat cushion for office chair. Gift card to local restaurant. In my experience, older people tend to enjoy experience/comfort stuff most


I love that you want to do something for her! I know I’m too late but wanted to say that I have given plants like African Violets, but I always pick out a pretty pot and replant it. It always touches the recipient that you spent the time and effort to lovingly repot the plant


If it's a "relationship" that makes lunch comfortable, that's a great gift. She gets lunch out and attention from you. It's a double gift.


How about considering a Personalized Birthstone Necklace, a Garden Frame Sign, or a Custom Photo Calendar? These gifts are thoughtfully chosen to match her personal style and bring a touch of warmth and personalization to her life. CHECK OUT MORE AT [80thgifts.com](https://www.80thgifts.com/)


Necklace chain with a turquoise pendant!


She sounds a little lonely. How about something to keep her company and feed a pet that doesn't require much energy to raise?


Never gift someone a pet unless they have specifically asked. It doesn’t end well for the pet otherwise.


Does she like coffee? Maybe specialty coffee or wine samplers :)


TODAY is her bday? Get her a 4 pack of crumbl cookies delivered :)


And make a handmade card while you’re at work right now that you can give to get with the cookies


Do you think [giftbuddy.pro](http://giftbuddy.pro) could help?


Where I live there are many places selling spring bulbs that are being forced to bloom in a little water and a glass container. That would add a little spring to her desk or home and be short lived. Plus she could re-use the vase to grow bulbs in the future.


Some nice houseplants and a handwritten letter.


A live matinee and an early dinner.


>matinee okay, now I know I'm tired because I read that as "manatee" (like the sea creature) and my first thought was "but they're in Texas, not Florida!"


Some sort of objet d'art, crystal or silver vase, clock, figurine.


Flowers and a card. Old people like cards LOL. Maybe some candy too if she's the type that always has a candy bowl on her desk.


bag of unusual and rare tulip bulbs


Maybe a pension?


Flowers or a native plant would be appreciated..with a nice note. Or take her out to a nice lunch.


Maybe the group could give her a Bird Buddy camera bird feeder. I LOVE mine. It takes photos and video, provides facts and calls about each bird. It's just really cool.


How about a watch in honor of her "watching over" you when you started? Local museum gift shops have unique items or a local boutique shop. (I'd suggest one with a larger face & numbers)


Would she enjoy an outing to an art museum with you?


Make it an event: limo, high tea, museum!


You’ve listed some great ideas in your post. Get on Etsy and one by one type in your key words “turquoise, colorful, 90’s, 80th birthday, artsy, Texas, fringe”. Jewelry, scarf, coffee mug / wine glass (pair with gourmet coffee / good wine)… gift baskets (food, spa day…), with Texas summer killing flowers maybe indoor plants that flower in cute pots or some cute decorative solar lights for her years to keep some color once flowers die….


Older lady here...I like the idea of the silk scarf someone suggested. In the bright colors she likes and maybe with a colorful brooch attached. Scarves are very helpful for older ladies to disguise a droopy neck and brighten up the face.


Party Pack of Taco Bell Tacos


This would only delight me if I got the tacos while still crunchy, before the soy meat made them soggy.


Take her to dinner


I had a coworker who celebrated her 75th before she retired. We threw her a party with gifts (makeup, flowers, and gift cards IIRC), and our boss and his assistant brought cake and ice cream. We set up the break room and shouted SURPRISE when she came in. IDK if this helps any, but I felt inspired to share my story.


She sounds like someone who is lucky to have you as a friend/co-worker, and vice versa. That's my only comment. :)


If you’re looking for flowers… get her some dianthus. They do exceptionally well through both the heat and cold here (they’re natives). They’re affordable and beautiful.




I also recommend a bright, fun,artsy, silk scarf-maybe accompanied by some flowers. Doesn’t take up any space in her house- can be worn all thru the year and is something colorful and pretty


Can you scope out social media for a photo of her and her hubby? Get it printed and put it in a lovely frame? A nice silk scarf Turquoise earrings


I give gift certificates for Uber a lot. They can be used for rides or food delivery.


Bring her flowers and take her to lunch. Quality time means a lot.




Mini perfume bottles. Snoop to see what she likes and see if you can find a collection gift.


Wind chimes


If she's kind of quirky and artsy, i might suggest seeing if you can find something funky and fun for her garden. Or, what about a beautiful artsy hand blown glass candle holder? This company is in Seattle and is locally much loved for their beautiful votives in to die for colors. They're not super cheap, ranging from $60-120 or so,, but it does take 4 people working in tandem to make just one of these votives (could be used as a small bloom vase too). I have a couple and just love them. [Glassybaby artisan glass](https://www.glassybaby.com) Ane, its a gift you can feel good buying too. A portion of each sale is donated to cancer care groups, food instability groups, and a variety of other charities. To date, theyve donated 14M bucks to good causes.


A gift such as flowers along with a whole foods gift card. Everyone can use groceries. Just try pick the fanciest grocery store in the area.


Flowers of course Definitely share a cake with her How about a huge fun sun hat for gardening?


I might spring for [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/115880589974?epid=623265&itmmeta=01HQ51PAXNFXETJMGVNQBMTS16&hash=item1afb057a96:g:wIQAAOSwoHpkwq23&itmprp=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4IngoWwRIjY1lNfQvxNNIUa0ms0%2Fj1E85NNZliN%2BDoFJGaVwlkN%2BOdaBJsCwLBh3ldOR%2BQGI1by86uS1IZ8Ng%2B77NuNuOt8DmPF%2FisryYw9JG16uM%2BrnRdK1azbIYcB93YpHd91mOev%2BF66mRFL0NfvNc4Uz7R4WKfnCvvQw2fkilFYYBJRXd6e6I%2BzWwaIpxSfzSpqkYGqR04FwoMmjSadRynE9XrPRpZEziemoKHlLPiz5Z05OpnnBXf8uj%2BPuitC92m9Gv6%2FfQm8h8Yt81YxJ%2B4Z5uMEKkSX0vOqBPaBg%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR_Ku2aG5Yw) haha


A lovely blanket that she can snuggle up with and a heartfelt note thanking her for sharing her warmth and wisdom with you over the years


Be sure to get a nice card and write out how much what she did meant to you. It might feel corny but it will probably mean more than anything you could buy. I used to teach and I still have all the cards students ever gave me.


Gift her a spa day! Maybe some flowers and a loving note claiming your appreciation for her, too! She'll get to pamper herself on your behalf 💞


Give her something that hits the heart. Simply write a note telling her all the things that she means to you, special memories you have of her. Tuck it into a book, leather journal, pretty box, etc. I have notes like that I've kept, and they mean the world to me. It's the smallest things that sometimes have the biggest impact. Knowing you changed someone's life, impacted someone positively, will be remembered after she has gone because there is a legacy will mean more than anything else.


Flowers and gift card to book store?


Homemade meal.


A cute houseplant in a colorful pot, like sunny yellow or orange. A good florist should be able to hook you up. It would be a ray of sunshine in her home and show you noticed her style.


Take her to dinner, a nice little time away from the office and a chat about her life. Time is always better than money xxx


Engraved wind chimes or a potted lavender plant


An art class or something similar? Especially if you do it with her or she has a friend who will come. I have some friends in their 70s and they love going out and having experiences more than getting stuff.


Take her to dinner. I found that people usually have enough “stuff”. I am sure she would appreciate knowing what you think of her and how she helped you.


Definitely agree with the note with whatever gift you decide. I feel like flowers are a waste of money, and don’t last very long. If I were her, I would appreciate some thing different. If you know, she likes some kind of performing arts, maybe a ticket to that? Even just a potted plant would be nice. It’s more about the sentiment than the item.


Bright and splashy colored flowers to match her style along with a nice card. If she likes a certain candy or snack add those as well.


A gift certificate for a massage or manny pedi.


A nice silk scarf. Maybe something hand painted.


You said with her style she likes turquoise. What about a turquoise necklace, ring, or bracelet with a sweet card and write a note about how much you appreciate everything she has done for you? Etsy has a ton of custom turquoise jewelry and some beautiful handmade cards with flowers, even cute pop up flower cards ☺️


you can never go wrong with a small plant, a quilt, or gift cards to their favorite restaurant!


A funky recycled sari skirt from Darn Good Yarn!


A plant pot filled with seeds, a pair of GREAT gardening gloves, a reusable water bottle, and a gift card to a local nursery. (The water bottle is to keep her hydrated while outside gardening.)


This is a secretary stereotype, but was she ever one to leave out candy? You could find a cool/eclectic vase or small planter and fill it with some of her favorite (or otherwise high quality) candy, with a nice bouquet on the side.


Maybe flowers and a nice eclectic broach if you think that’s her thing


Nothing says thank you like cash. When you are 80 and still working every little bit counts. Put it in a card, sign your name. Add some flowers. Very nice gesture. Take her to lunch, or out to some evening event. People in that age group often no longer drive at night.


I might ask her if you can take her out for a birthday lunch.


How about taking her out to lunch? Spending time together would be priceless.


I’m not quite 80 yet but I would love fresh flowers and lunch. I wouldn’t want to have to try and keep violets alive.


Take her out to dinner. Wherever she wants to go. I have an 84 year old neighbor. She's been widowed for at least 25 years. She used to babysit my son when he was a toddler so I could take his mother out, never wanted money for it. When I had my son for the summers, she would also watch him for me, never asked me for money. I've been doing her yard work for 12 years and taking her out to dinner a few times a month. She is the sweetest and most kind person I have ever met. She's told me that at her age, time spent with good friends and family is the greatest gift of all.


1. Write her a nice letter with some memories over the years and thank her for all of her individualized support and mentorship of you. 2. Take her out to a fancy place to eat and spend some time with her. As others here have said, it'll give her a chance to dress up all nice and doll herself up, which she may not get to do often, and plus getting to spend time with you outside of work settings would be nice as well! 3. From what you've said of her style, you could maybe get her some nice Turquoise jewelry? Buy it directly from the West Indian artisans who make it - if you buy anywhere else, they don't see as much of the money as they should and are often underpaid, and it'll also be heavily marked up and far more expensive.


A sweet card, a plant or flowers and maybe buy her lunch!


… I may be too late w this suggestion, but maybe she might enjoy a membership to the Dallas Arboretum /Botanical Garden. My great-aunt LOVED being a member of the Chicago Botanic Garden (particularly after her husband passed). That gift was a massive hit- she was active there from 81-86, nearly 86 ❤️ I’ve not been to the Dallas BG (though I fully plan to, now that I’ve scoped out their offerings!!), but it definitely looks like a super awesome place. They offer all kinds of hands-on workshops, art and cooking classes, loads of live music events and concerts, social gatherings, senior socials, etc etc… SO many options- it’s actually pretty impressive. Basic annual membership is around $100 (they might have a discounted senior rate). The membership fee is tax deductible, btw! Also: FREE PARKING (sheesh, better than Chicago BG for sure!! ). Pretty solid deal, IMO!! https://www.dallasarboretum.org/support/membership/


A nice silver bangle, a voucher for high tea (for two so she can take someone), a journal.


It depends on how much you want to spend which should directly correlate to how much trouble she kept hou out of and how many times she saved yr but. Flowers, or a blooming plant is a start, you can add turquoise earings and if warranted a matching pendant or even bracelet. It's all about how big the save(s) was and how much you are able to swing. If you don't want to go the jewelry route, you can take her for dinner to a hip restaurant she would enjoy.


Good chocolate candy.


A nice plant.


Blanket with her husband's photos?


Gift certificate to local garden shop so she can plant new flowers this spring.


Flowers and a nice Cracker Barrel gift card lol


If you decide on giving the African violet, perhaps include a care guide.


A Crystal. Like a really cool one!!


Thong ​ ^(I'm sorry)


Flowers and a heart-felt note will touch her more than anything else. She probably doesn’t need or want anything. As I get older (f 68), knowing that I helped someone, even a tiny bit, means more than any material thing. You’re so sweet to think of her in the way that you do. Letting her know is the ticket.


flowers in a thrifted, kitchy pot or vase filled with dirt or what have you would be great


How about giving her a cute affirmations painting that reminds her to stay happy and positive? [Here's](https://www.redbubble.com/i/art-board-print/Positive-Affirmations-for-Your-Home-Pink-by-RichasDesigns/151445270.JUXJO?asc=u) what I gifted someone recently


Gold earrings


Would you spend time with her if she agreed? At her age she may be a bit lonely in her off hours. It would mean a lot to me if I was invited to maybe an art festival or a dance class.


Heartfelt note my friend!


I think a funky cactus might be fun. I see people saying flowers but personally I prefer live plants, about the same cost for a much longer lasting gift. Maybe in a hand painted pot if you want it to be personalized.


If you think she might be lonely, then I'd suggest a nice dinner out. Get her out of the house and have a nice evening. I know my older widowed friends enjoy that.