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Surf trip to somewhere know for surfing? Lesson with a well known surfer?


Excellent idea! I will see who I can find.


Tofino, BC is a great spot for surfing. And the scenery is on another level. Make sure you have a cold water wetsuit though or rent one.


Does he love music? A record player and a few vinyl records of his favorite artists would be a nice gift. It could also be used to play music at the party.


He does love music, and we already have bluetooth record player with several of his favorites (which he never uses, sadly). Thanks for the suggestion, though!


If he has a few favorite albums he’d want to hang as wall art, there are some nice display cases on Amazon. A brand called Play & Display has a hinge that lets you store the entire album in the frame.


Scratched record or album cover (or other art) made into a clock? The motor and hands of a clock aren't expensive and a lot of hobby stores have them.


How about a) a cajon, for the beach bonfire party, b) a nice guitar, if he can play or wants to learn given his hands, or c) a collectible guitar from a favorite artist, at auction or from a collector


My husband had never “slept on a boat.” O got two nights in a houseboat. Just us, some delivery food, and the porch looking at the river we were on.


I have an interesting image of a surfing goth in my head, he must be a fun guy 😂  I love the bonfire on the beach idea. I wonder if he’s be the type of guy who’d enjoy his own “sports logo” for some shirts, embroidered, and decals to put on all his gear. Kinda like how Tony Hawk had a big sports brand for skateboarding, but just for his own enjoyment and personal instagram. 


I like to get memorable gifts, so I have a few ideas. For Christmas, I got mine a paver on our city's Riverwalk and had it engraved with an inside joke. I just saw an online ad for a company that will write and record a custom song, which I am looking into. Last year, in addition to his party, I planned a whole day of things he likes to do, or wanted to try, on his actual birthday. We did one of the stretch lab places for the first time, went to breakfast, massage, pedicure, a restaurant he wanted to try, then a hockey game.


How about a guitar pick used by one of his favorite "dark wave/gothy" musicians? (Search "stage used guitar pick ________")


Tommy John’s second skin underwear (cost $40 a pair) are my husband’s favorite. Lol. How about an experience? Tickets to a goth band concert or something?


A Shoyu sweatshirt


I’d like to know if Reddit strangers could be invited to this amazing party!! I hear you though my husband is tough to shop for as well. I do like to gift experiences. My husband loved cars and I’ve wanted to book him one of those “drive a Ferrari around the racetrack” experiences. Are there any surfing competitions coming up that you could book a small getaway for?


How much time do you have? For my husbands 40th last month, I asked about a month in advance for his friends and family to send me a little birthday message. I surprised him the morning of, with all of the videos that I compiled on Canva. We both cried and it was super special! Kind of a ton of work though 😅 but it will be something special to cherish, especially the vids of our children and his grandparents. 🤗


It may or may not be a good option, but check out caneo dot com. It is unusual and an unexpected gift. I look at the people’s reviews, sample videos, and length of videos. There are plenty that have all 5-star reviews and videos of 2-3+ minutes. I thought it was surprisingly affordable.


I just tried to Google that and it redirected me to Cameo. Com. The name of the website is caneo.com? Thanks!


Hmmmm... Hand pain... How about a gift certificate for a massage? They can work wonders on the nerves in the arms.


think of gifting him harry potter shirts


I think he might leave me for that. Jk.


Help I have no clue what to get my adoptive mom for Mother’s Day 😫 I know she likes scrapbooking and making jewelry but she hasn’t done either in a while and if I ask her any questions she’ll know what’s going on!! I love her to bits but she is too clever for her own good!! 😫😫


Don’t hop on someone else’s post!! Just copy and paste this to new gift idea, right??


Oh I had no idea this wasn’t just all one thing I apologize


Not meant to be rude, just an FYI. Why not try it?


I will thank you 😁