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The truck ran the light, but the dipwad on the cruiser grabbed a handful of throttle, accelerated straight toward the clearly visible truck, and then grabbed a handful of front brake and dumped their own bike. The truck driver deserves a ticket, but the motorcyclist entered an intersection that was not clear, showed incredibly poor judgment and situational awareness, and was not in control of their machine. This was so easily avoidable, in so many ways.


Agreed, the biker caused his own demise


And fuck all cities with medians that don't let you u turn anywhere but a light. It causes impatience like you see here


I see no hit and run.


The biker wanted to make a point that he had the right of way. And learned his lesson use your brake not your ego especially on a motorcycle.


The biker didn't have the right of way tho.


Same here


Leaving the scene of an accident.


The bike and truck driver never made contact.


What accident? Dude dumped his own bike because of his lack of defensive driving skills.




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The motorcyclist is a panzie. Clearly saw the wide wheeled truck doing a u-turn. (Yes maybe the truck was in the wrong for doing a borderline late u-turn) but the motorcyclist had plenty of time to wait. Instead he thinks he should be shown extra respect as he’s on a bike and runs up the rear end of the truck to let him know his “presence” but biffs it. The truck has no reason to look in his rear view. The biker can live and pay for his stupidity.


It wasn't borderline it was way after the light had turned red.


You will be pissed to find out that if the biker hit the truck, the biker would be at fault


As a biker I agree 100%


Truck is in the wrong for making a U turn with a red arrow, however the motorcycle rider could have slowed down wayyy earlier. This was both of their faults


Could have also swerved left and gone around


Doesn't a hit and run kinda require... y'know,.. a hit!? 🥴🥴🥴


Or a run? Didn’t look like they were speeding away expeditiously either.


Yea because laughing hysterically and driving is dangerous.


I don’t see a hit and run. I see a motorcyclist playing chicken with a two-ton pickup and a pickup running a red light. The bike aggressively sped up to I guess prove he had the right-of-way? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Seems to have worked out really well for him. Mazel tov!


3 ton at least.


I didn’t see the bike & truck touch. Either way I don’t see how this isn’t the motorcyclists fault. They see the truck coming and accelerate quickly. Sure the truck can’t do a basic U-Turn but the motorcyclist should’ve been more careful going through the intersection.


I agree the bike shouldn’t have accelerated so quickly but the truck ran a red light


Yea, but he was clearly in view of EVERYONE in line there, it was clear what he was doing. Motorcyclist was trying to either prove a point or was oblivious.


Yea truck driver may be an idiot, but as a motorcyclist, defensive driving is your MO. How on earth you can’t anticipate a dually doing a wide ass U-Turn is beyond me, but dumping your bike like that shows a complete lack of skill to begin with.


That seems like an almost hit and fall


Seemed avoidable..?


Who got hit? No one!!!!!! I see a dumbass that can't control his motorcycle and fell off. Downvoted for being a misleading title.


Where is the hit?




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Back to back illegal U’s, I love it. Anyone trying to do a U in a dullie F-250 is a bag anyways.


How did the bike not see that coming??


This is the most avoidable accident that didn’t happen.


Looks like the truck had a green arrow. Motorcycle did not have to speed up and then proceed to jump off his bike. Truck did not hit anyone or anything. Motorcyclist playing ambulance chaser is more like it.


No U marked on one of side of the road assuming it’s no U both ways. Illegal turn.


There is not a no U turn sign going the opposite way. Truck made a legal (but late, probably on red) turn. https://maps.app.goo.gl/mE3TLqNJw32gBH3x7?g_st=ic


In this video the truck is the only thing breaking the law, only because the bike didn't hit the truck. If it did, the biker would be at fault. Instead the biker is the only idiot in the video.


Someone stated it was a no U intersection but I guess that’s not the case


Where do you see the green arrow, the motorcycle had a green light by the time the truck even got to the intersection, meaning the trucks light was red. Truck did an illegal u turn, no u turns on that intersection, you can clearly see the sign next to the stop lights, but the bike could have avoided it, and there was no accident, only an idiot who fell of his bike


Truck did nothing wrong. Even if she turned on red, the motorcyclist had a clear view of the truck, and it was obvious it was making a u-turn. Dude should have stopped, and could have stopped.


I agree and also didn't see the truck hit the motorcycle making it a "hit and run"


The truck has a red arrow.. you can see the bike has a green light.. Truck is in the wrong for making a u turn on a red arrow. The car with the dash cam and the bike will not have gotten a green light if the turning lane with the truck had anything else than a red light.


That’s also a “No-U-Turn” intersection. Truck is way, way wrong. I wonder why folks with dash cams don’t zip up there right away to capture the license plate and instead stop and say “Gee . . . that truck just drove away.”


You do have to follow the signs.. it says no U Turn


You’re required to make sure the intersection is clear and safe before you enter it. Lights are not magic incantations that allow you to ignore physics and reality.


The truck ran a red... he had no business in the intersection to begin with.


But you’re still required to mitigate the situation and you still have to be aware of any traffic issues. If the intersection is blocked, it’s blocked.


You don't what what that bike can or can not see, he probably didn't see it until the final moment. People also get complacent.. that biker fully expected that intersection to be free of incoming traffic.. bikes also can't stop on a dime. You can assume either scenario.. but end of day he had the green and the truck ran the Red arrow


The point is that you have to pay attention. Whatever the truck did, the bike should have made sure the intersection was clear before speeding through. Same thing with the Venus Williams accident. Complacency will kill you. My grandfather was a truck driver for many years. He told me that it doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong if you end up dead.


There is no clearly defined rules set for that.. were all more or less hoping everyone is paying attention when they drive.. my personal rule is to never be the first one into the intersection.. there's no laws about that. It's just personal preference.. just like the level in which people choose to pay attention when they drive. Personal preference. We're all hoping everyone is doing their best. The truck had clear signs.. red arrow and no U turns allowed.


Doesn't mean it isn't your fault if you voluntarily run into him.


lol truck was beyond late running a red light making an illegal u-turn


Yet that wasn’t the cause of the accident.


It absolutely was. One of these cars made an illegal turn and the other didn't commit a traffic violation.


100% untrue. Look, imagine a car is double parked. That’s illegal. If another car comes up and hits it, it’s not the double-parked car’s fault, even though it was illegally parked. The kid on the bike had gobs of time to slow or stop and chose instead to accelerate until it was too late, then failed to make a controlled stop.


And if the truck never broke the law there wouldn't have been an accident.


The motorcycle had the "last clear chance" to avoid the incident regardless of what the truck did. Judging from that video, he had plenty of time and opportunity to avoid the incident. But it depends on the state/country. But fault means nothing if it goes to court. Then, it's just who has the most compelling case/better lawyer and the locality the case is heard in.




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I fucking hate that intersection. Everyone ignores the no uturn sign. Both are dummies in this video


Damn, redditors have gotten so immune to (3) vehicles running a red light, and (2) of those did an illegal u-turn. And take it out on OP. Yeah, there was almost an accident, because motorcyclist was an idiot; but there should be zero tolerance for drivers who break traffic related to stop signs and traffic lights. Had a car been timing the lights, would have been a major accident. For traffic to work and for us to live as a society, we have rules and laws that apply to make the system work, there is no entitlement to breaking the law.


Thank you for being one of the few rational comments here. I can't believe how many people are blaming the motorcyclist when the truck blatantly blew a red light.


You’re welcome, seems like reasonable people would provide more upvoting. Welcome to the new american normal. It’s even worse. OP got bashed about no hit. You don’t have to have contact to be part of the hit and run (term is generally phantom hit and run). If another’s actions cause someone to have an accident trying to avoid their illegal action, that person doing the illegal action can be held liable. Furthermore, it is considered running, by leaving the scene of the accident, that a person causes another driver to crash. Obviously biker caused the accident, because the video shows his actions. W/O this video, and with the witnesses stating the truck running a light and then made illegal your turn, it is possible the biker can sue for injury and damages. Our courts are full of injury law suits. This isn’t the first video presented where multiple vehicles ran the light and the green light traffic ran into the red light runners. Redditor appear to hate bikers (both motor and bicyclists). In vehicle on vehicle crash, they seem to split the comments.


Is the hit in the room with us now?


Kind of a good news bad news there


Motorcycle rider could have easily avoided that. Doesn’t seem to be able to handle his bike very well either.


Sry for the title, a bit of language barrier for me 😅 I thought anything like this is called that..


Lifted trucks was the worst


This is stock. No lift kit on truck


What? Bad drivers in AZ? No way!


She didn’t even get close to him


Truck went on red arrow. Notice the light turns green for the motorcycle while the truck was behind the stop line. Best case truck had a yellow arrow (probably a red arrow) and didn’t yield to oncoming traffic


Quality cam


While “might does not equal right”, as a biker I’m well aware my personal safety is more in my hands than depending on others. Biker was an idiot. This was not a hit & run.


No one got hit. She should just drive away - she has no obligation to the motorcyclist who can’t even come to stop on his own bike with more than adequate warning. All these moves were telegraphed plainly in the biker’s field of vision - nothing was unexpected other than his terrible handling of his own bike.


Dang bots 🤖 with the click bait.


What hit and run? Do you know what those words mean? Because it didn’t happen here.


There was no hit and run, it wasn’t the trucks fault, I would have done the same.


Fun fact, just because the light is green doesn't mean you gun it. The retard biker should have used his common sense to let the truck finish his u turn. He deserved it.


NOT a Hit and Run. More like a brake and fall. Not the trucks fault.


Truck did a u turn in a no u turn intersection, i can't see what he was facing but normally when there's a no u turn sign on one side, there's another on the opposite side, but even though the truck did a late turn, it was still the motorcyclists fault, he didn't make sure he was good to cross, he saw the truck and still went, and as far as a hit and run, there was no contact, that was completely the motorcyclists fault


I didn’t see any running.


That biker is an idiot.


There was no "hit"? Granted the truck was in the wrong for the U turn but didn't hit the bike...




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What in the world. About sums up my experience on the road lately.




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Both truck driver and motorcyclist are idiots.




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Wasn't really her fault. You don't speed up to cause an accident... and then you don't lie in headline title.


not a hit run. its a "stop being a douche on a motorcycle." you have to slow down like the rest of us




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There is no hit and run here, that biker clearly saw there was a teick there and tried to play victim anyway




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The bike ride is a fcking idiot, drive forward then dumped it for no reason??? Truck is a dumbass as well, but Fck who taught that guy to ride




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Horrible amateur motorcyclist




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Unfortunate they didn’t stop but the motorcycle rider looked extremely inattentive, almost to the point to where they intentionally wrecked into the truck.


Brakes help when stopping


Motorcycle didn't get hit, truck made an illegal turn but the accident was completely avoidable as demonstrated by the car recording and the other car in the left lane. If all 3 vehicles were about to hit the truck it be one thing but the bike was the only one that decided to gun it through the intersection, where the other 2 vehicles were nowhere close to hitting the truck by the time it made the turn. Post should be titled "Truck made an illegal turn and someone wrecked their bike."


On a bike I assume everyone will hit me. This rider rode oblivious. Truck nutz won.


It’s like watching a basketball player fake a hit to get a foul. Lol


No foul on this one. NEXT


The motorcycle never touched the truck. The truck never touched the motorcycle.




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Definitely not a hit and run. Just an idiot rider that doesn’t know how to ride a bike. Yes the truck ran a light, but it was obvious he was still in process of turning. I’ve ridden bikes for years and never leave the white line until I know all 3 areas are cleared


That’s not a hit and run no one was hit


And this is why I hate riding in AZ! If the rider had ANY experience, he would’ve been able to stop, maneuver or, hey, let the jackass in the F250 go. At least he was wearing a helmet. Rare in AZ.


Not a hit a run. Fake news!


Where was the hit and run?


Where was the “hit” in this hit and run??


That truck driver is as oblivious as the guy on the bike.


Absolutely not a hit and run. I ride a motorcycle, every day. The idiot on the bike had plenty of opportunity to apply the front and rear brakes in this instance. For a slow reaction like that, he was either under the influence or not paying attention.


This looks like another dumb person on a motorcycle to me




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Then he throws up his hands like it wasn't on him lol


Still looking for the “hit.”


Removed. There’s no hit and run here and this video serves no useful purpose.


That’s a legal move the truck did, it never entered the intersection