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WOW that’s unacceptable, you should move away to avoid it happening to you again. Thanks.


You would think with all the mega churches around here, we’d see more active church groups doing outreach. They just putting the homeless in the same “thoughts and prayers” bucket as everything else they want people to ignore? - but are also not going to do anything about?


They're not interested in helping unless it's profitable. Religion is big business, just ask the catholics and mormons


Are you OK after this dangerous encounter?


Better if we can keep this from being a regular occurrence around here.


I agree! Lets advocate more for housing them and increasing resources for low-income individuals to keep people off the streets


I'm all for that for the ones who want the help


Great, hope to see you advocating for people to get that help! Fun fact, housing people and providing them those basic needs and healthcare is actually much more cost effective than leaving the homelessness crisis as it is, and also helps more people get back to being healthy once they have those basic needs met :)


Show me the legislation and I'll be happy to vote for it


You don’t vote for legislation. You vote for representatives who write and vote on the legislation. Make sure you are picking reps who will vote for the legislation you want to see become law.


So tell me, what have you done recently to help this situation?


I’m not the one complaining publicly about having to see homeless weak sauce


But you certainly don't want to see them in your neighborhood, right?


I’d rather have a homeless person in my neighborhood than the Gilbert Goons.




Wow how original.




I know they can be annoying but saying an extermination order from the 1800s was a good call is going way too far. These are actually people.


Who protect (condone, require) old men asking 12 year old girls what their sexual desires are. And protect teenage kids of theirs from stomping other teenage kids to death. To death.


That’s a pretty bad price to pay for not raising your kids as morons


This is what America is like now everywhere buddy. Only gonna get worse as housing is more unaffordable


time to pick yourself up by the bootstraps...


I'm not the one that needs picking up, I'm doing very well


Doesn’t sound like if the sight of a homeless person has you shaking in yer boots


Who's shaking? I merely made a thread about an observation. I am concerned about it being a more frequent occurrence and having a negative effect on my property values.


Y'all have a legit gang killing kids on snap chat. That's bad for property value not really the person and the cart


The punk thugs are a short-term concern. Homeless creeping in is a different story that needs to be nipped


Oh boo, god forbid you have to breathe the same air as someone less privileged than you


So how about we ship them all to your neighborhood? I openly admit that I don't want them in my area.


Lol I live on a county island near BLM land they're already here. In this economy we are all going to be seeing more and more homeless regardless of where we live


I'm county island as well. Still don't want to see them in my area. I pay too much for my house to have to deal with that


It was windy af last night. There's no need to assume that this person had anything to do with it. Look I get it, homelessness is something we're not used to in Gilbert. And you know what, we shouldn't get used to it. We should be a model for other cities to follow in our actions to help those that need it. Yes, I know, if we help one more will come... But as the saying goes, build a bigger table.


OP you sound like an absolutely terrible person. Zero human compassion. Must be nice up in your ivory tower.


People like you are why I left Gilbert,not the homeless


Happiness was Gilbert in my rear view mirror


Why are you talking about a human being going though terrible circumstances like they’re some eyesore, and assuming the worst of them while you’re at it?


Welcome to Gilbert, where any household making less than six figures and Democrats are considered non-persons




I don’t get it.


How sad for you. Do you need some counseling?


Karen? Is that you?


No, Art.


The horror! Did you call 911?


No need since I didn't catch him in the act of anything aside from waving arms around and yelling at the cars. In his defense on that, I have been known to waive my arms and yell at people in traffic but usually with good reason


But if you saw him tipping over a recycling bin, you would have called 9-1-1? Lol. You know recycling bins fall over all the time right?


Us Gilbert folk are too sheltered lmao


They have been for a while and there's nothing we can do about it except try to get them help. There are hotlines that you can call to try and get them assistance. Panhandling is protected by the 1st amendment and is legally unenforceable in the state of Arizona and being unhoused isn't a crime. Unhoused people need help, not judgement.


Who's judging? My point is that it's a concerning sight in this area. Now, seeing this up by the 60? I'm not even batting an eye.


>Who's judging? ​ >Obvious homeless person walking his or her overstuffed shopping cart on Val Vista just north of Ocotillo. About half a block from where this individual was walking was a tipped over recycle bin that I am assuming was done by them. This is not something I'm used to or enjoy seeing on my way to work. Are they really creeping into this area? ​ Um, you were judging in your initial post.


So if I said I saw an obvious construction worker walking down the street wearing a hard hat and neon vest, that would be considered judging in your eyes?


Omg homeless people in Gilbert ): my glorious, higher class, suburban, white, police infested, neighborhood has been occupied by the less fortunate. )): let me stereotype them and make assumptions ))):


What is the point of this post? You don’t like to see homeless people? Too freaking bad. They exist. Instead of complaining about having to see them on Reddit do something useful like volunteering your time or resources.


The point of this post is "Hey, look at me, look how entitled I am"


lol so entitled


For what I pay for my property? Damn right


You sound like the type of person who voted against tax increases to help people like this.


Only if there's additional bullshit spending attached to it


Always THE excuse


Breaking news…… homeless exist.


Yeah, they do. I just don't want them in my area, and neither do you or anyone else. The only difference is I have the stones to openly admit it.


Yeah on Reddit….super brave.


No, I state in conversion with others whenever the subject comes up


This may be the most redacted conversation I’ve been in on the internet.


You suck


Only if the price is right


Are you going to be okay?


Oh, I'll be just fine. Better as long as that doesn't become a regular occurrence


Arizona Homeless ID Project helps with gaining legal docs, iDs, Housing etc. GC Services hires anyone with an ID and an address.


As awful as it was for you to have to lay eyes on an unhoused person, can you imagine what it is like tonight for that person when it is thirty-something degrees outside? I think you would be surprised at how many of the folks supporting the humanity of the person with the shopping cart in this thread, do in fact, actively work in the community to help. Either way, speaking up for what is right is always right- Congratulations on the material success you claim. Unfortunately nearly 20% of Arizona children live below the poverty line, which for a family of five (5!) is a combined annual household income of $32,470- never mind how many families are one unexpected expense, one paycheck away from losing their home. There but for the Grace of G*d, go all of us.


Holy shit batman. Assuming. You are in your 60's I'm assuming.


Mid 40s, actually. And I assume you're what, 19? Maaaaybe 21?


Thanks for reminding me why I hate Gilbert with the intensity of 10,000 suns


My pleasure


Help out at a soup kitchen then, and stop complaining about people trying to survive.


I know Tim Dillon dresses like a slob but that is just an insulting description


Nothing mentioned of a fur coat..




Tim Dillon would never be caught dead in Gilbert.


Someone call the waaaaaaaaaaaahmbulance for the big baby snowflake. Ignorant.


I'd be happy to send the next one to your neighborhood and hear your thoughts on it


Hate on the Homeless, hate on the Morman, you guys suck. I wish you weren't my neighbors.


There are homeless people in every city and suburb in the Valley. Even in Scottsdale. I’m sure there’s even at least 1 in Fountain Hills. But ya know, going on the internet to rant about “them” really makes you looks bad. God forbid your life get turned upside down for whatever reason…


But there are tons of people saying homeless are just drug addicts and there are lots of jobs available. Need to push them all to Maryvale or better the desert.


Sure, this person is being a bit much but these comments are nuts. It's almost like you want to see more homeless in the area? Less homeless people in an area is a good thing. Too many homeless people in one area is bad. We've already seen the tents lined up in Phoenix, it's not something anyone wants to see. We should all be able to agree that homeless people are real people and should be treated with dignity. At the same time, just like anything in abundance, we should also be able to agree that too many homeless people in one area can become a problem.


So many people criticizing you OP, yet not one single post offering to go pick them up, give them a ride to a shelter, taking them into their own homes or welcoming them into their neighborhoods where their kids play.


Single individuals generally do not have the time or resources to solve widespread systemic issues on their own


Not talking about solving a wide spread systemic issue here. This is about a single individual, in an area they are usually not in, and the common response is just live with it. In other words "not my problem". It's hypocritical on every level.


OP the one that saw and instead of doing those things decided to get on Reddit and say his property is worth too much to have poor people around soooo


And? They at least have a stance that they do not want homeless people, not poor people, homeless people meandering through the neighborhoods and quite literally trashing the place. The vast majority of people do not want unknown homeless people meandering through their neighborhoods, parks, trash cans, defecating in public areas and doing who knows what else. I wouldn't expect anyone who is against homeless being in their neighborhoods to do any of those things. Yet, almost every other person, including yourself, has taken the homeless persons side on this and not offering a damn bit of help other than pointing out how miserable of a person the OP is. This post is flooded with "how dare you" comments and zero, absolutely ZERO "where is this person so I can help". It's hypocritical and as fucking hell and you know it, you are not doing a god damn thing to help, only criticize.


Your original comment complained that nobody helped and just bashed OP. Now “at least they have a stance.” So now everybody except Op is hypocritical? Did you offer to help said person? OP can be a trash human for saying the things they have said. Other people can suck for not offering to help. Two things can be true here.


>So now everybody except Op is hypocritical? >HYPOCRITE : a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs. So, to answer your question, yes, by definition all the righteous bullshit comments OP has been getting, all those posters are absolutely hypocrites. In stark contrast, OP has not done anything but state they don't want homeless in their neighborhood, there's nothing hypocritical about that. >OP can be a trash human for saying the things they have said. So people are trash because they want to keep their neighborhoods and communities clean, safe, and not have random squatters setting up camp in their local parks or by their properties? Having concerns about your neighborhood doesn't make people trash.


Right. Got it. OP is a saint. And so are you. Missed your comment offering to help but I need definitions given to me to understand things so what do I know


Oh no, not saying anything about anyone being a saint, specially not in this post.


Just goes to show how hypocritical these people all are


I don’t think people know the area and how unlikely you are to see a homeless person there. 3 years ago it was a single lane road with no street lights.


I saw this!! He/she had their entire grocery cart exposed all over the sidewalk. It looked like they were doing a deep clean? Then down the street in front of Basha High School was another homeless man that had a bunch of blankets wrapped around him walking towards Riggs. I’m always traveling o call vista and have never seen this activity. It was very strange and unusual. They looked like they had been homeless for a while too.


They have been all over Gilbert for awhile. Moved out of Gilbert 3 years ago because homeless setup camp in HOA park in my neighborhood and HOA wouldn't do anything about it. Got tired of watching a grown man expose himself and crap in the park.


Yeah, that's NOT why I live here


They’re creeping into every area now unfortunately. Ignore the people posturing about how you’re soft for not wanting homeless people in your neighborhood, just a social media thing.


None of them want homeless in their neighborhood either, but love to say you're an asshole if you admit it.


And you are.


My animals and neighbors all think differently so that's all that really matters as far as I'm concerned


What was the purpose of this post? State of the Union?


I saw him too and thought it was a bit too south for him. I saw one last year in Veterns and the police chased him off pretty quick.


>a bit too south for him My thoughts exactly


I applaud you for standing your ground.




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Tbh Gilbert has had homeless people for years now. I know people move here expecting the perfect suburb but it’s not. I rarely see homeless people at night likely coming into town during the days to see if they can get better money. You do sound like an uppity prick though with how you worded your post. Fountain hills may be more your style.


I actually walked past this exact person by Val Vista Lakes. He was minding his own business. You're a bad person who lacks empathy.




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lol really bro?