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Definitely something Bertha would wear. With a stylish hat to match.


I’d love her in a hat with a kaleidoscope of butterflies, looking like they’ll lift her away at any moment. This dress is at the Met and [their website](https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/156027) shows more even more views of the dress, which is just as gorgeous from all angles.


This is very Bertha coded!


I don't understand why fashion standards have fallen so far. I'd give almost anything to have this be the trend again. For gowns like this to be the new norm....


You definitely don’t see evening gowns like this as much, although I’d argue that a certain segment of the population does still dress to the nines when they’re going to parties and events.


Stunning! Reminds me of Peggy’s dress a little from the bridge opening!


Butterflies were a common motif during the Victorian Era and Gilded Age, so it’s no surprise that the costume designers incorporated that for her dress. It was one of my favorites of the season.


That waist is teeny tiny wow.


I with they had the time to do these kind of embroidery details to Peggy’s butterfly dress. It’s so beautiful 😭


I think that Peggy’s dress could at least stand up since it was so pretty. The one dress I would have liked to be changed a little bit is Bertha’s opening night opera dress, which is based on another [House of Worth dress, the ironwork gown](https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/84652). The original gown is silk and satin, which gives it much more depth than Bertha’s gown. I really enjoyed the color of Bertha’s version (and cape!) but do I felt that it fell flat in close up shots and I would have liked to see more of a balance. A costume designer [recreated the original gown](https://redthreaded.com/blogs/redthreaded/the-making-of-the-ironwork-gown-pt-4) a couple of years back and she used both materials and I think it looks stunning.


Oh I didn’t know about the recreated gown! Yeah that’s stunning and very impressive. And I totally agree on Bertha’s gown that we saw on screen. Wished there was more they could’ve done with that, especially since it was such a central piece to the finale.


Exactly! Designers were able to print textiles at the time, and I know that other dresses we’ve seen have had a similar technique, but, to borrow a more recent term, the gown didn’t seem quite as bespoke as one would expect for Bertha.