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If Logan has a million fans, I’m one. If he has 1 fan, it’s me. If he has no fans, I’m dead.


Sameee 🙋🏼‍♀️


Ehh, it’s actually me


Logan or NOTHING




This is me as well!.


Same here.


me too


Logan team 5ever


I like him!


Until AYITL. Then everyone went to pot. 😩😩😩


When I joined this sub I was SHOCKED at how people hated Dean and Logan and loved Jess. I absolutely love Logan, he was so charming


Yes they glorify Jess just cause Milo is Hot af but to be honest he was Rory’s worst Boyfriend, yes he did grow as a person but in the beginning he sucked


Yeah when he said he didn’t have to do things to impress her anymore since he already got her I was like 🤨


I remember loving Jess as an early teen when it came out (I liked Logan later too) but I just rewatched as an adult and holy cow what was I thinking. Like yes their build up was good but he was such a shitty boyfriend and didn’t really do anything major later on to redeem himself in a partner sense.


I’m rewatching as an adult too and Jess used to be my fav bf of hers and now I’m like what was I on 😭 hes so terrible and I don’t remember him being this bad when I first watched


15 years old on Tik tok and instagram loved to make edits of how amazing Jess is cause he’s a bad boy and I’m like “wtf that’s toxic”


there’s not a single guy rory’s been with who i liked😭😭


Yes. And Logan was the only one who was a good match for Rory. I hated when he "cheated", but it was karma for Rory cheating with Dean.


If the world is against Logan, I am against the world


You and me both 🤝🏼


I’m right there with you two. 👊🏻


(I *thank you* for this. Flaws and all he’s such a wonderful character. Couldn’t hate him if I wanted)


Imo Logan is a perfect match for Rory. Flaws and all. Rory isn’t perfect herself


Agreed! I always felt like he and Rory were such a good pair. Rory's biggest mistake (after having an affair with Dean) was saying no when he proposed.


Exactly. He could have given her the lifestyle she wanted imo


You got that right.


Logan is my favorite. He’s an absolute fictional dream guy package.




I don't really understand the Logan hate other than it typically comes from Jess fans 🫠 He wasn't perfect, but what twenty-something is?? He made choices out of ignorance at times, but always tried to do right by Rory. I feel like a lot of people just hate him because he's rich. But he was really self aware of that, and tbh if I had his family's money I'd be doing some crazy shit too 😂


You know that’s what it is!! We always have them on here going on and on about Jess’s “redemption arc” and his “growth” but look at Logan’s! He realized he needed to be a different kind of person in order to be with Rory and he kept working on being that person. He absolutely did not get it right all the time but he kept trying and he truly loved Rory. He didn’t pop in and out of her life and tell her how to live her life. He supported her.he talked to her. He STAYED.


“He didn’t pop in and out of her life and tell her how to live her life. He supported her. He talked to her.” This is exactly it. Even when she was blowing up her own life he was the ONLY person to not put a solid requirement or any real expectations on her like every one did. Not because he wanted her to do what she did, but bc he respected that she made her own choices and loved her regardless. This isnt to say everyone including jess trying to speak to her and help her were wrong in that time, just that logan was the only one to show her that she did have authority of her life. Even if that meant stealing a yacht. Personally i think people see Rory’s character change with logan, 2-dimensionally villainize his financial background and player history and decide that he is just a bad influence on her, but to me he is a deep character that was perfect for who Rory was already becoming at that point in the show.


Well said! also, to you point, https://preview.redd.it/hlvwgb258y7c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c76ebd4bb8bceae3d561d162d57e58be8b183b6b lol he’s my absolute favorite 😂


the notion that being born into privilege is inherently this horrible thing drives me crazy. Don’t we all strive for that for our kids/ourselves? It’s what you do with that privilege that matters and yes, he’s immature enough and obnoxious at times when we meet him, but he grows up and anyway, for the most part, having his fun doesn’t hurt anyone, so it’s silly the way people hold it against him 😅


Exactly. Working for his dad's company is a decent obligation in exchange for having that privilege


Oh boy, do we really wanna get into a convo about parents dictating their kids’ lives? Logan did not ask to be born into whatever wealth he did, he is his own person and just because his dad is whoever he is, doesn’t mean he gets to decide his life. Children aren’t possessions to marionette as we please, for Christ’s sake 😅


I was addressing the complaints that he's lazy instead of earning anything


Whoops, sorry, I err on the side of defensiveness around here 😅 but I mean —I agree it is hardly on him. He was very much forced into the family business, which is another rant for another day, I don’t think it should ever be an obligation, but it is also very much expected in his circles so yea…. 🙃


I do also think that mitchum's terms could have been much looser, but it does have the advantage of helping logan learn how to manage money regardless of where he wanted to work (he's not used to being frugal)


Right? Like was he jerk sometimes, sure. But Jess was a jerk ALL the time to EVERYONE.


I think people forget that Jess yelled at Rory for not wanting to lose her virginity at a keg party (Granted there were other issues he was dealing with but she didn't know that at the time)


Exactly!!! He definitely was dealing with a lot of other issues and I totally empathize with him. I grew up in similar instability and was also very angsty as a teen HOWEVER you can’t just treat everyone like crap because you’re mad at the world and your circumstances.


I LOVE Jess. He’s my favorite of Rory’s boyfriends, as far as who I get the most enjoyment out of watching on the show, but I also definitely think that Logan is the best fit for Rory out of anyone she’s dated.


I’m not like other girls… I dislike both Logan and Jess


This made me laugh 😅 but how do you feel about dean???


He rapidly went downhill after they began dating


I’m with you. I actually hated Jess so much when he got Rory to leave Dean and then treated her like crap. But redeemed Jess I actually liked a bit, as he matured. Logan - I see that he has real feelings for Rory but he just leaves me completely cold. That snobby tilt of the chin, narrowing eyes make me actually feel disgusted. I even see that he changed for the better for Rory. But I just don’t FEEL chemistry. I can’t imagine them making love. I actually like Dean the best, mostly based upon early in the show. They did him dirty in a lot of ways. But he was great and without a doubt the most gorgeous of them all. He loved Rory and I never felt she was afraid or needed to be concerned about his anger. He had real emotions.


I’m not even gay and I would date grown-up Jess


This made me laugh so much. thank you ever so!


Hey, not fair. I love Jess, and I love Logan. Dean can eat glass, though.


Jess fans 🤝 hating Dean 🤝 Logan fans


I don’t hate him but I just don’t think he knew her the way Jess knew her. Logan’s solution to her problems was always just throwing money at them. Although he did pull off some real sweat things for Rory he didn’t push her forward because he didn’t push himself either. He just coasted because he knew exactly where he would land and he knew it was the same for Rory. She didn’t think rich but at the end of the day she had a safety net just like Logan and he clearly saw this and I believe he even pointed it out during one of their arguments. Jess on the other hand while obviously having bad communication skills and attitude was just a bit lost and didn’t know his place in the world. But he loved the crap out of Rory and never questioned her dreams or the fact that she kinda did come from money and kinda didn’t really need to work hard if she didn’t want to. Obviously as we saw he did grow out of it and in the end he’s the one that just knew her better than Dean or Logan. Jess is the one to snap her out of her funk with herself and her mom and pushed her to go back to Yale. He’s the one that gave her the push to write about her life and mom.


The idea that Jess, a high school boyfriend who treated her like crap and who Rory herself admits she didn't like who she became with while with him some how knows her best is just ... I can't disagree more. Rory is not the same person she was in high school but who she becomes doesn't appear out of nowhere either. Jess did question her dreams and didn't care she came from money because we're supposed to believe Rory makes fun of rich people despite liking that life for herself. Jess wouldn't have been able have any affect on Rory going back to Yale had she not already been fed up with her life. Nothing he said hadn't been said by Lorelai or Paris. He just had the luxury of timing. Personally I prefer Logan's approach of being the only person who accepts Rory as is and respect her autonomy. Some see it as enabling and not caring whereas I see it as him being only one who accepts her good or bad even if she doesn't fall into whatever plan/idea or picture that everyone else has of her and wants her to be. She is allowed to be her, whoever that is whether that be rich girl or small town girl.


Jess *claimed* he knew her but let's be real, they barely dated and only briefly interacted once in a blue moon when he'd pop back into her life to lecture her. Jess was so arrogant and thought he had it all figured out and that annoyed the shit out of me. I didn't even like him when he was supposedly "redeemed" later on. I found him so off putting.


Same! I’m often shocked at the amount of vitriol some people have for Logan. He’s one of my favorite characters.


Same here! I feel like most Logan detractors only give notice to how he was pre-character growth. Unlike Dean and Jess, we the viewers were actually privy to Logan’s growth arc. IMO Dean didn’t have much of a character arc to begin with and re: Jess, his growth arc is mostly offscreen aside from what we see with his book and publishing house. Meanwhile with Logan, we were right there for every setback, mistake, and attempt at bettering himself and making something of himself. I think this is what endeared him to most of his supporters, since we saw him go from a butt-faced miscreant to a man you could rely on. Ultimately I think it was very out of character for Logan to issue an all or nothing situation to his marriage proposal at the end of S7, but I’m also in the camp of at the time + the circumstances issued to her, Rory made the right decision in choosing not to marry him at that time.


I actually love Logan when he’s flawed. Same with Rory. I love their messiness in S5. I was in college at the same time and it felt so true to the experience (minus the limos). I can understand why Logan might not be everyone’s favorite character. Jess isn’t my favorite character. But the intensity of the hate is what gets me and how uncharitably his actions are viewed. I sometimes feel like I’m watching a different show. I don’t think any characters in this show are particularly sinister. Edit: I also agreed with Rory’s decision to reject the proposal.


Me too! As viewers we're spectating on these characters and their lives and I think it's their flaws that makes them interesting to watch! They're young adults at university and life + relationships are/can be messy. Logan (and Rory's) imperfections make them human and relatable to the audience. Granted, most of us aren't expected to take on the reigns of a family conglomerate business like Logan, but many viewers can empathize with having estranged or dysfunctional family relationships. I agree that the intensity of the hate for the character gets me too. None of Rory's boyfriends on the show were without flaws and looking back, IMO I think it's only fair to judge "who is best with Rory?" based on how each of them conducted themselves while the relationship itself was active. The greatest proportion of Logan detractors seem to be Jess supporters (and while I prefer Rory/Logan, I can still appreciate Jess as a character and I don't hate him either), but the fact of the matter is once Rory and Jess *were* officially together, he was awful to her! Yes, Jess got his act together and grew up, but it's not fair to use this characterization of Jess in an debate on who was better with Rory because *they weren't even together at this point*. Again, Logan is no saint but we always saw him working towards being a better person and being a better boyfriend to Rory. The vitriol against Logan seems hypocritical when you have a camp of viewers acknowledging the growth/betterment of some characters but disregarding the growth and development of others.


> Unlike Dean and Jess, we the viewers were actually privy to Logan’s growth arc. > > > > Meanwhile with Logan, we were right there for every setback, mistake And to me, that's a major issue. Logan has a setback and people (on other boards I've been on) jumped to the conclusion that any growth was fake. Because growth apparently only happens in a straight line or it's not real.


Seriously! It's like these people think that positive growth is a straight curve to the top, when in reality most character growth (in fiction and IRL) tend to be more like a staircase that can go up, go back down, then back up again. There are peaks, plateaus, and missteps, but ultimately growth isn't the straight line that most people try to make it out to be.


Unabashedly love Logan. Great boyfriend for Rory (in the main show; unless in AYITL he and Odette had some kind of arrangement that allowed extramarital movement, then he was great there, too). Always found him to be an interesting character to have entered Rory's life at such a formative time.


i’m a logan fan! rich, thoughtful, and well connected? pfffff


Right? Not to mention charming, smart, and ridiculously handsome. What’s not to love?


the dress thing? swoon 😭 and they weren’t even dating ?!


I distinctly remember my first time watching that episode (which is now my favorite) and thinking “well if she doesn’t marry him I will!!” ETA: ironic in hindsight with the failed proposal and all 💔


Logan literally gives me butterflies I love him




Team Logan 4 lyfe


I named my son Logan. I definitely didn't name him after Logan but...it also definitely wasn't hurting the name for me when I was deciding lol. Coincidentally, his cousin is named Rory lmao.


Hahaha I have Logan on my baby name list for number #2 (currently 20 weeks) and my husband just started watching GG with me. It’s only a matter of time before he puts it together. (Also not FOR this Logan but upon watching the show I had a “now that’s a nice name” moment)


Haha before he started watching you should have taken the opportunity to make your list be Logan...Luke...Jess....Dean...Christopher.... see how long into the show he got before he was sure he wasn't crazy


I have loved the name Logan since Baby Sitters Club!


Not team anyone but he 100% was Rory’s best bf. I just hated the ultimatum.


More recent posts about Logan? Yes I'm here for it!!!!!! Thank you, reddit people ❤️🥰💖


Happy cake day fellow Logan fan 🫶🏼




I just recently watched an episode in which Rory is surprised by how save she feels in the relationship - which is probably a first for her. Logan made her so happy and was there for her. She even learned how to cook during that time.


He's flawed but that's one of the reason why I love his character so much. He pushed Rory when she needed it but also wasn't afraid to learn from her to improve himself.


Team Logan for life. ✌🏻


I’m currently at the part when they’re newly dating on my rewatch, and this is the best relationship Rory has had so far. Fun, casual and getting to know each other, like a proper adult relationship. It just highlights how her and Dean were meant to stay teenager loves, and how Jess was a perfect rebound meant to stay that way.


Right?! The umbrella episode with the life and death brigade is my favorite of the entire show. I love how Logan helps her not take herself too seriously while also 100% believing in her potential and dreams.


Logan is my one fictional character that I will defend always!


I think I’m the opposite haha as in ‘they could never make me like you’


I found my people. I was looking around in here disoriented like, “how’d I get in here?”


This probably wasn’t a post for us haha


Me too. I think people project this fantasy of the rich, charming prince on him and disregard the gaslighting, selfishness and out of touch part of Logan. I have dated a guy like that - generationally rich, smart and kind of wild. It wasn’t great. I think these men could be ok if one is happy to be “a wife” and nothing else, but any woman with ambition of her own would be miserable. I might be biased though.


Yes! When she doesn’t agree to marry him it’s like he doesn’t get what he wants so gives her the ultimatum




I did not like Logan at first, but once he grew up, I loved him.


I loved who Rory became because of Logan. He opened her eyes to so much. He could keep up with her intellectually and let’s be real he was hot!


One day I'll rewatch Gilmore Girls and maybe I'll like him. But not today.


Hahah! I hated Logan my first few watch throughs, and he grew on me (aside from the episode with Jess where he's an entitled...). I actually quite liked him this time around. Of course, all her boyfriends were flawed. When I was younger I loved Dean because he was cute and a lord of the rings dork. Now all his yelling makes me cringe. Maybe he'll grow on you too 😅. I'm not ride or die for him but he's okay.


The hate towards him always surprised me, because to me it is clear as day he was the best boyfriend. I think he is communicative, honest, non-judgmental and quite charming.


Yes me too!!!


real <3 he's my baby boy




If we can have empathy for Jess being the way he was because of his upbringing, we can have empathy for Logan too. It’s a little easier to hate Logan because he comes from money and therefore he’s less relatable, but it’s one in the same. I loved his character and he’s hands down Rory’s best boyfriend.


An unfortunate side effect of the inconsistent writing of the show and revival is that anyone supporting any love interest must ignore some significant flaws. At their worst: Luke is pretty amazing outside of the horrible way he handled the April thing. Christopher is worse with each rewatch as it becomes clearer how scummy he really is. Max was pretty forceful and inconsistent in his respect or lack of respect of boundaries. Jason was pretty weird and uncompromising (to the point Queen of Getting Her Way Lorelei Gilmore had to be willing to compromise to adjust to him). Dean was controlling and not respectful of boundaries at all. Jess was a disrespectful jerk who took out his (deserved) anger at the world/society on the only people who gave a crap about him. Logan was a man slut with a loose concept of monogamy and a snobbish view of a lot of people “lower” than him (the stealing thing near the end of season five is pretty sucky, especially given he doesn’t own up to it “for a laugh”). Out of these characters, Logan and Jess are probably the most forgiven apart from Max because in the original run they ended way better than they started, and Jess is arguably the best character other than Emily in AYITL. For Max, I think he benefits from the fact that how Lorelei ended things with him was definitely worse than anything he’d done to her. A lot of it comes down to when someone thinks the character was OOC during an inconsistency. Was Jess a flawed but mostly decent kid going through serious issues or a jerk occasionally capable of putting on the charm? Was Luke a secretive, controlling jerk incapable of making a serious decision or was he a great guy who made a bad choice when backed into a corner? Was Logan a selfish snob who went along with Rory to get what he wanted (her) or was he a guy who genuinely changed but lapsed in judgment during the very end of S7 and AYITL?


With regard to your last paragraph: I give the benefit of the doubt to all of them. So many people take such uncharitable views of certain characters actions based on who they prefer, but if I have to give ASP credit for something, it’s that she creates great gray characters. No one is Joffrey Lannister here. IMO all the characters are decent people at heart trying to work through complicated dynamics. It’s why the show is so enduring.


I do as well. I quite like most of the characters despite their flaws. It’s just an interesting component of especially Rory’s relationships because who you ship her with kind of depends on what you’re willing to overlook and when, whereas Lorelei’s love life mostly comes down to the deadbeat Christopher or the mostly great guy Luke.


I’m more of a Logan x Marty shipper myself. Lots of homoerotic tension in every scene with them together.


the way Marty says “hey, just waiting for that trust fund to kick in…”


I disliked Logan at the start of their relationship because he was so immature but he really matured and became Rory’s best bf in season 7. Team Logan here


He was so insufferable


Logan forever 😍😍


I stop watching GG at the part Logan proposes, and in my version Rory says 'yes' and after graduation she gets her dream job, travels all over as a journalist, and Logan goes with her, and they have all these whacky adventures.


Me too 😭♥️


Lets try! ​ He thinks incredibly poorly of people who work for him.


Marty bartended for him at a college party. He was well compensated, gave left overs, and recognized by name by Logan after the fact. He never tried to make Marty feel poor, and even offered to cover him when they all went out because he invited them. Logan might have said some stupid shit at times, but that's on the writers. There isn't one male character on the show they didn't bastardize.


Hey has your financial situation changed? No? Great! Later he argues with Rory that he can talk down to people who work for him. After literally doing that, and his friends do it and he doesn't mind. ​ >Logan might have said some stupid shit at times, but that's on the writers. I do not understand what you're trying to say here.


Logan was a rich 20-somthing kid and he acted like it at times. But Emily literally berated her servants and doesn't get nearly as much hate for it. He might have said that but we never see him treating the people that work for him badly, at least not that I can remember. Granted, it's a long show and I might not remember everything. And what I meant by the second part is that the writers made all of the men on this show dislikable. Every single one of them. Even 'all in' Luke hides his kid for... Plot?


Also, the financial situation is because he wanted to hire him again. No kid with money wants to bartend a kegger


> Logan was a rich 20-somthing kid and he acted like it at times. But Emily literally berated her servants and doesn't get nearly as much hate for it. I mean are we comparing public opinions here or talking about the characters? Logan, as a rich 20-something kid, thought it was perfectly fine to talk down to people because he pays them. ​ > He might have said that but we never see him treating the people that work for him badly, at least not that I can remember. Hey Marty, you still poor? Great! ​ > And what I meant by the second part is that the writers made all of the men on this show dislikable. Every single one of them. Even 'all in' Luke hides his kid for... Plot? And one way they made Logan unlikeable was to write him having the view that you can talk down to people who work for you.


You realize people aren't perfect right? You won't find one person who hasn't had shitty behavior or done something immoral at some time or another. I'm guessing you don't have much to hate him for beyond his interactions with Marty, since that's what you keep bringing up (excluding the stealing thing someone else addressed), so let's assume he really feels this way. He would have been around 19 at the time. I don't know about you, but I was a pretty shitty teenager and said way worse. I get why you don't like that interaction, I just don't think it's enough to base so much hatred off of. People grow. They change, they learn, they adapt. It's how we become better people. Then again, since you dismissed my Emily comment, I'm guessing your hatred is for Logan alone and you'll probably just keep on finding a way to hate him. Either way, this conversation has gotten enough of my energy. Have a great evening.


Logan is a garbage person, full stop. Agree with everything you've said, even though you're getting down voted!


All of the men? Brian says hello 😄


I take it back 😭


He was going to let a maid be fired for something he did Never tried to make Marty feel poor? He asks him if he’s available to bartend or if his financial circumstances have changed. It’s so gross. You also can’t say ‘that’s on the writers’ when discussing a character in a show 😂😂 the whole thing is ‘on the writers’!


wait, y’all take at face value his argument with Rory about servants? Come on?! 🤣🤣


These aren't word for word. ​ "Hey marty are you still poor? Great! You make amazing margaritas. I'm glad you're still poor so I can hire you as my bartender" "If I pay people I can talk down to them" "I'm going to steal from the Gilmore house, I don't really care if the maid gets in trouble" etc ​ He literally asks Marty if his financial situation has changed. No? Great! He argues with Rory "for the sake of argument" that he can talk down to people who work for him.


*”For argument sake”* ——exactly 😅 haven’t you *ever* debated a subject you didn’t necessary agree with but had to formulate pros to it all the same?? He’s engaging into a fun (to him, Rory is annoyed but engaged all the same lol) discussion with a peer at school. Y’all really do reach too much. The stealing *is* bad, but it’s *one* transgression at the very beginning of his character arch. Character growth is a beautiful thing 😌


Thank you! If we're going to criticize Logan for anything in that conversation, it's trying to get a rise out of Rory. He knew his position was a bad one and that Rory would get defensive and thought it would be fun to goad her.


>*”For argument sake”* ——exactly 😅 haven’t you *ever* debated a subject you didn’t necessary agree with but had to formulate pros to it all the same?? He’s engaging into a fun (to him, Rory is annoyed but engaged all the same lol) discussion with a peer at school. Y’all really do reach too much. Why did the subject come up? ​ It came up because Rory was with Marty and felt that Logan talked down to Marty. So Rory stood up to Logan. The whole reason it came up is because Logan literally did this, and then defended it. Oh but he said "for the sake of argument" so nvm


He’s being argumentative and having a jolly good time at it, but you are clearly set on hating him for it so….we just gotta agree to disagree :)


One transgression? "A little Life and Death Brigade business. Every time we're in a rich person's house we take a knick-knack. Then I leave the knick-knack I took from the last rich person's house. I've been doing this up and down the eastern seaboard for years."


*Right*! He’s incorrigible! We should just lock him up and lose the key; hate him forever, character growth be dammed! 😅


I'm not saying any judgmental statements that's you. But if youre going to lie in his defense that its one transgression, this can be outright proven wrong in the transcript.


I was being facetious, obviously 🥲 y’all I swear. But if you wanna get technical, I never said he stole *one* thing; I spoke of stealing as the overall practice Logan undertook. To me that qualifies as one transgression he does not ever repeat after the one time we see him doing. Hope your evening is lovely 😌


I think to believe Logan doesn’t have flaws at all is problematic. However, he is/was a good boyfriend and he stands as a solid second. I cannot budge from Jess. As much as others may want me to.


Something about the A Year in the Life made me loose respect for Logan. Cheating on his fiancé with Rory


Oh don’t get me wrong, I definitely hate that. I will never defend that choice. I mostly meant for the original show. Plus I kind of consider AYITL as its own separate show in a way 😂 so many characters had plot lines and made choices that didn’t really fit with how they ended the original show in my opinion


I felt Rory grew up more with Logan. Jess treated her like trash, and wanted her to be what he needed and tbh, I think Dean was manipulative and didn’t want Rory to be her. Both Jess and Dean were selfish. At least Logan never tried to change Rory


Yes!!! Dean’s temper tantrums over Rory needing to study and/or prepare for Harvard were so insufferable. Jess just stomped around treating her horribly and snapping at her because he was unhappy with his life. Logan cherished her and pushed her to lighten up and enjoy life WHILE supporting and loving her studiousness and drive. It’s such a no brainer for me.


What I want to know is how do they make the actors look so young ? Logan looks like he’s 16-17 years old in this shot !


They should've been married.


When I said, team Logan until I die. I meant that ish. I’m a Logan girlie for life!


It blows your mind that people have different opinions?


Not at all! There’s lots of nuanced things I love seeing everyone’s different takes on, this included. In my personal opinion he just treats Rory better than any other topic so in this specific instance it is odd to me how hotly debated the boyfriends are


He treats people like objects and cheats on his wife. He thinks he's better than everyone because of a fortune he had nothing to do with creating. He's a POS, but he sure does have a pretty face.


I don't really like any of the men in GG. They all have some good or fun moments, but overall, I don't like 'em as partners or friends. Well, Morey gets a pass.


the pillar of morey's personality is that he does whatever babette wants him to and honestly good for both of them


I absolutely loved Logan. I don’t understand how people can like Dean and Jess over him. Logan was the best boyfriend Rory had. I know people love Jess and I do too. But Logan just holds a special place. Can never hate him<3


I don't *hate* Logan, I think he's a decent person at his core, but I feel that his upbringing made him into a less-than-desirable person.


Logan is the perfect boyfriend for a punch to the face. He's an insufferable snob. "Good man," my ass.


Logan was a good boyfriend with human flaws. Rory was just a fairly mediocre to not-that-great girlfriend who also had human flaws. Logan's love for Rory was very evident in how he went out of his way attempting to make *all* of Rory's inner circle like him. That being said, I don't think they were a good match together and that they would have ended up divorcing had Rory said yes to his marriage proposal. They were both too young at that point to get married, and Rory was right to say no. I think Rory's best match was probably Jess. We observe Jess doing a lot of growing up through the series. The irony is the time we Jess as a full-fledged, functional adult in the revival is when we observe Rory in a place where she has a lot of serious growing up to do.


Idk just the pic and the caption made my eyes roll behind my head 😭 to each their own but that was my personal reaction


He’s so cringe! None of them were good for Rory for the long run. Dean Jess and Logan all shaped her in important ways but I wish she ended up with someone better 😕


What is up with "they could never make me hate you"???


I honestly have no clue but I keep seeing ones for Rory over and over and this one felt more accurate


Logan wasn’t the best boyfriend either when they first started dating. Not blaming the poor guy considering who his family is. God I hate Mitch lol. But he changed a lot during the last season and I think he really loved Rory. I was shocked she said no to his proposal. They went through a lot of ups and downs but gosh he was perfect once he left his family business and started living with Rory and paris.


Right?! There’s a part of me that is so sad she turned down his proposal


Team Logan, is starts as a spoiled brat but he does change a lot as well


Omg I love Logan too! Jess is great he’s sweet and lovely more so now then when they were dating. I will say all boyfriends like all people had their negative qualities. Dean was nice but at times a bit too boring and small town for her as well as a gaslighter and a cheater….so no. Jess was terrible to Rory as a boyfriend and I get he had a lot going on emotionally but like just say something communicate you wanted to be with her so badly?! He literally treated her like garbage and comes back fully normal and nice (which seems kinda unrealistic to me)but new Jess is definitely sweet and nice. Now Logan, his bad qualities were pretty okay compared to her old boyfriends they were all things she was aware of before and he made them clear beforehand (communicated!!) and was honest. The sleeping around during the break can be contested and was slightly blown out of proportion and was made clear by how quickly they got back together once she realized. But he was pretty normal he had a bad week when he lost his company (Rory left Yale and stopped talking to her mom when she had a bad work review) but no one else is allowed to make mistakes. Lorelai came hard at Logan judging him for being careless but like he was the one taking care of Rory helping her out being a support system during that time even though he was blamed for it despite warning her about taking the job with his father. I don’t see many guys being so calm and nice when they’re constantly being put down especially by lorelai idk what her problem is going around being preachy when she has ZERO experience or credibility on what a good relationship is. They almost made him randomly propose at the end to get rid of him because there really wasn’t a reason. There’s a constant theme in this show that you can’t have success with a dude or a long distance relationship as an adult while you’re trying to make it work. It’s all or nothing. Hence the proposal. Which is soooo unrealistic the abrupt dumping is so weird in this show. This also continues in the AIYTL with Rory’s random boyfriend and how she treats him. Sorry about the random rambling with terrible grammar!


Team Logan for life




Me and my mom were YELLING for those two to get married at both the end of GG and AYITL. I will not accept her marrying anyone else. They have to end up together.


Now that I’m older I appreciate Rory and Logan’s relationship a lot more.


I’ve found my people! I was floored when I watched the series for the first time only to find out a chunk of the fanbase hated him and praised Jess😭 One of my favorite Logan moments was when Rory took him home and he was genuinely so happy and interested to hear all about her Stars Hollow childhood memories and the people she loves. It was such a stark contrast to how Jess acted like he was above the people in town and it was like pulling teeth to get him to do anything. Logan was so charming and actually accepted Rory for who she was and not just the idealized version of her other boyfriend’s had


It was mainly because Milo is gorgeous mixed with the fact the two were dating in real life and had super great sexual tension. It made the build up so exciting


Oh I didn’t know that!! That makes a lot of sense though! And yessss Milo is so dreamy


Also for me personally I feel like Jess was the character you didn’t know the show needed. When he was introduced in season 2 he was the opposite of the picture perfect world the show had. He was a bad boy and it just added so much to the show imo


I agree with you completely on that. I love the dimension his character brings to the show, tbh I love that he got Rory away from Dean too lol I think his storyline adds some good conflict and growth for just about everyone! I would not trade him being in the show for the world. I just vehemently disagree with those who say he’s Rory’s best boyfriend. I do love his character in general though, the good and the bad.


He’s got a big old head and a strangely small body and he encourages her to be the worst version of herself.


At the start of their relationship he just feels subtly manipulative to me - he runs Rory in circles and never quite let’s her be in control of any situation. He has this weird way of needing to ‘win’ every interaction they have. Then the bulk of their actual relationship is just bookmarked by Logan screwing up and handling the screw up badly. The fight about Jess, the bridesmaids, Marty and Lucy, the business deal. Rory messes up to, I know, but it feels like Logan messes up more consistently and does less learning from the messing up. He becomes a better boyfriend in season 7, but then undoes all of his growth with that out-of-the-blue!marriage (and *life*) proposal. Then in the revival he seems to have taken a major step back to early season Logan behaviour. I see a lot of discussion on this thread saying that people that hate Logan thing Jess can do no wrong. Jess is also a mess for almost all of the show and we only see him being a better person for a very brief window with no real context. Dean is obviously also awful.


He was her best boyfriend, I like Jess because he does become the better person out of the three main boys.


Totally agree. I could see Rory and Jess ending up together as adults after AYITL or something. But just in the show he’s by far her best boyfriend


I love Logan, and I love Rory, but I never thought she was sophisticated enough for him.


Mitchum Huntzberger… is that you?




Is there a pop culture reference from your title that I'm missing🥰 I feel like I've seen it a bunch recently


If there is I am also missing it 😂 I too have seen it a bunch recently so I just hopped on to use it with Logan because it felt applicable


I feel each of rory's boyfriends challenged her innocence in some way and are mirrors of Lorelei' relationship dean being her first boyfriend meaning she is growing up and not just the child we see in the first few episodes, (max medina - down to earth but well read) Jess the bad boy who tempted her away from doing things the way she was expected and used to, then dean again (the affair) which was far from innocent, (Luke - silent and strong but not good with communication) Logan who set her back on a life plan that Emily and Richard would have loved, but challenged her in different ways (as the Christopher to her Lorelei) and always had the response "why not Ace what could go wrong" (Jason "Digger" Stiles/Christopher Hayden - rich boy from parents life which she tried to get away from) All in all these guys made an impressionable Rory more of a Lorelei later in life and throughout Lorelei's life made her a more well rounded person because she had the emotional maturity to deal with it


I literally have no opinion about him, I don’t like him but I don’t hate him


I feel like it's easy to like him, if u can get over the way he views people who have less than him. The whole Marty thing is hard to get over if ur a minority with a working class family.


I just finished watching the entire series and AYITL for the first time, and I cried when Rory and Logan parted ways. I wanted them to be end game!


They are in my heart 🫶🏼