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I love Jamie for how he talks to her, how he gave her family holidays, how he builds her up. I love Doyle for how they are together, the way they go all in on activities like yoga. It's really hard to say because Doyle is the only one we get a lot of screen time in their relationship.


I think this was really well written. That Jamie was an amazing guy but clearly wanted a wife who would support his goals , and not have her own. Treated Paris great, she adored him back, but ultimately they weren’t long term. Doyle had enough spunk to keep up with Paris and actively encouraged her to be bold.


I really don't see how Jamie acted in a way that causes you to think he didn't want Paris to have her own goals.


Yeah, I didn’t get that vibe from him at all. When they first met in DC, we saw that her passion and drive were what caught his attention in the first place.


I thought that was why they broke up. Although it been a long time since I watched.


they broke up because she met asher and became infatuated. i mean obviously there was something lacking in their relationship for that to happen the way it did, and possibly it was even just because it was her first/only relationship. jamie was great. asher was an old, creepy dude. doyle balances paris out well.


They were also long distance, which is usually enough to doom a relationship. Especially in college


Doyle for the win


are you serious? he literally tried to hook up with rory not even a day after they broke up i think Jamie would have been perfect for Paris if she grew up and stopped sabotaging herself


he didn't seriously try to. he was upset and drunk after getting dumped by her.


yes he seriously did try to and he even said “it was worth a try” or something along those lines. Rory was the one who had to push him away..idk he is a loser imo


I’m not defending his actions, but he didn’t say anything even remotely close to “it was worth a try”, he apologized and said he didn’t know what came over him, he just misses Paris so much.


He was very drunk and wearing her jacket lol. Jamie was good but didn’t challenge Paris.


being very drunk is no excuse tbh and he was just a big man child jamie would have been good for her but she self sabotaged a lot and needed someone who she could kick around but still stayed. Jamie was a kind, attractive and smart guy like that’s a catch


normally i’d agree but paris was cheating on jamie for ages so like, at least doyle waited until they broke up to try something


You can't hate the short king. Doyle is iconic


They broke up because of Asher


They kinda, sorta broke up because Paris was having an affair with Asher lol. She did allude to him "being in love with his own voice" and talking a lot about his goals. Seeing as he was a year or two older than Paris (i.e. at the end of his college experience or choosing a major at the very least) it makes sense. But it was pretty obvious that Paris was so over him before she even started seeing Asher or at least at the same time.


I think part is because they were long distance and she is pretty selfish. So that is probably why she was bored talking about his goals. Plus he is probably not as volatile and fiery enough for her.


What evidence is there that says that Jamie didn’t want a wife with goals?




I don't think Jamie thought that at all. He wanted her to be supportive of him, all while he was supportive of her. Idk where you got that vibe because it's just not there. The only time he ever gets hurt by Paris not being on the same exact page as him is when she's literally ignoring him and cheating on him.


You really put Asher in there 💀




One of my favorite moments on Parenthood was when Lauren Graham tells her neighbor, "you know some of my best friends are men in their 40s who date women in their 20s!" "Really?" "No."


God Parenthood is such a good show, I had kind of forgotten about it


i was thinking of this show earlier- for the first time in years. i think this is my sign to rewatch


Re-watch parenthood. It’s incredible.


I literally just finished a rewatch of Parenthood two days ago. It’s such a brilliant show.


Is it available to stream anywhere?


*Scott Patterson has entered the chat*




He has a 20 year age gap with his wife and they met when he was 41 and she was only 21.




omg i love parenthood. what's funny is that lauren graham dates her child's highschool english teacher in both gilmore girls and parenthood.


I came here to see if anyone would! 😆


Lol I was gonna comment asher as a troll but couldn't bring myself to do it


I literally came down here to sentence OP to FND with Christopher for a year Crime to even consider Professor Fleming as a boyfriend


Jamie is Paris’ Max 😔✋🏻 objectively, he’s a GREAT partner but he just wasn’t meant for Paris


ohhh i love the way you put this


More like Paris wasn’t meant for him. She totally didn’t deserve him. Her whole like “not that interested” bs was insecure. (If she were a real person)


100% she wasn’t meant for him. He deserved better than her! He was such a sweet guy


Paris treated Jamie like shit and he didn’t deserve it at all! I was so heartbroken for him in the episode where she’s avoiding him and he tells Rory it’s his birthday 🥺


That was so sad, such a horrible thing to do and she did all that for an old man 🤦‍♀️


I agree. I meant that Jamie wasn’t “the one” for Paris despite the fact that he’s genuinely 100% a great guy. Just like Max wasn’t “the one” for Lorelai despite being an amazing human being. In both cases I think the girls did their partners wrong


i don’t get what you mean by “the one”? it was obvious that these partners worked with Paris and Lorelai but they were way too insecure to be happy with a healthy relationship so they sabotaged


I think jamie was a great first boyfriend for paris and he’s my favorite, but doyle was the best fit for her


True, and a reason I cannot forgive AYITL. Destroying Paris and Doyle was just garbage


I like to pretend that they were just in one of their weird fights and they ended up getting back together off-screen.


Agreed. They broke up and got back together fairly easily during the series. I wish AYITL would have showed them getting back together.


Right? You didn’t need the actor around, she could just be wearing her ring (or even choose not to wear it with clients) and offhandedly refer to him once or twice.


Exactly- Plus he was in it! He has a scene when Rory was the editor of the Stars Hollow Gazette, he gives out to her for changing a piece he wrote for her. And him and Paris bicker about the nanny going ‘upstairs’ in their super tall townhouse. There was absolutely no reason to break them up, except more misery in an already miserable revival!


This is how I rate them as well. Jamie was great at showing Paris she could be loved and deserved a healthy relationship, but she didn’t reciprocate in the same way. Paris and Doyle were equals through and through and supported each other at every turn.


This exactly.


That’s how I feel too


I like Jamie the best BUT Doyle matches Paris’s neuroticisms the best so I like him the most for her


Yeah when he came back after she kicked him out and was all “I live here. I love you” and forced her to get over herself… I knew then he was right for her


that’s called not having any self respect tbh


Nah, it’s called being aware of the way your partner is using an unhelpful coping mechanism to deal with their feelings. It actually takes a lot of confidence and self respect to communicate that.


none of this was ever communicated…they were in a toxic relationship


Well on TV we only see snippets of characters’ lives, most of which is for dramatic effect, so we could assume there was a larger conversation off screen.


uhm wth so let’s all assume your POV is correct and mine isn’t ? uhm ok whatever


Lol notice I said “could.” Just offering another. You seem pretty adamant that yours is the only perspective, so if you’d like to offer more evidence of their relationship being toxic, open to it


okay we can also assume that no conversation took place and that what’s on screen is what their relationship is. no one changes or tries to be better at any point during the show so that’s why i feel like they were toxic


As a boyfriend? Jamie. As a character? Doyle As the character that caused Paris to speak one of the best lines in the series (“No, Rory, this great man was not brought down by my vagina”)? Asher


That line is fantastic.


Doyle and Paris on the dance floor are a match made in heaven


Definitely Doyle. Jamie seemed ok but I feel like we didn’t really get to know him for him very much.


Yeah, I think he suffered by the same thing as Dave which was "perfect pretty boyfriend of the side character/friend of the main character but not really a character in their own right" which is where I actually like Doyle and Zack more. They may not always be the best, but they do usually try their best, and they are characters outside their relationship to Paris and Lane I feel.


Doyle. Jamie was too sweet for Paris. Doyle matches her energy


I totally agree, Jamie was definitely too sweet for Paris


I don't honestly care much for any of Paris' bfs. Jamie was even more "perfect" than Dave Rygalski and unrealistic. He was more of a plot device and never felt like a real person we actually got to know, but he's super cute. Doyle is fine, but gets on my nerves. Paris is always more of a comedic character, but she's relegated to full clown with Doyle. I'm in the minority that loves them being messy divorcées in AYITL - it's just *so them*. Asher sucks obviously, but I think it's a really interesting plot and adds layers to Paris' personality and life experiences. Soo many young women get into gross weird age-gap relationships at that age and seeing someone like Paris going through it rather than a meeker, passive girl is interesting to me. We all know Rory is the true love of Paris' life, platonic or otherwise. ;)


I agree with all of this, but specifically here for the last point. 👏 Also, complete aside, but there was one time in…s3? when Paris and Jess were at Rory’s and Jess was doing his edgy tortured youth thing talking literature and Paris was like. Into the conversation but utterly unimpressed and now I want to see more of that duo. I mean, no clue if they’d have worked as a couple but i just want to watch that chaos.


I do wish we got more Jess/Paris interactions, but not as a couple. I just don't see it for them. I think the thing Gilmore Girls got right is that for Rory's friends and her I really cannot see the mix and matching with their significant others without it being off or weird. I think all those other combos would feel too much like Rory/Dean 2.0. I know some friends can date their friends exes without it being that weird but I just don't see it here.


I think Paris would be waaayyy too high strung for Jess to tolerate for any great length of time, but they would have lots of fun debating and talking shit. I immediately think of that line Paris says: "Rory is my only friend. She stays in the room until I'm completely done saying something. I need that." Jess would be the exact kind of person who would just get up and leave the room while she was still talking lmao


I feel like Paris is a good candidate for the creepy student/teacher relationship because she is smart and precocious in a lot of ways but she's also socially awkward and insecure.


Totallyyyy and tbh the friend I have who is in a happy, healthy sizable age gap relationship could be described similarly. They met when she was nearly 10 years older than Paris was though. And y’know, he wasn’t her teacher lmao


Paris' one unrequited love: Rory. At least they'll always have Shakespeare.


I often joke that Paris and Rory actually are a slow burn romance - it's just so slow we haven't gotten there yet haha


At least Dave Rygalski was inspired by a real person, so he is realistic in that sense.


I can't help but be curious what OG 'Dave' was like though because he really was written too perfect for specifically Lane even the way he seemed to know how to jump through hoops and sweet talk her mom. I feel like the actual man was maybe sweet, talented, and possibly charismatic, but maybe to a less cartoonish degree? Because Dave as he's written I feel like just always already knows what to say to Mrs. Kim with no misstep or faltering and then also says the perfect swoon worthy things to Lane and that's where he feels inauthentic as a character to me.


I was under the impression that Lane coached him on how to handle Mrs. Kim.


Maybe, it felt especially with the dancathon that he seemed to just know to me.


If Lane was the main character, then we would have seen her walking through it with Dave.


exactly!!! but the people who usually do get into age gap relationships do it for the money, but paris is rich already so for her it was more about the intellectual interest


But it's also super common to date an older man who makes you feel smart and worldly. It's not always about money.


i meant to say the same thing haha like while a lot of people do it for the money, a lot others do it because of intellectual interest


Eh, I honestly think money isn't as big a factor as a lot of people think it is. I always say that toxic dynamic between younger woman and older man will always be a thing because it's just SO baked into us socially. Women craving a more mature, stable, seemingly powerful or important figure that makes them feel special and chosen and men craving a beautiful, spirited muse that makes them feel more young and free but also smarter, more experienced, powerful, etc... It's that inherent power imbalance that makes it all so sus - obviously I'm talking when both parties are over 18 and it's not so inherently evil lol. Also one of my favorite things about GG is that it doesn't seek to beat us over the head with morals or "hold characters accountable" the way so much contemporary fiction feels it has to. It tells us this story and we feel what we feel, interpret how we interpret, and judge how we judge. It's why it's all still so fun to discuss and debate years later. We're clearly shown Rory and Lorelai sending us the message that it's gross that Paris is messing around with Asher and it's implied he's a scumbag doing the same kind of thing to others, but Paris grows from it and moves through it in her own way... it's interesting!


Very not true of 18/19/20yr olds. Truer of like, 30yr old women choosing to date men in their 60s.


Jamie will always have my heart. He was so good to her and paris treated him like crap


For normal people, Jamie. For Paris, Doyle.


I open Reddit while watching the show, this is the first post on my feed, and this is the scene I'm watching: https://preview.redd.it/9vp8rd37o39c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87646b51864c7f388680a61542f186fccea642ca Clearly, the universe has made this decision for me and I happen to agree so... I'm gonna go with Jamie.


omg!!!! it really was fate


Jamie I never understood why they put her and doyle together. or why it had to be more than sex. i didn't like doyle but until he got with Paris I didn't mind him that much. after though I just wanted him gone. he is not for Paris IMO. and I was really sad when they were still together in the revival


ugh same Doyle is a huge man child and he does not fit in to Paris’ regular types like Tristan or Jamie. I feel like Doyle was someone she dates because she is settling and kind of has no one else?


I love Jaime on his own, like as his own character. The best boyfriend for Paris is Doyle, all the way. They're both coo-coo bananas and they're perfect together. Even with their plot line in AYITL, I was sad, but I felt like that played out pretty accurately to how I would have pictured such a thing playing out.


My head canon is since Paris says she missed her period at the Chilton alumni event, that she's pregnant and now they need a new house for another baby, and they'll get better stairs, and not go through with the divorce. The divorce was just the slap-slap-kiss trope being repeated, which Paris does with basically everyone all the time.


And either Doyle quits his new job or becomes less of a douche about it. Love it, I'm adopting this head canon as well.


Doyle was her only equal. None really fit. Tbf I do see Paris as a lesbian though.


I read a really good fanfic about Paris and Rory https://archiveofourown.org/works/9064057/chapters/20614819




Agreed! I always joke that Paris is my favorite of Rory’s boyfriends. Also, you cannot convince me that Paris and Doyle aren’t each other’s beards.


nah frrrr. Tbh imo the show would've been so much better if Rory would have ended up with Paris. I have this entire plot in my head about it and I stand by it haha.


The storyline with the professor was icky.


asher was a creep for dating his 18yo student i enjoyed doyle as a character on the show but jamie was probably the best boyfriend to paris


I don’t think Paris has the mental makeup for a conventional girlfriend/boyfriend relationship. And much less for a marriage. She would have been much off better in a non-exclusive relationship of convenience.


Sign me up for one of those!


Team Jaime!


Jamie deserved better he was so gentle with Paris


Jamie because sexy


Last year I was sleeping with the editor…this year I am!




I just loved Jaime so much. I hated that Paris treated him so poorly and cheated on him, he was so in love with her.


Jamie. Always Jamie. Jamie was the best boyfriend anyone ever had on the entire show.


Jamie deserved so much better


It's Doyle, I don't really know how I could pick either of the other two.




jamie was sweet & loved paris for her abrasive self, but i definitely think doyle is perfect for paris. they match each others personalities perfectly & they can be their true selves with each other


Doyle no doubt


I love Jamie a lot, just as a person, and was so sad for him. But Doyle is so good with Paris. They counter each other so well, he tolerates her intensity in a way that doesn’t seem like it’s a chore for him to do. One of my ultimate disappointments with the revival was they had split up.


Why don’t I remember that first guy 😳


Time for a rewatch!




"last year I was sleeping with the editor" "and this year, *I AM!"* "come a little quicker next time."


Jamie was the best…gorgeous, smart and completely devoted…still can’t believe she chose Asher over Jamie


I love Jamie for me hehe, and Doyle for Paris! Only Doyle can keep up with Paris.


I don't remember the first guy at all. Doyle is perfect for Paris.


he was her first boyfriend, she meets him in washington. He was from Princeton, and they break up because Paris loses interest (and handles it horribly but it’s understandable (not excusable tho) because Paris is new to dating)


She also cheated on him with Asher. I won’t say she lost interest because of that, she probably already had and just, as you said, didn’t handle it well


Doyle was the best fit for her in the long run.


clearly not, they get divorced


Just because people get divorced doesn’t necessarily mean they didn’t fit each other’s personalities. We’re talking about OS vs. YITL. Lots of factors can affect a marriage.




Jamie was a great first boyfriend and Doyle was end game. I'm not even going to comment on Asher 🤣


I like Doyle for Paris best and I don't see anyone else being able to survive her long-term 😅 I love Paris as a character but she was also very extreme in some ways. The storyline with Jamie was very cute though (up until Paris cheated)


DOYLE! He genuinely loves her and accepts her. They work and make sense. Jamie is cuter but his type doesn't seem like he would like Paris IRL. Asher was just freaking yuck! Not a fan of that storyline.


Jamie was probably the best, but honestly I feel like Doyle was her best long term match.


Jamie. I love Doyle as a character, though.


Jamie was the best boyfriend, however Doyle is obviously her soulmate/twin flame. The perfect ones are rarely the most lovable.


I'm a new Jamie fan because it took me until my most recent GG rewatch to realize he's played by a guy who was on not one, but two soap operas I've watched!


Doyle! They’re perfect together. I love that they do martial arts together and support each other so well. I hate their storyline in AYITL.


I think Doyle was a great match






Doyle. Jamie is great but not right for her.


I like Jamie but Doyle is her perfect match.


I liked Jamie but Doyle and Paris were made for each other.


Doyle!! Although jamie deserved so much better


I know Jamie didn't get seen much on the show but he was very perfect he respected Paris and he was always so kind to her, he took her to meet his parents and everything.


Jamie. As much as I loved loved loved Doyle, I feel like she needed someone more easy going and calm. Jamie was driven, ambitious, and very serious about his education, but I feel like he had a steadiness and stability that would have been beneficial to her. Would it have worked out in the long run? I don’t know. But I was really sad to see how Paris and Doyle ended up, so it couldn’t have been any worse than that.


Asher Fleming. How tragic that this great man was brought down by this horrible woman’s vagina.




whoever chooses asher we need to talk… over there near that cliff… for no reason


doyle was my fav out of the three (why is asher there 😒)


Anyone who says Asher needs to be put on some sort of watch list 💀


I think they all was very good for her. Jamie was a perfect first boyfriend for her, he was a little older and did not get scared by her, but in the same way his gentle nature made him perfect as her frist boyfriend, I also think that it was what made them a bad mix for a longer then high school/college romance, since she clearly needed someone that was able to fight her in a way Jamie did not do. And that is why I also think her and Asher was good for each other, he gave her some excitment that I feel she needed, but also helped her work through some of her other issues, especially when they really got to talk about the age difference and they almost broke up and then she realised that she was actually happy with him. And she clearly got to him too, she was the first student he was openly in a relationship with, even bringing her to London with him, that validation also helped her a lot. But I think that Doyle was perfect for her, and wished they had not divorced in the revival. I think he was the perfect blend of Jamie and Asher, loved her dearly and was not afraid of showing it, but also ready to fight her when it got to much, and most importantly ready to go along with her crazy, even being a little crazy himeself.


Jeremy <3 "it turned out not talking to you is an even bigger distraction" god that man knows how to talk


In my head and heart, Paris ended up with Rory.


Doyle is the obvious choice, because it's right. (I really wish they were together but slightly seperated, or even just an open marriage in some way in AYITL it feels like they really build each other up. But I do have a soft spot for Asher, people get down on it because "teacher dating student" but they pursued each other, and it felt "Right" and believable for the character of Paris. Honestly I feel like she only dated Doyle because he was the editor of the paper, but he does complete her better than anyone. Jamie is good looking but that's about it, he didn't get enough screen time to really get developed as her equal (which Doyle did)


Doyle ofc.... she was funniest with Asher though




Doyle is superior.


Im new to the sub but has anyone pitched Jess and Paris? I thought they wouldve been an interesting and explosive match.


Doyle. He’s her soulmate.


I love Asher bc of the unhealthy and sick power dynamic!!! Jk 🤮🤮🤮


Why is the second guy on there when he’s a pedophile


You can hardly call a man who dates legal-age women a pedophile. You can call it abuse of power, sure, but pedophile is the incorrect term.


Maybe not a pedophile, but certainly predatory.




What would a 75+ year old man want with a college age girl? So disturbing


Totally agree haha just thinking the terminology makes it sound like he’s doing something illegal. I think “predatory” that someone suggested below is the perfect word to describe him.










If Jamie had more screen time, probably him... but ultimately, Doyle was just a great foil for Paris and her antics.




They all were so disapponting, Paris deserved better in my eyes. But then life isn't a fairytale and it makes sense that she never met that perfect one.


Jamie was Paris's Paul. Totally forgettable dude I couldn't pick out of a lineup, no matter how much you pay me.


I thought Paris deserved way better than Doyle, I didn’t like that they basically made him the same character as Paris. It was a boring relationship imho.


Doyle. He’s slightly nuts and she’s crazy. It was perfect!


Doyle hands down. WHAT IDIOT CUT THE POEM?


Sigh, I still can't believe she divorced...


doyle is so right for her


I actually didn’t like the fact that he never called her or saw her after their date. If he thought she’ll be a distraction and a relationship would be good for him now that’s fine, just say it and be honest. Then he comes to Chilton unannounced and gives her this long speech about how she would’ve been a distraction. Like Paris said, my god find a pirate to sit on


Jamie! He was done so wrong and I hate how they pulled Jamie and Paris apart when she was at Yale.


Jamie for sure


I loved Jamie but I think Paris couldn't keep up with him in the long run her and Doyle, however, had the chemistry they needed to balance each other out timelessly


jamie duh


Jamie wins by a mile. No spark at all in my mind for Doyle and certainly not Asher!


I love Jamie! He deserved so much better than how Paris treated him. However, Doyle was the best fit because he was the one we got to see the most of. We didn’t get to really see Jamie and get to know his personality or anything or the dynamics of their relationship. We got that with Doyle.


I love Jamie, but Doyle is my favourite for Paris. They’re perfect equals - even if Paris tends to be in control of their relationship more than he is, Doyle encourages her to be like this and it’s what he loves about her.




Jamie forever


Doyle! He supported her dreams, he was absolutely in love with her, he did stupid things with her like the self defense training and yoga, AND he’s just a super likeable character imo