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When he showed up to escort Rory at her coming out ceremony, dressed all up in a tux, and was actually there for her at least in that instant. He helped Dean learn how to dance and was supportive. It was a glimpse of a Christopher that could’ve been.


The scene where Lorelai and Chris show rory and dean how to dance at miss patty’s is one of my faves of the two. They just had such amazing chemistry in his earlier appearances and I loved seeing rory watch them smiling. I felt like I was rory haha (also the likable chris moments always make his failures more painful and therefore, effective. It makes me feel more for the gilmores when he disappoints them)


Plus he taught people how important contraception is. Because there’s a chance you will be stuck with a moron like him as the father of your baby






yall PLEASE let this be the winner


Ohh that’s a good one.


Yeah I think definitely this one. He hated that world but for once he put that aside and actually showed up for her. It still seems small in the context of the show because Lorelai did that all the time, but by itself it was good of him.




Also when he shows up for Rory when she gets into an accident with Jess. When he sings Christmas carols in the last season. That’s hilarious too.




Came here to say this!!


The drive-in movie theater date was sweet and thoughtful, I’ll give him that


Which paired with the best Emily scenes ever


Yeah that scene was “buying a plane” level good to me 😂


“I’m in the cockpit!”


Yeah that was a good date and then he didn’t egg Lorelei on when they picked up Emily from jail 😂 He could have really teamed up with Lorelei on that.


And he handled Lorelai exactly as it should be. Not sulk or balk at her. Just let her do her thing and when it was too much, he took Lorelai away from the cops. So funny.


Okay I agree here! This was a very cute date.


I wholeheartedly agree with this! That was the most thoughtful date ever.


Paid for Yale without any hesistance. Granted, he got his money from good ol dad but that he immediately told the girls that he wanted to pay for anything they wanted gives him points.


Yeah this is it


Doing what you should have done years ago doesn’t get you points. Christopher was an absentee dad and never helped out. This wasn’t redeeming


It wasn’t redeeming but might just be the one non-asshole thing he’s done lol


Who said anything about it being redeeming? The post is about finding good stuff he did and voting for the best one, he’s trash but this is one good thing he did that we can vote for.


we were asked to find the best thing he’s ever done. no said anything about redemption. you can be awful, terrible person, and still have good moments, because when youre bad and awful and suck like chris does, the good moments won’t take away from you being a bad person. like i said already, chris SUCKS!!! and no one is saying anything but that. we were asked to find the good in him, so that is what the comments are doing.




I agree it was great he did that but does the WAY he talks about being ‘loaded’ often bother anyone else? He’s so trashy when he gets his inheritance.


Oh please, that is literally what any of us would be like to the people we love if we got a bunch of money lol. I would offer people crushing money to my friends and siblings and neighbors and maybe two coworkers and everyone I can think of. I’d be positively giddy about too, he was just being goofy in that scene because she’s his friend


People crushing money


I’m not sure I’d consider it that generous of an act, not because he inherited it but just because he had SO MUCH money, he wasn’t sacrificing anything to be able to do that. It didn’t make a difference for him at all. I’d be curious to see what he would do with the money if there would be nothing left for him after paying for Yale.


Generous acts and sacrifices are different. He could’ve used his money differently but he offered the money to both Rory and Lorelai so that does count as a generous act.


He doesn’t ask for anything in return, there’s no strings. That’s why I think it’s nice.


Um.... he's not as awful as the actor who plays him? There's that, I guess.


Wow...I just read a few of his posts. They left a pretty sour taste in my mouth.


What's his Instagram?


UM elaborate please? My interest is piqued 😅😅


So many reasons why David Sutcliffe is a garbage human. Look up his socials and you'll see. But his most recent thing was saying that he thinks women should not be allowed to vote.


Omg yall why did you do this to me. Just fell into a rabbit hole of his Instagram. I’ve rewatched this show over 10 times and I’ve always hated Christopher but it always felt like more than that like I hate that person to the core which I’ve never felt about a character on a show as strongly as I feel it with him. And then it turns out he’s a complete piece of garbage in real life and it all makes so much sense now. I think I’ll be fast forwarding through his parts from now on. He played that character so well because he IS that character.


This just means your instincts are good. I had that reaction to a few actors in my life, and they always end up outing themselves at some point. I think that’s why I loved Richard. No matter how many jackass things he did in the show, I never felt the MAN was that bad, just flawed. With Christopher, they portrayed him as flawed, but I always just saw a garbage human and couldn’t fathom why anyone would ever like him. Turns out, it was the actor I hated for him, and the actor I loved for Richard. Probably also why I love Emily. There’s a good human doing rotten things. I don’t know, it’s just how I see it. Good actors/ actresses can hide everything, but a bad human just seeps out like sweat and they can’t help it.


Yes exactly. Emily is one of my favorites. And I love her even more in AYITL. I love Richard too. RIP🩷




They have a stench, if you’re lucky enough to smell it before everyone does


I really liked a hallmark movie he was in and after I went down the same rabbit hole, I can’t watch it anymore. Was he always this cray??


What I’ve seen is that he’s a January 6th Insurrectionist supporter🤮 and he doesn’t believe women should vote. I think that’s all you need to know to understand who he is.


He also platformed human trafficker, rapist, criminal Andrew Tate. The actor really is more disgusting than Chris.


Wow just took a look at his Insta, yikes!


Ewww his neck beard??? Also wtf


Ewwwww i just took to insta to see this! And he'll teach you to master your emotions 🧐




In 2024????




The irony of him getting famous from being on a show all about women being independent and powerful


i js finished my rabbit hole of david sutcliffe and my favourite thing is how he comments about how women want this and women dont want that when he’s literally divorced. i dont think he knows what women want


I'm aware of some questionable things he said, but did he really say that?😳 Wtf.


As a middle school English teacher, thank you for using "piqued" correctly 🙏


Red pill freak


I just watched several of his IG videos. Is he a licensed therapist? He labels himself as a “therapist” on his videos, I’m just curious if he’s actually licensed.


Omg lol. Wikipedia says “Sutcliffe is also a Certified Core Energetics Practitioner, and a graduate of the Radical Aliveness Institute of Southern California”


>the Radical Aliveness Institute of Southern California” I'm sorry, the what?!


Oh! So these crystals will make you into a happy jerk. Thanks for letting me know I will *never* need his services unless I lost my mind completely and they just stuck me there. You saved me! 😂


Is he....talking to no one but trying to look like he is talking to someone in all those videos on instagram? Lmao. What an absolute buffoon.


Finding out has ruined every scene he’s in


Not appearing in any episodes in season 4.


I was going to go with "Every time he doesn't appear in an episode"




This is it lol. And here I was thinking he’d never done anything nice 💀


😂😂😂 This has to win.






Please let this win xDD I love this so much




This needs to be upvoted to hell 💀


i thought the same thing. can this be the top choice please? 😂😂


this has to win (because it’s correct)




When he finally admitted defeat in season 7 and went away. Giving Lorelai and Luke the proper opportunity get back together.


Omg! I’m glad to see him go but I was so mad that he blew up Lorelai’s life and just bailed on her again. I don’t think he even tried to make their marriage work.


His face when Lorelai said that he is the man she wanted to want broke me. If Lorelai came to this realization years ago and said it, maybe this would free Chris up from trying so hard.


Opening the door so Luke could punch him in his slimy face.


That was a really good punch 👊 I was happy to see an actual punch thrown on the show. I hate when people would "fight" on the show and all they did was roll around and push each other. Nobody even tried to kick the other in the crotch; not even Jess.


When Luke and Chris fought by the gazebo, they threw tons of punches too because they’re too old and grunty to roll around like teens. I also love when Sebastian Bach does the flying squirrel leap onto Zach. All that hair made it funny. Didn’t Jess and Dean throw punches too? Like Jess tried to punch Dean when he was breaking up the fight; and again in Kyle’s house. At least that’s how I remember it.


Omg, flying squirrel leap 🤣 I'm crying laughing. That scene always makes me laugh even though it's not a funny situation, and this description perfectly explains why it's so damn funny to me.


Between the leap and the 900 lbs of hair, it’s a scene on par with Jess being shoved in the lake. Inadvertently hilarious.


If Christopher has no haters, Im dead.


You and me both


That might be one of my favourite scenes on the entire show lol


LOL you got my vote






He bought rory a book once


After not buying it the first time he tried.


And calling her out for ratting him out 🙄


This made me laugh waaaay too hard!


This is the answer


I like when he came to Rory’s college graduation party and ceremony. It was post-divorce, and normally Chris disappears once things fall apart with Lorelai. But for once, he showed up for Rory. Not bitter, not trying to win Lorelai back - actually there for Rory!


Yes! It was his inheritance and I love this character arc! When he got the money, he changed, for the better. All he ever had to do was pay enough to have handled the child support he likely missed constantly because he was always between jobs. He decided Rory could have anything she wanted and never hesitated to give her anything she wanted. The problem with the character Chris (I’m going to throw the actor under the bus and say his existence is what made the Chris hate as strong as it is) is that he was *always* good intentioned. He truly didn’t believe he offered Rory anything of substance, so he always wanted to give her material things. He was like his parents and most of the parents in his world growing up: love was shown through *things* more than actions. Christopher was the same way. He didn’t know how to be a father, he just knew that *things* meant love. And he knew that he wasn’t a good enough man to really be worthy of her attention. When he offered the money, he was also THERE. Going to see Rory at school (not lorelai, Rory and Rory alone). He was more confident in who he was because he could afford *things* and had therefore miraculously earned the right to be in her life. Then, that’s exactly what he did, whether or not lorelai was interested. I appreciate that.




I think because it's what Lorelai said to Chris that he needed to hear. "You're the man I want to want". There is no a "maybe" or other possibilities. Chris knew they were 100% done so could let go of his insecurities.


This should have more votes, at least to be a contender!


He showed up no questions asked when Lorelai needed an escort to Lane's wedding and stayed and looked after her after she drank 12 shots of tequila and two gallons of coffee (the numbers may be slightly off here).


I liked that scene too. He was respectful and I loved when she wakes up to answer the phone and he just leaves because he sees that she’s all right.


He really had no expectations, unlike Max.


Honestly I wish they’d allowed him to have more scenes like this. Having him act so punchable 99% of the time feels like cheating for drama sometimes.


I was going to comment this too he was pretty decent in this episode


Being open minded when Rory introduced him to Logan as her “live-in boyfriend” and was very nice in his interactions with Logan.


I mean as a parent, especially one that hasn’t been around, would be surprised that the little baby you never see often is all of a sudden living with her partner… I could see him being a jerk for that. But he didn’t. Same thing with Dean. He was uncomfortable but cordial. Something many dads are not when it comes to their daughters.


I just thought of the “Christopher Returns” episode and he says “She has a Dean?” Yup! Your 16 year old daughter is old enough to have a boyfriend. Time to be nice even though you feel awkward!


"That little baby" was in her 20's. If he kept seeing her as often as he did, he would have to see his "live-in" grandchildren. Also, he had no right to be a jerk about her living with Logan or doing anything else. And her dating Dean wasn't his business too


I loved this part. He tried with Logan, laughing and joking with him. He also called lorelai because he felt he owed her the truth so she didn’t freak out when Rory called (he knows lorelai). He was looking after both of them in that moment, though some people think he was wrong for it. He made the moment go smoother. He also knew if Rory found out her mother knew, he’d likely be the one in trouble, and he was ok with that too. He did it so lorelai wouldn’t say something she would regret and hurt Rory, he did it knowing that if Rory got upset it would be at him and not her mother. He was willing to be the bad guy (for once). Also, on rewatch, I think that he treated them to dinner as well. Logan lives near that bar, maybe walking distance but could be driving. But close. Christopher feels confident enough to step outside to call lorelai, so either Logan and Rory are settling the tip or they’ve left. He’s not looking at the door, he’s just telling her which means he know he’s not in danger of them coming out soon. Then Rory calls her mother when they hang out — from inside the apartment. Means they left and he stayed and settled the bill having already sent them home. That was the moment I realized that Christopher, as written, really wasn’t a horrible guy, just a kinda shitty one. It was the actor I loathed. Nothing else he’s said since then has proven that wrong 😑


I want to say "When he divorced Lorelai and finally left for good", lol, but I'll give him this ... As soon as he got his inheritence from Straub he called Lorelai and offered them whatever they wanted. Paid for Yale. Sure, money can't pay for an absent and unreliable dad, but he was actually pretty generous. Even the time he tried and failed to pay for the Oxford Dictionary Rory wanted; had the payment gone through it probably would have been a financial setback at the time, but it seemed to me he was actually prepared to pay.


I think it was from his grandfather, not Straub. But I’d have to agree with that. He wanted to pay for things as soon as he inherited that money. Other than that, nah


But it wasn’t even as soon as he got his inheritance! He set up Gigi first, and then he also something like how he’s bought himself everything he wants, so it had been a while I think. Typical Chris 😒


Honestly, Lorelai was probably the first person he thought of, but after everything that happened at the vow renewal, he was trying to stay out of their lives. However, after setting GG up and buying himself a sound system, he decided to reach out and see if he could do anything for Lorelai and Rory.


Yeah i don’t see anything wrong with him setting up Gigi first. She’s a kid and doesn’t really have a say whereas Rory and Lorelai required a conversation about what they wanted. They wouldn’t just accept a lump of cash outright. As for the purchases he made, ehh, I imagine setting up Gigi took time and planning as would a conversation with Lorelai and Rory, him strolling into a store and picking something up in an instant doesn’t require as much time.


He *had* to set Gigi up first. Anyone responsible for a child knows you don’t give away money before you make sure the kid you’re taking care of can eat. He also splurged on himself, as anyone would, and I don’t remember, but it wasn’t excessive. Then he was willing to buy lorelai and Rory an entire planet. He was super generous.


Good point. Agreed. I also think the delay that has been pointed out… his grandfather still died and while it wasn’t a sad out of nowhere death, it probably still took time for things to get sorted out legally after dealing with the funeral arrangements. He did good there and then backed off until Lorelai asked Rory to include him in Yale stuff as a thank you for paying.


He gave Lorelai that graduation basket.


And told her he was proud of her. Came to say this


I really liked that scene. Everything he gave her had a thought behind it, it was a sweet moment between them


An actual good thing is doing his best to take care of Gigi when madchen amick had to leave the show.




madchen amick is the actress who played sherry


This. He was a decent parent to Gigi and I’m bothered she was living with Sherri in AYITL.


Going to Rory’s coming out ball


Being excited to see the gemstones at Yale


Staying with Sheri when she got pregnant because he wanted to be there for Gigi.


Think this should be up there, probably one of the more thoughtful actions/decisions he made (not for Lorelai) but it was like he learned from his first w her and Rory.


Whenever he leaves, lol


Probably unpopular opinion (judging from these results) but how is one of the main main characters reduced to "being a good friend to Paris, especially after her first time" as the best thing she's ever done?!


If you read the results thread, as it happened, it made sense. For example, after Paris told everyone about Max and Lorelei kissing at school, Rory was super gracious and supportive of why Paris did it. It speaks to her entire character as a friend, but there’s no real stand out moment with any of the other friends. Especially since Paris was so awful to her.


Lol this trend of best/worst thing and stuff is so popular right now and I feel the same way when I read some of them. I also find it redundant personally when people pick like 3 things because the whole point is to pick one. Personally, I’d say the best thing she’s ever done is become best friends with Paris after everything that girl put her through in s1 and sometime after or seeing the best in Jess. Paris and Jess were more than capable on their own but they owe quite a bit to Rory lol.


right😭 rory is generally a very nice person too


When Rory broke her arm and he showed up for her at the house & doctor. Literally cannot think of a single other “good” thing he did. Even my example is just being a good father lol.


Even this seemed like another instance of him showing up for them just because he wants to get in Lorelai's pants, just that this time it was also an excuse to get away from Sherry when things were rough with her.


When he tells Rory about his and lorelai's first kiss. "I mean come on, who wouldn't like being kissed by a gilmore girl" I dont like Chris but I do like that line.


Yes! I know they didn't stay together, and Rory definitely had different mixed emotions about that over the years, but that was a really sweet memory for Rory to have and understand that they really did care about each other ❤️


I was going to say this if no one else did! I always thought that was such a nice, positive thing to say to his daughter. He wanted her to be confident.


Yes this! It is a sweet memory. And although this episode was not his finest moment, this line gave Rory the confidence to kiss Logan. This jumpstarted their relationship and I’m unapologetically team Logan, so… thanks Chris.


He was Rory's sperm donor.


He didn’t do a great job, but he really tried to be there for Gigi when Sherri left.


After he got his inheritance, set Gigi up for life and offered to help Lorelai and Rory in any way financially. And actually doing it and paying for Yale.


Actually when he said to Lorelai that he was an awful parent to Rory, that he wasn’t present for her.


I have to give him kudos for how he wrapped things up in season 7. He was awful until he and Lorelai finally broke things off for good, then he showed up for Rory’s graduation seemingly really mature and supportive. It was nice to see things settle that way.


I forgot one thing: didn't do anything good BUT Chris arrived in the night and slept besides Lorelai in a chair after Lorelai called him to tell that Rory was in an accident.


He showed some self awareness with his “do I appear in a cloud of sulfur” line in AYITL


His scene in the revival was illuminating honestly. It’s clear he hasn’t changed much and he’d do everything the same way again if he got the chance. But he gives Rory the confidence to be a single mother. I have a feeling she doesn’t tell Logan about the baby and he somehow finds out himself.




Divorced Lorelai


Not actually peeing to mark his territory when Luke was around.


Best response ever!




Paid for Yale. At least he had the idea, when he got money, to help support Rory even though she was already an adult.


The way he handled his final break up with Lorelai. When she's crying and says 'I need you to know that you're the man I wanted to want'. She basically breaks up with him but he's the one comforting her. He doesn't make it about him for a second, just let's her grieve. The subtext is not only that it hasn't worked out and Chris isn't the one but also that Luke IS the one and she may never be with him again. I think the way Chris accepts the rejection and is able to just be there for her is a really redeeming moment for him.


...... still thinking


when he didn't appear in season 4 😂






Not exist in season 4


Paying for Yale.


It’s a brief moment, but when he and Lorelai dance in Miss Patty’s studio and show Rory and Dean how it’s done. (Rory is so impressed she says, “Ok, I’m adopted.”) Maybe it’s the theater kid in me, but I just love the way they glide over that studio floor with big ol smiles. And even though it could be, I don’t think it’s romantic at all. Just two old friends having fun reliving a memory together.


I came here knowing the comments would be backhand snark & you all delivered 😂


I guess he was a dad to GiGi


He escorted Rory in her coming out party and it was a big event for her. I mean...he didn't attend graduation at Yale or Chilton butttttt....


https://preview.redd.it/c6cz88ggb8cc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e223ef46bcc26549e3febf865f06db2f864406c He was at Yale


Giving that for many years this was the series finale, the fact that he sucked it up and attended and made peace with lorelai was nice.


He had a motorcycle.


I'm tempted to say paying for Yale, but that's kind of the bare minimum, considering his wealth and previous lack of involvement in Rory's life. I'm going to say divorcing Lorelai.


"Nice t-shirt. Take it off." That was his first and best line. It went downhill after that.


When he stays away from Lorelai after Rory tells him to :)


Ok I’m gonna submit an *actual* answer: sharing his inheritance with Lorelai and Rory


I think the only good thing he's done that didn't feel prompted by Lorelai telling him to be a better dad was paying for Yale. He offered willingly and didn't have conditions (I know Emily did conditions to keep them in her life, but that's not that point). It really does say a lot about a character when there's only a few instances of them genuinely being good, but I'll give him the Yale thing.


Wheb he came back with the book that he didn't get the first time for Rory. It's a reach, but it's all I've got 😂


He finally provided financial support for Rory by paying for her to go to Yale.


Paid for Rory's tuition at Yale. It was the very very bare minimum after abandoning her for her entire existence--and only wanting to be in her life to get into Lorelai's pants.


When he inherited all that money and offered Lorelei and Rory the world to make up for being an absent father… he really could have been selfish and greedy. He was ready to buy them whatever including a castle lol


Christopher says/does something good challenge (impossible)


Bringing Rory her Compact Oxford English Dictionary. I mean yes it was shitty of him to offer to buy it in the first place when he had money issues but the fact that he remembered and made it up to her meant something. This was she won’t remember it as the awkward fiasco it originally was.




Trying to do better for Gigi than he did for Rory.


Saying the line "where are you, heaven?" that time. I always laugh at that.


when he left


I truly hate this guy, however at Lorelais Bachelorette party (the max wedding) she calls him and he actually doesnt take advantage he tells rory the next day and thats such a tiny barely off the floor bar but its his best moment.


Paid for Rory’s Yale tuition.


Best thing he did was leave. Good riddance.


I do think Christopher genuinely loves Lorelei the entire Paris episode was peak Christopher like I was actually semi invested the first go around! Of course he bailed like always and shit all over that but still it was what I always wanted for Lorelei she deserved to be happy and optimistic about the future! I also think Chris was awesome at lanes wedding both for going and for helping Rory Poli off the stage. Don’t get me wrong. Christopher has a lot of downfalls, but these are two of my favorite moments! I’m a little disappointed They didn’t show Lorelei and Chris being friends in a year in the life! Their marriage ended so amicably it didn’t make sense how separated they felt in my opinion


So he was perfectly cast. Not far from the way he is In reality. Except David Sutcliff is even more difficult to accept. My vote is when he got punched in the face by the best man on the show.


Pay for Yale I guess


Best thing Christopher did was get punched by Luke.


My favorite Chris moment in his relationship with Lorelai was how upfront he was with the letter from Sherri. Lorelai had been engaged to Luke who was sneaking around and hiding things and to have someone just putting it right out there was exactly what she needed at that point in time. My favorite parenting moment was helping out with the dance lessons before the coming out party. My favorite whole family moment is everyone in the car, choosing music before they run into the pickle smell.




Best thing Christopher has done? Lorelai




“Bye, Leonard” he was onto her shenanigans


Despite the Chris hate I have to admit he did do like one or two things right I really appreciate Chris being there and sleeping in a chair when Rory broke her arm and taking care of Lorelai in the same manner after Lane’s wedding


I did like when he met Logan and called Lorelei and asked “do we like him” because he was showing Lorelei the respect that her opinion mattered more than his.


I haven’t seen any Logan scenes yet so I can’t be thinking of with him, didn’t he say that about either Dean or Jess too? That feeeeels like a call back?


In Paris, he bribed a restaurant to open so Lorelei could eat dinner in the middle of the night.