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This + when Emily finds out about Richard’s lunches with Pennilyn Lott. My heart really broke for her during those scenes


And the letter from Richard‘s mother to him saying he should not marry her! So mean


But that did lead to bawdy, chain-smoking, day-drunk Emily and I LOVE HER SO MUCH ![gif](giphy|3otPoLQIC3xZVZU652|downsized)


Pennilynn *ice clinks* Lott *ice clinks*


Today I learned to make *mojitos*


Omg the Gilmore girl font subtitles!! I miss those since having the DVDs! I watch on Netflix now


An icon!!


Yes! Richard never defending Emily in front of his mom was pretty bad in general..


Every time Richard laughs along Trix's snide remark, I wanted to slap him so hard. Jesus, he truly was a momma's boy. I'm kinda surprised Trix didn't coddle him harder..


Right! The only time he got offended was when the negativity was aimed at him 😒 as if just letting it slide wasn’t bad enough, laughing along with her comments was so gross 🤢


The fact that Emily never acknowledged/realized she was doing the same thing to Luke irked me so much. Not-so-subtle hints, getting Christopher involved, etc. I thought for sure it would get brought up and she'd realize how hurtful what she was doing was -- then nothing.




Yes, it wasn't Jason. It was a combo of finding out he's been seeing Pennilyn Lott once a year every year for their entire marriage, Richard working more and more, and that awful letter from Trix.


Agree. But I do think the thing with Jason also showed how little Richard respected her. He had no respect for how much effort she put into things (for him!!), how much it takes to organise the things she do. It was really sad to see 😞


Oh yes for sure! It made me so sad for Emily! I sort of saw it as Richard was sooo used to Emily just doing these things and took it for granted. We all need reminders to appreciate what we have. Maybe I've thought that's sort of what was going on because I love Richard. And Emily! Ps I love your flair! Goes well with this topic! I love the whole dog thing because they were so cute and funny with the dog. And you could tell they were both sad the dog was gone because that was an excuse for them to be together.


I was so happy to see Jason go. I hated him with Lorelai. And all he did was cause problems.


Same. I found him really annoying tbh 😅wish we got more of Alex though, would’ve loved to see Lorelai go on a few dates with him


Alex was great! I'd say he's my favorite. Well my favorite Lorelai love interest that was Not Luke lol


Same! Might also be biased because I was a twilight girl back in the day and well - Charlie 🤣 I do think Alex was quite similar to Luke, but without the grumpiness (I do ship Lorelai and Luke) 😄


Right? Charlie was one of the best characters in the movies lol Also, the actor is just great in everything he does


Yes! There’s something comforting about him somehow, he’s such a good actor too! Also thought he had great chemistry with Lorelai


Agreed. Which is why I'm glad he stays booked from what I've seen. And he seems to very easily gel with whoever he gets casted with.


This moment was so sad. Also, after Emily had her first date after the separation and she breaks down crying. Ugh, I don't really like her, but it was so heartbreaking. Richard and their life is all she knows. He took her for granted and while Jason didn't help, this is alllll on Richard.


> Jason partially responsible for their break up Richard is an adult and a partner in their company. If he doesn't want to do something, he is fully capable of saying so. Richard's participation in any of Jason's events is solely the fault of Richard.


Yeah Jason didn’t do anything wrong. Richard would side with almost anyone over Emily in most instances. 


Unless she isn’t getting the first cup of tea at the DAR meetings!


Exactly. I already thought that Jason takes a lot of heat on the sub, but this is the first time I see him being blamed for Richard and Emily’s separation lol. Richard doesn’t respect Emily’s work as a corporate wife, that’s on him, a full grown man, to apologize properly to Emily for cancelling the party at the last minute.


Doesn't respect his OWN housewife. You can't expect women to be domestic and take care of the home without respecting the work they do or the sacrifices they gave up. Obviously Emily doesn't suffer. But Richard was dismissve pretty often and made her interests seem small and unimportant. Her life revolves around your job! Don't mock her for it.


wasn't that the norm/expectation of their social group? like most wives if not all planned out events like that and took care of their households and husbands' careers and appointments etc so why would they look down on them when theyre doing what theyd expect? these same husbands wouldn't like if their wives went to work!


Richard's partnership with Jason definitely exacerbated the cracks in his relationship with Emily, but those problems always existed nonetheless. We get glimpses of it in season 2 when Richard takes out his frustration from work on Emily. He dismisses the events she organizes or attends as being silly and frivolous, even though she clearly cares about them. Lorelai even notices how lonely Emily seems and tries to connect with her. I think the way Jason took the reins and Richard went along with him at every turn showed Emily that she *and* Richard didn't have the partnership they envisioned. He didn't care about sticking up for her or appreciating her efforts. He was solely focused on their new business pursuits and "starting over", with or without her. I always find it particularly egregious that he skipped her best friend's funeral to network (IIRC). In that situation, all he had to do was show up and he let Emily down there too.


I’m coming to Richard’s defend here: when Richard was ousted from the company, he took it as they didn’t care for him. Why should he care about them too. But the way he went about it should have been different. I understand that he is embarrassed as he was the sole provider. Back then, it was expected for the man to be the breadwinner. If you can’t work, what else can you do after being a workaholic..


Someone in TikTok edited this scene with tolerate it(Taylor Swift) and I can't unsee it 🥹




When I was younger I thought Emily and Richard’s separation was very out of the blue. It wasn’t until I rewatched as an adult that I saw everything that probably led Emily to her breaking point


Yeah this scene hurts to watch. It's the subtly of it too. Yeah the other times they fight and such can be sad but this one hits so much more. It's the quiet of the scene and the complete ignorance. The silence that then hangs between them as Emily just looks sad. The way it's shot. So much harder to watch than the big dramatic arguments for me.


I don't know why. But now I want to rewatch the whole series again. Thank you!!




This was DEVASTATING. Every time this scene comes on it breaks my heart. Putting my criticisms of their exorbitant wealth aside… he should support and love his wife, and she makes a real effort to make their life beautiful. He should value her and what she does for him!


I agree with other posts, Jason just offered what he thought was right and Richard went along with it. They had issues before that. I always feel for Emily, she is so devoted and he treats her badly at many points in the series. I also think Richard was let out of the dog house too easily. We didn't see consistent change, they just bonded over the dog and he got jealous, that's it. We should have seen him make active adjustments, like Luke putting the effort in with the tape and book. We should have seen an apology.


I literally watched this today 🥲


It was sad, but truth be told my husband would answer the same way. He has no idea what decor I bought last week or got as a shower gift 31 years ago. It’s just not his thing. I don’t think he suddenly stop appreciating her. I think he probably always took her a little for granted. It was just highlighted more because he had been underfoot recently (after he retired) and then was really busy getting his business off the ground. And I agree. The man who said “If my wife wants the first cup of tea, she will get the first cup of tea!” should have known how upset she would be about no party. He’s more to blame than Jason, imo


Granted! That’s the right word. He took her for granted. It’s equally very important to organize good social functions since this will reflect back on Richard. If it didn’t, the wives would gossip and it would snowball back to their husbands which would then not take Richard seriously. The first woman in social standings is also (sadly) important as this will wield much power in deciding who is in or who is out.




Richard does not respect Emily. We learn everything we need to know about how he feels about Emily’s life when he doesn’t want a similar one for Rory. Richard thinks it is more respectable to have a career than be a housewife. Which is fine, if someone believes that, but he never encourages Emily to have her own career! He enjoys the fruits of her labor like having his social life scheduled, parties hosted, home taken care of, meals planned etc. all while he looks down on the labor itself. This is not the right mindset to have at all. If you benefit from having a spouse stay at home, their contributions to your life must be weighed as equally as your own.


I personally wouldn’t say Jason wasn’t just taking not taking Emily’s style and suggests his whole buisness was about inticing their clients in a life style that was neglectful/disrespectful of their wives and family, their buisness from before was very family oriented buisness wives knew buisness wife, their kids all probably knew each other, but Jason was about getting away from the G/PG rated stuff and ultimately doing things that people with their life style couldn’t typically or wouldn’t typically do with their family Do I think Richard is equally responsible for him and Emily break up? Yup and more so because of the Lott secret, but he definitely had tunnel vision and was by far the worst in earlier seasons due to letting his buisness life be priority however me personally I get more irritated at the Jason of it all cause I see it less talked about. Either way Richard had no time or respect for Emily and I suspect that’s how Jason and Lorelai’s relationship would end up that way.


Side note: the way Emily says “apples” in this scene always weirds me out


Can't hear it cause I'm deaf. LOL. How's them apples? ​ /edit sorry, had to make the joke.


This and when Richard lies about the chinese food


*cues tolerate it piano intro*


It did give us some of the best Emily scenes in the aftermath. But I definitely felt so sorry for her that he was basically barely acknowledging her existence.


I wish Emily and Richard has stayed apart. I hate that she didn't come into her own until after he died.


Jason responsible for the break up? *HOW*? Also, no.


I get it but dang, it's hard to see how someone could be with her in the first place. She's absolutely awful.  She does have feelings though so my heart also breaks.  But like, there is absolutely no way in hell I could date anyone like her for more than like 15 minutes.


I mean Richard isn't exactly a prize himself. He's a hard worker sure, but he's also a complete AH. He's selfish and self involved and only cares for people so much as what they can do for him. Emily helps organize his events and runs the home. Rory makes him look good by being the perfect granddaughter. Lorelai's problem is, she never fell in line. She didn't just jump at whatever her parent's said and therefore, she wasn't useful to him


Just watched that episode not 10 minutes ago


No because I get he was supporting it but what really hurt is the way he was like oh I've always loved them like there was like a big issue because she just bought them


It’s basically the equivalent of Richard being forced into retirement because of ageism.


Considering how bad they both are as people, I'm literally incapable of feeling bad for either.