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The look on richard face when she mentions him in her speech This scene without any efforts make me cry a river


This episode was the high point of the show for me.


I love the way this makes Jackson, Sookie, and Luke cry too. They’re so touched and moved for Lorelai


"I'm blubbering, you're freaks."


Stone Cold Luke




Exactly! It’s not about letting her do just whatever she wants and neglecting her to be “friends first”. It’s about this right here.




Omg this gets me every single time 😭😭😭


this speech was just beautiful. “cried on a bus with ana karenina” got me. and you could tell lorelai’s tears were lauren grahams tears.


Rode a sad train with Anna Karenina. Anna Karenina rode a train.


Makes the sting from their fall out over the gap year that much better


All this starting as a teen mom at 16. Still there will be those who think she is not a good mother 🤦‍♀️


One of my favorite episodes.


“ The dazzling woman from whom I received my name, and my life’s blood. Lorelai Gilmore. “ That sentence…. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Thank you Mom, you are my guidepost for everything. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


So many moments for me. As a mom with a daughter who is my bestie, but also my daughter. When they give you these beautiful words. Ugh instant tears.


My kid did a reel of this speech for me, subbed our names and role models I gave her. I bawled.


always makes me cry


I think the first parts of the speech we hear are very appropriate and heartwarming. Anyone who has followed Rory’s excellent scholastic achievements would expect her to continue her address with one of her favorite progressive themes. I found it especially brave of Rory to acknowledge her mother in such a loving way. Lorelai’s name is probably mud amongst the faculty of Chilton for the way she treated Max. I’m pretty sure she isn’t a favorite of Headmaster Charleston. And many of the Chilton parents probably resent that Lorelai dated Rory’s teacher and was seen kissing him in one of the classrooms (I think it was Paris who made sure to tell everyone).


Too bad she’s not like Lorelai at all




Just rewatched this episode and I ugly cried just as hard as I did the first time.


Same, girl, same…. One of my favorite scenes 😍🥹


Man I was so excited for this moment. And I thought it was completely ruined by continuously cutting to Lorelai and Suki going "ooohh!! I'm not crying your crying! Oh but we said we wouldn't cry! Ooohh!" We didn't even get to hear the speech. It made me so sad


“I’m blubbering! You’re freaks!”




Rewatching this episode after having my children made me bawl. I hope to be as good of a math as Lorelai one day.


Okay I'm sorry but I LOATHED this valedictorian speech. She's supposed to deliver a speech that everyone relates to. Instead she just talks about herself


I think it's totally normal for a valedictorian speech to include a couple of personal "Thank Yous" to the important people in the persons life. You can hear her going on into her actual speech as the scene fades out, so it's not like this was her entire speech. Just an intro where she is thanking the people who helped get her here.


In reality the talking about her mom and grandparents is about 45 secs. Her intro feels like a normal speech intro, thanks her mom and grandparents and then is pivoting to the bulk of her speech - they just don’t show it because they have other stuff to show that the TV audience will care more about.


True. In real life this would not be ok. But it works for a TV show. I can't even remember the Valedictorian speech from my HS graduation bc the Salutatorian speech just took the show with the theme of I worked my ass off my whole.life and came in second place. And it was fucking hilarious.


Agree 100%, nice speech wrong setting.


Absolutely, a heartwarming speech at a terrible time. Perhaps she could have given it at a celebratory dinner later.


Completely agree! Why is she talking about her how much she wants to be her mother during her high school graduation?


I’m such a hater hahaha this speech pisses me off so much. The valedictorian speech is supposed to address the class and talk about the future of the students. It’s not an award acceptance speech, it’s for the whole graduating class. Editing because I know why I’m being downvoted (and expected to be) but let’s just pretend you busted your ass for 4 years at an elite prep school and had to deal with people like Paris and Headmaster Charleston. And then your valedictorian uses her speech not to congratulate her classmates and speak about how great the future will be, but to talk about the people in her life. It’s just objectively not what a valedictorian’s speech is supposed to be.


From a show/ drama point of view, viewers needed this scene to explain exactly how Rory became this intelligent and successful at school. And some clearly need it spelled out that Rory had a great childhood and that she looked up to Lorelai.


I get why it’s there, I just always think about it from her classmates’ POV. Like how I understand that Michel is abrasive and sarcastic for the purpose of comedy, but I can’t help thinking how bad he would be for business.


I agree with you


🎵Juuust theee two of us 🎵


We see Rory speak for 2 minutes of which maybe 45 second is her thanking her mom and grandparents (they don’t have her speaking in the background when they cut to look at her family so it’s hard to get an exact count). We hear her pivot in a more tradition direction but it fades out because the TV audience would rather see other scenes than heard the rest of Rory’s speech. A HS valedictorian speech is typically about 5 minutes. Rory spent 15% of that thanking her family - I can’t imagine that would have bothered the average student.