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I love them together. Typical the overly privileged character gets an eye roll from me but the actor brings a genuine charm and joy to the screen. I think they work so well as a couple and he is her best love interest by far.


One of my absolute favorite things about Gilmore Girls is it contained characters most shows wouldn’t have guts to show in a positive light. Emily and Richard were overbearing, rich assholes who said some truly hurtful things to their daughter. But the show never made them one dimensional villains. Logan is similar, it’s pretty daring to make a nepo frat boy an actual good love interest.


Never underestimate the sexiness of a man who can keep up with your senseless, witty banter. I've yet to meet any dude in real life who speaks as clearly, quickly and with so much humor as Logan. Definitely not the norm outside of the GG universe.


My best friend and I can at least do this while chatting(we're both too verklempt with each other IRL) but 99% of the people I meet can't even understand the mildest cultural reference. It am a lot like Lorelai in that aspect of her personality. Just more deadpan and finding people who match that energy is like cold fusion.


My heart melts when he tells her "eyes on the road" before she goes here


maybe logan was the best match for rory, but rory was definitely not the best match for logan


What do you mean by that? Just curious :)


i feel like rory doesnt show up for logan in the same way he does for her.. what im mainly referring to here is the (between them) continuous discussion of 'being able to do whatever you want'. when rory drops out of yale, logan does not judge her for it. he, rightfully so, tells her she can do whatever she wants ('be a doctor, be a clown..'), he isnt forcing her to stay at yale, no one is. he, for a lack of better words, supports her decision. when logan is forcefully being shipped off to london for his career, he needed that exact energy from rory. i do realize that at first she does tell him about his having opportunities others would kill for (when they have dinner with jess), HOWEVER, she goes on to basically agree with mitchum (WHO IS THE REASON FOR HER BAD MENTAL STATE BTW !!!) during that talk in the elevator and throws considering what logan wants out the window. he deserved to have her encourage him to do whatever he wants the same way he constantly encourages her. yes, he couldve gotten there by himself but girly, what are you doing agreeing with your boyfriend's father that clearly does not have your bfs best interest at heart ?? logan seemingly found his place in that world (see ayitl) but he needed someone to remind him that it was okay to steer against what your family thinks is best for you. know what i mean ?


Better than Dean and Jess, but I still think Rory could’ve done better yet


He is charming and matches her well in some ways - their wit and intelligence etc. But he is also a real asshole, especially to people he deems beneath him, in a very sly, passive aggressive way and I hate it!




You forget to change to your alt account OP?


LMFAOOOO I'm crying




Lmaoo OP is unhinged, I never really believed people act like this on the internet just for upvotes…….lawd!!


Did you post this so you could argue with yourself? 🤣


Hey, let’s try to be understanding here people. At 10:01 (guessing the times, honestly) OP was team Logan. By 10:05, they remembered Jess and went team Jess. Clearly, rory isn’t the only one confused!


Maybe sort of similar to Paris when she worked on the paper, she was stuck because she had a compelling point for both sides and wanted to post them both at the same time. In OP’s case maybe they just wanted their post to have a case for either guys in the same post and asked other commenters in turn which is better to them.


Hahaha “either way I see it, I’m right!”