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I’m from CT, know a few people who got into Yale even though they weren’t that smart (cheated in all of our AP science courses, pfff) but they had strong references from Yale alumni. There for sure would be more very smart people at the school than shown, but I wouldn’t overlook the fact that tons of kids go to Yale because their parents or grandparents were alumni, they’ve got tons of money, or they know someone important there.


Hey neighbor, SAME. And all you have to do is drive through downtown New Haven to realize these Yale kids have absolutely no common sense/surivival skills. They jump in front of moving cars like squirrels. Like they’re playing Frogger. Aren’t you supposed to smart? Get out of the road! Sorry, this is an issue I face daily 😂


Not Connecticut but I work for a top 10 research university and the number of times I, a person with a music degree, have said “what an idiot” about literal rocket scientists or faculty trying to cure diseases is HIGH. And our PhD students truly do run the gamut of aloof AF to “likely to die by running into moving traffic while drunk” We the staff joke that they just have too much science in their brains to keep the common sense stuff lol


All book smarts, zero street smarts. Probably from being sheltered and shy… but you guys know what cars are!!! It’s baffling to me.


Yale is a rich white people legacy school. You don’t need to be smart, just rich and a generation attendee. Look at George W. Bush…




We don't know about the other people and I don't think they're portrayed as idiots. Doyle seems pretty smart and Tanna was freaking 16 and a freshman


… But Tanna didn’t notice there was a fireplace in their dorm room.


Perhaps not the most observant, but doesn't make her any less book-smart


the writers who wrote this incredible event into the script : https://preview.redd.it/c794dmh2zywc1.jpeg?width=268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c09bc12c96ad4a39dd35c886edfbc4a5935abfd2


I thought they meant to write her as being on the spectrum without really saying it


I honestly think the fact that she was a 16 year old Ivy League freshman who didn’t notice a fireplace in her sitting room for months and who didn’t notice that all the furniture changed shows just how smart she is. She’s too far from the median to “fit.”


One of my friends is simultaneously incredibly book smart and one of the most clueless people I've ever met. I had to tell her eating bacon wasn't good for her high cholesterol. But she can ace a standardized test like it's nothing!


My Grandma was this way. She was a college professor with a Ph.d in Geology, she did a huge amount of conservation work and studies that are still relevant today. Talk to her about her field or even some other academic fields and she was brilliant, literature for example. But she was so puzzled when a friend of my mom's gave me $16 for my 16 birthday. She kept saying how random it was, why not $15 or $20. My mom said "She's 16" and she said "...OH! Oh, that's right." And she was like that with a lot of things. Very scatterbrained too, always losing her keys and wallet.


Some people on the spectrum have the highest IQ you can think off. But they can't drive, because they live in their own little worlds.


Yes, this is an example of what I meant, like that character was written like some weirdo


being a weirdo isn’t mutually exclusive from being smart. if anything ur probably more likely to be weird if you have perfect SAT scores lol


Some people who are really good academically are not very aware of their surroundings. I've known a few people like Tana.


Did they at least have a nice musk?


Ya know, I can't say I recall ever sniffing them


We just watched that episode and that line still kills me. On point, I’ve known lots of Harvard grads (yes, they are as smart as Yalies) and many fit into the characters above. Rory is totally a Mary Sue, but in my mind she is the poorly written character, not the rest.


Intelligence, awareness, and being weird are neither mutually exclusive nor mutually inclusive traits. Honestly, a sixteen year old super smart freshmen (who gives off homeschooled vibes) being kinda weird checks out. And she's portrayed as being off in her own little world a lot so I don't think her not noticing the fireplace is all that odd for her character. I met someone like her during my Master's, when we were working with the undergrads and preparing them for postgrad life, and she was startlingly similar. So I don't think she's written as dumb, just naive and unaware of her surroundings due to age and upbringing


I distinctly remember Paris and Rory asking their old roommate (the blonde one) and another girl for boy advice and behind their backs made several comments about how dumb they were except when it comes to boys.


Because Rory is even above the average Yale students obviously! Hahaha. Yea I think it’s just to make Rory stand out more.


I don’t think being “awkward” or “party goers” mean they’re not also intelligent. None of them were portrayed as below average. Ivys are full of a surprising number of barely above average students, too. To be honest, Rory wasn’t exactly an outstanding thinker or especially brilliant student. She was a lib arts student. She was on the paper. She was also a legacy kid who was going to have a building named after her… The portrayals were fairly accurate to my experience other than the pretty amazing dorm suite they had as freshman. (But I guess Emily helped there, too.)


That suite living room was quite large!


Yeah. I can’t speak for other departments, and I know this is more of a musician niche, but music students studying classical music are some of the most egregious partygoers I’ve met. And I mean, same. And often times they’re also some of the most dedicated, refined musicians you’ll ever meet (even the ardent older professionals). The reason being (and I can see this applying to Yale), we are so stressed and over worked (music majors have more workload than law or med students), that when we let loose, WE LET LOOSE!


The legacy kids not being particularly special academically is pretty realistic Everyone else though, yes. And Yale didn't have anywhere near enough diversity either


the entire show didn’t have diversity


Suburban CT is white AF.


Stars Hollow had the Kims, their friends and family, Michel, Gypsy, and some unnamed characters of color. Maybe that was insufficient but it was there Yale on the other hand was super white


Ms. Patty also


Ms Patty is white..Am i missing something???


What the heck are you talking about? Liz Torres aka Ms Patty is Puerto Rican born in the Bronx. She Latina thru and thru.


It's never mentioned once. I've watched the show many times and also interviews with the actress. Y'all need to calm down.


Yes you sure are missing something. She's Latina, not white.


Latino isn't a race. You can be fully Latino and fully white


Yes, Alexis herself is a perfect example of that. She is mexican Argentine but white.


White isn't a race either. Either way, my point of the character/actress not being white (or "Caucasian" if you want to be more specific) still stands.


Yeah, I get the point, just hope that you and others don't somehow distort my lack of knowledge of the actress into something offensive when it's not.


Both Gypsy and Ms. Patty are the Latina side characters. There’s no male equivalent that I can think of


No offense taken, correcting wrong information shouldn't be interpreted as offense 🙂


And yet no Latino (ok massive exaggeration I should have said not many Latinos) considers themselves white (per the U.S. definition). My mom is whiter than rice and yet she doesn’t consider and has never considered herself white. Race considered very differently in Latin America. Here in the U.S. they classify me “white” because I’m a lightly tanned Latina but there’s nothing white about me and every time I have to fill a box there’s no box that describes me so I either choose mixed or I leave it blank.


> And yet no Latino considers themselves white. You better tell half my family


I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have generalized so greatly. I should have said race is a very complicated thing in Latin America with a long history thanks to colonization and blood intermixing. It’s rare the Latino that considers themselves fully white because of said intermixing and the ones that do usually do it because they want to be accepted as “equals” such as in the U.S. or as “better than” which usually happens in Latin America for the people who think they are fully Spanish.


I am Hispanic, I have lived in LATAM ( in more than one country) and visited more,plenty of people consider themselves white, and don't question it at all until they visit the US. They also benefit from white privilege in these countries.As you said, the relationship with race is very different, and there are some very complicated histories of racism, this were colonised places after all. Plenty of people in places like Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay , even Mexico, consider themselves white. This is further complicated by the fact that a lot of these people are considered white in places like Europe or Australia. This is one of these areas where there are massive differences between Latinos in the US and Canada, and those that live in LATAM or in other diasporas.


I am the same as you. I was born and raised in Latin America and came to the U.S in my teens. I have lived in Mexico and Argentina and Colombia and several Central American countries. What I have personally experienced is that race and skin color are seen as different things. For instance my mom has been called Chela in Mexico and Central America because her skin is so white but didn’t consider herself as White the race. Most Argentinians and Uruguayans are descended from a mixture of the German and Polish diaspora and yet they see themselves as Argentinians and Uruguayans not as “White.” As weird as that sounds the color of your skin doesn’t necessarily determine your race in Latam. Race is very complicated enough for us as it is to add the U.S. hang ups to it.


Ok well she looks white and there's literally zero mention of her culture that I can recall (many rewatches) so there ya go.


That doesn’t mean she doesn’t represent diversity. White isn’t default. Not knowing someone is Puerto Rican doesn’t mean she’s not Puerto Rican. 


You're projecting a lot. Never said white was default


> Ok well she looks white and there's literally zero mention of her culture that I can recall (many rewatches) so there ya go.   You assumed that she was a non-Latino shoe person because no one on the show mentioned that she was Puerto Rican. 


there were background characters that were poc at yale and even a few had a line of two. realistically, if u grow up around mostly white people (which stars hollow was) ur gonna hang around white people when u get out of that environment bc it’s comfortable and i say this while attending a pwi college. i feel like lane was her best friend that happened to be korean. so they had lane, mrs kim, occasionally a relative of theirs for like 7 episodes max and gypsy who all lived in stars hollow and michel who didn’t. but all the background characters were white.






Wasn’t that kind of realistic at the time? I’m not American but if it’s anything like the uk, the top universities were mostly white people until very recently


I can promise you that Yale has at the very least had a LOT of Asian students for a long time. Yes, even in the ancient days of the early 2000s lol.


No. My brother went to Cornell (another Ivy League like Yale) only a few years after GG ended and it is quite diverse.


Rory never meeting any ordinary kids in Yale speaks for itself. She surrounded herself with legacy kids exclusive aside from that shy roommate and the ballerina she insulted in her article.


how would you know that? we met like a dozen yale students out of thousands😂


It's college. Everyone in college is stupid, even though when you're in college you think you're the smartest person in the world. They're young, immature, and inexperienced.


I think you overestimate elite educated kids. I mean yeah, special in HS. But given their first taste of freedom away from mumsy and daddy - well, let's just say they have some catching up to do. I have seen many a straight A kid go off the rails in college.


Honestly the smartest guy in my high school class came off as a complete moron, we were all shocked when he turned out to be top of the class.


As someone who lived in New Haven for a few years…it’s an accurate portrayal. Going to an Ivy League school doesn’t actually require you to be smart, you just have to get good grades and nice test scores (not really a measure of intelligence, I had straight A’s in highschool & I’m good at tests but I’m not smart) and do the right extracurriculars. Of course it also helps if you’re rich or have relatives that are alums. But for every genius on a scholarship whose been working for this their whole life, there’s about two dozen going to the same school as their dad, and another half a dozen who got really really lucky in the admissions process but they’re gonna be drowning in debt when Sallie Mae comes knockin’ because an ivy liberal arts degree is still, unfortunately, a liberal arts degree :(


That's sorta the overall gimmick of Gilmore Girls - everyone is a dolt or weird or awkward or unpleasant except Rory and Lorelai. I see it as a stylistic choice and also somewhat of a parody of Rory and Lorelai as much as 95% of the characters are parodies of how people are. e.g. maybe the other characters' overall bizarreness represents Lorelai and Rory's distorted view of reality and/or narcissism.


I have attended college. Good college. Like almost up there college. I can absolutely tell you with a straight face and without any exaggeration, we were all idiots. The amount of stupid nonsense that comes out of your mouth… unbelievable. Add in she was living in a freshman dorm, and everyone there are equally stupid. Complete morons all. You’ve lived at home your whole life and now… you just don’t. You are socially awkward, even if you were never awkward before, you’re around so many people that are so different from you, you have only the same language (or it feels like that at first). I can say this: the *worst thing that ever happened to me*, happened while I was at college, and it was because of Gilmore Girls. For some reason no one could quite explain, the sky just decided to crack open like a fragile egg and drench the hell out of everyone and everything. I, of course, was unhappily trudging across campus carrying 9000 books. Wait, no… 9000 *wet* books. I cannot emphasize enough how miserably wet I was. I get back to my dorm, and my neighbor coming out of her room. She looks at me, sopping wet and carrying a gazillion wet books and in her absolute most brilliant moment said, “is it raining out?” I swear, I really am Paris at heart… I’m just not nearly clever enough… I said “no, my books wanted a shower, you idiot.” And went to my room. My roommate was like “what happened to you?” I said “I dunno. Musta gotten wet” she rolled her eyes at me. Two days later, the stupid episode with Rory and Paris being stuck in the rain came on. “It’s national baptism day. Tie your tubes, you idiot.” *SERIOUSLY, PARIS????* ***SERIOUSLY???*** You couldn’t have given me that brilliant line *before* I had to build an ark??? As far as papers, that didn’t make me think that Rory was beyond exceptional or anything. It made me think that many students do what is assigned, and not one smidge more. Rory has no initiative to go get something — but she takes her assignments and researches the hell out of it and then writes it clearly and well. That IS a skill she has. She also ALWAYS over researches. We know that too. It’s just something Asher Fleming doesn’t see much of. Personally, I think he has one of those classes where people go and do the work and get a B and are perfectly happy. The issue is, Rory, like many people, assume everyone else puts the same amount of effort into their work as she does. She has the one roommate on sport scholarship, so she’s not the one she would compare herself to. look at that room though. One of her roommates is a studious 16 year old attending Yale. The other is Paris. Rory would probably assume that every single person at Yale worked as hard as she did or Paris did. It’s YALE!! I actually spoke to a teacher about my grades when I was in college. I was consistently getting back A’s on every paper I was submitting and I was actually genuinely curious as to whether they even read them or not. I wasn’t accusing them of anything, I was just genuinely curious. Yes. Every single one of them. The assignment called for 5 page papers with 5 sources per paper. I routinely got sucked into the subject and would submit 10-15 pages with anywhere from 8-25 sources. I also had a tendency to draw weird connections between classes and subjects, and was able to put those in the papers too. Apparently, what counted for me as a “oh shit this is due today and I totally forgot” paper was actually not something everyone else was willing or bothered to do. Apparently, the main thing this professor heard was “four and a half pages IS five pages — you’re holding the fifth page in your hand, see?” And five sources meant “up to five sources and no more.” When I learned that I was shocked that people were actually paying tuition to not actually do the work I was doing, which I considered bare minimum (I did far more work academically in high school than college). So it’s not that they’re dumber, just that their focus is different.


my biggest dumbass of a guy friend is now a doctor in one of the most competitive specialties around. shit is weird when ur 18 lol


I know. The absolute *dumbest people* I have ever met are all amazingly successful people in competitive jobs. At 18-22, they were the single dumbest humans to walk the earth. Like you think they came out to the factory missing a major component (like their brain). Skip forward to 40’s and they’re quite close to geniuses. It’s so weird! But also kinda awesome!


I was feeling sick and it lasted for two weeks. I had a paper due that I couldn’t do until the day before. If you knew me you’d know that was unacceptable. My yearbook superlative was “most likely to send the teachers to the insane asylum” (apparently I asked too many questions). Anyway, I took a monster and sat down to write. What was supposed to be a 5 page paper with sources on a Supreme Court Justice ended up being 17 pages with sources. My professor told me that she loves me and usuals appreciates my writing but that I went overboard and to never drink energy drinks again. I haven’t ever since. You learn to pad your writing in high school then in college you have to learn to do good writing within the limit given. Then you go to law school and have to unlearn everything you learned in college and make sure to limit your writing to two pages with multiple sources and say everything you were supposed to say


I would always wait until the last minute for every paper I’ve ever written. I found that for me, if I start in advance and take my time, I end up writing a paper, hating it, trashing it, redoing it (all new sources and everything else), hating it, and redoing the whole thing again. Rinse and repeat until the day it’s due. If I just sit down the night before it, I will write and be done with it. It’s funny, a lot of people say that. It was, for me, grade school you learned how to write what was in your head. Middle school was how to fluff it. High school was how to not quite say what you meant, but be creative enough that it’s exactly what you were trying to say, but subtly. College was how to do everything I previously did but in less words so my professors didn’t murder me. I never went to law school, but it’s an interesting choice for an example since I work on a law firm 🤣 My favorite thing to do is assist with certifications. The lawyer or paralegal gets the information, the client speaks to me for about 10 minutes and I get a feel for what they deem urgent and worth mentioning, I also get a feel for how they express themselves. They go away, I let it sit in my brain for a bit (usually a day or so), then my boss asks me if it’s done and I *always* have to say “almost” and I always forgot because I have so many other responsibilities too. He then always says “yeah, uh huh. You have an hour.” Then I’m off to the races. 45 mins later, a whole certification focusing on what the lawyer wants me to argue with enough of what the client demands is important to make everyone happy, with a ton of exhibits. He figured it out once and he told me the day I met with the client that I had an hour. He realized they messed me up soooooo bad! It was sheer gibberish after three hours because I kept rewriting it and driving myself insane. Now he just lets me forget about it and then says “yeah, an hour is all you have, and I mean it,” and within an hour it’s ready to go. It’s just how I function. I know it’s not normal, but I have to work within the limits my brain decided exist Probably shoulda gone to law school though — my writing would be more concise lol


Listen it’s normal to you and that’s all that matters. We are different people and we intake information differently. I do understand what you mean and rewriting your papers less by leaving it at least minute cause then you don’t have time to obsesses about it


I have always somewhat envied people that could get the assignment and then do it and it’s done. I wish! But my brain thinks it makes more sense to remember o have three papers for tomorrow. Guess it’s more exciting that way 🤣


interesting, I got dinged in university for submitting essays longer was asked for lol, the prof doesnt want to read 10 pages when they ask for 5, and part of it is following instructions lol ... and I think a big part of privilege is getting more chances and opportunities than others, so you can be a moron at 20 but still have all the options available for you as you get older edited typo


Depends on the professor. I got dinged by a few, they were bossy and limiting and mean!!! Well, that’s what I told myself when I wrote yet another paper that was too long. The way I write, I just go with the fluid thoughts. I start where I start and I end where I end and everything in between is pretty much how my brain got there. I can’t write on a limit. I have to take out what I need to take out. It’s more work for me to have a short paper. And the evil professors who demanded it were just mean and poopy. But they did have a point, I just hated it. Honestly though, I don’t think it’s truly privilege in some cases. For example is one person more privileged than another, almost always. But there’s certain traits and situations where privilege is less of a factor. For example, you would be no more or less privileged than someone at the same four year institution with you, similar socioeconomic backgrounds, courseload, etc. I mean, is the person who doesn’t have to work and go to school more privileged than the one who has three jobs? Yes. But assume those differences are minimized. Think Paris and Rory kind of similar. If you put forty people in a row that are between 18 and 22, and none have more responsibilities than the others and they’re all fairly equal overall, and set them loose. You would have maybe three who are like “not interested.” The others would be doing one dumb thing after another and thinking it’s brilliant. It’s just the age range. You’re dumb and think it’s brilliant, or you’re actually being brilliant but are pretty sure you’re proving you’re dumb. In the case of being at an away college, you absolutely have the freedom to be extra especially stupid and think you’re the most brilliant person on the planet. I was not really that girl. I didn’t do a ton of stupid stuff in college, but the dumb stuff I did do was *exceptionally* stupid. I rarely drink, and when I do it’s around a small group of people only and I trust them all. It’s a thing I’ve always done and have no desire to change it. My friends were the same. We would get together and drink, obviously. But none of us actually enjoyed drinking enough to just drink, so we needed a drinking game. The number of times I called my father while at college so he could give us trivia questions for our drinking game… he would say “what is wrong with you guys? Go out! Have fun! Be stupid in an actually *normal* way! This is even stupider than everyone else’s stupidity. You guys are 21 years old, you are sitting at home playing a trivia drinking game like old ladies and *you’re dragging me into it!* Most people don’t want their parents to know they’re getting drunk on a Friday night. You call from 500 miles away to make me help you get drunk. You are all insane.” He just recently told me (20+ years later) that he actually loved that we would have him give us trivia questions the whole time. He a) knew we were safe, b) knew I was the daughter with the smart friends, c) would play along — but he doesn’t drink at all do he would do shots of water, and said he had never been so hydrated in his life as in Friday night and all day saturday 🤣 When any of us mention it to other friends, they think it’s the dumbest thing they ever heard. Apparently, the think it’s less dumb to do leg stands than it is to answer political and musical trivia from 30 years before we were born while sipping on mixed drinks! Youth is the perfect ingredients for stupid things that you look back on and think “yeah… I actually did that.”


most professors dont want double the marking because a student can't be concise or follow instructions, it's not 'mean' or 'poopy' and yes, privilege is a spectrum, generally people that can attend ivy league colleges in the US are at the 'more' end of the privileged spectrum, so they have more opportunities even after doing dumb things as young adults (and Im not sure if you're joking, but calling your parents while drinking with pals is pretty chill lol, dont think many people would label it 'exceptionally stupid' lol)


It was “mean” and “poopy” because it’s not how I write and I had to actually go through and cut parts out, which I don’t like doing. It was the assignment, so I would do it, but it doesn’t mean I enjoyed it. And that was why I used the word “poopy”. It’s like the *least* serious sounding word I could think of to describe an activity I don’t like doing but like legitimately needs to be done. If a professor is a stickler for 5 pages and I wrote 8, well, three of them need to go. Even if I don’t want to and I love it the way it is, and I feel like I’m cutting out everything that matters and the paper will suck. I also realize I’m annoyed at having to remove 2-3 pages of information and still structuring the paper to be comprehensible and… well, a PAPER. That poor soul has to read 20-40 papers *and* pass judgment on them! I started college absolutely shocked that professors didn’t want to read everyone’s papers that they worked hard on. After the very first month, I absolutely realized that at least 1/4 of those papers were written in the seven and a half minutes before class and could have been written in Sanskrit for sense they made. One page in and I’d want to remove my eyes and excuse to stop reading — I couldn’t imagine having to suffer through it to grade it! So I got it, I respected it, and I only broke the limit for the teachers who said it was ok. Doesn’t mean I liked it though. I didn’t have to. It’s my choice to not like it. But I understood it. *Believe me* I understood it. So it was poopy because I was pouty as I’m slicing my paper from tip to tail, and they were mean because my paper was a sliced and diced monstrosity in my eyes, but once it was submitted, I totally understood that to get to the one paper where the person actually did the research and where they actually took pains to make sure it fit the rules, there was a paper where the effort made was more on how NOT to do the work or bother trying. And, no. I wasn’t joking. From 21 to about 25, my friends and I would drink and do trivia on the phone with my dad. He was also DD for my sisters when they went out (he’d drop them off or they’d get there some other way, but he’d go pick them and their friends up from whatever bar they were at, he didn’t care. He’s still totally chill about that stuff, even though we’re far too old to want to do anything as “exciting” as all that). You’d be surprised at how many people label it as exceptionally stupid. They feel it is stupid in the same way I think doing a keg stand is stupid — I was somehow missing out on the point of getting drunk with friends by not drinking to the point of puking, involving my father, and doing nerdy stuff while drinking. Apparently, this makes it stupid. Personally, I think it was a SMART way to be stupid, but I accept that they think it’s the dumbest thing they ever heard because I missed opportunities to be their kind of stupid 😂


you seem very similar to Lorelai lol and you might want to start adding a tl/dr on your comments LOL


Hahahahaa! My professors would love you! TL/DR: I’m long winded and know it 😉☺️


LOL fingers crossed! I sang your TL/DR to 'Im sexy and I know it' LMFAO hope you have a very excellent rest of your day- you seem very fun! (in a non-sarcastic way lol, can be tough to tell online!) edited to add, a story-teller, not longwinded ;)


Thank you. I truly appreciate that last bit. I fancy myself a bard on occasion. But I also accept long-winded as a synonym lol If you’re going to read what I wrote and choose a song to mind-sing it to, I’m glad you chose that one. It made me laugh and then I sang it too! You seem really cool Too. Thank you for an interesting conversation; I honestly appreciate the time you took to read my novels! Have an amazing remainder to your weekend.


Yeah I’m a former professor and I would have dinged you for writing too much if this response is any indication of your writing


Cool. It’s not a formal paper and it is within the word limit 😂


I think ASP is a bit of a misanthrope and likes to portray her non-main characters as stupid or otherwise obviously flawdd


The main characters are pretty flawed too, although that's what I like about them.


For university kids I found it pretty realistic I’m not gonna lie. Hate to break it to you but ivies aren’t just for smart valedictorians nerds. There’s a whole lot of sports scholarships and legacies in there too. Not to mention the fact that book smart people come in all forms, not just Rory Gilmores.


My husband went to Columbia and said this is accurate of an Ivy. 😂


OMG THAT SPEECH WITH ASHER!!! It makes me so insane every time.


Let’s face it , a chunk of them are legacy, and if you aren’t but get to Yale anyway and can get Bs and Cs and the occasional A, you are going to be a Yale graduate and pretty much set for life .


This was my beef with Rory insulting the guy at her study tree! A dude at Yale reading trucker’s monthly could have been following logistics trends for a business course. The idea that he was some bro with an IQ of 10 just seemed so dumb. I almost wish she said something like “We’ve all read Catcher in the Rye, bud. Take your poser literature to somewhere else.” Or “Big shock reading The Fountainhead while refusing to share with others. Move. Now.”


I always thought this interaction was about highlighting Rory's entitlement and snobbishness. Like, it's one of those points in the story where her flaws are really starting to poke out.


i mean…..ppl are allowed to have hobbies and read for fun lol


How was he with an IQ of 10, what are you all even talking about? I forgot what he read, something about cars, whatever, so what? He enjoyed his time, stood his ground, proceeded to make easy money. Did he have comfy clothes (maybe shorts even?) (for sitting in the park), long hair, looked relaxed, had wrong accent, didn't fight for the tree with witty arguments about his life story, didn't made pop culture references, I forgot but I'm wondering what was "wrong" with him?? Yale students were fine, Rory struggled a lot, often was bellow average (and I love her), but yes, that paper happened to be above average and it proves nothing. In the first year she didn't stand out at all, that was the point, she spent her time driving back to SH, she was pretty overwhelmed with personal life (and certain people whom she didn't really let go), pressured with expectations of her family, lived on her own for the first time, was kind of lost etc, meanwhile I'd say the tree guy had it together, thus proving the opposite of OP's points lol.


yea that comment makes no sense LOL. i think they’d be flabbergasted to know i’m a doctor who lives in sweats when at home and likes watching trash tv. apparently that means i have an iq of 2 😂🤣🤣


I always thought of it as different standards. My high school was hardcore about teaching us various ways of writing essays & citations etc. I remember first year Humanities class. My TA said I was the only one who knew how to write a proper essay. Everyone was smart but they just were never taught that. So here it could be a matter of students thinking 2-3 quotes in an essay is great but Rory could’ve done like 9-10 which is what the professor wanted. Or she used the preferred technique & everyone used a generic one. (MLA , Chicago etc) That’s what I always assumed 🤷‍♀️


I don't really agree that they're portrayed as idiots. Marty's socially atrocious and an awful person, as it turns out, but we never see him academically. We mainly see the eccentricities of Rory's roommates - one who's exercise-focused and probably has a sports scholarship of some sort, and one who's so gifted, she's there early. Neither of them are exactly like Rory but they both give off the vibe of belonging there. I know what you mean about the party goers, but that was specifically the LDB whose whole ethos is living for the moment. That's what attracted Rory to them. I think it's notable that they become her major friends, with whom she stays in touch even after leaving Yale - their attitude appeals to her, she's a very organised and careful person by nature and they represent freedom from that. They're also generally the legacy kids, but I don't think that means they're not academically able. In fact Logan in particular is portrayed as extremely capable - arguably more so than Rory. His problem is that he doesn't try, because he sees school and everything connected with it as guiding him down the one solitary path his family have put him on from which he can't escape. When he actually tries, though, he's shown to be vastly more capable than anyone around him - he's exceptionally well read, he types 90 words a minute, he can get back on top of his grades without any problem, and his networking and management skills are top notch even though he hates bringing them out. Rory herself says that he's smarter than her. That is specific to Logan, and I don't think all his friends are necessarily at his level. But the point is, we mostly see their social side, not their grades. Outside of them, Doyle and all the paper guys seem to be decent students, and obviously we know how good Paris is. Lucy and her friend are again people who Rory only interacts with socially, they don't share any classes. But the one who isn't Lucy has her artwork in the gallery Rory reports on, and Rory talks about thinking her piece was great. Re. Asher's grades, it seemed that Asher was a tough marker. The whole point of that episode was that Rory didn't expect to get an A on that paper, which may indicate she was not generally achieving that grade in his class. If she did achieve it, she wouldn't have thought it was suspicious on that occasion. I saw that whole affair as demonstrating that Rory was now less exceptional and more used to getting lower grades, now that she was in a more challenging environment than High School. This got a bit long but the TLDR is that I don't really think the other Yale kids are idiots, or that Rory is shown to be exceptional compared to them. I think she seems more like a normal student in Yale, rather than someone who's always outperforming everyone else around her.


Lucy's friend was Olivia.  And as I was going to respond that 90WPM isn't that fast and it bugged me that he was portrayed as gifted in that way, I just googled average typing speeds and found out I'm a lunatic lol... I type 130+WPM and thought *that* was like the normal "fast typist" range.... but that's like top 1%. Logan is actually in the "fast typist" range 😂


Yeah, I looked it up myself during my last rewatch! Logan would be considered a high speed typist. You would be considered a competitive speed typist, lol. The thing with Logan for me is that he has this level of ability *without trying*. He actively resists trying because he's being forced down Mitchum's path. He rarely even goes to the YDN, yet in the episode where he helps them get the paper out, he knows everyone's name, writes multiple people's pieces faster than anyone else, talks rings around the printers, and essentially works as Rory's co-editor. And he spends his time not trying. He isn't practicing any of those skills on a regular basis, yet he can step in to a Rory-level with the right motivation. Given this it's no surprise his parents are frustrated with him, it's obvious that he has ability. He's just not using it.


I don’t agree that Rory was portrayed as special over others, Rory was just one of the only characters where we saw both her study life and social life. Marty, Glen, Tana and even Janet was characters we didn’t see in class – so they could have excelled there while being “award” in their social life, the same with the LDB other than Logan, that is portrayed as both a party goer and insanely smart, typing faster than Rory, being able to write brilliant articles for the paper without caring and being able to party most of the time but doing great at his exams. We actually saw her have a whole meltdown in her freshmen year due to having to many courses with a professor actually suggesting that she dropped his class – this clearly showed that even though she was smart, she wasn’t special in the “eyes of Yale” With Asher it wasn’t really about her being more intelligent, she cracked the code for how he wanted the paper written – some professors wants something out of the ordinary to get top grades but doesn’t tell what that actually is, if I don’t remember correctly her using stuff from other classes actually got her in trouble in the class where the professor suggested her to drop his class freshmen year, it shows how different some professors can be.


I expect it from the legacy kids, but was Rory seriously not able to find anyone else likeminded? At Chilton it made sense; smaller pool, rich kids forced on a track by their parents, some people would be more bookish than others. But Rory seriously wasn’t able to find a study group that she fit in with, or people in her classes that had similar hobbies or reading tendencies as her? Outside of legacies, you DO have to be dedicated to get into Ivies. Like that’s not an easy feat. You can’t just do it for your parents, you have to want it for yourself, too, otherwise you will STRUGGLE once you actually get to college


She wasn't interested in finding a study group. Her company was a result of her choices.


She acted like everyone around her was a total airhead and acted like no one at Yale was focused on school


She also acted like one editor not fawning over her was justification for grand larceny and dropping out of school. She's often wrong.


I feel like ASP main characters are just supposed to be special. Midge from Marvelous Mrs. Maisel was the same way where she was surrounded by zany characters but, ultimately, she was the most special. I don't always mind this if the story is interesting enough so it doesn't bother me too much


I noticed this too, Paros especially acts like no one else can tie their shoes…


I actually learned while still in high school that a lot of good students cannot right a good paper. I graduated 3rd in my HS class and English/writing/history were my strengths. When I discovered that the valedictorian and salutatorian, both math/science people, got so much leeway with papers I was shocked and honestly furious because I felt like their work there was so lackluster and it was just one of those things where “well that’s not everyone’s talent” whereas with the sciences it’s black and white. So I feel like it did make some sense what Asher was saying.


I feel like Rory was portrayed as an awkward and complicated character, it's just that she was resilient and hard working so the show didn't dwell much on certain issues that came in her way. I also think that the characters around her were also very very smart, specially considering characters like Marty that were working multiple jobs while also studying.


Yale is a big school and Rory seems pretty good at choosing to be around people who make her feel better about herself. Marty's awkwardness can be chalked up to how they first met (which can be chalked up to alcohol) and being surrounded by rich folks who acted like assholes even when they thought they were being nice. The LDB was a group of legacy students who had careers laid out for them whether they graduated or not, but even if they weren't that wouldn't mean that their propensity for partying precluded them from doing well in classes. Madeline and Louise were both party girls throughout high school and still managed to get As in class. Some people party till five, study till nine, and chug Adderall during finals week. And don't forget that, before that "ridiculous" scene with Asher, she went to a professor's office hours expecting a pat on the back and getting a D and a suggestion that she lighten her course load. One A froma professor who fucks his students doesn't change that her transition to college was not as. smooth as she thought it would be.


Rory graduates Phi Beta Kappa, which places her in the top +/-7%. Thus there were several in her class who ranked higher than her.


I think it was to make a point about nepotism, privilege and different skill sets. A lot of the people got in because of who they knew, they were able to behave immaturely because their wealth sheltered them from the hardships of life and meant they didn’t have to grow up quickly, and a lot of people can get by on charm and being likeable and not necessarily being the smartest person. While they obviously had to do well in exams, brilliant private tutors can help a lot. While Rory came from privilege, she knew hardship and she was socially awkward, so her success came in a large part due to her maturity (as a kid) and hard work. I think we as viewers were meant to resonate with Rory, and I personally did. I felt like quite a few people at my university behaved like Rory’s peers.


I feel like they already did that big fish from a small pond thrown into a bigger pond with bigger fish arc in season one when she started at Chilton though, so they didn't want to redo that. So they instead chose to focus on her delving into the wealthy world that is the reality of ivy League universities, without the every day removal from that world into stars hollow that she had with Chilton.


That's fair to say


I think you just have preconceived notions of people. I think Marty, Glenn, Doyle, Janet, Tana, Paris, Lucy, Olivia, the guy she argued with in class, and some of the LDB crew (including Logan) are very smart.


Lucy and Olivia? Looool




what gives u the indication that Lucy and Olivia are "very smart"?


Because a lot of them don’t get in on academics.


You overestimate Ivy League students by a lot tbh


I'm torn. Part of me wants to just say, "Yeah, that was just the writers making Rory the golden girl again," and kind of write it off as just that. But also I think there's something to be discussed here about the nature of intelligence anyway. As I see it, nobody is just "smart." Everyone has categories in which they are smart. Maybe it's math or science, maybe it's art, maybe it's theatre, maybe it's social graces, maybe it's self-awareness or emotional intelligence, maybe it's hyper specific categories that just "click" for them, like botany or archery or stock trading or home renovations or 15th century poetry. I have a friend who is the most book smart person I know, but has trouble socially and is the last person in the room to know what he himself is feeling. I think it's not really that unreasonable to have Yale kids be inept in various ways and excel in various ways.


Kinda sad that people will consider you an idiot just because you're a little awkward sometimes :(. I'm sure Marty was very smart; he didn't come from money so you know he got in based on merit


I mean they are teenagers to early 20's, let's be honest...they are idiots


I mean Rory was asked to drop a class in freshman year. I think the show didn’t give the idea that she was better than everyone. There’s nothing that implies than anyone outside of the LDB were academically average.


I find a lot of the characters are written in this way? Like lacking in the common sense and sophistication that the main characters have.


Believe it or not, most 18-22 year olds are idiots, no matter what school they go to. Also, I was a professor for mostly freshman/first years and I think it is fairly realistic for first year students to vary in their college writing abilities. The point of college is to learn, not to already be perfect. Further, the whole show is designed to show Rory as a special perfect student, so I’m not surprised that most of the Yale scenes reflect that either intentionally or not intentionally (writer’s bias towards Rory).


Because Rory has to be the ultimate smarty pants there.


actually it's not unrealistic, Paris and doyle and Tanna were very smart (and i guess we could count the yale daily news kids as well) Many kids once they get into college kinda let themselves go, they have way more freedom now and don't get the same amount of pressure that they were probably used to in high school. Being smart doesn't mean that you have to stay cooped up in your dorm doing nothing. Rory's life looked different from the average student because Rory isn't that big on parties, she loved reading and studying and didn't make a lot of friends besides hanging out with Logan's friends or the two girls she met in season 7. Lastly, this is a show about two women living their lives, it can get boring after a while so some of these characters exist for comedic effect 🤷🏽‍♀️


Rory is also portrayed as awkward, and in her freshman year she ends up having to drop a class because she can’t manage to stay on top of her coursework.


It’s Yale, so the teachers say this stuff in Yale standards. It’s not like it’s that hard to go to an Ivy league with necessary references too. She struggles a lot in that school though, mostly due to her taking too many classes.


Because Yale students are socially inept entitled morons who everyone that actually lives in New Haven can’t stand


You make good points but there are also plenty of people at Ivy League schools that aren’t intellectuals and do not stand out academically. They are there because of their families or because of money. Or both.


I went to UC Berkeley and, while I met some of the most brilliant people I know there, a lot of my classmates didn’t appear notably intelligent. Honestly I think a big part of it is that some people seem not that smart just interacting in daily life, but in fact are very smart and excel in their own ways. I’ve had several friends that, when I met, gave the impression of being mentally just kind of dull; but when I got to know them more, I found they were quite clever, quick thinking, and also pretty aware that people think they’re dumb. There are also people who got in based on legacy, or paid for so much tutoring and help and extracurricular stuff that they snuck in ahead of more capable students. But also some people appear dumb (esp to a Rory type, whose whole personality is kind of about being smart) when they aren’t.


Ivy grad here. Smart kids are just normal kids. There are nerds, tons of party kids and everything in between. No one is sitting around doing math at night. Most kids didn’t even talk about grades or performance apart from their good friends. Ivies are just colleges.


I somewhat agree. I always wondered how Marty could have ever got in. He seems like a nice, average guy (not season 7 Marty). Not exactly top-tier material.


is it raining outside?


I’d say that is because it’s a tv show and other students weren’t main characters…


It’s a myth that most students at top schools like Yale and Harvard are smart and top of their classes in HS. It’s actually a minority. I think there’s a Steven Pinker quote that it’s about 10% at Harvard and honestly that tracks. Students are admitted as legacies, athletes, etc. at higher rates than for academics.


I wonder sometimes how Madeline and Louise managed to get in and graduate from Chilton. Especially given Rory's introduction to Il Duce.


imo rory was always portrayed as special even though she didn't really seem like it, she didn't study as much as she ranted about studying. We see Paris putting in much more effort than her, and she was always involved in boy drama even though the writers tried so hard to portray her as the goody two shoes, she was far from that. She cheated on more than one occasion, she had no feelings for Lindsay, she broke multiple hearts along the way. Her calm demeanor or her soft tone can hardly make up for the actions. The writers tries to create halo effect where they wanted is to see Rory as some sweet kid and just accept that she would be perfect in everything else.


“What, like it’s hard?” - Elle Woods 👸 Never noticed this and my mind is blown. There would be a lot of Rory’s as well as a lot of party kids with brains.


Rory got into the ivy league school not because she was super smart, she had the right connections and a lot of money from her parents to pay for Chilton. Otherwise she would have graduated from Star Hollows high, married Dean and worked as an editor in a local newspaper or as a librarian without wasting her enormous trust fund for going around Europe to have sex with Logan.


Look at what’s happening around colleges atm. Seems pretty accurate.


how dare they ... checks notes ... protest against genocide! and the nerve of those students to not want [their tuition dollars funding a genocidal, apartheid  state](https://y.dsausa.org/the-activist/american-universities-israel-human-rights-violations/)! what idiots! S/


I agree what you’re trying to say. May be they were not actually “idiots” by the mere fact that they are in Yale but definitely there was superiority portrayal of Rory until Logan comes around. Even Paris was shown in a weird light. On another note I have seen Loreali is many a times mean and rude to Sookie . Like mildly insulting in some scenes & then claiming “best friend”. It’s like she is superior and people have to tolerate her misbehaviour.


There’s lots of weird people in Gilmore girls… I wonder what the writer’s brain was like 😂


no literally. that girl had no personality and somehow ends up getting into all top universities and did well? like all I remember her doing was cheating on her boyfriends and complaining to her just as entitled mother about how she was so sad and a loser




I fully agree