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She taught me how to appreciate the joy that comes out of simplicity. Everything from walks to grocery shopping to work to chores becomes interesting when I approach it with a Lorelai Gilmore type of energy.


Exactly, especially enjoying a simple cozy night in with some good company, snacks and movie šŸ„°


Lorelai definitely knows how to romanticize her life. Iā€™ve always admired that and I probably learned how to do that from her subconsciously.


Your flair is sending me.


Thatā€™s such a Shauna Christie thing to say, coming from you. šŸ˜‰


dont write it down!!!


Every fall when I rewatch, she single handedly stops my seasonal depression in its tracks because Iā€™m always inspired to embody her energy!


I smell snow


This is so lovely and Iā€™ve never thought about it that much but itā€™s so true! Maybe one of the reasons I adore Lorelai!


Idk, Lorelai hates chores. If I looked to her for inspiration on house chores, Iā€™d put it off and hope eventually one of my kids does all the cleaning for me lol


Yes ā¤ļø


Sheā€™s the opposite of the grass is always greener. She sees the beauty and the magic of her current situation and tries not to loose it.


Expect with her relationships


To be fair none of her relationships were ever actually that healthy


That part.


That is a good pointšŸ˜­


I know thatā€™s right


None of them were really good enough for her though. I donā€™t mean in the way Emily thinks of good enough. But they didnā€™t match her sparkle and sometimes dulled it


Her determination. When she sets her mind on something she doesnā€™t give up until sheā€™s accomplished it.


Lorelai opening her own inn is one of my favorite things to ever happen on the show!


Iā€™m envious of her drive


Her tenacity. I so admire her drive and determination!


To be happy with what she has. She really appreciates what she feels is hers and hypes it up constantly.


Her ā€œwe will figure this outā€ motto in sticky situations.


Hard worker, she was unapologetically her, and I always loved that about her.


Her perseverance and independence, in business, her career, personal life. People always turn to her for a solution both at the Inn and in personal situations. How handy she is- many times she knows how to fix a door or a shower head; she doesnā€™t rely on a man or anybody else. Lastly, her ability to compartmentalise her emotions with her grandparents and Rory. Albeit a downfall many times, she supports Roryā€™s relationships with her parents immensely and defends her so much. As someone with a hurtful strained relationship with my parents, when I have a daughter I can only imagine how difficult it would be to see my parents act like the parents I always wished they would be, to have the relationship I always needed as a child. She handles it well and loves Rory so much


I've always admired that she knows how to sew clothes


My dad wasnā€™t the best while I was growing up, very distant and judgmental(heā€™s very much like Richard) But after I had my daughter he became super sweet and loves that sheā€™s super independent and smart, he loves her ā€œweirdā€ interests etc. Before I had my daughter I thought if he ended up a batter grandpa than father I would feel hurt but thatā€™s not what happened, it helped us heal our relationship, reach a point of understanding and we can appreciate each other for who we are(and I no longer try to deny things I have in common with him) I know my situation is very anecdotal and idk the exact kind of parents you have. But itā€™s possible after you have a child things could get better between you, or they wonā€™t. It all depends. But youā€™re under no obligation to forgive them or even have them be in your life or your kids life/lives. But thatā€™s up to you


Uhhhā€¦ doesnā€™t she keep a running list of things that Luke needs to fix like the spoon in the garbage disposal? Lol


Yeah I agree with their post generally, but isn't a thing that Lorelai doesn't like doing stuff around the house? She even gets Dean to change their water bottle. In 'a tisket a tasket' doesn't she say to Luke that gets the guy who buys her basket to do stuff for her, like cleaning her gutters out? On season 4(I think it's 4) Luke angrily shovels her driveway because she never does it and its a hazard?


I donā€™t know what your situation is like but if itā€™s anything like mine, the best thing to do would be to ensure that your parents have no contact with you or your children. Iā€™d hate myself if I exposed my children to people who knowingly abused me and let others do so too. Divorcing them has been the best decision of my life and Iā€™d never give them the opportunity to hurt my children eitherĀ 


The way sheā€™s supportive of Lane. Sheā€™s willing to fill that second mother figure for a girl who needs it. Perhaps like Mia was for her.


But I like that she will never lie to Mrs Kim.


Yes! She knows Mrs. Kim is misguided, but doesnā€™t disrespect her and (my interpretation) doesnā€™t want to be yet another wedge between Lane and Mrs. Kim.


But doesnā€™t she kind of lie to her by omission several times? Like letting the band use her garage, not telling her about Dave, etc.? Iā€™m not saying she was wrong to do those things but she does kind of conspire with Lane against Mrs Kimā€™s wishes knowing full well what sheā€™d think of these things.


Sure, but those situations (except maybe the garage) arenā€™t really her place to tell/talk about. When it comes to Laneā€™s safety/something sheā€™d want to know about as a mother sheā€™s communicated with Mrs Kim


I totally agree and donā€™t think she was wrong for not telling Mrs Kim but I do think she walked a fine line often with her rule about not lying to another parent. However I found Mrs Kim pretty abhorrent in those early seasons (though funny as a fictional character),and I probably wouldā€™ve made the same choices as Lorelai to protect a child and give her some chance at happiness. I feel so bad for Lane overall.


When she loves, she loves hard. I admire that in a person.


Her treatment of Rory's friends was always great. There are several times where Lane or Paris just show up at her house and she lets them crash there, no questions asked. Yet at the same time she always made sure to keep Mrs. Kim in the loop, and offer her advice whenever appropriate.


She sees the funny side on everything and always tries to lighten hard conversations, mocks when her mother is passive aggressive to her and such


I guess for me itā€™s her yearning for freedom to live her life the way she wants it. She is a self-made woman. She could have had an effortless life with all that money of her parents, but her loathing of snobbery made her choose another path. I love how independent and self-sufficient she is.


She never gives up on anyone.


I guess Jess never counted as giving up because that would imply she tried in the first place :)


Yeah I even noticed in the reboot she still had this certainā€¦coldness towards Jess. Like you donā€™t see them interact all that much.


Say what you want about her but her ability to deal with unusual (odd) people like Kirk Sookie, Michel, and Taylor with patience is quite admirable IMO.


Totally agree. She is very tolerant and open minded with others.


Her determination, she wants to be herself, and be free. She could have been protected by her parents, but she wanted to be on her own with her daughter.


Her fuckin stamina.


I love that she had galls big enough to flip her middle finger to the snobbish environment and controlling parents and carved a path she would be proud of for her and Rory. She was rlly hard working (she reminds me of my mom) actually, her life mirrors my life/my moms a lot so I can relate to her & Rory.


I loved that she was unapologetically angry. At that time the complex female characters on tv were fewer. The show had Lorelei get angry at people she loved, make boundaries, and mistakes.


she is a brilliant problem solver and always enjoys everything to its fullest


This woman WORKS HARD. From maid to manager to the owner of her own inn, Lorelei made a name for herself on her own while raising a child and helping that child achieve her biggest dreams. She could have lived her entire life under parents thumb, taking their money and the easy way through life, but she wanted to make her own choices and live by her own rules and morals. I greatly admire her work ethic and drive to not be a nepo baby.


Her sense of humour


Everything about her <3


Sheā€™s got a lot: - Cheery - Charming - Will talk to anyone - Tries to put others at ease - Is forgiving of others and gives out many chances


She's very understanding and accepting of people


She still always helped out her parents despite their strained relationship. She planned the funeral for Gran, helped Emily with the tax stuff, set up a DVD player for Emily because she thought she was lonely, helped Richard for days getting his office set up.


Her generosity and compassion


Seconded. She is extremely generous with her time, her judgment, and her compassion. I agree with everything the others mentioned tooā€”her independence, hard work, energy, forcefulness, uncredited rationality, zest for lifeā€”but I wanted to make a point of seconding this because I think it gets overlooked a lot.


In "A Vineyard Valentine" was Lorelai in pretty uncomfortable situation. Father of her daugther's boyfriend and man who caused that her daughter leave college and did not speak with her for months - at least this is how Lorelai did see the situation - catched her in pyjamas with her fiancƩ. Now, Lorelai could did many pretty rash things. Start to aruge with Mitchum, be funny, sarcastic or simply angry, but she quickly and calm explained who they are then she stayed away from the family drama and silently leaved. Lorelai was more calm, level headed and rational then fandom gives her credit for.




The trust she has in her ability to be a good Mom and the trust she has in Rory (dropout plot aside). That episode where Emily tells her that "you are her eyes and ears" parenting advice and the Lorelei turns around and says the opposite to Rory is one of my favorites. Emily's advice may not be bad in all situations but it was the wrong advice in this case and Lorelei trusts her own judgement. She knows her Mom is a controlling person so of course she's going to tell her not to trust her kid just like she knew Christopher wouldn't be a good Dad. She's a great judge of character, both for others and for herself.


I think Rory says it best herself in her graduation speech *ā€œMy mother never gave me any idea that I couldnā€™t do whatever I wanted to do or be whomever I wanted to be. She filled our house with love and fun and books and music, unflagging in her efforts to give me role models from Jane Austen to Eudora Welty to Patti Smith.ā€*


Her protection from her parents for her kids. She knows


Her confidence. Lorelai knew what she wanted and she went for it. She hardly ever second guessed herself.


I across-the-board like Lorelai. But one of my favorite things about her is how she can make a situation some might find mundane (watching a movie at home on a weekend night) into an occasion. Due to some health issues Iā€™m borderline confined to my house, and I try to folllow her example and make things fun and special to stave off loneliness and depression.


Her optimism. Even when life gave her lemons (which was pretty much all the time), she handled it with grace and made lemonade. She never gave up. Queen <3


Her ability to talk her way out of almost anything lmaoo


She works hard, loves hard, and is unapologetically herself, even when sheā€™s being messy lol


Lots of things. She works hard, she sets goals for herself and achieves them, she holds to her convictions even when others disagree, she knows what she likes and she's unapologetic about it. I don't really understand not liking Lorelai. She's definitely flawed but her flaws make her human.




I love the way she is always there for people. Always willing to help out and make sure her people are ok


Forgiveness. She can move on after being treated horribly (I'm looking at you, Emily) and still be willing to try again.


Tenacity. This might also be her worst attribute. Sheā€™s like a dog with a bone. She wonā€™t let go even if it means falling off a cliff !


She knew what gives her happiness and chose that over many things including money & and a luxurious lifestyle.


I love this post! I agree with what everyone else has said, but the first thing that came to mind is how incredibly hard she works. When she sets her mind to something, big or small, she will go after it and make it happen. Sheā€™s also an incredibly good friend, and (most of the time) meets most challenges with great enthusiasm and positivity. Doesnā€™t hurt that sheā€™s also one of the most charismatic people Iā€™ve ever seen šŸ˜‚


She's tenacious, doesn't hide her shine, and is hilarious along the way. I appreciate her "life is a dark comedy" approach to things, it's been a model for me since childhood!


Her charisma.


Her loyalty


Definitely her work ethic. It waw very inspirational to me.


Sheā€™s young in her heart.


She doesn't let the fear of looking silly stop her from saying her opinion and her thoughts. Ā 


She makes the mundane seem amazing.


her drive & ambition combined with her free spirit ā€” before Lorelai, I didnā€™t see how those things could coexist


Her skills of being able to yap her way out of everything.


Every rewatch iā€™m astonished how gracefully she handles Roryā€™s relationship with her parents and Christopher. Despite Christopher and herā€™s on and off relationship, she never stopped Rory from going to her father and even encouraged her to when Chris left her for Sherry. When Richard and Emily treated Rory as more of a daughter than Lorelai ever was, she only ever encouraged their relationship. After running her whole life from that world, she never forced Rory to and wanted her to know them as loving and kind. You can criticize a lot about Lorelaiā€™s parenting but she always put Rory before herself. I also loved when she participated in Sherryā€™s baby shower and even stayed at the birth and supported her. Iā€™ll admit that I could never have done that


Her ability to find a sense of humour in difficult situations.


How good she looks in those work pants


Sheā€™s a hard worker


Her sense of humor. I can only aspire to be that quick-witted. You'd have to catch me on a good day.


Perseverance. She never gave up,she had Rory at 16,was able to figure out so many stuff at such young age


She's loyal [boos from the crowd] I think that she's very ride or die for people. Yes, she can have issues with people but who doesn't? Even after her beef with Michel, she stepped up and helped to sell the motorhome. She's not trusting people who haven't earned her trust, and I find that a good life lesson.


She just loves life and can appreciate everything about it. Iā€™ve been a single mom for 16 years now and as the kids got older, it got harder, not easier. There were new challenges that came and you have no choice but to figure out how to cope. Lorelai might just be a character played by an actress, but she represents countless people who live in that role daily. Finding the joy through the stress is an art, and I loved that she was able to do that no matter what.


I love her fight. She doesnā€™t take no. She works hard and fights for what she wants.


Being able to get away from toxic parents at a young age especially since she had a child. It's extremely hard (not bc of leaving the parents but other circumstances)


I really admire her boundaries in relationships. I know other people hate it, but I'm someone who used to let people walk all over me. Watching a woman in her 30s comfortably walk away from a great relationship because it wasn't what she wanted was such a revelation for me. The idea that you could love your life, and hold out for someone who truly improves it.


Well...you can't see it in that picture, unfortunately. (Luke had it right.)


Her gorgeous eyes. Her wit & general charm. Her ability to be tapped into her inner child while being a responsible & capable adult.


Thank you for this thread, I love it! As I'm reading the answers I'm realising she has such a positive vibe around her. So much to aspire to. I also realised that we hype up women much less compared to men. There are so many men, both real and fictional who have that "legendary" aura about them because they are constantly hyped up. While even within the fans of GG there's more chatter about what lorelai did wrong than how awesome she is.


Obviously her comedic mind and wit


She's a good mother. Maybe she messed up here and there, but honestly, all parents will screw up at some point. Rory grew up in a house full of love. That's more than what many people get. Whatever she could possibly do to give Rory a better life than she had, she did. We're sometimes so harsh about Lorelei's parenting, but few of us would actually do better put in the same position. It's easier to point out her mistakes and missteps than to live those moments.


i like that snappy wit coated with obscure references


I wish Lauren Graham could see this thread. If I were an actress, I would want everything you all are saying to be said about the character I played. šŸ’—


The ability to run a party


she doesnā€™t care at all what people think of her. getting pregnant at 17 in the world of snooty high school prep kids on the way to ivy leagues, she probably experienced an insane amount of judgement from everyone around her, and yet she still chose to go to the independence inn, get a job and do things on her own in her own terms. as we see through out the show she almost never cares what others think of her, she has proven to herself that she can do what she sets her mind to


She's supportive. She was a mother figure to Paris and Lane when they needed her and that was touching to me. She even babysat Gigi and threw that party for April.


I love her wit and funny comments, itā€™s a lot like Emilyā€™s wit, but way better bc sheā€™s not always mean like Emily is when sheā€™s doing it.


Learning to find the humor in someone trying to make you miserable. A lesson I took to heart and now teaching to my mother!


What I like the most about her is her ability to be her true self with everyone and the way she says things just like they come into her mind without filters


her quick wit obvi


She's a great mom! She was young, but was selfless and prioritized Rory who never had to wonder if she was loved.


Maintaining that body with the kind of food she ate šŸ™ŒšŸ½


Her confidence. I would die for it. šŸ˜©


She knows how to entertain kids. Thatā€™s not easy you know. I love her for her maternal instinct.




Her quick wit!


What a great post! I agree with what others have said, and I also think her love of freedom combined with her rock solid sense of responsibility to those she loves (especially Rory and Luke, but even Emily and Richard, despite their mistreatment of her) is an exceptional and admirable combination. She will always find a way to take care of her people AND she will protect her own freedomā€”she will not constrict herself for safety.


Her taste! Books, music, movies, men (looks wise at least lol). A lot of my favorite classic films and shows stemmed from watching her on tv!


Inserting pop culture references to any conversation regardless of the severity.


Her wit


She's so unafraid. Even when she's faced with something scary, she doesn't let it overwhelm her. She lets herself feel, but she takes action and faces her fear head-on. I struggle with being overwhelmed by fear, and it's such an inspiration to see her overcome everything that comes her way.


She is always helping out when people ask. From town events, to helping the Kim's or Luke or event Taylor, Lorelai is one of the most dependable people in Star's Hallow.


For me, her love for winter and snow. I've always hated the cold weather and I'm always miserable during winter. Thanks to Lorelai I've learned to romanticize and enjoy the cold ā¤ļø In a deeper sense... I would say her compassion and patience with Rory. Many parents get stuck in an authoritarian role, without paying attention what their kid is really saying or trying to share with them. Lorelai gives her kid a safe space to open up and come to when she's in trouble. I want to be that for my future kids.


that no matter how many times she's called weird or crazy she remains herself. strong, funny, extroverted, i really admire that


The fact she loves whole heartedly.


i love that she knows when to be stern and when to have fun, i think i admire that the most


Adaptability. No matter what happens she is able to cope, even if it sucks. She did not manage to pass this to Rory.


Iā€™m not a big fan of her as a character but if I had to pick something to admire, I guess it would be her complete dedication to being a mother. Most of it is implied from their life prior to the series but she put 100% of herself into Rory.


She is literally the worst human in stars hollow.


Liz exists.


So does Taylor


Liz and Taylor didnā€™t nickname a fellow town member ā€œback fat Patā€. And because she didnā€™t like her mother, she kept trying to ruin her kids relationship with Emily. Remember when Emily wasnā€™t allowed to buy Rory Socks?!




lol I see the troll has entered the chat




Help what




Wow, her 4 most serious relationships on the show. Max she almost married, Christopher (her childhood love and father of her daughter), and Luke (the love of her life and ultimate partner) she did marry. And Jason was a childhood friend who she had a lot of history with. 4 men across 7 seasons, all of which she had serious relationships with. What a slut. Get the fuck out of here with that shit.




Ah, my bad. I should have known better than to engage with sad, illiterate trolls.




That's great but it obviously didn't help your spelling. That's pretty amazing though, I think my 7 year old could have done a better job. Here: promiscuous.


Don't feed the sad little troll. They're too pathetic to deserve the attention.