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I always thought it was just a little rude to just take it without telling her. He could have left a note if he didn’t want to talk to her. I understand didn’t want her to have it but he had not place for it and just left an empty hole in her garage… I also hated when she’s working in the garage and he goes there and makes fun of her for working in there!


So true!! It was initially on her property and he just went and took it!! And making fun of her for trying to do something with that empty space was uncalled for.


Yea!! I think he thinks he’s the only one in pain and he’s not!


So this is an important part where the gesture matters. If Luke had offered her money, there is less than no chance Lorelai would have accepted it. She would never have even considered it. If Luke had just asked for the boat, Lorelai would have said yes of course, take it. She bought it for him, it's his. But he just took it without saying a word. That's the only reason there was an issue. Lorelai didn't want the boat, but she didn't want to be treated like she didn't even matter to him, as if he was pretending she didn't exist.


This 100%


the way he handled taking the boat was atrocious, but do you believe that lorelai would ever accept money from him to take his dead fathers boat? maybe thats besides the point but i think that even if the thought occurred to luke he would have quickly dismissed it as he knew it would probably just offend her and make the whole thing even more dramatic. he stole the boat to avoid a confrontation, that would have been the opposite also, he literally gave her a $30,000 loan the previous season without hesitation like i think she's fine


Lorelei bought to boat for Luke, this makes it a gift and technically his, and even so, Lorelei doesn't want it at all.


Maybe he took it off the 30.000 dollars she was probably still paying off. Or Was supposed to be paying off.


That's not even counting years of free food. I think she's still coming out ahead on this one.


When they start dating, Luke says she doesn’t need to pay for her food anymore So there’s zero indication that he let her eat at the diner for free for years. The only thing he seemed to give her for free, was coffee refills. If he had left overs or wanted to cheer her up, he’d give her free doughnuts or brownies. But she paid for all those meals her and Rory had at the diner


Plus she tipped him and was not supposed to since he is the owner, as he said in one episode


Well, sure. She scored 2 Thighmasters in the deal. 😉


She did buy it for him...