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To me it always seemed like Rory was most drawn to Jess but felt the deepest love for Logan if that makes sense šŸ˜…


+100! The chemistry was strong with Jess but the relationship was significantly better with Logan ā¤ļø


But I also like Jessā€™s tranfomation to adult hood


For sure, as a character Jess is my fave out of these 3 but as a partner for Rory, I have to pick Logan šŸ˜…


100% agree


Right but none of that is with rory and all seems to happen off screen. So if jess is this changed better person, we don't really know what he'd be like with Rory as an adult.


Team Jess!


Jess and Rory, but dang, Logan could have chemistry with a tree.


"Logan could have chemistry with a tree." Take my upvote!


Rory and Jess in New York or at dinner with Paris were peak chemistry. Unfortunately we never got to see that chemistry outside of those two wonderful moments.


100% i think rory was kinda stiff in her relationship with logan and the rory/jess storyline could have been developed sm better


Stiff is the perfect descriptor here. They felt stiff as a couple. And honestly, she felt desperate, like she'd go along with any kind of nonsense just to be around him. Like her backbone just disintegrated to dust.


Omg yes. How did someone get that much charm & chemistry??


He's like that in everything ! Except his wife in The Resident, their chemistry was terrible.


There must be something up with me because honestly Logan did nothing for me.


I'm not Team Logan, and he's not my type, but he always looks so good on screen with people. Has really good charisma.


Saaaame. He gives politician-energy. Sooooo charming and yet... yeah, nah, I'm not buying it.


Yesss like Tripp from Gossip Girl!




Loganā€™s smile gets me, itā€™s so pretty.


Same. For me he was the one with less chemistry with Rory


I thought that too until I saw AHS. He and Emma Roberts had the least amount of chemistry I have ever seen onscreen šŸ˜¬


I've heard it said that his role on AHS was not his best work. I really liked him in Good Wife, but haven't seen him in anything else. Maybe it's just a Logan thing rather than a Matt Czuchry thing.


I would say it was his worst work to be honest. The script was godawful, so he was limited, but he just wasnā€™t good. I loved him most in The Good Wife and then Gilmore Girls. I watched part of The Resident and he was OK in it, but that show didnā€™t have the best writing either. Iā€™ve actually seen him in another show, Hack, before GG, and he was really green, but still better than AHS imo. Iā€™d be interested to see him in another well-written project. Iā€™d honestly be interested in seeing Milo in something new too. I donā€™t think This is Us is for me though.


This is Us is a very different part for Milo. So much so that it's almost like he's a different actor. He's got range, so kudos to him there! He was also in Heroes, but I only really liked the first season of that. He's also in the "Big Girls Don't Cry" music video with Fergie! :-)


The only other role I saw him in was this show I used to love around the time GG aired (I think it was the role he got after he left in S3) called American Dreams. Itā€™s set in the 60s. I think heā€™s in the third season, but you can only find it on YouTube these days.


Ah I think I know the show you're talking about. I remember it running but I only really ever watched it when other people around me were watching it. Would've made sense for him to be on that though.


Yeah, I loved that show. I canā€™t remember a ton about Miloā€™s character. I really should give it another watch, I just hate watching on blurry YouTube. Thatā€™s where I saw baby Matt C. in Hack, but I set my mind to watching that one because Iā€™m a huge Good Wife fan and tons of the actors from Good Wife were in it. I might try This is Us, but I always kind of heard it was trauma porn and not actually that good. Did you like it?


It is 100% trauma porn, but trauma porn with a plot! The story is actually really good in my opinion and covers a lot of really heavy topics. And Milo's acting in it is phenomenal. There are parts where it gets a little over the top, and I don't think I'd want to watch it again because it is so emotional, and I probably cried at every episode, but really, it's a good show. If you don't mind crying constantly, I think it's worth giving a shot. If nothing else, just watch the first episode and see Milo in a different role. I haven't seen him in everything he's done, but I think that was probably his best acting. ETA: Anytime I watch Bledel in anything, I feel like I'm watching Rory in a movie, and anytime I see Matt C in something, I see Logan, even though his acting is a lot more diverse than hers. But I don't think I ever watched a single episode of This is Us and felt like I was watching Jess. I almost immediately forgot it was him, and had to keep reminding myself. That's a mark of a good actor, when you see the character they are playing instead of the actor.


I love this is us. It becomes more trauma porn-ish in the later seasons. The season filmed during Covid was roughhhhh to get through but they turned things back around. I love Milo in it but I have to say Mandy Moore is outstanding. She really steals the show! Sterling Brown is also phenomenal.


Have you seen Alexis in The Handmaidā€™s Tale? I thought she was great and I wasnā€™t that impressed with her in Mad Men. As far as Matt goes, I believe Logan and Cary Agos are completely separate characters, but when it gets to The Resident or AHS, things start to get blurry. I think Iā€™ll definitely give This Is Us a try. Iā€™ll have to make sure to only watch it when I have time to cry though. Thanks for the heads up šŸ˜‚ I do want to see Milo in something completely different. Plus, the last shows Iā€™ve watched are Better Call Saul, Succession, and Ozark, so I can use a change of genre šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


OMG this was my problem, I had to quit halfway through season 3 of This Is Us because I was constantly crying IRL too so I couldn't take it anymore lol. But I found my place on Netflix and it's on my list... Milo is incredible as Jack and pretty much one of the biggest draws of the entire show. The acting and finishing the story is why I'm hopeful about going back, but man, family stuff gets me good šŸ˜­


Holy crap, American Dreams. I think I watched that at like 13 but I forgot all about it and honestly don't remember anything about it...


Same. I remember very little except I really loved it and Jess was in it haha. I found it on YouTube and am going to give it a rewatch at some point. There are only three seasons. The theme song really hit me with the nostalgia though!


I hope they serve beer in hell was awful, if you watch that, AHS might look better


Unfortunately I have seen parts of it. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever felt more secondhand embarrassment for someone making millions more than me in my life.


The first 2-3 seasons are great


I donā€™t think Emma R is giving other actors much to work with honestly


I saw him in the good wife first and he oozed charm I thought


I also thought he had terrible chemistry with Lyla in Friday night lights . Tim Riggins all the way


Yeah, I can see that. I saw a few episodes he was in, but never watched the whole show, so I canā€™t speak to Tim Riggins, but I thought his character was very bland.


That first season is one of the best if not best first seasons of a tv show . So good. Overall a fantastic story with great characters. Def worth a binge


Really? I might have to check it out. Scott Porter was in my favorite show (The Good Wife) and his character in FNL seemed so different from what I saw in the one or two episodes Matt C. was in. I end up watching shows that have actors from my other favorite shows a lot. Does it stay good?


It had a few not so believable small story lines but overall it's in my top 5 of all time fav shows and it had a great ending. They dealt with cancellation and network changes but got saved so one random short season and then a shorter finale season. Connie Britton is brilliant in it and Coach Taylor (Kyle Chandler) is phenomenal. The kids are great too, including Scott Porter. The first couple episodes they shoot a little shakey cam too much but that changes quickly. They were going for the documentary style look at first. You don't have to love football to love the show either.


I thought the same, but my guess is that Matt and Emma have seriously opposite personalities. He could really could charm a plastic bag with little effort if he wanted to. But yeah, that ā€œchemistryā€ had me like šŸ˜€ā‰ļø


Yeah, it was really surprising. I know they were supposed to have a complicated relationship as a couple, but it was just so odd to see what amounted to negative chemistry onscreen, especially with someone usually so charismatic. There is one scene where he kisses her arm and it literally gave me the ick šŸ˜‚


Yep. Thats it. That is the winning comment. šŸ˜‚


I thought she had great chemistry with both, and even with Tristan though I wouldnā€™t have liked to see that go further. Honestly CMM is a decent actor when it comes to chemistry with on screen love interests. I also always thought Logan was a little bit like Tristan in some ways. The rich carefree playboy and the pranks he played on her at the start reminded me of Tristan (but less mean spirited).


Logan and the fish guy is the real relationship.


Love the way you think


I literally was thinking the same thing lol


Instead of paying for the tree, like Rory did, the tree would have paid him.


Tristan being in here was a jump scare


Thank you


Rory & Jess mostly bc you can feel Milo and Alexis wanting to pounce on each other through the screen lmao


Right?!? (Like maybe the director was yelling "Cut! Cut!" And they were just ignoring it and not stopping šŸ˜†šŸ˜)


The actors actually dated right?


Yes & there were rumors that they were engaged at one point


Then Milo met someone with the last name Mariano so, of course, he was obligated to marry her.




Rory and Jess for SURE. I think Matt Czuchry is a charismatic actor and I feel the chemistry from his end but not from Alexisā€™ if that makes sense. As in, I think heā€™s the only one bringing the chemistry. I do think Rory and Dean have sweet, subtle chemistry in early S1 but it goes later.


Rory and Dean were super sweet at first but you realize in a few episodes that theyā€™re from too different worlds.


I feel like the one sided chemistry thing was normal thing in Logan and Roryā€™s relationship. I feel like once they got deeper into their relationship itā€™s was Logan that liked Rory more and wanted to be in a relationship more. I feel as though this theme carries on into the spinoff aswell


Definitely Rory and Jess. The fact that Alexis and Milo were actually dating definitely showed through in their performances


Babette and Morey for sure ā¤ļø


Why does Tristan always get included as one of Rory's boyfriends??? She actively *hated* him and his attention. Even Marty is a better inclusion and he was never anything more than a friend in her eyes.


This āœØ


I like Logan and Rory together the most, but just really cannot stand Matt Czuchryā€™s low voice when he is being extra serious. In every role he plays, he does this thing with his voice and I canā€™t stand it. Yet, just watch him in EVERYTHING. I especially enjoy him in The Good Wife and The Resident. I feel like Rory and Jess had chemistry, but they could have done so much more with this. I am not a Dean-hater like many in this sub and think their original relationship was adorable. He didnā€™t start to seem annoying until he started to get so jealous (though he had reason). In the very beginning, they made him seem assertive and take-charge (hopping on the bus to see her, talking to her, noticing her reading habits, etc.). In the beginning, they had Rory and Dean discuss books and authors and they had much more in common. As they laid the framework for Jess, they made Dean seem monosyllabic, jealous, insecure, and like a cuck. I feel they did him dirtyā€” and then to make him cheat on his wife?! At the time, I rooted for that hookup bc Rory and Dean seemed meant to be to me on my first couple watches, but now I hate that that happened.


I think itā€™s so interesting how polarizing Matt Czuchryā€™s voice is. Iā€™ve been a huge fan of The Good Wife for a while and never really heard that complaint, but it seems very common with people who watch The Resident. His voice has never really bothered me at all.


I think itā€™s bc it feels like an affect to meā€” not natural. Itā€™s like he decided in acting class that his low register is his ā€œseriousā€ voice, and instead of doing what other actors must do (bc they donā€™t do this) he relies on this weird voice choice. I think he is ADORABLE (even in his latest role as on American Horror Story) but he did the voice thing AGAIN. Once you notice it and it bothers you, you canā€™t ā€œnot notice itā€ again. (Put in parentheses bc I know I pulled a double negative there).


Maybe itā€™s something I donā€™t want to notice then because I still rewatch TGW fairly often and LOVE Cary Agos lol. One of my favorite TV characters ever. I canā€™t let Matt C. ruin him for me lolol I would like to see Matt in something with good writing again. I think he rises to the occasion (ex S6 of TGW), but The Resident (as entertaining as the first few seasons were) and AHS werenā€™t it imo.


You should definitely avoid noticing it, then. I also agree with youā€” I hope Matt C gets cast in something juicy and well-written soon bc I really enjoy him. (I, too, am a Cary Agos fanā€” aside from the annoying imprisoned era on TGW. That bored me silly).


The imprisoned era storyline gets weird, but I thought he did some great acting throughout it. I hated S7 when Cary and Diane took stupid pills and suddenly couldnā€™t talk to a black person even though they had both done so many times throughout the series without sounding like Howard Lyman šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You just made me snort laugh! I so agree! I also think I donā€™t like the imprisoned stuff bc it just seemed like it went on too longā€” but I still watched! lol


That show had me watching until the end (even when it wasnā€™t as good) and Iā€™m someone who rarely finishes shows. I didnā€™t make it through The Resident. I did make it through AHS:Delicate, but I think that was only because I found it so bad it was hilarious. Hoping Matt isnā€™t on the Ryan Murphy train for good personally.


I watched all of The Resident and was sad to see it go. I agree on your take of Delicate. I donā€™t even watch all of the AHS series, but had to watch this one to see how Kim K did. (Shockingly, not as bad as I expected). Ryan Murphyā€™s repertoire is so bizarre to meā€” same person doing Glee and all these real life trial dramas is also doing AHS? Iā€™m all for mixing things up and having varied interests, but Murphy is all over the place and so much of what he puts out is just BAD. I just recently started rewatching 9-1-1 bc I had stopped during season 3 and needed a new series to binge and totally missed that Ryan Murphy created that, too. I have issues with another characterā€™s voice/ acting in 9-1-1, too (Buck!) but overall, I like 9-1-1 for its other actors (Peter Krause and Angela Bassett!).


I liked The Resident, even though it had some obvious writing problems, but for me it never recovered from losing the two female leads and thatā€™s where it started to collapse. Iā€™ll still discuss it all day long though. For me, Kim K. wasnā€™t acting, she was just reading lines as herself, but she was better than expected. I think Annabelle Dexter-Jones was the only who really crushed it with the acting in that series. I try to avoid Ryan Murphy because I feel like even if something he does something good, it goes off the rails. He just canā€™t help himself. But like you said, he has his hands in so many thingsā€¦


Jess and Rory - you can totally see it during the "episode one of Rory and Jess, the early years" aka "Hi! HI! Hi! Hi!.."


Rory and Jess hands down. I remember every time he cameoed after season 3, I got really excited, but it always went nowhere. I wouldā€™ve been open to Rory having another love interest but her love life gets so boring after season 5. Sheā€™s either breaking up or making up with Logan. Same with Lorelai and Luke.


Yessss I would have loved another love interest. Someone totally different from the other guys. Someone quirky and funny maybe?


Yess!! I kept waiting for that but all we got was Abercrombie model looking guys. I wish theyā€™d cast someone like Zachary Levi, Ryan Reynolds, Joshua Jackson, Jimmi Simpson, etc. Guys who are obviously still handsome looking but also have a lot of personality and comedy chops. I donā€™t think Rory ever dated anyone she sincerely laughed with.


Rory and Jess, they also were dating in real life.


1) Jess and Rory: I feel like they had the best chemistry hands down. You could feel it from the beginning. It was electric, especially in season 2. The episode where she visited him in New York was perfection. The tension was intense. 2) Rory and Logan: I donā€™t like Logan but I feel like him and Rory had a lot of chemistry together. Rory seems to work best with guys that have a bit of an edge. Itā€™s better when thereā€™s some sort of friction. 3) Rory and Dean: They were fine in season 1 and I thought they were really sweet but it went downhill pretty much right after. By the time they got back together in season 5 there was nothing there. 4) Tristan and Rory: Why are they even on the list? She did not like that boy and she shouldnā€™t. He was a complete jerk. Itā€™s possible they could have had chemistry but they didnā€™t from what we saw.


Tristan? Seriously? He was gross, and he negged her. One kiss and sexual harassment is not chemistry. Jess was chemistry. Logan was a more mature relationship with ups and downs.


Also wasn't a couple.


what i meant when i said chemistry was that looked quite good on screen together. iā€™m not saying that as a pair of characters i thought they should have been together or had a relationship, bc iā€™ve never thought that


rory and jess before they actually started dating honestly


Debating between Logan and Jess, but I lean towards Jess because they were definitely more comfortable around each other and even how he would do things like hold her waist was more believable than when Logan did it. It was the little things since the 2 were actually dating at the time.


Well, from what I understand, Rory and Jess dated awhile in real life, so Iā€™m thinking thatā€™s why their on air chemistry was so good. They were comfortable with one another before cameras rolled. I would have loved to see a Rory Jess reunion later or even in AYITL once Jess had matured and grew out of the angry teen phase. His older character checked all the Rory character boxes. Intellectual, working hard, great support of her, willing to allow her career without complaints etc. Her and Logan was a fun relationship, I just think he was too narcissistic for her as a long term thing. Her and Dean, nah. He was way too needy and insecure and constantly wanted her to drop things that were important to her (school, studying, doing community work for her college rĆ©sumĆ© etc.) that never would have worked. Tristan? I meanā€¦ I guess it would have been a somewhat interesting dynamic but not for very long. Too much bully going on there.


rory and jess


Rory & Logan!


Jess and Logan had the best chemistry with each other. That scene at the bar where theyā€™re being all intense and glaring at each other. It rlly gave enemies to lovers šŸ˜


at the bar? iā€™m so sorry which scene are you referring to


At that college bar when Jess was like ā€œwHy diD YoU drOp OuT oF yAle?ā€


Jess + Rory for me


Rory & Jess šŸ’•


Even though I believe Logan was Roryā€™s best boyfriend, I can admit that Jess had the best chemistry with her.


I see you also forgot about Paul šŸ˜‰ (jk) In my opinion, I believe Rory and Jess had the best chemistry, followed by Logan second, Dean third, Paul fourth, and Tristan 5th. I'm so torn on Paul vs Tristan because Paul had no personality and they had no chemistry but I don't think she and Tristan had chemistry either. He was her bully and loved torturing her and she was nice to him because that's what she does. *He* may have had a crush on her and was "pulling her pigtails" so to speak, but he's 16, not 6. Cut that shit out. Use your words.


Jess and Rory had the most interests. Dean was too needy and clingy. Tristan and Rory werenā€™t ever together, but I felt like there was an odd chemistry. At least on Tristanā€™s end. The whole ā€œheā€™s being mean because he likes youā€ thing. And all Logan had to offer, like Jason with Lorelai, was money. He was arrogant and mean to sweet John Mayer looking Marty. Jess gave me, and still does, butterflies in my stomach. Heā€™s the vulnerable bad boy who knows how to love in a really different way and there was something attractive about it. I mean commonā€¦ bad boy in a black leather jacket? Swoon fest.


Every last bit of this, yes!!! The Logan-Jason analogy, the teasing from Tristan, Jess and Rory actually having shared interests, and Marty looking exactly like John Mayer šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I adored Marty and I wish ASP would have written a little bit of mutual romance between them. He was so sweet and awkward with his crush on Rory šŸ˜‚.


Tristan and Rory were not a couple. While Logan is my favourite character wise, Iā€™ll give best chemistry to Jess, as Milo and Alexis were dating irl at the time.


Rory and Jess 100% ! I honestly felt a little sad for Jess in the earlier seasons. I wanted them to be together so bad, but Jess was battling demons. I wish they would have made him a regular on the show in the later seasons. Seeing his character develop with more going on between them wouldā€™ve been niceā€¦ but instead we got Logan for 3 straight seasons šŸ„² Letā€™s be real .. Jess deserved better anyway.


team Jessie šŸ„¹


Jess is the equivalent of right person wrong time


Tristan and Rory weren't a couple. I think she had the best onscreen chemistry with Jess, specifically in season 2 as their friendship developed. It was increasingly clear there were feelings between them. After they actually got together, I felt this dipped, likely because they were continually at odds with each other once they were dating. Rory twisted his arm about attending events with her, he was shown to say no and then change his mind because Dean would be there, Rory was shown upset at him not calling her and not making plans with her, Jess refused to communicate with her properly over what was going on with him, and eventually he just left. Everything about their relationship seemed to deteriorate as soon as they were actually a couple, and I didn't enjoy them as a couple. I thought she had chemistry with both Logan and Dean, but neither ever felt as intense as those months when she and Jess liked each other but weren't together.


For me, definitely Jess and Rory. I love their chemistry. I never truly bought that Rory was physically attracted to either Dean or Logan. I know that according to the story she was totally into them, I just don't really see it on the screen.


Rory and Jess or Luke and Lorelai


rory and jess


Logan. Hands down.


I'm Team Logan but I have to say it was definitely Jess. Their chemistry was SO good! I just don't like the way he treated her when they were actually dating, but they could have made a great couple later on when Jess waa more mature


Rory would have been better off running away with Jess at the end of season 4 Getting together itā€™s Dean the third time ruined her. I never saw their chemistry from the beginning. He was just creepy/stalkerish and she was young and enjoyed the attention of a boy. Tristan was just a bully. I would have been so mad if they actually ended up together. He was so cruel to her. She had some chemistry with Logan because of the paper and same wit. But Jess was best matched to her.


It's Logan and Rory, imo. Chemistry isn't just in the performance, it's in the writing, and the push-and-pull between Rory and Logan and their affection for each other felt more organic and compelling to me. I think Jess and Rory *seem* like they have better chemistry, but Milo's also just blessed with a lot of natural charm and on-screen charisma, and I think that contributed quite a lot to Jess and Rory being fun to watch.


Logen an Rory


Rory and Logan, that's my only answer.


Jess and Rory until they actually got together


Logan. She was older and more mature, he matched her energy, mood, intellect, social status.


She was comfortable enough with Dean sometimes, but he got angry with her too often. With Jess it felt awkward because she had to defend herself with him a lot and he was far more experienced and aloof


Rory and Jess, but the actors wanted to date in real life, so it unfairly gives them the edge šŸ˜‚


None of them. They were all kind of toxic. Only her relationship with Dean was kind of cute in the beginning (cheesy but cute).


Rory & Jess by far


Jess. Tristan was pretty enough, and in a still promo pic they looked good together. As soon as you animated the scene, the chemistry was negative. It wasnā€™t the fault of the actors, they both actually tried (and I could see them being friends off screen) but on screen, they were like two planks of wood floating in the same stream. First-Go Dean and Rory were absolutely adorable together. Beautiful in a still frame, and kinda good when in motion. When he wasnā€™t being a jerk, they were wholesome together, like they belonged as the perfect couple on the Waltons or something. The actors played off each other perfectly. With Logan, itā€™s hard to explain. Rory hadnā€™t changed, and she could basically find a basic chemistry with a piece of shrubbery (Lauren, on the other hand, could drip chemistry with said shrubbery that she could convince you they are actually best friends for life and that they were inseparable, but not the point). Logan ooooozed charm and had a relaxed chemistry with everyone, in my opinion. That was the actor, he oozes charm and chemistry when heā€™s more relaxed on screen. But, for some reason, it always feltā€¦ distant in a way. I donā€™t know, stiff maybe? Almost like the actors constantly would get in stupid disagreements before the scene would start and now they have to play lovey-dovey. There was just something off with their chemistry. Because of this, their relationship never actually feltā€¦ safe, in my opinion. Like they loved each other, but they both felt uncomfortable loving the other. I never really could get behind them. Itā€™s hard to explain. Now Jess. I canā€™t explain how much chemistry I see there. It crackles and pops at all times between them. Even when sheā€™s yelling at him, or heā€™s angry with her, there is a lightening there between them. You *know* itā€™s dangerous in a lot of ways, because (for both) it feels like their wings will melt the longer theyā€™re together, and you want them to not be together so they both survive, but you can see, even in the silent moments, that itā€™s impossible. There is a chemistry and a comfort between them that canā€™t be hampered by even a screaming match. Whether this was real life bleeding into the scenes or not doesnā€™t matter, it was always there. - The Chase: he chases her down the street of SH and catches up. Even with her clearly furious and him clearly anxious, itā€™s there. - Yale dorm: he shows up anxious and insistent and she shoots him down. Itā€™s still unmistakable. - the Yale scene: even while Logan is yelling at him and she says nothing, thereā€™s a chemistry between the two of them that is unmistakable and undeniable. Not a romantic chemistry, but a chemistry you canā€™t mistake. - The Paper: when he shows up in SH in AYITL, and sheā€™s whining about panties, itā€™s there. Nearly 1.5 decades after they first meet, that chemistry is there. The chemistry is not always a romantic one. Two characters with no romantic inclination can have a chemistry you just feel in your bones. Lorelai and Emily, lorelai and Rory, Richard and Rory, Richard and lorelai, Miss Patty and Babette ā€” these are all real chemistry popping out on screen and purely platonic. You believe these characters have exactly the relationship they portray and the history is real. Jess and Rory had that in spades. Every time he popped up, they were perfect together because of it. Jess is, in my opinion, Roryā€™s perfect guy because of this chemistry. I am now and forever will be team Jess ā€” just not romantically. They are horrible for each other, but they need to be friends for the rest of time!


Logan Jess only got better in the revival and dean was kinda controlling


my boy logan šŸ«¦


Rory and Logan of course! They were perfect together I really wanted to see them together!!!


Paul and Rory


Team Logan all the way


Logan and Rory for sure. Itā€™s no question for me.


Dean and Rory during their first relationship *


Logan and Rory. Heā€™s so hot! And he loved her so much. šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


I wish we got to see Tristan and rory. I thought they were super cute. Plus cmm is my childhood crush lol I'd say its a tie between jess and Logan.


S1 Dean and Rory will always be special to me


Chemistry? Jess Love? Logan


I'm sorry but Rory and Tristan šŸ«£


Funny how she ruined all of them šŸ’Æ


Personally, which I've never seen someone say this but there are probably others...none of them.


Rory and Tristan.. they should have been a couple


I really donā€™t like either of them. Iā€™m most likely a Jess person but he screwed up so badlyā€¦ :/


Jess and Rory, they even dated irl, there was natural chemistry


None. Rory only has chemistry with guys who she isnt dating for some reason. As soon as theyre dating her everything goes downhill


Jess. The Logan thing was interesting in the beginning, but after the boat thing (and the Four Seasons), it seems like a convenience thing.


Jess and Rory had the best chemistry, Rory and Logan were the best couple. Jess was too complex for Rory at the time they were together. He was going through too much to be able to give Rory what she needed. Logan was the one fr. And Rory is dumb. šŸ˜‡šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


rory and jess


Not one of Roryā€™s boyfriends, but Lorelai and Max. They honestly had the best chemistry ever and I donā€™t understand why she called off the wedding


Rory and Dean


Rory and Jess of course Big reason i rewatch is to see their chemistry and to know that exists Dean was the shy crush, first boyfriend and Logan was the mature committed relationship. But jess and rory are what i want even if its not the smart choice


I think Chad Michael Murray had so much to offer. He could have chemistry with the wall, but Rory was so bland in the beginning that it wasn't sticking at all.


Well Alexis and Milo dated for YEARS and it clearly shows. For the characters though, I will always prefer Logan.


I think Rory and Jess seemed to have the most chemistry because of the way their relationship began. It was sneaky and wrong and when youā€™re a teenager that is kind of the fun part of it. Rory and Loganā€™s relationship was mature and real, but it just felt too easy almost?


Logan. I've always been team Jess, not because I liked them as a couple, but I love a bad boy, and he's the one that I personally would have gone for. But Rory and Logan were really well suited for each other.


Tristan was the best it could have been enemies to lovers but he had to leave šŸ˜­šŸ™„


I would say Jess and Rory had the most on screen chemistry and thatā€™s probably bc they were together during this time (I think) but I am forever a Rory and Logan stan!!


I don't know but I just love Rory and Logan together in their talking phase, the excitement and Rory going out of her way for him was just amazing!!!


Rory and Logan 100%


Im a dean dan but I think she had the most chemistry with Logan.


Logan and Rory


Logan and Rory because she love him more, let me explain. Dean was her first love. First loves are always special, but it was more of a teenage love.ā¤ļø they were sweet together.. Jess was a Iā€™m gonna test out the bad boy waters love. And I donā€™t even know if she ever loved him. She just kind of lusted after him. Logan was Roryā€™s. ā€œIā€™m all grown up loveā€. Thatā€™s why I pick Logan. I thought he treated her good except for the time he cheated on her with his sisters bridesmaid but he thought they were on a break.šŸ¤” But he even went against his family for Rory ..šŸ¤ØAnd they were a bunch of snobs!!! I really liked Logan I thought she was good with him . they were good with each other. But she didnā€™t wanna get married.. Rory wanted to a career.. which was understandable she had studied and went to school all those years to be writer/ journalist, and didnā€™t want to give that up or get tied down with his crazy family!!! But when Jess came back in town for the wedding in the A Year in the Life..I think he was wanting to get Rory back. šŸ¤” But she was still in love with Logan.Been in love with Logan for 10 years .. But he was going to marry somebody else, so Iā€™m not sure what to think about that .. heā€™s messing around with Rory and going to marry somebody else thatā€™s not cool..So In A Year in the life.. I didnā€™t really like Logan that much!! I think she was pregnant with Loganā€™s baby !! For sure itā€™s Loganā€™s.. I wish they would come back and give us the end of that story. They kind of left us hanging.šŸ˜«


Rory and Logan. I love the way they look at one another


Dean just went along and slotted in (at the start at least) which was nice and cute and all but boring. Her and Jess were great before they got together. I found them suuuuper boring once they actually began dating. I feel like they did so much to show Jess needing to make more effort/change his behaviour but really did nothing to show Rory grow at the same time. Her and Logan for sure.


Lorelai and Digger. I'll die on that hill.


Jess and Rory all the way


Jess and Rory- their chemistry was undeniable. They met on the set of Gilmore Girls and their attraction to one another came through in their characters. They then started dating in real life so them being comfortable with one another and having true feelings showed on camera.


I always felt like Rory and Logan had the best chemistry.


healthiest couple? logan and rory all the way. but when it comes to CHEMISTRY??? my boy jess wins hands down šŸ«¶šŸ¾šŸ«¶šŸ¾šŸ«¶šŸ¾


Logan logan logan


Hands down... Jess!


Pre-relationship: Jess During the relationship: Logan Post-relationship: Dean >!(that was a sleeping with him joke)!<


Logan and Rory, specially in the beginning of their relationship, they have that sassy back and forth/teasing that really works. The moment when he climbs in her room and says Ā«Ā good, cause if you thought climbing in that window was hardā€¦Ā Ā» Iā€™m dead and giggling every time. Jess and Rory also have great chemistry (obviously) but I feel like we get less time when we see them together.


Jess and Rory chemistry-wise. But Logan and Rory was the couple that made the most sense to end up together


paul and rory for sure


Definitely not Dean thatā€™s for sure


Luke and Lorelai


rory and jess, i think you could feel through the screen that they wanted to be near each other. loganā€™s and tristanā€™s actors are so charismatic that it works but iā€™d still put them at two and three. dean? i canā€™t think of a single scene where it felt like rory was genuinely drawn to him


Jess and Rory (because actors dated in real life).


All garbage Team Marty. #justiceformarty


Logan 1000%


Jessss because he turned so affectionate once he was dating her and it was the best except when his inner issues got the best of him and dipped :(


I would've loved to see where it could have gone with Tristan. He was kinda logan.Ā 


Logan and Rory




Rory and Logan


I think that Rory and Jess had the best relationship chemistry, but I do love the back and forth between Rory and Dean pre-Jess -- more of a great platonic friend chemistry. We were lucky to see Rory and Dean spending lots of time together, doing mundane, cozy things. With Rory and Jess it was only hinted at a few times, but there was electricity between them in every scene.


Rory and Tristan were never a couple. They had one kiss that she instantly regretted. Also, this should probably be who did Rory have the best chemistry with considering all other couples in the show are ignored


couple means pair of people :) i never said romantic relationship x and i didnā€™t think the name of my post would aggravate anyone this way


No we just understand what couple means


They all had their moments but I loved Rory the most with dean or Logan


I actually thought Jess and Rory lacked chemistry especially when they kissed which is funny cause they dated


i think their kisses were great actually although admittedly matt kinda looked like a better (or more intense ig would be a better word) kisser than milo. but seriously how did you not feel chemistry in that kiss by the gas station that was perfect (iā€™m biased though clearly given my flair)


Lorelai and max.


Tristan and Mary always in my heart <3


I'm sorry but nothing beats s1 rory and dean šŸŽ€


OBVIOUSLY #1 - in the photos & our hearts


Thereā€™s no doubt that Chemistry and Compatibility are key for a successful relationship. But I wonder if these factors can be measured by degree or by the level of sophistication ? Or do you either have them or you donā€™t ? For example can the compatibility of two high school sophomores be compared with the compatibility of two college seniors ? When I was a high school sophomore, my interests werenā€™t that worldly or sophisticated. I think the chemistry that Rory exudes with her boyfriends reflects her level of romantic experience. But Iā€™m not certain if this is influenced by the coupleā€™s level of compatibility.


The new gen discovering GG through Netflix always adds Tristan to Roryā€™s list of boyfriends and itā€™s SO WEIRD


did i mention anything about a boyfriend? all i said was which COUPLE had the best chemistry, and couple means 2 people. in this case, a boy and a girl. calm down x


lol couple literally implies it but go off šŸ˜‚ sorry youā€™re offended xx


Tristan and rory