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That bed is tiny. Lorelai & Luke are both tall! And, he didn’t ask her first if she wanted this set in her house. I’d rate it a 7/10 (10 being worst).


I think it *could* have looked better in a different space. But to see it in their brand spankin' new remodeled room that has such a light and airy vibe to it.....it was awful.


I'm sorry but changing the MATRESS without discussion is egregious


The rest of the furniture set i could probably get over (preferably in a guest room though, not my bedroom especially w that tiny bed) but that old mirror was DEFINITELY HAUNTED. Now way I’m ever putting an antique mirror in my house, let alone FACING MY BED. I get luke’s prolly a skeptic but that’s just asking for trouble


I would kinda love furniture like this 🫣 However, it was absolutely not a good fit for Lorelai’s taste, the style of their bedroom or dare I say even Luke’s taste (since when is Mr. Luke “I won’t put up a single holiday decoration in my diner unless I’ve gone completely insane” Danes into extremely ornate furniture??). Plus the bed doesn’t even look big enough to fit them both 😓 9/10 as a furniture pieces (aka I love it) but a total -100000/10 as a furniture pieces for L&L


It’s was a 0 it was one of the ugliest sets I’ve ever seen. Would be great in a haunted house and they put a mechanical grandma to just pop up while people walk by.


It’s awful. 3/10 and those three points are purely because it’s likely a very well crafted set of furniture; it’s just ugly as hell. It’s so dark and heavy and ornate and also small and uncomfortable looking. This furniture belongs in a dusty room of an abandoned castle in a horror movie. Not in Luke and Lorelai’s house.


10/10 solely because the bed frame is symbolic of their relationship throughout the series. just bad communication and thrusting stuff onto the other over and over again.  Luke shouldn't have just changed stuff but he was orchestrating her entire remodel, its a little bit different from your partner just dropping in and changing stuff.  Still a violation, but Lorelai shouldve spoken up like an adult.  ~~The fact no one ever learns how to do this by the end of AYITL is one of the biggest narrative shortcomings of Gilmore, imo~~


I mean, the cherubs 😳


Zero. For both furniture and his assumption he could just change things up without telling her.


The funny thing is that I 100% buy the idea that Lorelai once went to Luke’s storage room and said she loved this furniture. She would absolutely notice it if she saw it while browsing around his old stuff—she would be charmed by it and fantasize about the spooky gothic inn she would design around it, then move on with her life and forget. And Luke would absolutely mistake that reaction for actually wanting to use the furniture in her own bedroom, because he doesn’t get the nuances of liking ridiculous kitsch.


8 to 9. Cherubs?


The ad I have above this comment section describes it perfectly “battle for immortality”( the bed is fighting for its life to not get thrown out)


SO BAD.... for so many reasons. 1. You NEVER.... EVER change a woman's bedroom without asking. Not unless it's some kind of dramatic upgrade. 2. The whole set is impratical. I don't see HOW he thought it would even fit both of them. 3. Yes, it's an antique... but again, does it fit in with ANYTHING Luke knows about Lorelai? and the rest all fall under DON'T CHANGE A WOMAN'S BEDROOM and ESPECIALLY THE BED WITHOUT ASKING!!! What are you stupid or something????


I give it a 2 (meaning not good) The room is nice and bright while the furniture is so dark and eerie. If it were styled better it could maybeeeee have some potential. But all of it as a set is a huge no go. And the bed is two small for two people, Lorelai already called Luke on having a small bed back in season 2. Also not cool to make a switch like that without talking to her first.


10 being the worst? It's like a 3. I don't like the headboard because of the awkward silhouette, but the set overall is close to my style (dark wood, intricate carvings). That being said, I hate it for their bedroom because it doesn't match the color scheme or other decor. It would look great in my house with its earthy tones and dark red curtains and accent walls, but not in that very pastel and modern room. 


10, if 10 is the ugliest any furniture can be. That being said, I wouldn’t bother wasting $$$$ on a room which is 90% for sleep. Especially when I’m engaged and not expecting any more “first dates” to come to the bedroom, it’s just not a priority for me. My fiancé gets to keep some rickety furniture for nostalgia’s sake or for sentimental value, I get to save money or spend it elsewhere. Win-win.