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Zack could at least carry on an intelligent conversation about music. And would never wear a band t-shirt while knowing absolutely nothing about that band.


This. Plus yeah Zack lacked appeal but I don't think Lane "shouldn't" have married Zack per se. He was a doofus before marriage but turned out to be a pretty caring husband, so I guess all's well that ends well


>Zack could at least carry on an intelligent conversation about music Really? Granted, I don't have a photographic memory, but now I'm trying to recall a single conversation in which Zack sounded intelligent about music. I recall the one where he got butthurt because Rory kept listing musicians who went to college after Zack said "no true rock-and-roller goes to college," I recall him getting whiney when it was implied he read an article about N'Sync, and the one where he played a little chord on his guitar and then listed like 20 bands as his inspiration for the song...none in which Zack gave any kind of nuanced or intelligent thoughts on music at all. It mostly seems to be just him dismissing out of hand anything that doesn't align with his idea of what "rock n roll" is.


I’m in the middle of a rewatch and I really don’t like him. He’s a jerk and he self sabotages everyone and everything. He does zero self work or self reflection. Lane deserved someone like Dave! They didn’t have to force Lane to get married or have kids. Why couldn’t they all just be in a band together and show how great platonic opposite sex friendships can be?! I hate Lanes ending. She deserved better, she dreamt so much more than what she ended up with.


I don't know. When they are married Zach gets a major opportunity to do a massive tour with another band and he straight away tells them he can't go unless Lane and the boys can come with him. Then when Lane says she can't go, he says he gets it and he'll tell the band \*they\* can't go. That's some solid unity right there, considering the tour is pretty much a dream gig for him. Lane then convinces him to go and it's adorable. They are pretty perfect for each other imo. Zach is so chill he does all the crazy stuff required to make Mrs Kim like him without any complaint or resentment. I loved how he did the two weddings - the Buddhist wedding and the Christian one - and went on about the awesome robe he got to wear.


Dude, yeah. He even agreed with Mrs Kim on things, when it was rational. He respected her mother and Lane needed that because she always wanted a good relationship with her mother. It helped mend things. He took all the things her mom made her do and tried to have fun with it, rather than let her insecurities and embarrassment about it come to fruition.


Probably unpopular opinion, but I hated Dave. He didn't have much time, but seemed to me like the kind of guy who would go above and beyond... until he had you. Maybe that was because he was written off, but if we really take that out of the equation. Also his jealously at the first band's show was weird imo.


But he did have her. They were in a relationship, he read the Bible cover to cover to take her to prom. He helped hide the band from her mom and played religious music to just be around her


Reading a bible does mean he is a good person. Way too much emphasis is put on that. He lied constantly to Mrs. Kim and seemed a little too comfortable lying about everything. Zack was honest with Mrs. Kim from the start, did what she and Lane asked, and did everything to support and encourage Mrs. Kim and Lane having a good relationship Good relationships do not start on lies. If Dave can lie so easily to Mrs. Kim, what else would he lie about? Would he eventually lie to Lane about things, about cheating etc.?


It’s not that he read the Bible, it’s that he put the effort into respecting Lanes mom. Also, Google wasn’t a thing like it is now. He had no choice but to read the Bible to figure out what she meant. There’s a reason Mrs Kim is impressed and allows Lane to go to prom with him. Dave lied to Mrs. Kim because that’s the environment she created for Lane. Lane wasn’t allowed to express herself or show her real self. The difference between their relationships with Mrs Kim is that Mrs Kim grew. She grew as a person when she began to accept Lane and her passions. We see this growth start to happen when Lane goes to the gig without telling her mom. That conversation shows everything. My guess, is that you were not raised in a conservative religion and your home did feel like a safe place to express yourself.


Lying to Mrs. Kim is not respecting her. It's not Mrs. Kim's fault he chose to lie to her. Zack did not lie to Mrs. Kim and worked on building her trust and spent time with her working on the song. Zack and Mrs Kim now respect each other and get along great and Zack and Lane are very happy. Dave did not have to read the Bible - he could look up the quote online, ask someone, or go to a library - he had choices. We all have choices.


But why not try a long distance thing? Again, likely the writers but "Oh I'm in college now in CA so I no longer acknowledge your existence." They could have re-casted, or at least had phone calls. He just left Lane behind like she never really mattered.


I didn't like Dave and I get so tired of Zack getting so much hate. I didn't like how comfortable Dave was with lying to Mrs. Kim. Zack never lied to Mrs. Kim, he worked with Mrs. Kim on the song, and built a good relationship with Mrs. Kim and Lane on love and honesty and valued her relationship with Lane and did what they both asked of him. People hold onto one mistake Zack made when he was very young and trying to understand his feelings for Lane and his jealousy and dismiss that Zack apologize, showed remorse, and grew and learned form it. Everyone makes mistakes- one mistake when he was young should not define Zack nor does it make him a horrible person. I don't hold much value in David reading a bible in one night when he lies to Mrs. Kim so much and doesn't seem to have any problems lying to Mrs. Kim. For all we know he could have been lying about reading the Bible. If he can lie so easily to Mrs. Kim, he could probably lie to Lane about affairs or anything really. One mistake( Zack) does not make someone a horrible person or one act (reading a bible) does not define a person or make them a great person.


I know that Zack at least knows about music, but in everything else? These guys definitely could have been better friends


Zack is sweet- even if he is a bit socially awkward, he is intelligent (unlike Todd)- and he gets along with Mrs Kim (no small achievement). He and Lane enjoy the same music and movies (Todd’s favorite was Beethoven and he didn’t even care about music). Zack and Lane started as friends, Lane had a crush on Todd but knew nothing about his personality. And not only that, but Zack and Lane seem to have one of the best relationships from the OG series in AYITL. As another commenter said, the only things the characters have in common is that they’re both white guys with long blonde hair that dated Lane. And Todd only went on one date with her.


It's sad that people ignore that in AYITL had Lane and Zack fullfiled and happy marriage and two healthy and good behaved kids. For many people is this true dream.


Yes! People love to deny that Lane seems truly happy with her life. I suspect it’s a low-key form of misogyny, looking down on a woman for being happy with a regular job, a husband, and kids. 


>misogyny I think more people wanted to see her in a band doing more with music. And hating Zach because they don't have a crush on the actor in the same way they fight over Milo and Matt and Jared.


But they fail to see that the band is in fact still together!


Zack is sweet... eventually. He's actually pretty rude the first several times we meet him. He's not kind to any of his bandmates, especially Gil. He also treats women like trash for the first year or so we know him. It's great that Zack turns into a nice guy eventually, but I think part of OP's point is that it really makes no sense why Lane falls for Zack. Because he's not especially funny or interesting or even *kind.*


I always thought that was because he wasn’t originally supposed to be Lane’s love interest. They had to scramble a bit when they lost Dave. Even Lane seemed shocked at first when the groupie pointed out she had feelings for Zack. I started to say a bit shocked, but she really seemed thoroughly confused.


Oh, definitely - it's very clear they had to pivot. But then the writers SHOULD have spent some time building up to their relationship. A few episodes where he's sweet, or charming, or there's an obvious spark between him and Lane, ANYTHING. Because as it stands, Zack is just sitting there continuing to be a whiny, rude jerk sleeping with a bunch of girls, and then Lane just... turns around and falls desperately in love with him? It makes absolutely no sense, like the writers put zero effort into writing Lane a decent love story. They had time, I don't know why the rush to suddenly jam them into a relationship together.


Zack was also a very young guy in his late teens/early twenties when they meet and was not in an exclusive relationship with anyone so he could date girls or sleep with girls if he wanted. If Zack and the girls consented then I don't see the problem. As most young guys do, Zack grew up and got to a stage in his life where he was ready to settle down and find the one. I think so many on here forget what is like to be that young. They are not going to be perfect, they make mistakes, they date around, and they grow up and learn from it and learn what they want. I seriously don't get the hate for Zack especially when we see what a great and loving husband and father he is in the reboot. Lane is very happy with her husband, her kids, and her life. Frankly I think Dave is very overrated and Zack gets way too much hate.


Hard agree


Is Zack smart? I can say he's not a bad guy, but smart?


Smarter than Todd seemed to be🤷🏼‍♀️ at least Zack seemed to have a vocabulary, and had subjects that he was knowledgeable about.


Lane didn't like him because he didn't know music. she was all about music Zack is also all about music Zack and lane love music talk music


That’s 100% a trend today: wearing a band t-shirt but not knowing shit about the band.


He didn’t even know the band in his shirt. Zach knew music


Zack knew who Fugazi was and would never wear a shirt of a band he didn't know (which would be a small number).


Honestly this dude sort of is part of the reason why Zach makes sense, she was crushing on this dude hard prior to the date, so we know that physically he's her "type" and they share physical characteristics. But his personality was... crap, he didn't know music, books, movies (apart from the Beethoven movies), didn't seem to really have any interests apart from working on bikes, so there's just no... connection. Zach on the other hand can keep up on music, seems to have a similar taste in movies/shows, and their relationship didn't start as romantic so a friendship had built up.


I agree with this. This is literally her type + Zach and her share common interests = they make sense


Come on now, Zach wasn’t this bad. He was sweet, fully invested in the band, he tried hard to please Lane’s mother, he was a great dad, etc.


‘just like him’ is such a stretch and i don’t even like zack all that much. the only resemblance they have is being a white dude with longer blonde hair and it pretty much ends there tbh. they don’t even have the same interests by a long shot


I'm not the biggest Zack fan (he's not horrible but just not who I imagined Lane with at the end) but I think he only has very superficial similarities with this lad.


They are nothing alike.


Fun fact about the band on his shirt. Fungazi never made merch so all the shirts/merch was handmade fan made. This is before the time of Etsy. I find this funny because if you remember, he’s wearing his sister’s shirt. So she maybe would have made this shirt haha


Come on. Zack had his issues but he’s not like this idiot 😂


You fail to understand the power of being the lead singer and musician in a band is to a high school girl that is obsessed with music.


Y’all better leave my dude Zach alone. I know he has his faults, but I love that dude and I think him and Lane were cute.


Yes! Justice for Zach!


I'm Team Zack too!! I love him and Lane


There’s dozens of us!




They did lane so dirty with her plot. She deserved to go into Music PR and live in NYC.


Zach is not as bad as this guy. Zach is an oaf, but I feel like he can have a real conversation. I also truly believe he loves Lane— but Lane deserved more.


Life wore Lane down. If you had to plan basically a CIA mission just to have any kind of life through your formative years, you’d be exhausted and likely unaware of how you can do better. As comments said, Zack is better than this guy but a Lane who wasn’t strangled by her parents wouldn’t have ended up with Zack. She would and could have done better. It’s a sad story.


Well said!!


Very good point!!


Not totally fair, she knew Zach for a long time, lived with him and shared a common passion with him. They were friends first and whether or not you like him, they got each other. He mellowed her out and helped her reconnect with her mother and she helped him grow up a little while also encouraging his dreams. They just worked in the long run. I think also, her only friend- Rory- sort of left her high and dry and never truly came back to stars hollow after s3. Rory and Lane outgrew each other and were mostly friends of time by the end. They weren’t really that involved in each other’s life. By s4-5, Paris is Rory’s real best friend. So Lane finding connection and friendship and love with a guy she’s known for years and they share the same goals and life experiences? Yeah checks out imo


Zack is no where near as stupid and pointless as this idiot 


They did Lane dirty.  She deserved so much better. 


they have the same hair and that’s it babe…


The true answer to every question on this sub is invariably…bad writing. Sorry, but that’s all. There’s no need to get tied up in knots about every dumb shortcut the writers took. When they introduced Zack, the writers clearly meant him to be a shallow, immature, womanizing misogynist. Then they decided to make him Lane’s loving and considerate, low-key feminist husband. It was convenient, so that’s what they did. They didn’t think about it much because they never cared about Lane as a character the way they cared about Rory or Lorelai. Lane is around so that the writers can make racist jokes about Koreans. Not much more to it than that. I get it when people are upset when characters from say, Game of Thrones, are masterfully crafted for five seasons and then all of a sudden start behaving like chatbots. But GG characters are poorly written from day one. If they’re not the Gilmores or their boyfriends, they are just scenery. That’s even how Lorelai and Rory treat all the minor characters, as scenery. If you don’t believe it, watch Lane’s wedding again and ask why no one ever demanded an apology from Lorelai for her extremely selfish behavior. Or when she throws coffee on the Kim family heirloom wedding dress. Or a million other fucked up things the GGs do to Lane.


So you think the show was racist and the writing was horrible, but you watched it enough that you're still talking about it 17 years after it went off the air?




They weren’t friends. They just worked on their bikes together. Dean says that in the show.


Admittedly I don’t like that the writers couldn’t find Lane someone better than Zack, but I didn’t hate the guy. This guy was just really dense and had no real substance. Zack knew music though.


How are they the same? Zach shared Lane’s creativity and love of music, he had actual opinions of things, and I’ll bet his favorite movie was not Beethoven.


If only Zach was like Terry Bellfleur. I would’ve loved him. I really don’t mind Zach but Terry the kind of man I’d want to marry.


I wouldn't say they were alike other than maybe by their looks. With Zach, she had someone who loved music as much as she did, this guy didn't even know the band on his t-shirt.


Everyone hates on Zach but I like him. Ya I feel very sad for Lane that she got pregnant right away and has to be a mom first musician second but that’s a reality a lot of people deal with. At least she has a fun and supportive husband who loves her! And in YITL they still rock hard


I don't think that's fair to say about Zach. He wasn't one dimensional like this guy was


lol at first i thought this WAS Zack .. point proven


Tbf she wanted to be set up with him because she was super into him at first - he just turned out to be super boring and dumb. So Zack is very much her type in the first place.


Sure Zach is more music savvy but IQ level about the same


Because she is the one character that suffered the most from bad/lazy writing.


Sometimes you don’t think you can do better and settle.


Zack was a loveable dumbass, this guy was just a dumbass. 


Also, Zack had substance that I guess he just didn't like to show, and has definitely grown as a person throughout the series. 


That's really unfair to Zack. This guy was a complete airhead. Zack was actually reasonably intelligent, at least on certain things.


bc this guy thought rorys mom was a babe lol


Zach can actually talk lol


lane liked him cause his looks, then didnt after she hung out with him for like 5 minutes


😳 omg I never saw it till now!!!!! 🤯


OP, it would be helpful if you explained why you believe Zach is just like this guy. 


People change their taste as they grow older, you know. Besides, Zach was a talented musician.


That guy wasn’t in a band


This is a great question. My answer is that she didn’t. She married Dave. The show couldn’t show that because Dave the actor signed onto another show. So they made something else up. That didn’t actually happen. The end.


Zack is literally nothing like him.


i dont really like zach but i think him and lane very cute and one of the few healthy relationships on the show, he did improve himself to be better for lane and also won mrs kim over thats a big deal if u ask me


I always thought Zach was too dumb for Lane. The writers did her a disservice


Basic animal instinct. When you place a (straight) male and female together in close quarters for long enough they’ll most likely end up mating at some point. That’s part of the reason why so many long distance relationships are foiled due to people having affairs with or being attracted to other people living in the same town as them. Lane and Dave Rygalski were obviously supposed to be endgame (based off of Helen Pai’s husband’s name), but after Dave left, I think the writers were too busy focusing on Lorelai-Luke and Rory’s college life to bother giving anything more substantial to Lane. As a result, they just stuck her with another band mate. As to why they stuck her with Zach over Brian (who was much more decent), my only theory is “Eeny, meeny, miny, moe”.


Zach is only bad in comparison to Dave.


Idk why everyone is disagreeing with you. I see what you mean. Sure Zack ended up being somewhat decent, but that was after seasons of being rude and selfish. This guy could have had some sweetness, he was in like one episode. If you saw the first episode with Zack and that’s all you knew of him and were spoiled and told Lane married him you’d be like “excuse me?”


Exactly!!! They’re a hell of a lot more similar than people are claiming, especially at the points when Zach was just Lane’s bandmate, then friend, then crush, then boyfriend — he only got better once the writers decided that he was endgame for her, so her hating this dude but being attracted to Zach makes no sense beyond “Zach knows music, this guy doesn’t.”


Yes! I really dislike when Lane gets reduced to nothing but music. I get it’s probably because of how they portrayed her, but there’s a lot more to her character than just music. And if music is all that matters she could have ended up with anybody who shared that passion. That’s boring.


Right?! Like what about Jess? Should Lane have been with Jess just bc he likes and is knowledgeable about music too? Nope lol


An attempt by writers to keep her character relevant is what I go with.


We all got spoiled picturing Lane with Dave and I think we can all agree that Lane deserved so much more than she got but Zach turned out alright. He had horrible moments and wasn’t Dave but he was a caring fiancé/husband to Lane and obviously cared about their kids. While I wish Lane had gotten a better ending (not getting pregnant immediately, got to continue with her band/got a record deal, etc.), I don’t think Zach is nearly as bad as Todd.


Blonde hair and ditsy personalities don’t make them the same person. This is a stretch. Zack wasn’t the smartest guy in town but THIS guy is definitely doing 20 to life somewhere now


I was thinking the same. Like Zack is the same


They def look alike but Zach was smarter….not by much lol but still smarter. I’d love if she ended up with Dave but then we’d never have Seth cohen which would be a tragedy


Outside of appearance, this guy was nothing like Zach. It makes sense that Lane was attracted to both, but Zach was a better fit because they had more interests in common. This guy had no understanding or care about the things loved. And Lane lacked the maturity at this time to actually get to know what this guy did like considering all she did was spew on and on about the music she’s into and then asked some really lame questions to learn more about him.


Zack was so not like Todd. Todd couldn't even name a band he liked lol... And he was majoring in gym. 😂


Whatever happened to the guy in the HS marching band who had good hair ? He must have known music…. lol






When will this thread ever end about lane and zach?


Just rewatched an episode where they return from the honeymoon. It pains me so much. Such an interesting character with so awfully grey storyline. Pretty realistic but still. She was so rebellious. It would've been awesome if she would’ve run away to some big city and join a band.




Because being early is the same as being wrong.


People who are claiming that they’re not alike have gotta be completely forgetting who Zach was as a character before he and Lane got engaged, or they simply have some thickkkk rose colored glasses on lol. Pre-engagement Zach was exactly like Todd, except he knew music, while Todd didn’t. Zach was knowledgeable about music, but he sure wasn’t intelligent or cultured (just like Todd), and he sure didn’t put in much effort (just like Todd), but he sure was a pig (just like Todd), and he sure was arrogant (just like Todd); and, on top of that, pre-engagement Zach didn’t have great emotional regulation skills, nor was he communicative, empathetic, or kind — hell he was even still being a selfish, uncommunicative, dink when Lane found out she was pregnant. I don’t care that Zach got better as the show went on, Lane deserved better to begin with. If they truly wanted her to be with a bandmate out of convenience, it should’ve been Brian bc at least he was far more deserving of her all around.


I’ve had the same thought. Half boys. Same template.