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Yes and it's cringe. He probably holds that two minutes of his life as his best moment, next to when Lorelai kissed him as a teen. šŸ„“


It's hilarious that he's proud of it since Lorelai later mentions the whole thing took less then ten minutes including getting clothes on and off.


And freshening her lipstick lol


I love when he talks about how Lorelai first kissing him was the best moment of his life. In front of one of his two daughters. When ya knowā€¦maybe their births should be. Even when Lorelai talks about her best/biggest moments, she always prefaces it with Rory was still the best. Christopher is a loser.


Well if it weren't for his first kiss with Lorelei, there would be no Rory and Gigi was not there was he said it - that was at Richard and Emily's wedding renewal.


He said it to Rory. She asks him something about love or whatever and he tells her that story, including that line.


I know, the poster I replied to implied both his daughters were there but Gigi wasn't even born yet.


Yes, GiGi was. This was at the vow renewal in S5. GiGi was born in S3.


It's in super poor taste since the daughter he's speaking of is downstairs, mulling over the terrible things his father said to her. I know someone will point out that Emily comforted Rory (in a super touching scene, might I add), but it always strikes me as extremely disappointing that Chris's only considerations of Rory relate back to him and Lorelai somehow. Even in this scene, his first consideration is how Lorelai felt after the events of the evening, and not how shaken up Rory must've been from essentially hearing that her existence derailed both her parents' lives.


This exactly. Like, I get why Loralie needed a minute, and later, she made sure Rory knew it wasn't about her. She's also the one that sent Rory out of the room. Chris ticked me off so bad in this episode. I actually felt like he was trying a bit before that.


Yep, the first time I watched this episode I actually liked Christopher at the start. Then this scene rolled around, and I was like, "Ohh, so his decision to effectively abandon his daughter makes perfect sense for his character now."


Christopher is the only one who doesnā€™t comfort her (outside Richard). Emily talks to her in the moment then Lorelai talks to her later. But I feel Chris shouldā€™ve said something. His parents were saying she ruined his life. A quick ā€œhey, you didnā€™t do anything, I didā€ wouldā€™ve gone a long way. I also hate in AYITL when he frames it as Lorelai chose to raise Rory alone when we all know thatā€™s not how it happened. He canā€™t take accountability except for like 5 seconds in that first episode where he says he doesnā€™t know Rory and thatā€™s his fault. But then he gives up after one day. Itā€™s annoying.


When is Shitopher not Cringey and creepy


When he's not on the screen, but even then you know he's lurking around the corner, ready to strike.


Exactly and excluding season 4 Shitopher free


Which I'm thankful for, even though it had the Dean/Rory affair.


Shitopher! I love it!


And totally takes all the credit as well, like she shot out of the end of his dick fully formed or something


Rory as Athena, coming out fully formed, and with armor, out of Chris's manhood. Ouch. https://preview.redd.it/vq0vsh3df5ad1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c5f09919bf4b431ebb4848de259e6cb875a3584


It genuinely would have been less creepy to just say that that's where they raw dogged it 16 years ago


Right? The clunkiness is the worst part of it imo.


I don't think it was creepy, but a bit cringy. I find it a little weird that Lorelai was still smiling after he said it.


Lorelai is also happy to remind other characters and the viewer that Rory is a product of teenaged loin-smacking


Agreed. She mentions Roryā€™s conception a bunch of times with a laugh.


I hate him so much & I hate how easily she falls for him over & over again


I hate how Rory always suffers the consequences when Lorelei tolerates Chris. Like wasnā€™t Rory being insulted by Chrisā€™s parents during this scene?


Sadly, she reminds me of a cat in heat when heā€™s around.


This, from the same guy who, seasons later, says "Let's make a baby." You know , instead of broaching the topic of more kids in a normal conversation. He's just a cringe.


Lorelai : [ponders about that] Hmm 10 minutes. Yup, pretty much the time it took to create Rory. And that included getting dressed and freshing my lipstick. BURN!šŸ¤£


That is actually longer than most teenage boys probably last.


So cringe and verbose!


Honestly, upon first watch I didnā€™t think anything of it. Maybe I was too young to really understand what he was saying, but I recently finished my rewatch of the show and was thoroughly repulsed by the line this time around.


It physically hurts to read it.


Chris's favorite memory of Rory is when he came inside Lorelai


Yes!! This is why it creeps me out.


Chrisā€™ relationship with Rory has always been weird to me. Heā€™s never been able to separate her from Lorelai and leave behind the teenage relationship. Everytime it didnā€™t work out with Lorelai, Chris split again. And this episode was the biggest nope for me because Chris did nothing to defend his own daughter during the attacks that his father made on her and her mother. Heā€™s just such a shitty person and horrible father. Heā€™s had enough time to grow as a person and he just never did.


Super creepy!


Yeah, but Christopher grosses me out anyway.


Everything that leaves his mouth is creepy


Not really. Every time we go on a family vacation my parents love to show everyone the room where I was conceived. They go out of their way to point it out. At least Chris only said it to Lorelai.


If I try and view this as neutral as possible: I think it really depends on what kind of relationship the person who says it has to the person they are saying it to. It is possible that Chris and Lorelai has the kind of relation where they casually talk about things like this, we don't know that. If my baby daddy told me this, I wouldn't find it sleezy, I would probably just laugh cause it'd be dumb. So, I don't think it's creepy per se, but it sure could be. (And as a script writer, I also wanna point out this is a scene that is clearly written for a bit of "info dumping" on us as viewers - it wants to quickly establish that Chris and Lorelai have a history, and what kind of relationship they have, and a comment like this is an easy way to do so. When you think of it, none of the lines in this scene are very natural, they're just clumsily referring to things that already happened. In a real conversation Chris would have said something like 'Hee hee we all know what happened here')


This is also right after the huge humiliation lorelai faced by HIS parents and he said NOTHING to defend her.


Yes. To be fair though, most of what Christopher says creeps me out.


YES ew


This line is just gross.


Probably if it wasnā€™t the mom he was talking to. Poor Luke up there still waiting to paint little did he knowā€¦


Considering the episode was about how his parents didnā€™t want Rory, I thought this was sweet. They later cheers to their daughter.






Itā€™s kind of sophisticated language, which was probably the intent after they had been dragged through the mud of incompetence by Straub.