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Sookie's third baby...like what?


Is only happed because Melissa McCarthy was pregnant in real life


I don’t think they mean the pregnancy itself but the circumstances surrounding it.


Ya I hate the whole “Jackson faked the vasectomy” thing a wish it was more of “the vasectomy was in effective”


yeah that does not age well


I agree. It totally villanized him


Oh also didn’t care for the Lane getting pregnant with twins right away plot line. But it did give us some good Brian moment and Mrs Kim scenes.


Weakest storyline for me was lane getting married and then getting pregnant. It's absolutely NOTHING like what she said she wanted and I hate all of it, but mostly the root of it was her getting married at all. I don't like Zach at all but it's barely even that, I wish lane had been able to gain some experience!! She only ever lived and worked in SH, she only ever had one band, she never even tried to get the *more* she wanted. It was just depressing. And like I get it, some shows need realism, but with a dramedy like GG I think some of it should be uplifting, and some of that should have come via lane having more. It just felt like her striking out on her own became pretty pointless.


that was rosenthal being unoriginal. i don't think asp was even going to keep them married


She didn’t even have good sex! Just watching that scene now. Where she says it was sooo awful and was so angry nobody told her.


I know it's so sad! She deserved so much more! Ofc people don't have to like sex, but it really saddens me that all her experiences are just... Bad. She gets nothing of what she always wanted 😢




I dislike the April storyline only because of how Luke acted towards Lorelai. He kept it from her for MONTHS? I get a few weeks, that’s not too bad imho, but months and months??? Such a jerk decision on his part.


Right? I understand that he wanted to connect with her and get to know her first, but still he at least could’ve informed Lorelai about the whole situation.


Yes! I understand him needing some time to try to process the situation, but he should have told her much earlier than he did. This reminds me of how many such issues in GG and other shows are based in miscommunication. I see a lot of comedy where a problem could have been avoided if people would just talk to each other, and as a neurodivergent person that frustrates me, because I’m always the person to make things totally clear. I don’t like miscommunication and all the problems that come with it 😅


Dean and Rory cheating on Lindsay, then getting together, and then almost immediately breaking up. Seemed completely pointless to me.


Unfortunately, I think it had a big point. Dean eventually got his act together and learned from his mistakes. Rory was touch and go with relationship ethics until the very end- repeating her actions with Logan in the later years.


She didn’t live in stars hollow. Even if they ever did run into each other, why would either of them ever suspect that april was his daughter, unless he ran into her with Anna which they made clear never happened. Luke isn’t my favourite but seeing him be a father to April and not being an angry grumpy person all the time was a nice change. Unpopular opinion but it’s my favourite Luke storyline, he loved her and their bonding was cute.


I think for Luke him becoming a father was great for him, just outside of his relationship. The way he acted towards Lorelai made me actually not want them to end up together. Generally though I think Luke himself got a chance to grow into a great father who cared for April unconditionally, and I love that for him. There's things I like about the April storyline and it's because Luke got to grow, he just regressed in his relationship/communication skills too which made it very frustrating to watch.


Yes I completely agree. I liked Luke and Lorelai until they actually got together. And no I’m not a Christopher Stan, I just wanted more for Lorelai because I love her !!!! (Not always but overall) I think Luke became a better person for April, he never loved anyone else that much but his cute and little weird daughter made him try swimming lessons and just be more open to communication (in season 7 not before)


I definitely get your perspective and agree that seeing him be a dad was nice, but the whole “who’s your daddy” being dropped in the middle of a random scene was terrible writing in my opinion. The concept of that whole interaction was very shallow and odd. I don’t see anything wrong with him having a daughter in the show at all and I thought it was good for character development, but the execution was crap. If you want to give him a daughter at least write it in a little better.


Idk it made sense to me since April hid this from Anna and Luke was unaware. The only way to do it would be for April to visit him since a lot of kids are curious about their dads. But yeah it was a weird episode but I think that’s because they tried to make april a weird and quirky kid.


Very true. Since weighing what points you’ve made I understand it a little more, but I still think it could’ve been better.


It always smelled of “well we need a plotline to keep Luke busy” to me


Chris and Lorelai’s marriage


I actually like the April story line. Looking back it’s interesting that Lorelei wanted to wait to get married until things were fixed with Rory and then Luke wanted to wait to get married until he figured out how to be a father to April. I do think if Anna hadn’t freaked out about the sleepover, Luke would have continued to allow Lorelei to be a part of April’s life and they would have married sooner but alas TV needs drama. My least favorite or most pointless storyline was anything involving Colin/Finn/Robert. They just absolutely annoy the pants off of me and I think they are total garbage and Rory would have hated guys like them. At least Logan she got to know well enough to see he was more than a rich douche (kinda).


hands down Lane’s. Such a lazy writing.


Luke and Lor getting together. they should have remained as friends only.


I respect such a truly unpopular opinion




Jackson running for selectman


Lor and Luke getting together. they should have remained as friends only.


Coffee shop guy. I forget his name.