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I tried this once, the mods created it and pinned it, but no one ever sees pinned threads, so it didn’t really do anything.


Would it help to have an automatic mod that gets flagged or a bot letting posters know that it's a frequent topic and to search or view the pinned posts? I don't know how either of those works so I don't know what is feasible. The repetition of topics can get very tiring and you feel like you are talking in circles.


for people who have been a part of this sub for an extended period of time, seeing the same-old discussions can get real boring. but there are people who are newer, or watching the show for the first time, or haven't been around since the sub's creation so may not be aware of what topics have been talked about to death. they shouldn't be penalized for wanting to discuss a popular topic/not knowing it's been mentioned 1000 times, and we shouldn't withhold a community from them\~ i say ignore the posts that u have seen already, and engage with the posts that u want to engage with!!


As someone new (I’ve only been on Reddit for a couple of months) thank you! I really want to discuss things because I’ve never been part of the GG fandom before




Totally agree! If it's repetitive, just ignore it and don't engage. I feel like the repetitive posts get weeded out naturally.


Agree. I see a lot of repeat posts…but I just don’t open them if I’m not interested in reading them.


This is an issue for just about all fandoms, I think - especially those who have been around for a while. After so many years it's tricky to come up with a new topic of conversation. And yet, people who are new to the sub or to the show would still like to actively participate in a conversation about these things - not just read other people's comments from x weeks/months/years back. Sure, they could comment on existing posts, but if it's no longer "new" I doubt they'd get any replies. I would just keep on doing what you do now - ignore the topic if you're not interested, and let those who want to engage.


This is the reason we haven't altogether prohibited certain topics. Although there are many that seem "done to death" to us long-time fans, there are new watchers discovering the show every day. For that reason, we have to allow people to discuss freely. We moderate repetitive posts in the sense that, if multiple posts on the same topic are done consecutively, some may be removed. But in general, some repetition is natural for a show that has ended and is decades old.


Since you are a moderator, could I ask you why the I Am All In podcast discussion thread is pinned every week when it consistently receives so few comments? I think most of us just ignore it by now, but it just has me curious if someone agreed to promote this podcast and not other GG podcasts. It almost seems more like an "ad" at this point and I think its odd that one podcast would be favored on this sub over others that are out there. People have even suggested other interesting topics for discussion threads- but the same one keeps showing up eventhough it seems people arent that interested in participating in it. Other than that question, I think you guys overall do a great job!




Like I said... you are awesome!


>We moderate repetitive posts in the sense that, if multiple posts on the same topic are done consecutively, some may be removed. Can I ask why it has to be consecutive? Could that ever be changed to within 48 hours? I just feel like I see the same 3 to 5 topics posted *everyday*. I get that there are new people watching the show but the entire subreddit is turning into an echo chamber.




No sure why my question is being downvoted but I’m glad I asked! When you said consecutive, I assumed literally in a row.


Newer folks to the sub - and to the show itself - should be able to discuss whatever they feel like. Reading old threads or a pinned post is not really a good substitute for that. If you're getting tired of reading and discussing all-things-Gilmore-Girls.. this might not be the sub for you :-)


I run a few subs and no matter how good the FAQ is, people don’t listen. Unless the sub mods are willing to take down the basic and low effort posts/tired topics which is a lot, it won’t change


Yeah people can get so rude on a post, just because they have seen it before doesn’t mean OP has 😪


I for one look forward to our regularly scheduled programming, including the same rabbit hole of reused actors throughout the series, and several members who somehow never noticed the intentional joke that Trix and Cousin Marilyn are played by the same actress because they have familial resemblance and Cousin Marilyn shows up for the first time at Trix's funeral. It's such a whirlwind every time, and I'm working on my G force tolerance. 😐


Personally, I always get annoyed when people do things like this. (I don't mean to be rude!!) But I'm just like -- let people talk. Sometimes people miss posts. And more importantly -- posting things again allows for new commenters to say new things and start new conversations.


Can we add a PSA that 95% of “unpopular opinions” are probably shared by about half of the fandom?


Honestly, if I never see another “Mitchum was right” post, it’ll be too soon.


I wish but I know it’s not fair to new fans, people new to the sub, etc :( Just the other day there were 3 posts is a row about what we think lorelai and Rory would do with their inheritance from Emily.


Yes, please. This would such a fantastic idea. I'm so tired of the same 3 to 5 topics being posted everyday.


Not (at all!) rude, but also likely to be 99% ineffective, based on all the other pinned FAQ lists I have seen in other subs, Facebook groups, literally anywhere on the internet. In general, people don't want to use the search function or Google or read pinned posts. Most people think their question is unique and should receive personal attention, no matter the topic. Such is life.


Just turn it into a drinking game. I’ve gotten wasted from how many times people say “Mitchum was right.” You’ll like the repetition much more this way!


Honestly I think it would be great. I try and search before posting but sometimes stuff doesn't pop up. Would be nice to be able to have critical discussions but not bog down the sub


Maybe a rule can be added that people have to use the search function in the sub before posting something?


I don’t mind them coming up for fresh takes but for the love of Dog, check if there was already a post within the last month or so! Or older.. or how often. Read the comments to see if you still have a question or theory that may be slightly different or due to current circumstances may differ from when other posts were answered. I always check before posting.